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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nebraskahickchi

  1. nebraskahickchi

    Regret Telling Friends ...

    Wow... all my friends were excited for me. OR... maybe they aren't REALLY my friends? :confused: Nah... lol There were just a couple that said things like: Do you really think that works? My whole family and nearly all my friends were very, very supportive. And my mother still 'brags' to people... "She had that surgery, you know..." Proceeds to tell them how much I've lost. I'm not offended. I think she's proud that I went through with it. I was really really scared. I wouldn't worry about it with your friends. That's why they have "Support Groups"... for people making the same decisions. I'm here for ya. :wub:
  2. nebraskahickchi

    Left Shoulder Pain After Lap Band Surgery

    Pleurisy... not pleasant, I hear. Saying a prayer for your Mom.
  3. nebraskahickchi

    Left Shoulder Pain After Lap Band Surgery

    My right shoulder ached right after surgery... it was the worst of my pain. But that's all gone. However, my left shoulder aches, on top, if I get hungry or eat too much. Must just be a bander thing.
  4. nebraskahickchi

    Minor Pain

    Hey fellow Bandsters! :wink: I was banded Dec. 22, 2009. My first fill was Jan. 18. Friday nite I was a little ill and almost vomited... just kinda heaved a couple of times and that was it. Was fine Sat. and Sunday. Yesterday I kind of felt I might have overeaten a bit. Today I woke up feeling a little discomfort where I think my pouch may be? Almost like I just didn't feel hungry... like eating at my usual time, yet my stomach was growling. I eventually did eat and everything went down fine but I still have some discomfort. Is this normal? Or did I do something wrong? :eek:
  5. nebraskahickchi

    Minor Pain

    That makes sense. I'm always rolling over on my port site. And it hurts for awhile afterwards. I'll give it a few more days. Thanks for sharing!!
  6. nebraskahickchi

    Minor Pain

    I haven't had any vomiting... I did 'heave' a few times Friday nite, but I didn't have any problems until Sunday. I don't think I have anything 'stuck' like STUCK... but I think maybe there is a piece of food in there that isn't able to even get 'stuck'... I'm not sure? Like maybe not chewed enough. But whatever is going on, it is still happening today. I don't even want to eat anything. Even if I were hungry. =( Good luck! Hope it's nothing serious!
  7. nebraskahickchi

    Minor Pain

    I'm still having it. =( I wonder if I have some food stuck and it just needs to be worked out? I hope? It takes much less to get me full all of a sudden and I really am not hungry, yet there is still a little discomfort. Nothing that keeps me up at night or anything? Haven't called anyone just yet. Thought if I was still having it by Friday I would call. I will let you know. =)
  8. nebraskahickchi

    My incisions day 2

    So excited for you!! I was just banded in December... congrats on the first step. !!
  9. nebraskahickchi

    Husband question..

    Wow... sounds like my husband through and through. He even begged me to postpone my surgery til after the first of the year!! He knows how scared I was and my history of procrastination, lol. He said those very same words, not to me, but to my kids. That he was afraid I am going to leave once I lose weight. However, he has been very supportive since the surgery. I think a lot of reassurance helps and allowing them to be part of the whole process. Making them feel needed. :thumbup:
  10. nebraskahickchi

    Easy way out?

    I've only been banded since Dec. 22... Everyone who thinks this is 'easy' can kiss my butt. Sorry if I offended anyone. :smile2:
  11. You couldn't be more right! I once watched this show (can't remember what it was called?) where these guys sent a girl in without make-up and frumpy clothes to different stores where she asked for samples of food or discounts for things and didn't get a thing. Then they dressed her up all sexy and sent her back to the same stores and EVERY SINGLE STORE gave her something for free?!! It was crazy... and it is true. :smile2:
  12. Going a little better these days. My back isn't quite as bad as it was. I am really trying to adjust to having the band... over-ate a little tonight... so I was miserable for about 2 hours. lol I am really fighting to eat S L O W. I've always been some sort of speed eater, lol. It's definitely a challenge. However, I've lost a total of 10 lbs since leaving the hospital... but 23 lbs since October. Can't wait to see myself 6 months out! I'm excited! =)


    How are YOU doing??

