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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chameleon

  1. chameleon


    Todays the day??!! I wish you luck..I'm sure it will be great and the butterfly can sart to emerge from it's cocoon!
  2. chameleon

    Still waiting...

    Well it's been 17 days since my stuff was mailed into insurance and I haven't heard anything yet. I'm counting weekends...so I guess they actually received it on monday July 31st...two weeks ago yesterday. I want to call them and find out the status of it but I don't want to do anything that might jeopardize this either, because there is no way in hell that I could ever self pay and I want this so badly. My husband, who is so absolutely wonderful and loving said last night "hon...I worry about you if they end up denying it...are you gonna be ok?" I really hadn't considered this as a real possibility before, since I meet and exceed every requirement they need. But in the back of my mind is always the cancer history and them really thinking that I'm not a good long term risk to invest their money in. I wonder if they can do that for real? I mean I know it's all about money for the insurance companies, like the risk to benefit ratio is not the same thought process for them as a company as it is for me as a patient. They are thinking would it save us money in the long run to provide this care for this person or are the odds against this person living long enough to justify spending this money for this surgery that would normally be worth it since it would prevent us from having to pay for diabetes, heart failure, joint replacement, and any other obesity related malady. But in this case, the odds are against the patient living long enough to cost us the money to pay for those things and this procedure is not gonna reduce the risk of cancer reoccurring so why do it? This is the kind of crazy shit that goes through my head. Cynical, Skeptical, Untrusting, Paranoid, YES I am all of these things when it comes to insurance....why? Because I've been there, done it all. It's not that I expect to die from cancer any time soon but, I am kinda scared about it, since my luck hasn't been very good in life and after the metastisis to my lung in Feb of 05 they gave me a 70% chance of surviving 5 years. That is scarry shit man! I mean, does that mean that the odds get worse for say a ten year survival rate? Like, does that mean I have a 35% chance of living for ten years or something? I mean, I'm friggin 42 years old! I don't know....I just get scared sometimes. Not very often, only if I really think about stuff. Usually I am my "normal" self and I use the word normal loosely, believe me! Ok I am done for now gotta go to work. peace out.....:hippie:
  3. chameleon

    Thread Killers

    OK....here goes...I've been here since February of 06 only and I do refuse to ask things like whats a PB??? and a couple of other abbreviations that I don't know so I make up meanings for them such as Poopy Butt Puke Barf Perky Bootie Pretty Bird Pony Baloney padded bones Perky Boobies Panda Bears The list goes on and on so WHAT IS A FREAKIN PB MORSAILLES?????? NO Really I AM SERIOUS I Do not freakin know ok....does that make me a bad person? Do ya'll want to leave now???? No, not yet???? A thread killer for me is someonne who takes themselves and their opinions way too seriously....and there are a lot lot lot of those here!!! .....IS it Dead yet?........
  4. chameleon

    I had my first appointment

    Actually, people with failed bypass surgery from stretching out their stomas are getting the band now because of the ability to control restriction over time, bypass does not offer this option. On the other habd the band relies soley on restriction where bypass relies on both restriction and malabsorption so usually bypass pts loose weight more quickly, but the total weightloss over time is better for band pts.......so do your research...lots and lots of research and make your own decision.
  5. Ummmmm....I have had this thought ten thousand times and I am at the same point you are now....You had it right though...you have already tried and failed how many times. Only 2% of people who loose large amounts of weight on their own ever keep it off...all this stuff you already know and so do I and so does everyone on this site. What you are feeling right now is just a little cold feet....preop jitters....scared that you will miss eating and using food as your source of comfort. I was too. But I asked myself one question: Would I rather loose the weight and feel healthy and have more confidence in the way I look or would I rather continue to eat myself into oblivion. The answer was simple for me. By the way, I quit smoking on January 2, 2005(Exactly 19 days before my wonderful father died from small cell lung cancer caused by smoking, which he had quit over 20 years ago).....the hardest addiction next to food for me...I have gained 60 pounds in the 19 months since then so if your gonna quit smoking now (and you need to) this is the absolute best time for the band! Make your decision and stick with it through the doubts.....you'll be glad you did............LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH!:hug:
  6. chameleon

    Is Sex Better?

    Oh myyyy....our approach is anything goes period....except of course s&m but anyway....was that spelling of "whole" a freudian slip????
  7. chameleon

    What will you do with your underwear??

