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LAP-BAND Patients
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About dimpleyvett

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 01/18/1970
  1. Happy 43rd Birthday dimpleyvett!

  2. dimpleyvett

    May 2008 Slow Losers

    I fell some what relived that am not the only one not lossing fast i thought something was wrong with me . am only 30 lbs down sence Aug i don't eat very much and am walking now . but i have loss sizes went from a 24-26 to 18-20 . so am not doning so bad. good luck to everyone and my prayers go out.
  3. dimpleyvett

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    What does this have to do with being banded ???
  4. :huh2:Help Depressed in Houston tx

    one day i can eat the next i can't then i over eat when i can the bad thing today i ate a hamburger is there something wrong with me or the band is not working for me am worried that this is not goning to :scared2:work for me and am goning to be back at my orignal weight or more. am only down 26ild pounds . and have 100 to go.

  5. the things i look forward to is 1. goning to the reg stores to shop wearing tight jeans 2. goning out dancing with my husband (zydeco) 3. were my back out for once in my life
  6. dimpleyvett

    May 2008 Slow Losers

    i also am a very slow loser sence aug i've only lost 26 pounds. it's good to know that m not alone i was felling that i wasted my money .the forth fill i vomit a lot now that's not good . any way good luck to you guys hope the you weight lose jouney is a blessed one.
  7. dimpleyvett

    Not much restriction

    hi everyone i've had my foruth fill and down only 26 pounds i fill full put after about a hour am hunger again am i not geting another water in my band i crave foods swetts and salt. pl give me some ideads. thanks
  8. dimpleyvett

    Oprah Speaks for Millions

    oprah doe'nt speak for me she should stop with all that what makes her so differnet from others she self hates that the start love your self first the way god made you don't put other down because thay can't keep the weight off because she did'nt eather and she puts people down that are over weight and she she is over 200 pounds . :rolleyes2:
  9. i was baned in aug and am only down 18 ibs my restrictions only last about 2weeks i've only had two fills the next one is due on the 3rd. hope it gets better.
  10. dimpleyvett

    weight loss

    why am i not lossing weight ? i eat very little more that half of what i use to eat . but am gone to get a postive out look and hope it getes better with the next fill on oct 31 i have 1cc the first fill. is something wrong with my band?
  11. I all am new to the group i was banded in houston tx on aug 7 2008 down 15 lbs and keeping the faith that this will work for me am strugling but with gods grace it will work. i hope i can get much help from this site. have a blessed day

  12. dimpleyvett

    weight loss

    hi all had my surgery aug 7 first fill sep 12 i really havent lose alot of weight but i have loss inches . the only problem am having is i don't have very much restrictions . i had 1cc on the first fill after the fill i was restricted what happen ? and how much should i get n the next 21 oct .
  13. dimpleyvett

    Stretched Band

    to all good day i was band aug 7 2008 first fill on oct 7 i do not fell full at all is this normal ? alot of up set stomach .
  14. dimpleyvett

    8-26-08 im ready

    Great Jason am getting mine done Aug 7 in houston tx by Dr Sherman am so excited i really want this to work it's been a long ride. i start my pre testing on the 18th of this month and praying that noting is found to hold up the process
  15. dimpleyvett

    Cigna Refused Insurance, Need Lawyer

    I have cinga and thay approved me maybe your employer will not pay for the surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
