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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sheribear68

  1. Sheribear68

    🍂 Nov 2019 Challenge🍂

    Well thank God wine isn’t on that list! 🤣🤣🤣 Okay so I’m post-sleeve (2-6-19) and I just moved into maintenance last month. My weight last week was 152.6, but I’ve decided to only weigh myself 1-2 times monthly now and use how my clothes fit and how my body feels as a guide. My main goal for November is to survive it. 2 of my 3 work partners are taking vacation this month and I’ll be working all but 3 of my days off before Thanksgiving. Then I’ll be leaving on my own trip the first week in December so all Christmas decorating and shopping will need to be done in those 3 days off. No pressure.
  2. Sheribear68


    This all makes perfect sense. That being said I’ve always loved wine and never will stop loving it. One thing that’s changed is that I’ve had to change to whites rather than reds. Now the reds really irritate my stomach. I also try to limit myself to one drinking day per week (as opposed to 5-6 days pre surgery) The empty calories suck, but I’d rather eat less during the week and have a glass or two of vino weekly to deal with life.
  3. Sheribear68


    Thanks! It’s been very cold lately and sweaters will definitely be part of my wardrobe this year
  4. Sheribear68

    The Maintenance Thread

    So we all have addictive personalities and it’s no joke. my quit date was 8-8-06 and it’s not weird to know the exact day. Quitting cold turkey gave me a lovely 35 pounds in addition to everything else and it sucked.... out loud. I too am like cheeseburgh in that I tend to make decisions in the same way. I quit bc I got so PISSED OFF that some substance had control over me. we will do our very best to have your back and be accountability partners, but stay honest with us. As I’m typing this I just finished logging my food for the last 2 days bc i was afraid I was overeating (it’s barely after 4pm and I’m hungry). Turns out I’ve only eaten 600 calories in the last 2 days. that’s my confession for today and now I’m running late getting into the Pilates studio.
  5. Sheribear68


    One of my “new “ outfits for the 1st of November
  6. Sheribear68

    🍁 OCT 2019 CHALLENGE 🍁

    Okay. Hit goal weight this month. I truly hope I can contribute more next month bc this one really kicked my butt
  7. Sheribear68

    The Maintenance Thread

    Yeah nothing truly prepared me for life after GW. today I had a tuna pack and 1/4 cup cottage cheese and had to force down the last couple of bites
  8. Sheribear68


    Okay. No pics right now, but I spent $$$$ tonite online purchasing a winter coat, boots, a sweater dress, that Halloween belt, and a few other random items. Fingers crossed that I don’t lose more than another 10 pounds here in maintenance or else I get to wear baggy clothes again. Now that colder weather is here (it SNOWED in Oklahoma City today!) I want to buy clothes like crazy to stay warm
  9. Sheribear68

    The Maintenance Thread

    Well so far maintenance is going okay. I’m losing, but veeeeeeery slowly. Probably only losing 1-1.5 pounds weekly now. My calories have increased, but honestly I still have to try to eat more carb-y foods to get the extra calories in. If I eat “normally” I can’t really get in >800 calories daily.
  10. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Congrats Anna! You look amazing and happy
  11. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Same advice I started Pilates right after surgery not to have as a weight-loss tool, but to tone up and strengthen my body as I was already losing weight from the surgery. The biggest boost I get from it is the knowledge that I can be focused and strong and can sculpt muscles where I didn’t even realize I had them. Being able to hold plank for 3 minutes is pretty awesome and I can kick ass at it, but it’s not exactly the kind of thing that’s gonna burn a zillion calories at the end of the day. I’ve never in my life been able to out-exercise a bad diet—- don’t think anyone really can. Yes exercise is important, but it alone will never get us where we need to be. Drinking water, getting in the protein and keeping calories below RMR is the key.
  12. Sheribear68


    Lol. I’m totally gonna order it also
  13. Sheribear68


    Okay so this is in really poor lighting (was dark last night when I tried it on) but my Halloween outfit for tomorrow. Anyone think I have time to steal sillykitty’s belt between now and then?
  14. Sheribear68


