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Everything posted by chameleon

  1. chameleon

    What is your pirate name?

    Well I be Black Charity matey
  2. chameleon

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    My first husband cheated on me and then I cheated on him....and enjoyed it, and then I kicked him to the curb. Who ever said revenge isn't sweet??
  3. chameleon

    We're at the guesthouse in Monterrey

    Thanks for that great informative video timetoloveme!!! I have done tons of research but I have never got to see the actual procedure from start to finish like that before! Thanks again!!
  4. chameleon

    New from Cincinnati area

    Hi, Not near Cinci, I live near Youngstown, about 5 hours north east of you. I am also waiting for approval from medical mutual and I am getting a little impatient actually! At least with all this time to think about it I know that I'm not acting on impulse!!! haha. I can't wait! Good luck to you. Donna
  5. chameleon

    Looking for a Doctor in Ohio

    My Dr is Dr Bipan Chand at Cleveland Clinic, Dr Philip Schauer is located at cleveland clinic as well. I have not had my surgery yet, but I know that they have been in practice for a long time. Good Luck wherever you end up going!! Donna
  6. chameleon

    My pcp is an AS-HOLE

    Oh...did I type that outloud....yes well that might be because it's the truth. I faxed my family dr a month ago with the letter form that cleveland clinic needs to send with the rest of my stuff to the insurance company. I have Medical Mutual and they require you to provide a documented five year weight history as well as documentation of any weight loss meds, diets, etc that have been prescribed. So anyway I faxed the request into his office on June 5 and a week later the clinic called me to see if he had sent it yet because they hadn't received it so I called his office and his secretary....who is a bitch under normal circumstances...answers and I asked if they got the letter I faxed and she's like Yes...it's sitting on his desk...I'm sure he'll get to it as soon as he can, so I just say "ok thanks, just wanted to make sure it got there..bye" so another week or so goea by and the clinic still doesn't have it, so I call again and the bitchretary answers and says Ummmm...I don't know what you expect me to do....he has it and he has made a couple of notes on it so I'm sure he'll be sending it in the next day or two....so I go Ok well I'm just needing it because it's the last thing the hopital is waiting for to get insurance approval for my surgery. So I waited until yesterday...3 and a half weeks after I requested the information and I call and say hello this is and she goes ummmm I think I know who this is and you calling all the time is not gonna help you to get the form any quicker, I told you he has it on his desk and he will get to it. I then say I'm just concerned because he has had it for 3 1/2 weeks and you have been telling me that every time I call and I only have off the month of july and the first week of august and I have busted my ass to get all the tests and appointments and everything required for this surgery and we are now waiting on a 3 minute note from him and I have been a patient for 20 years and my dad was a patient for 30 since he started his practice right up until his death last year and I am amazed that I can't get this note from him! She's like Umm Ahhh II waaa hold on and she puts me on hold for 5 seconds and he gats on thed phone and says "LISTEN YOU ARE NOT MY ONLY PATIENT, I WORK 100 HOURS A WEEK AND I HAVENT HAD A DAY OFF IN THREE YEARS. I HAVE YOU PAPER AND I WILL GET TO IT WHEN I GET TO IT!" and he then hangs up. I was in such shock that I actually started crying like a baby...I don't know why because I was seething mad. I think I cried because it was like getting slapped in the face by an old friend when you don't see it coming. Not that we were old buddies or anything but we have always had a comfortable dr. patient relationship and I guess it felt like a terrible betrayal. Anyway, obviously it was horribly unprofessional of him and I think he's just cracking up or something...he's not even old, maybe 50 or 52. Anyway I am now just pissed off and I want my damn record sent to a new dr., but I am waiting a couple days to request them to be transferred since maybe I have a better shot of him sending the letter quickly now since he humiliated himself. I actually half expected to have a message on my machine today with an apology from him but that's a joke.....the only thing bigger than a dr.s ego is his checkbook balance. It wouldn't matter, I am never going back to him and neither are the rest of my family who currently go to him, of which my husband, grown daughter, and mom consist of and I am telling the three friends of mine that I sent his way what he did. Thats one way to lesson his workload! Although I should mention that we have paid at least two years of his mortgage over the course of our relationships with him. Oh by the way his name is Dr. Glenn Novak of Austintown, OH. Don't go to him he's apparently loosing his mind.:angry
  7. chameleon

    I'm Offically 100 pounds down!!!!

