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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sheribear68

  1. Sheribear68


    Okay so Pilates class just finished and about to head home for shower then work!
  2. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Sounds like a good plan. Well my daily weighing for this week is paying off. Got on the scale and had another 0.8 pound loss for a total of 2 whole pounds since Monday! Wow, this is the most I’ve lost since the first 2 weeks. I’m completely psyched now and drinking water like a maniac again Wow..... if I keep this up I might actually have a week where OVER 3 whole pounds drop off!!!!!! Lol, I know that number seems teeny to some of you guys who are losing like rock stars, but I’m cursed with extremely slooooooooow progresss.
  3. Sheribear68

    Names for my new sleeve

    Lol. Keep em coming guys.
  4. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    That’s an AMAZING idea. I’ll have to bring that up to my support group
  5. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I just found a consignment store by my work that will open next month. Right now they are taking clothes in and will give me store credit. Works out perfectly because I still have 1 more size to go down to and then I will be out of clothes to wear.
  6. Sheribear68


    So today I learned that there is a consignment store opening up next month and they are now accepting items for store credit. Which means this girl is going to be doing a bunch of laundry and organizing so she can turn in old clothes that no longer fit. By next month, I might actually need to get a few things
  7. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Weird how dumping works. With the sleeve I didn’t think I would ever get that, but I’ve had it once. Congrats on being on the cusp of ONEderland. I hope to join you by the end of the month
  8. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Yeah a supportive SO is very helpful. So we’ve had a lot of storms here lately and I guess one of them knocked out a gcmi outlet in the garage. All the stuff in our chest freezer is ruined— including the leftovers I was going to set out for tonites dinner. After being in a REALLY BAD MOOD over the lost food, I’m better now because hubs ran out to the store for emergency fixings of ground beef and salad mix. In retrospect, I totally overreacted to the lost food because I’m already feeling “deprived” and that was literally one straw too many for me to hold up to today. So I know that I’ve got more mental homework to sort through so in the future I can better handle these kinds of situations Good news! Burger patties are now on the grill and I just finished prepping the salad mix
  9. Sheribear68

    Dumping syndrome with VSG?

    I had what I now realize was dumping 17 days post sleeve. I had only been on purées for 3 days, but was out of town for a family wedding. I had had eggs 3 times so I was positive eggs would be an okay food for me to have and since the wedding/reception was going to be an all day event, I wanted to eat breakfast that day. Hubs and I went down to the hotel restaurant to have breakfast and he ordered eggs Benedict and I ate one of the eggs. I scraped most of the hollandaise sauce off of my egg, but apparently not enough because about 20 mins after breakfast I was in agony back in the hotel room. Lasted about 90 minutes to the point where I was scared to death I was gonna miss the bus coming to pick us all up, but luckily the pain subsided and I was able to get ready. So I learned that hollandaise sauce is something I should never try to touch again and I’ve been super-cautious about any kind of sauces in foods ever since
  10. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Nope. Many days I don’t hit protein goals. Although my goal was set for 60gm/day. I just got home from running a ton of errands and was feeling a bit hungry so I just had an 8oz glass of milk and 5 almonds. Now I’m quasi-full and feel more energized. My food consists about 85% protein, mostly in the form of dairy protein. Milk and almonds is my go-to snack (if I need one) and about 3 times weekly lunch is a 90 cal tuna pack with a bit of plain Greek yogurt to make it creamier and go down easier.  The rest of the time lunch is just a smaller version of what I had for dinner the night before.   I can’t do any kind of flavored yogurt because of the 17 days I was on a liquid diet and most of what I was allowed to eat was sickeningly sweet Protein Shakes and the like. If I never have to drink another Protein Shake, I’ll be a very happy girl. Anyway, with the milk and the tuna I get “close enough” most days. When I think back to my diet pre-surgery, it was pretty crappy a lot of the time  so  when I fall short of my protein goals currently, it’s still more protein than I was getting before.
  11. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    It’s tough, but you’ve got to do what is best for Anna. Took me a couple weeks of struggling like crazy forcing breakfast down because I was soooooo worried about getting enough proteins/calories per day. Once I came to grips with the fact that breakfast just “wasn’t me” for now, life got easier. I eat when I’m hungry, which is basically just twice a day. For someone else, that might be 3-6 times daily. My loss hasn’t been anything they anyone is going to write stories about (averaging 2.6 pounds/week since week 3) but eventually I will get there. Lol, there’s a reason I always identified with the tortoise.
  12. Sheribear68