    Love this look! Sophie you’ve shrunk so much!
  15. Sheribear68


    Add me to the list
  16. Nothing like what you do. Basically to/from work and running errands. Nothing over 20 minutes at a time
  17. Okay so 19 pounds down in 7 weeks isn’t all that bad. I was down 24 in the same time period. Start measuring if you haven’t already. The measurements will show you losing in ways that the scale won’t at times. I started TRE at about 8 weeks PO, because I was making myself physically ill trying to eat breakfast and then struggling to get water in. It’s still been a struggle some days to get in enough protein and I sometime turn to shakes to make up the difference. Once I decided to not struggle to force food into my sleeve (I mean the whole point of this thing was to reduce intake and here I was trying to eat to conform to some “norm” I thought I needed to chase after) and once I decided to not break fast most days til after 11am, my loss really started to take off. So if you really can get in all of your protein at 7 weeks, then try 16:8 TRE. Use the fasting times to get in as much water as possible and I think you’ll be fine.
  18. Sheribear68


    Okay so this is a weird OOTD, but we got an award today for leading our region in flu shots administered. Anyway, our district leader came in and ambushed us with the plaque and gave us about 5 seconds to prep for a photo. I hate how thin my hair looks still—the fact that I was half hanging out of the drive-thru window on a blustery and rainy day didn’t help the hair situation—but at least I’m no longer cringing about how large I look. Lol, gotta love one of my pharm techs photobombing us in the background.
  19. As long as you’re not on painkillers, driving should be fine. I went home the next day on just Tylenol. They gave me a rx for #20 norco 5mg, and I still have 17 of them, lol. I was walking and driving within a few days of surgery, but my job is fairly physical so I took the whole 2 weeks off.
  20. Yes to all of this! even now (I hit GW 2 weeks ago) I’m very leery of buying too much. I’ve got a job where I must dress in professional attire so I’ve used a combo of consignment store/eBay/FB market place to get most of my stuff. I literally keep an inventory of basics and exchange as I size out of them: * 1 each black,grey, blue, khaki,olive green pants-I actually have 2 pair grey pants, because I found such a good deal on them. * 2-3 dresses that are cut in a way where I can lose 2 sizes before exchanging. - actually I just purchased a 4th dress— a cute knit wrap dress that I’m going to wear with pumpkin tights on Halloween, but who can pass up a versatile black dress in their wardrobe? I’ll wear it all winter with different tights. * 1-2 pairs jeans- just purchased some LL bean fleece-lined jeans for winter in addition to my “ usual” pair. Got it off of eBay for under $20. * a total of 8-12 tops in variety of colors for work —I’ve had to get more lately to add in some sweaters and warmer clothes. * approximately 1 billion yoga pants/workout tops— Give or take a few. even though I’ve gone from size xxl/22 to medium/8, I’ve still got a few old sweatshirts and even one old sweater that I plan on wearing this winter. sadly all the professional clothes had to be sold/donated.
  21. Sheribear68

    The Maintenance Thread

    lol. Yeah so further reinforcement that face plastics are a necessary and GOOD thing.
  22. Okay so for me to get in 44 gm protein, it takes mixing diff kinds of protein, but doable. I start with 1 packet bariwise cream of chicken soup mix and add in 1 scoop beef bone broth powder. I then add in 3-4 ounces warm water, then add in 3 ounces canned (or shredded rotisserie) chicken. Sprinkle on a pinch of shredded cheddar and it’s delish!
  23. Sheribear68

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Please let us know what kind of plastics you plan on having. Right now that topic is really starting to take over my thoughts. Funny— this time 1 year ago I was obsessing about WLS, and now I’m doing the same with plastics. I’ve decided that by February— one year anniversary— that I’ll plan to have a couple of consults. I’m definitely going to work on face first. As much as I hate my ET butt, nobody outside of my marriage sees that, but my face is the first thing anyone sees. Plan is to save more $$$ into my HSA, work a bit extra and by March/April have some kind of facelift/turkey neck work done.
  24. Sheribear68

    Food Before and After Photos

    Here is today’s lunch: I forgot to take a before and ate 2 slices before shooting this pic, but it’s tuna sashimi and it was DELISH. Ate all but the last 2 slices and my friend (who did my hair today) gladly ate them.
  25. Sheribear68


    Size 8 flannel lined jeans arrived today!!! Okay, so they’re TIGHT through my thighs, but I think in about 6-8 more pounds they will be more comfy. Also, got my hair cut and colored for the first time since February and I’m loving it. It’s still way thinner than I wish, but eventually it will come back

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