    Jamie, You look so great!! And you are such an inspiration to me. I am 5'7" and your befores are at the exoct weight I am today. Thanks and CONGRATS!!!
  8. chameleon

    My PCP is an asshole

    Oh...did I type that outloud....yes well that might be because it's the truth. I faxed my family dr a month ago with the letter form that cleveland clinic needs to send with the rest of my stuff to the insurance company. I have Medical Mutual and they require you to provide a documented five year weight history as well as documentation of any weight loss meds, diets, etc that have been prescribed. So anyway I faxed the request into his office on June 5 and a week later the clinic called me to see if he had sent it yet because they hadn't received it so I called his office and his secretary....who is a bitch under normal circumstances...answers and I asked if they got the letter I faxed and she's like Yes...it's sitting on his desk...I'm sure he'll get to it as soon as he can, so I just say "ok thanks, just wanted to make sure it got there..bye" so another week or so goea by and the clinic still doesn't have it, so I call again and the bitchretary answers and says Ummmm...I don't know what you expect me to do....he has it and he has made a couple of notes on it so I'm sure he'll be sending it in the next day or two....so I go Ok well I'm just needing it because it's the last thing the hopital is waiting for to get insurance approval for my surgery. So I waited until yesterday...3 and a half weeks after I requested the information and I call and say hello this is and she goes ummmm I think I know who this is and you calling all the time is not gonna help you to get the form any quicker, I told you he has it on his desk and he will get to it. I then say I'm just concerned because he has had it for 3 1/2 weeks and you have been telling me that every time I call and I only have off the month of july and the first week of august and I have busted my ass to get all the tests and appointments and everything required for this surgery and we are now waiting on a 3 minute note from him and I have been a patient for 20 years and my dad was a patient for 30 since he started his practice right up until his death last year and I am amazed that I can't get this note from him! She's like Umm Ahhh II waaa hold on and she puts me on hold for 5 seconds and he gats on thed phone and says "LISTEN YOU ARE NOT MY ONLY PATIENT, I WORK 100 HOURS A WEEK AND I HAVENT HAD A DAY OFF IN THREE YEARS. I HAVE YOU PAPER AND I WILL GET TO IT WHEN I GET TO IT!" and he then hangs up. I was in such shock that I actually started crying like a baby...I don't know why because I was seething mad. I think I cried because it was like getting slapped in the face by an old friend when you don't see it coming. Not that we were old buddies or anything but we have always had a comfortable dr. patient relationship and I guess it felt like a terrible betrayal. Anyway, obviously it was horribly unprofessional of him and I think he's just cracking up or something...he's not even old, maybe 50 or 52. Anyway I am now just pissed off and I want my damn record sent to a new dr., but I am waiting a couple days to request them to be transferred since maybe I have a better shot of him sending the letter quickly now since he humiliated himself. I actually half expected to have a message on my machine today with an apology from him but that's a joke.....the only thing bigger than a dr.s ego is his checkbook balance. It wouldn't matter, I am never going back to him and neither are the rest of my family who currently go to him, of which my husband, grown daughter, and mom consist of and I am telling the three friends of mine that I sent his way what he did. Thats one way to lesson his workload! Although I should mention that we have paid at least two years of his mortgage over the course of our relationships with him. Oh by the way his name is Dr. Glenn Novak of Austintown, OH. Don't go to him he's apparently loosing his mind.:angry
  9. chameleon

    Star Jones....leaving "the view"