  13. nebraskahickchi

    December Delights 2009

    Hello All! I was banded Dec. 22... started out at 336 Oct. 5 (my consultation date), and I was 328 by Monday, Dec. 21 and 323 by Tuesday, Dec. 22 (Yummy bowel prep!)... now I am 313!! (As of Jan.01, 2010!) I'm excited to be banded, but the pain in my right shoulder from gas is HORRIBLE still... just wish it would go away. I am more focused on pain killers than what I need to be eating and drinking... it's crazy! Keep me in your prayers!
  14. ... and the one I WASN'T going to share... was my Dad. All my life it was "Lardbutt" or "Butterball" or something-or-other. He was the nicest man, he really was. Everyone... EVERYONE... loved him. When he got cancer in 1992, he was only 50... he lost his hair. He was so embarrassed, but I never cared? He was always handsome to me. Girls chased him all the time, even when I was a teenager. He was very, very handsome... but when he lost his hair, he thought he was ugly. He was a perfectionist. He called me out of the blue one day about a month before he died. He was crying. He said to me, "I'm so sorry about all the times I teased you about your weight. I never thought it might be hurting you. You tell anyone who says anything about it that you need someplace to carry a heart as big as yours... and you tell them I said so." I think when he lost his hair that he maybe put himself in my place once. But to be truthful... I always thought of the things he said to me to be more loving pet names than to make fun of me? I never felt bad? He could call me whatever he wanted if he were here today... I really wouldn't care.
  15. I've had a few moments over the years... but one really stuck out in my mind and I'm not sure why this particular one? I am a mother to 3 older boys. Right now ages 20, 18 & 15... none of them hefty like me... all nice and muscular and none of the kids in this area give them much guff. However, one day I was downtown doing some shopping after I dropped off my oldest two to get a haircut. I heard 'squealing'... like a pig... 'squealing', then 'Here pig, pig, pig...'. I looked across the street and this KID was there... he was about 15... making fun of me. I finished my shopping and picked up my boys and told them about it. We made it a point to drive by so I could show them who it was... and when he saw who was in the car with me he pedaled his little bicycle off as fast as his little feet would carry him. Haven't heard anymore about it.
  16. The gas pains are HORRIBLE & I can't BURP... MAYBE once a day... if even. ='( I am still on pain meds because my back hurts so, so bad. Anyone else ever have this problem???? What do I do? I am following my doctor's diet to a T. Someone please help before I EXPLODE!
  17. I was in the hospital one night. Can't wait to see the results myself. lol This site has been such an inspiration. There are no support groups around Hickville... so I am thankful there are people out there who know what I am going through. Godspeed everyone!
  18. nebraskahickchi

    Vaginal itch/burning/swelling

    Sounds like BV to me, too. The meds they give you for that work very, very quickly... go see your doctor right away!! It's worth it!
  19. nebraskahickchi

    10 pounds gain in week

    I have HEARD that IV's contribute to Water weight.. and since you were in for surgery, I bet that is just it. Just focus on getting better, then back to weight loss. Godspeed!
  20. nebraskahickchi

    dallas stadium....owner club suite!

    Who cares about the suite? Look at YOU... woo hoo! Great job!!I, too, am looking forward to my first tatt after reaching goal.
  21. nebraskahickchi


  22. nebraskahickchi


    I have to tell you -you have GORGEOUS hair!! Wish I had the energy to put all that into mine... or ... I could just bring you home with me? lol
  23. nebraskahickchi

    Lost Too Much Weight

    Amy, So glad to hear you are feeling much better! I've been even more active today so my little gas issue is hopefully going to resolve itself soon. I can't believe I am 7 days post-op myself. My mother, son and his girlfriend all have made comments ALREADY about how they can tell I've lost weight! Hope they aren't just trying to make me feel good? lol I love this forum. I live in an area where there just aren't any support groups. I think they have Overeaters Anon... but that is it? Thank you all for being here. :biggrin: Much Love, Carleen

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