    About 75 pounds ago I could wear the XL hipster cotton panties that VS used to sell and I would laugh with my sister and tell her that the way I knew if I had gained weight was that there was more space between the letters embroidered on the waistband. Finally when they looked like: V........................................................................I...................................................... ..............C...................................................................T................ ....... O.............................R.............................................I................................................A...............................S.. .........................................S...................................................................E...................... C................................................R...........................................E.. ........................T I threw them way! Anyhow, I love Lane Bryant's plunge bras with the removeable air pads...I have bought a few panties at lanes but Lets face it when you have that belly hangin out the bottom a thong just aint sexy no matter how cute it is on the hanger! So I opt for the microfiber, no tag undies that hanes her way makes and I buy them at k-mart....since I no longer shop at walmart due to being an american who believes in free trade....don't get me started...just read "How Walmart is Destroying America" by Bill Quinn and it will all be clear to ya. Anyway....getting off my political horse....I plan on selling my old undies on ebay....people buy pretty much anything on there....lol...I can't wait to post pictures of them...rotflmao:eek: No seriously Delta Burke makes a very pretty line of sexy undies (as sexy as a size 11 undie can be that is) and I usually buy those at TJ MAxx but I don't know where they sell them otherwise.
  8. chameleon

    What will you do with your underwear??

    I am literally laughing so hard I may just pee my big girl panties....:funnypost:
  9. chameleon

    Mean ol' doctor.

    Post the name of your village idiot, I did in "my PCP is an asshole" thread. It's not slander if it's true and it could also help prevent some other unsuspecting victum from having to endure paying someone to be stupid.
  10. OK meyour, here's the deal you are either confused or lying about your weight loss because the conversion from kg to lbs comes to 170 pounds lost in 5 weeks. I don't care if you pee like a racehorse you will not ever in your wildest dreams loose 4.86 pounds per day, no, not even if you ate nothing and only drank Water to stay hydrated. No, not even if you were 550 lbs before. Not unless you cut off a leg and an arm. Did you cut off a leg and an arm? No, I didn't think so. Don't come on our message boards and write lies please. We don't have time for that crap. Good luck in your weight loss journey and I hope you get it all straightened out.
  11. chameleon

    My PCP is an asshole

    Oh...did I type that outloud....yes well that might be because it's the truth. I faxed my family dr a month ago with the letter form that cleveland clinic needs to send with the rest of my stuff to the insurance company. I have Medical Mutual and they require you to provide a documented five year weight history as well as documentation of any weight loss meds, diets, etc that have been prescribed. So anyway I faxed the request into his office on June 5 and a week later the clinic called me to see if he had sent it yet because they hadn't received it so I called his office and his secretary....who is a bitch under normal circumstances...answers and I asked if they got the letter I faxed and she's like Yes...it's sitting on his desk...I'm sure he'll get to it as soon as he can, so I just say "ok thanks, just wanted to make sure it got there..bye" so another week or so goea by and the clinic still doesn't have it, so I call again and the bitchretary answers and says Ummmm...I don't know what you expect me to do....he has it and he has made a couple of notes on it so I'm sure he'll be sending it in the next day or two....so I go Ok well I'm just needing it because it's the last thing the hopital is waiting for to get insurance approval for my surgery. So I waited until yesterday...3 and a half weeks after I requested the information and I call and say hello this is and she goes ummmm I think I know who this is and you calling all the time is not gonna help you to get the form any quicker, I told you he has it on his desk and he will get to it. I then say I'm just concerned because he has had it for 3 1/2 weeks and you have been telling me that every time I call and I only have off the month of july and the first week of august and I have busted my ass to get all the tests and appointments and everything required for this surgery and we are now waiting on a 3 minute note from him and I have been a patient for 20 years and my dad was a patient for 30 since he started his practice right up until his death last year and I am amazed that I can't get this note from him! She's like Umm Ahhh II waaa hold on and she puts me on hold for 5 seconds and he gats on thed phone and says "LISTEN YOU ARE NOT MY ONLY PATIENT, I WORK 100 HOURS A WEEK AND I HAVENT HAD A DAY OFF IN THREE YEARS. I HAVE YOU PAPER AND I WILL GET TO IT WHEN I GET TO IT!" and he then hangs up. I was in such shock that I actually started crying like a baby...I don't know why because I was seething mad. I think I cried because it was like getting slapped in the face by an old friend when you don't see it coming. Not that we were old buddies or anything but we have always had a comfortable dr. patient relationship and I guess it felt like a terrible betrayal. Anyway, obviously it was horribly unprofessional of him and I think he's just cracking up or something...he's not even old, maybe 50 or 52. Anyway I am now just pissed off and I want my damn record sent to a new dr., but I am waiting a couple days to request them to be transferred since maybe I have a better shot of him sending the letter quickly now since he humiliated himself. I actually half expected to have a message on my machine today with an apology from him but that's a joke.....the only thing bigger than a dr.s ego is his checkbook balance. It wouldn't matter, I am never going back to him and neither are the rest of my family who currently go to him, of which my husband, grown daughter, and mom consist of and I am telling the three friends of mine that I sent his way what he did. Thats one way to lesson his workload! Although I should mention that we have paid at least two years of his mortgage over the course of our relationships with him. Oh by the way his name is Dr. Glenn Novak of Austintown, OH. Don't go to him he's apparently loosing his mind.:angry
  12. Well, They finally sent my stuff into the insurance company last week finally! Now I guess I play the waiting game for a while. I hope the insurance company doesn't give me any crap...but, I am almost expecting them to!! I meet and exceed every single requirement for this surgery so it should be interesting to see what kind of @% they come up with. On a lighter note, we have finally come to an agreement on the price for our house that we are buying! :clap2: yeah!!! So now I am dealing with the banks, and trying not to get ripped off in the process. I decided to do it online through eloan and lending tree and ditech and all of those but I don't feel too comfy about the runaround talk so I am goin into my own bank tommorow and see what they have to say. I need some luck God!!! over and out.
  13. chameleon