    I never cared one way or the other for her, because I don't like the"view" to begin with and she was just the token fat black woman...they killed three affirmitive action birds with one stone by having her on the show! And they tried to manufacture her into a star. No doubt in the world that she had some form of bariatric to acheive her weight loss, but who gives a crap...and why should it be anyones business....least of all Rosie o' (mac) donnel...I mean really talk about the pot calling the kettle black! If they think star is tacky wait'll they get a load of rosie trying to be real. One other comment...My sister bought that book that star wrote and I agonizingly managed to drag myself through 75% of it before the nausea became to much to bear. That book is the biggest load of ---- I have ever had the misfortune of wasting my eyesight on! I mean think of all the perfectly good trees that were wasted! It takes women back 100 years..please "I don't let my man see me without makeup ever...that's what you gotta do to keep a man" o my goddddddd! What a bimbo! Star I admire you for your weight loss, but girlfriend ya got the wrong idea about most everything in life.
  10. chameleon

    tired of waiting

    The whole waiting game is gettin pretty old now, I've been persuing htis since February! It's been 4 months now and they are jut now sending the stuff into my insurance company for approval! I am just out of patience I guess. I alo just found out last night that we are going to have to tep up our house hunting because the woman we are renting our house from said she has to sell it. I wish she would have told us last June that she was gonna sell it after a year, because at the time she said "don't worry about me sellin it out from under you, as long as you want to rent is fine. I never would have rented it! Now we are faced with renting again and starting to build or buying whatever house we can find wether we like it or not, and I have not seen anything for less than 200K that I like. I'm startin to think that we need to forget about living within our means and just go for it! We have no credit card debt, only one vehicle loan and that's it. I wonder how much the monthly payment will be to finance 190K? I'll have to go find a mortgage loan sight. Oh well, I do like the excitement of having a big decision on the horizon...why do I like that?? I don't know anyone else that would find any pleasure in it! I also need a new car. Ummm I need to find a way to add about 7 or 8 hundred a month to our income quick! Any ideas? didn't think so! well I'm off to surf for mortgage rates. me
  11. chameleon

    tired of waiting

    The whole waiting game is gettin pretty old now, I've been persuing htis since February! It's been 4 months now and they are jut now sending the stuff into my insurance company for approval! I am just out of patience I guess. I alo just found out last night that we are going to have to tep up our house hunting because the woman we are renting our house from said she has to sell it. I wish she would have told us last June that she was gonna sell it after a year, because at the time she said "don't worry about me sellin it out from under you, as long as you want to rent is fine. I never would have rented it! Now we are faced with renting again and starting to build or buying whatever house we can find wether we like it or not, and I have not seen anything for less than 200K that I like. I'm startin to think that we need to forget about living within our means and just go for it! We have no credit card debt, only one vehicle loan and that's it. I wonder how much the monthly payment will be to finance 190K? I'll have to go find a mortgage loan sight. Oh well, I do like the excitement of having a big decision on the horizon...why do I like that?? I don't know anyone else that would find any pleasure in it! I also need a new car. Ummm I need to find a way to add about 7 or 8 hundred a month to our income quick! Any ideas? didn't think so! well I'm off to surf for mortgage rates. me
  12. Time has flown by since I started this thing in February! It's been over a month since I posted anything mainly because nothing has been happenin on the WLS scene until recently. The CPAP man came to my house with the cpap machine last week and I hate the thing! They said my sleep study indicated that I have moderate sleep apnea. I think the sleep study really indicated that my insurance company had money to fork over to the doc so it turned out that my diagnosis would insure him of getting the money! I do not doubt thaat I may have some mild obstructive sleep apnea due to the fact that I am overweight, but I do not think I need this thing and I have been exhausted every day and almost unable to get up because I sleep so badly with the damn thing on...not to mention the unsexiness of wearing an apparatus that just perfectly completes the whole "ELEPHANT" ensemble that I am sporting these days! Oh well enough bitching to myself. I have also met with the surgeon, Dr Chand from Cleveland Clinic and had a laproscope stuck down my throat yesterday because I made some inference to some slight acid reflux that I occassionally have...that must have sent up some more dollar sign flags!!! Of course my esophagus and stomach linings were fine..thank GOD. Any way, I guess I don't hold it against them, because the more co-morbidities they can throw at the insurance company, the easier it should be to get approval...I guess thats the logic behind it all! I was laying in the procedure room reading my chart that is about the thickness of the New York City phone book, and I read the notes that the Psychologist wrote about our interview. I had to laugh. It's like everything you say is turned into a psychosis! I did a questionnaire for her and answered questions like: Do you ever feel self conscious about eating alone in public? Ummm I know 45 year old beautiful, thin women who feel self conscious about eating alone in public so why is it a disorder for a beautiful fat woman to feel self conscious? The thin woman does not have young boys who go past and make fun of her does she?? What the hell kind of question is that...She wrote that my perception of my body image is negatively affecting my social interactions and my self esteem. That was her take on my answering that question with a simple YES! I mean it's so retarded actually...the whole process...but, once again they have to show the insurance company how much this procedure will save them in the long run...think of the therapy bills and the suicide attempts this procedure would save for you....yadayadayada. Did I mention that I am somewhat cynical? Oh well what the hell...I am now just waiting for the insurance company to give the final go ahead and to get scheduled...I'll keep ya posted. Oh by the way, Myrtle Beach sucked for more reasons than I wanna go into...believe me it was NOT fun. My son and I stayed with some young friends of mine who just live a completely different lifestyle than anything I have ever seen so we were very uncomfortable with that situation, we also got sun poisoning and were sick as dogs for 24 hours and I ran out of cash because I screwed up my bank account with the help of some "small" ATM withdrawals that my husband neglected to tell me about....UGHHH anyway, some how we made it home alive and neither of us was ever so happy as we were looking forward to a 700 mile drive home!! Ok Bye. D. The crazy fat lady:eek:
  13. chameleon