    Food Before and After Photos

    Okay so my before is from when I was on vacation last year (weight then was 260 pounds) The after is the lunch I’m about to eat-8 weeks post sleeve and about 210 pounds.
  13. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    And speaking of staying accountable: I only eat 2 meals per day now because my sleeve still won’t handle anything other than water for the first few hours I’m awake. So it’s very important that I have primarily protein only Here is lunch: 2oz lamb and some of that divine kimchee.
  14. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Yep. My husband is the real champ here because he is also putting all of these things on hold Luckily for him, he has to travel about once a month on business so he’s actually enjoying taking clients out to dinner because the poor man finally gets to eat out 🤣🤣
  15. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    You CAN do this. Remember, all the questionable choices we make now are gonna bite us in the butt once this honeymoon phase is over. Pretty much beat myself up every day for one thing or another and it’s a hard habit to break but I’m convinced we NEED to break that habit as well. This week as part of my accountability, I’m weighing every day because that’s incentive to drink drink drink. So far, I’ve lost 0.6 pounds since Monday morning. Do I think I “deserved” to lose more? The honest answer is yes. But I’ll take it. Today is my day off so I’m pushing for 96 ounces today and knowing I’m going to get back on that scale tomorrow morning is keeping me motivated to keep drinking.
  16. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    That’s awesome. Daaaaang 34 pounds in 5 weeks is incredible. Lol, I’m 8 weeks out tomorrow and I’m at 31 pounds lost. You will love moving on to things like eggs and cottage cheese. Honestly I get over 3/4 of my protein from dairy.
  17. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    This is fabulous! Wow, I do remember you stating regrets so I’m glad you’re happier with it than you were last month. Totally get the coming to terms aspect. I have a 4 week rotating work schedule and trying to figure out when I’m going to eat is difficult. Previously I would eat whenever I got the chance and now having to be more structured is kind of a pain in the butt. Spontaneity is gone and a lot more planning is the norm. You think you understand before surgery that you’re ready to give up the food, but it’s more than the actual food, it’s the social and feeling of well-being that comes out of it. That’s the part that is more difficult to come to terms with.
  18. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    I wasn’t given any guidelines, but I tried to have coffee twice since surgery day. Both times it made me EXTREMELY nauseated, which is saying a lot because I have a very strong stomach. I’m going to keep trying it every so often though because I miss it so bad
  19. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Nope. I keep thinking that any day now I’m gonna notice it, but as an almost-10 year cancer survivor, I’ve already had a period in my life where I lost ALL of my hair. What I tell myself is if/when the hair loss starts, at least this time it will be for a happier reason
  20. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Okay. @Dubchild and anyone else who loves variety and FLAVOR! Found this at my local Asian market and it is sooooooo good. Hardly any carbs and just a couple of pieces alongside a couple ounces protein is completely satisfying
  21. Sheribear68


    I’m in! Starting weight: 211.6. Goal: lose 12 pounds so I can FINALLY be in ONEderland! Surgery: VSG on 2/6/2019.
  22. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Okay so I got on the scale this morning and had a 2.4 pound loss for the week. The positive: Another week gone by and I haven’t hit another stall The negative: yet another week with “meh” results for the amount of work I feel like I’ve put into it. Today I started drinking Water like a maniac and will continue to do so all week. One week I’m gonna see something more than 3 measly pounds. In the meantime, I will continue not to work hard and not have any cheats and hope the scale gives me one of those miracle losses one week. Edited to add:  so far my post-surgery loss is 33 pounds.  Starting weight: 259Surgery date: 244Current weight: 211
  23. 50yo and was sleeved on 2/6/19. Even though it hasn’t even been 2 months yet, I’m feeling great about the whole thing. Pre-op was exactly how I thought it would be, and I have no hospital horror stories. I knew going in that this was going to be something I had to work to get through so I was super-motivated from the moment I was taken back to my room to get drinking and moving. In fact, after about a half hour visit with my family right after they got me to my room, I kicked them all out because I had work to do and was serious about it. Was released the next day and never took one single pain pill beyond the first few hours post op. Okay, so my abs were sore, but I’d just had abdominal surgery. I just knew it was something I had to put up with for a few days and then the discomfort was hardly there. Started walking a couple miles a day 3 days post-surgery. Flew cross country to my nephews wedding 17 days post. Went back to work 20 days post. Started Pilates 3 weeks post. Transitioned from liquids to purées, to solids when I was supposed to and each time the transition went smoothly. Each week I learn something new about my new stomach (2 weeks ago was the epiphany that it won’t kill me if I skip breakfast bc my sleeve is pretty tight in the morning) and even though I had a stall starting on day 12 that lasted for 20 days, I’ve still lost 31 pounds in the last 7.5 weeks. I’ve already moved down 2 clothing sizes and it is sooooooo much easier to move and live in my body than it was 2 months ago. I still have 60-70 pounds til I’m at goal weight, and just the difference in how I feel from losing the first 30 pounds makes me so excited for the next few months. That feeling overcomes any negative feelings that “missing out” on food might give me. Every day I ask myself if I would do it again and the answer is always yes.
  24. Sheribear68

    What to pack

    I brought comfy yoga pants and a front-button flannel top. Hospital gowns weird me out and there’s something about being in my own clothes that made me feel less like a sick person and more empowered. I also brought my phone charger, chapstick, travel toothbrush and toothpaste and pony-tail holder to keep my hair out of the way. I never wear make-up unless I’m going to work or going somewhere special, so there was no need for that. Didn’t bring anything to read because I was getting up every 60 minutes around the clock to drink,pee,walk,drink more then re-hook myself to all of the machinery back in my room.
  25. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Sounds like dumping to me. Reminds me of last month when I was 17 days post op and  had part of those eggs Benedict. Pretty sure the hollandaise messed me up pretty bad. Last night we ate out and I had some amazing sashimi. Sadly I only had room for 2 pieces since I had also had half a bowl of miso Soup. It was delicious though and I ate some of the leftovers for lunch today. I think if I could afford it, I would have fish like that every day. Tomorrow I’m due for a weigh in. Keeping fingers, toes, anything else crossed that I continue to see a loss. Week 7 moving into Week 8.  Where has the time gone 

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