    ok....a little progress in baby steps

    Well, They finally sent my stuff into the insurance company last week finally! Now I guess I play the waiting game for a while. I hope the insurance company doesn't give me any crap...but, I am almost expecting them to!! I meet and exceed every single requirement for this surgery so it should be interesting to see what kind of @% they come up with. On a lighter note, we have finally come to an agreement on the price for our house that we are buying! :clap2: yeah!!! So now I am dealing with the banks, and trying not to get ripped off in the process. I decided to do it online through eloan and lending tree and ditech and all of those but I don't feel too comfy about the runaround talk so I am goin into my own bank tommorow and see what they have to say. I need some luck God!!! over and out.
  14. Danie, The least embarrassing or Hurtful comments come from my kids, because when they are young they don't know any better and they are not trying to intentionally hurt me. The most hurtful ones come from people who hardly know me if at all. But then again I (thankfully) have never had a husband or any other family member try to hurt my feelings...except my older brother that is, but that was when we were very young and I wasn't even fat then, but he made me believe I was, I mean I was 133 and 5'7" when I graduated and he mercilessly made me feel like shit about myself. I pretty much thought he was over it, and he was with me because for the past 15 years he has made his overwight wife miserable. He did surprise me the other day. I had on this T shirt of my sons. It is pink and says ELEMENT on the front (its some kinda skate board brand) And my brother could not resist one more jab for old times sake, he said I can't believe you would wear a pink ELEPHANT T shirt! ahahahaha (him laughing not me) Well, I am usually very very cautious about wht I wear so as not to open myself up to snide remarks like that. For instance, I love pigs but do ya think I would ever wear any form of a pig, say on a charm bracelet? NOOOO, And how bout those cow print purses that were so cute...heyellll noooo, and I don't wear leath jackets anymore either because one time when I had mine on some guy in the mall said "God I wonder how many heffers had to be slaughtered to make that jacket" That's when I was in a size 16...just think what they would say about a size 24!!!! Anyhow it's those kind of bastards ya gotta watch out for.
  15. Leona, I can tell you are beautiful! That guy is such an absolute ass...he sounds like my old bf. I love roller coasters so much that my goal is to ride every coaster in Ohio by this time next year!
  16. chameleon

    Cheating..No, not with food!