    OK...Its been over a month!

    Time has flown by since I started this thing in February! It's been over a month since I posted anything mainly because nothing has been happenin on the WLS scene until recently. The CPAP man came to my house with the cpap machine last week and I hate the thing! They said my sleep study indicated that I have moderate sleep apnea. I think the sleep study really indicated that my insurance company had money to fork over to the doc so it turned out that my diagnosis would insure him of getting the money! I do not doubt thaat I may have some mild obstructive sleep apnea due to the fact that I am overweight, but I do not think I need this thing and I have been exhausted every day and almost unable to get up because I sleep so badly with the damn thing on...not to mention the unsexiness of wearing an apparatus that just perfectly completes the whole "ELEPHANT" ensemble that I am sporting these days! Oh well enough bitching to myself. I have also met with the surgeon, Dr Chand from Cleveland Clinic and had a laproscope stuck down my throat yesterday because I made some inference to some slight acid reflux that I occassionally have...that must have sent up some more dollar sign flags!!! Of course my esophagus and stomach linings were fine..thank GOD. Any way, I guess I don't hold it against them, because the more co-morbidities they can throw at the insurance company, the easier it should be to get approval...I guess thats the logic behind it all! I was laying in the procedure room reading my chart that is about the thickness of the New York City phone book, and I read the notes that the Psychologist wrote about our interview. I had to laugh. It's like everything you say is turned into a psychosis! I did a questionnaire for her and answered questions like: Do you ever feel self conscious about eating alone in public? Ummm I know 45 year old beautiful, thin women who feel self conscious about eating alone in public so why is it a disorder for a beautiful fat woman to feel self conscious? The thin woman does not have young boys who go past and make fun of her does she?? What the hell kind of question is that...She wrote that my perception of my body image is negatively affecting my social interactions and my self esteem. That was her take on my answering that question with a simple YES! I mean it's so retarded actually...the whole process...but, once again they have to show the insurance company how much this procedure will save them in the long run...think of the therapy bills and the suicide attempts this procedure would save for you....yadayadayada. Did I mention that I am somewhat cynical? Oh well what the hell...I am now just waiting for the insurance company to give the final go ahead and to get scheduled...I'll keep ya posted. Oh by the way, Myrtle Beach sucked for more reasons than I wanna go into...believe me it was NOT fun. My son and I stayed with some young friends of mine who just live a completely different lifestyle than anything I have ever seen so we were very uncomfortable with that situation, we also got sun poisoning and were sick as dogs for 24 hours and I ran out of cash because I screwed up my bank account with the help of some "small" ATM withdrawals that my husband neglected to tell me about....UGHHH anyway, some how we made it home alive and neither of us was ever so happy as we were looking forward to a 700 mile drive home!! Ok Bye. D. The crazy fat lady:eek:
  14. chameleon

    Outraged! This man mooed at me!

