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About RosePollard

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  • Birthday 10/25/1976

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    Just trying to shave my legs and breathe at the same time!
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  1. RosePollard

    Halfway to surgery

    I ordered the collagen peptides powder! Thank you so much for sharing this!!!
  2. RosePollard

    Halfway to surgery

    Thank you!
  3. RosePollard

    Halfway to surgery

    I think it is 5000mcg...
  4. RosePollard

    Halfway to surgery

    Thanks! I have started taking Biotin and my hairdresser has changed to a Demi-permanent hair color. I never thought about starting supplements now. I will talk to the doc and see what he recommends. It looks like we are on the same schedule! I am getting a sleeve. You?
  5. This month marks number 3 in the 6 month medically monitored weight loss program that my insurance requires. I have been reading threads, taking notes, journaling, and have a spreadsheet to mark my weekly changes in weight and measurements. #scaleshateme I still struggle with the idea that the surgery will happen. I tend to be a pessimist, so I keep thinking that this is too good to be true. Maybe my insurance will deny it. Maybe something will go wrong. I don’t want to be negative, but here I am. #negativenancy I have changed my eating habits up a bit. I have started eating 4 meals a day and drinking water. I NEVER drank water before. I would drown out fatigue with caffeine all day long. I worry that I will struggle to give that up, but I am down to 2 mugs per day. #win I have read about ‘not trusting a fart,’ not taking an underwire bra to wear home from surgery, the 3 week stall, constipation woes, and hair loss. I recognize that a realistic weight loss expectation is to lose 60% of excess weight, and I know to walk as much as possible to avoid gas pain post op. I also know that loose skin and vanishing boobs are a thing. #youguysrock Just wanted to journal a bit on here. I would love some feedback or tidbits of things to expect that I haven’t found yet. #gettingexcited
  6. I had my first appointment with my Bariatric surgeon yesterday! So exciting! He is confident that I will reach my goal weight within 6 months post op. I hear what he is saying. I hear everyone on here. I can rationally think that the surgery will help me reach my goal weight. However, it seems unreal. I can’t imagine not being overweight. I can’t get my mind wrapped around the idea that I am going to lose weight. Did anyone else experience these thoughts? It just seems too good to be true.
  7. RosePollard

    Application denial

    Well...it turns out that OSU is still denying my application. Even though their website clearly states that they consider NAFLD and hypertension as comorbidity conditions, I was still denied. So, I found another provider in my network. My insurance has been awesome with helping me find providers, so I am fortunate. I hope the next one works out better than OSU.
  8. RosePollard

    Application denial

    I just talked to the clerk, who informed me that it did not look like they even contacted my insurance. They just denied it based on the assumption that I didn’t have 2 comorbidities (when I do) and that the insurance required 2 (they only require 1). They are in network as well. The receptionist said that the application has not been fully denied yet, so I am holding out hope that it will still happen. I hate that you went through this too. It is very frustrating!
  9. RosePollard

    Application denial

    Thank you for your reply. OSU and both doctors are in network. I honestly think it is an error. If not, I will definitely be looking at another provider. I didn’t even think about the research aspect of application approvals/denials. I have been calling OSU, but their return call rate leaves much to be desired.
  10. I have done my research, talked with my insurance, started monthly appointments with my PC doctor, and applied for the sleeve at OSU Wexner. I received a message from OSU stating my application was denied due to only having one comorbidity. I called my insurance back, and they assured me that I only needed one co-morbidity for coverage. In addition, I have another condition (NAFLD) that I don’t take meds for, and thus it wasn’t listed on my application (the application doesn’t ask for diagnoses, just medications). I am sure that my denial was an oversight, but now I am starting to worry. Has anyone else had this kind of problem?
  11. RosePollard

    New and completely lost

    Quitting smoking is a challenge, but I can smell things. And things definitely taste different. A big “great job” to those of you who have quit as well!! @Frustr8 - thank you! It is reassuring to know that I went with the right place.
  12. I have done my research and made the choice to go with a gastric sleeve. I quit smoking last month and have since gained about 10 more pounds. I plan to have my surgery at Ohio State University and have sent in my application. My husband and I are both going to do it. I am so anxious about the application process. OSU has received my application, but I don’t have an initial appointment yet. What can I expect at that appointment? My BMI is just under 38, hypertension, and insurance covers the surgery. Any experiences would be helpful if you don’t mind sharing! Thanks in advance.
  13. Getting tattoos on my skinny body.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