    Ok... people get very touchy when the subject comes up that there is even the slightest tincy wincy possibility that their spouse has cheated or is cheating on them. This is very natural, especially for someone who has never had the joyous experience. Very normal...it's like saying that Mrs. Bush is a crack whore in disguise....you would never ever believe such a thing and you could never ever believe that your spouse could cheat. But, guess what...they could, and you would never know it. How do I know this? Because I was once like you. My husband and I had a wonderful relationship, a beautiful daughter, great friends, were involved in our church, a great sex life (great sex at least 5 times a week), um can I go on? Well, he was a cheater and a liar. He had a job, like I am sure yours does. I knew what hours he went to work and when he came home. I did not know what he did during those hours or who he did it with. He occassionally worked a weekend day. He was never "missing time". Did I run to check up on him? NO. Why? Because it literally never entered my mind that he would be doing anything (or anyone) other than what he was supposed to be doing! A word to the wise: Meet your husband for lunch unexpectedly 3 or 4 times per month. Show up to meet him afterwork to go to dinner occassionally. Drop by on the occassional Saturday at the office just to say hi and see if he wants to go to a matinee, whatever, but these kinds of overtures won't hurt a relationship they will only strengthen it! They will add some romance to it! Unless of course you inadvertantly discover that your husband is like many many other men, and needs a little extra encouragement to keep his barn door securly shut when he's not on the farm! No offense to those men out there who actually are and always have been and always will be faithful to their wives, but a word of caution to wives who say the word never too often. By the way I am happily re-married to a wonderful man, a little wiser but still hurtable because I love him so much. I didn't think I could again but you can't really help falling in love. You can only help being stupid about it.
  17. It is amazing to me still that we have all had such similar experiences! I want to tell you one that's kinda funny too...On my fateful trip to Myrtle beach this year I was so excited to get to the beach...even though I am mortified by showing up in a bathing suit and I was going with my size 6 friend, I love the ocean too much to stay away. Of course I wear a sarong thingy over my one piece basic black suit and to my dismay there are these two buff tan 18 or 19ish boys sitting on either side of the walkway to the beach and as I prepared for some horribly embarrrassing fat remark said in an almost under their breath way as I waked past. The remark I heard was one I had never even considered....as I walked by and was just a few feet past them the one guy said to the other..."did you see all thoses spider veins...eeeww" Well needless to say I was overjoyed at this stupid observation and then it made me think...Guys like that will be assholes no matter what the imperfection is about someone....so ya know what...screw em! I love all of you for your courage and for helping me to find some humor and love for myself too!
  18. chameleon


    http://www.myspace.com/donnac0214 Add me add me!!
  19. Ok...this is really ridiculous. I am still waiting to hear about this damn surgery. I have been trying to get this for 6 months now and I don't think that the cleveland clinic has even sent my stuff into my insurance company for approval yet...it's been bad enough waiting for the half assed letter my pcp finally sent, but I have been telling them to take my weights and dates from their records since I have been a patient for 5 years at the clinic and they have weights for me every 6 months of that time...WTF...I am just soooo frustrated:angry
  20. chameleon

    Still unbanded and waiting for ins approval....

    Ok...this is really ridiculous. I am still waiting to hear about this damn surgery. I have been trying to get this for 6 months now and I don't think that the cleveland clinic has even sent my stuff into my insurance company for approval yet...it's been bad enough waiting for the half assed letter my pcp finally sent, but I have been telling them to take my weights and dates from their records since I have been a patient for 5 years at the clinic and they have weights for me every 6 months of that time...WTF...I am just soooo frustrated:angry
  21. Born and Birks are both great great great. I had a pair of born clogs that look great with Jeans and khakis that I wore almost every day for two years....except in summer then I'm in birks, tevas or barefoot.
  22. chameleon

    Anyone ever done a 'colon cleanse' ?

    Ok...I think I'm gonna blow chunks...no seriously...and no chunks is not the name of my husband, neighbor or dog, but really...this is the grossest thread yet. I can't believe that people actually photograph their poop and plaster it on line...God help me...I mean...ya'll can't polish a turd ya know???!!!
  23. chameleon

    Whiskers On Kittens

    Dr. Greg House aka James Hugh Calum Laurie from House M.D. What a freakin sex pot (I originally said freakin fox but I don'tthink I have heard anyone else say fox since '78 so I updated it.) God, I don't know why but this man turns my on somethin fierce!!! LOL I mean, just look at this hunk of man flesh: OK so it has to be the personality/facial expression/sarcastical quiality of him that I am utterly devastatingly attracted to.... I hope my husband...oh who cares Love ya Jimmy.
  24. *diet pepsi coming out her nose*
  25. chameleon

    What is your pirate name?

    Paul...I'm gonna tell....Sealegs Solomon Lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