    I think this is a great thread to bring up this nasty new little song by Trace Adkins about a blind date where his buddy hooked him up with a chick "about 215" and he gessed he'd just have to "take one for the team" I really like Trace Adkins prior to this but now I am pissed at him. The whole environment of hatred that encompasses the earth is due to nasty hurtful people like this. I would be pissed if I was a thin person too. It should have nothing to do with weight, how people treat others but it is a huge huge issue...someone said it right when they said we'd be better off drug addicts, because being a drug addict or a dealer even is more socially accepatable than obesity in our culture. Trace you are now on the YOU SUCK list of a great majority of good sweet beautiful women!
  15. chameleon

    Outraged! This man mooed at me!

    Poodles, People really can suck at times and I use the term "people" generously here! We talked about a lot of these kinds of situations in the "most embarrassing moment" thread too. Just remember that the best part of them ran down their whore mamas leg. I have had a similar situation and I think the best thing to do is to completely...and I mean completely ignore the bastards...because believe me you'll feel a whole lot worse if you end up crying. Later follow them out to their car and find out where they live and if they're married start mailing love letters about your "encounters" to their addresses. revenge is sweet and I am a little nutso.
  16. chameleon

    OK...I'm Back!

    It's been about 5 weeks but I've been wayyy busy and much stuff goin on. I had the sleep study and ALLLLL of my other tests and appointments, Now I'm just waiting to meet with the surgeon and get a surgery date. I'm glad work has kept me busier than hell cuz it makes the waiting seem less. The dietician at Cleveland Clinic told me of a verrry coool and very free website called Fitday.com It is absolutely awesome and I am learning lots and lots about how my eating patterns REALLY are and why I'm fat. I used to subscribe to a website called my food diary for 10 bucks a month but it wasn't nearly as good as this free one! And I would go through periods of not using it and feeling like I was throwin my $ away. This one, I can't wait to visit a few times a day...ya gotta use it!! Oh and I can't believe how hard it is to get 150 grams of protein into a 1200 calorie day! My son and I are going to Myrtle beach on Monday for 5 glorious days of sun and surf...even though the ocean isn't warm enough to swim I can't wait to get on the beach with a good book. I'm really gettin irritated about the fact that none of my spring/summer clothes fit me this year! I need to loose about 15 pounds to even think about getting into them and I REFUSE to buy new ones if I don't absolutely have to...not with this surgery looming and I do have to loose 14 pounds prior to surgery anyway to shrink the liver. Thats when they want me to be on full fluids for 2 weeks prior to surgery I guess, so I guess if I loose 15 now while eating high protein then I'll probly loose at least another 10 when all I can have is full fluids prior to surgery and then probably another 15 in the weeks of full fluids after surgery...Thats 50 lbs right there! Thats like 36% of my goal! I really think I can do this!!! Ok now Im gettin pyched again....I was goin through a period of Blahs there for awhile but I'm pickin myself up and brushin myself off now..... Peace and Love, D
  17. chameleon

    Call for Help!!!!!

    Miki, I'm not banded yet, but I am a dietician...sort of like a doctor who smokes and drinks and has unprotected sex...I know...but anyway I talked in one of my threads about a website called fitday.com Don't only use it as a food diary, use it to plan with...It really helps me. I'm sorry to hear about the sad times you've had...Things will get better and I am a true believer in positive thinking and visualization, so take 20 minutes every day just for you, relax and imagine all of your goals in life and meeting them....and pretty soon...you will! Love ya chickie baby
  18. chameleon


    The dietician told me of this page and I am in love with it now. I have learned so much about my eating habits and what I need to work on ...If you haven't been there yet go...it's FREE! anyway, just thought I would share that!
  19. chameleon

    OK...I'm Back!

