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Posts posted by Martha88

  1. So I'm guessing re timing of bypass surgery regarding insurance approval etc.
    My extended family is planning a trip and it would be a minimum 6 weeks probably 8 weeks post op. Would that be crazy? We would end up eating out a lot. I'm guessing I could just take a Protein Shake and not order food at restaurants and just have cottage cheese Snacks etc at the condo as my meals. Will I be up to normal activity ie walking, maybe swimming? Would I be able to go to an amusement park?
    I took a trip 3 days post op that required me to sit in front of my family as they ate food at restaurants. Let me tell you how it's a MAJOR mind game. I even had a meltdown one of the mealtimes kind of regretting my decision. Now that I'm 3 weeks post op just try and stay positive and do things that will distract you from the fact that you cannot eat like you used to before.
    Be strong

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Just FYI, the Protein in broth is mainly from collagen, a necessary and beneficial amino acid, but a very incomplete Protein. And if you depend on it to meet your protein goals, you could quite quickly find yourself in a mess of trouble.
    Thanks! Any tidbits help!! You're a seasoned pro and I'm a newbie. I also had a question about the amount of pure I can fit in just about 3/4cup. Is this too much for being 16 days post op?

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. @irish_sleever. I know how you feel. I didn’t want to tell anyone but I work in the medical field. I did manage to keep it from my family (except hubby who is totally behind me). I’m waiting on insurance approval and that damm phone call I feel will never come. I’m hoping for. November but will be happy with December as long as it’s this year. Good luck!!!!! We got this.
    I also am in the medical field and my husband works in anesthesia.
    I have also kept it from my friends and family.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. I believe it's ricotta, marinara, cheese, an egg, and Italian spices. Mix it all and bake it. Sounds amazing. I can't wait until I am on purees [emoji23] I miss food.
    You can also make chicken/ tuna salad, hard boiled eggs chicken or tuna and mayo
    Cottage cheese and fruit of choice
    Meatballs marinara and cheese
    Chicken, Frank's wing sauce, blue cheese dressing.

    These are just a few ideas I've seen [emoji4]

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app

    Omgeeee.... I'm counting down the days till I'm 3 weeks post op to try all of those [emoji677]️

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  5. I've heard people say that things taste different after barriatric surgery,but how soon after did everyone (if you did at all) experience this?

    I'm 2 weeks post op and seemed like it happened over night. Muscle milk in which tasted alright before now tastes like sour milk to me and Gatorade tastes super salty and filled with chemicals.

    How soon did your taste buds change after surgery and did they ever go back?

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  6. This is my first "meal" since surgery, day one of phase 3. One egg scrambled with one teaspoon of whole milk, a sprinkle of black pepper and paprika and 1/4 of banana. Unfortunately this is the post pic as I forgot to take a pre pic but gotta tell you it was not that much larger. I only had about 4 SMALL bites of the egg and started getting that good old feeling right at my sternum area. The 4 bites were over a period of about 10-15 minutes. Very odd feeling to eat such a small amount and have a full belly. This is going to be weird getting used to.
    I'm 2 weeks post op also and cant get thicker Soups done without that feeling in my sternum right away. Is this what being "full" feels like now or is it that the foods are too thick?

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. This is the first time since my Grandfather died 8 years ago, that my grandmother is cooking dinner. She does deep south southern cooking that makes you slap your mama. Everything from scratch and she cooks everything you could imagine. Lucky me is still on clear liquids.. YEA! (sarcasm) I'm 6 days post op. Half my family is against this surgery and the other half don't care. So this should be interesting for me. But as far as what I will do, I will have a glass with my sugar free juice walk around and socialize and help with the kids and hopefully no one will notice me not eating. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.
    You and me both!
    We decided to attend an NFL football game so I wouldn't be stuck with all of 5he questions as to why I'm only dipping liquids while everyone os endulging on Turkey lol.
    None of my family members know except for my husband. It wasn't and still isn't anybody's business but mine.
    Stay strong sisita,it was hard for me but I got in some turkey flavored broth.< br>
    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. I have to start a 14 day liquid diet this weekend. How come some are 7 days and others 14? Really nervous about starting.

    It depends on how much fat percentage and BMI each individual is at the pre-op stage. The whole point for the pre-op liquid diet is to reduce the amount of fat around the liver. The liver needs to be manipulated and moved around during the surgery and needs to have the least an ok until of fat surrounding it at the time of surgery.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. I was an emotional, regretful mess 3 days out while sitting in front of my family at a restaurant ordering yummy good while I had my dumb boring shake to drink.
    This too shall pass.
    It's part of the process.
    You are stronger than what your mind makes you believe.
    Hang in there, for me I started feeling better at about day 5-6.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. You described me to a T!
    I'm day 6 post op and went on a trip to visit my step-children with my fiance. Watching them eat all of the foods that I would essentially indulge on were eaten right in front of me.
    I'm not going to lie. I had a weepy meltdown wondering if it was the right decision having my sleeve. I cried,put myself back together, and reminded myself WHY I decided to do this in the first place. I didn't let all of the pizza, burgers,nuggets,corn dogs,fried chicken, and Desserts fool me.
    I am stronger than that.
    I want to be healthy.
    Stay strong girl,it gets better.
    Keep a shake handy to sip on as everyone else has a meal so you fool your stomach.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

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