    It's been about 5 weeks but I've been wayyy busy and much stuff goin on. I had the sleep study and ALLLLL of my other tests and appointments, Now I'm just waiting to meet with the surgeon and get a surgery date. I'm glad work has kept me busier than hell cuz it makes the waiting seem less. The dietician at Cleveland Clinic told me of a verrry coool and very free website called Fitday.com It is absolutely awesome and I am learning lots and lots about how my eating patterns REALLY are and why I'm fat. I used to subscribe to a website called my food diary for 10 bucks a month but it wasn't nearly as good as this free one! And I would go through periods of not using it and feeling like I was throwin my $ away. This one, I can't wait to visit a few times a day...ya gotta use it!! Oh and I can't believe how hard it is to get 150 grams of protein into a 1200 calorie day! My son and I are going to Myrtle beach on Monday for 5 glorious days of sun and surf...even though the ocean isn't warm enough to swim I can't wait to get on the beach with a good book. I'm really gettin irritated about the fact that none of my spring/summer clothes fit me this year! I need to loose about 15 pounds to even think about getting into them and I REFUSE to buy new ones if I don't absolutely have to...not with this surgery looming and I do have to loose 14 pounds prior to surgery anyway to shrink the liver. Thats when they want me to be on full fluids for 2 weeks prior to surgery I guess, so I guess if I loose 15 now while eating high protein then I'll probly loose at least another 10 when all I can have is full fluids prior to surgery and then probably another 15 in the weeks of full fluids after surgery...Thats 50 lbs right there! Thats like 36% of my goal! I really think I can do this!!! Ok now Im gettin pyched again....I was goin through a period of Blahs there for awhile but I'm pickin myself up and brushin myself off now..... Peace and Love, D
  20. chameleon

    4 weeks PO...clothed pics :)

    Kelly, even more beautiful cuz your smilin! I would be too, thanks for sharing!:clap2:
  21. chameleon

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    Mine will be mailed out on Tuesday or Wednesday. Is this liek a secret Santa? Are we supposed to know who has us?
  22. chameleon

    de-banded and feeling better!

    Happy Birthday Dr. Pleatman and thanks for taking the time to visit us!
  23. chameleon

    Show us those tummies!!

    Thanks for the pix...I am wondering what it costs, since I'm sure none of it is normally covered. I know I will need a TT, and a boob lift at the very least. Thighs aren't too bad, upper arms not great but still elastic somewhat. Belly gotta go though any qoates on how much?
  24. chameleon

    ok...the horny toad has gone back into hiding!

    Well, it's me back to as normal as I get! I'm laughing my ass off at my last entry...(I deleted it already!)hope it didn't offend anyone too much but...oh well it's my journal. I have been buried in work at my job lately...I like it that way, time seems to be inching by waiting for this surgery date to be set and everything to be ok'd by the docs, insurance, etc. I will be sooo excited by the time I do the sleep study on the 23rd that theres no way in heck I'll be able to sleep! I wonder if they'll know if I fake....my husband never does heeeheeeheeee. Just kidding honey. I am very bored tonight antrying not ot eat the house down. I was enjoying reading my "most embarrassing moments thread" a little while ago. I did realize that it was very cathartic for me to put mine in writing, but it's somehow soothing to read about others not so proud moments...it makes me realize that we all have a common bond, and that is a comfort to me. Well, gotta go catch up on the boards...happy loosing. ono
  25. Well, it's me back to as normal as I get! I'm laughing my ass off at my last entry...(I deleted it already!)hope it didn't offend anyone too much but...oh well it's my journal. I have been buried in work at my job lately...I like it that way, time seems to be inching by waiting for this surgery date to be set and everything to be ok'd by the docs, insurance, etc. I will be sooo excited by the time I do the sleep study on the 23rd that theres no way in heck I'll be able to sleep! I wonder if they'll know if I fake....my husband never does heeeheeeheeee. Just kidding honey. I am very bored tonight antrying not ot eat the house down. I was enjoying reading my "most embarrassing moments thread" a little while ago. I did realize that it was very cathartic for me to put mine in writing, but it's somehow soothing to read about others not so proud moments...it makes me realize that we all have a common bond, and that is a comfort to me. Well, gotta go catch up on the boards...happy loosing. ono

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