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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    ms.sss reacted to NYJenn in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Halfway point
    As of this morning I weighed 188 pounds which not only means I am down 9 pounds for the month but that I have officially hit the 100 pound mark! It’s a good day
  2. Like
    ms.sss reacted to ummyasmin in Non Scale Victories   
    Lads! I am no longer morbidly obese, I'm just obese!

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Healthy_life in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    #14 My biggest NSV so far. Last Saturday, I discovered I can pass the Army PT running requirement.
    A group of military recruits were being timed on the same track I was running on. It was an adrenaline rush to see if I could keep up with them. (The average age 17 to 31) I kept up with the person in the lead. I was still on the track running after all the recruits completed two miles.
    Not bad for an old woman who used to be morbidly obese.

  4. Haha
    ms.sss reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
  5. Thanks
    ms.sss reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    💜💜💜💜CONGRATS 💜💜💜💜
    And I'm super certain that you're the Desserts course 😎
  6. Like
    ms.sss reacted to GreenTealael in Support and honesty needed   
    You could have zero comorbidities and just wanted to be cute. Still valid and worthy. Don't ever have to justify wanting the best for yourself.
    ❤ Live your best Life ❤
  7. Thanks
    ms.sss reacted to Orchids&Dragons in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    On special occasions, don't deny yourself a treat (or a carb) if you'd really enjoy it. Celebrate the day without thoughts of depriving yourself. In my experience, those feelings of deprivation come back to bite you later. Your quantities will still be limited and your calories lower than they would have been by far.
    Happy Anniversary!
  8. Like
    ms.sss reacted to NYJenn in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Day nine
    How do I stay on plan? Plan, plan, plan. I don’t leave anything up to chance. Carry Water with me everywhere I go, keep Greek yogurts in the work fridge, if I’m invited to a party, I bring a dish (one that I can eat, so if there’s nothing else there, I know I have a safe option). Fail to plan...plan to fail
  9. Like
    ms.sss reacted to aussiemomdinoaunt in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Day 6 and on time!!! Maybe I can change! Lol

    Week 1 update! Between the 1st and today, I'm down 3.8 lbs! I have been following my C25K program, hiked the 1st of 52 hikes for the year, and hit my goal of exercising 5 days out of the week! I am so close to the 180's! I desperately want to be there by time I have my 3 month follow up on the 17th. I want to have lost 45 lbs, so that's 5.6 lbs to lose in 11 days... I can do it!

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Healthy_life in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    # proudest 2018 moment
    I am emotional posting this.
    I lost my mom to cancer 2013. My surgery was 2014. She never got to see me healthy. 1st goal was to do a 5K in her memory. I turned 50 in 2018. I completed two bucket list half marathons. Race to robie creek and zeitgeist.
    My proudest moment is enjoying my grandchildren and keep up with them. My mother never got to see how beautiful they are.

  11. Like
    ms.sss reacted to LadySin in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Some people punish an eye for an eye, this time it's going to be bun for a bun! (As mild a joke I could manage. I deleted several in my head. Ya'll go get me banned!)
    My proudest moment in 2018 was finally seeking mental help. Everyday is a struggle, some days more than others and recovery doesn't move in a straight line. BUT I feel healthier both physically and mentally better than I ever have. I never would have been able to achieve the weight loss on my own that I have so far if I had not reached out for professional help. In fact I'd be compost (Future goals, get cremated and thrown in a garden). Instead I've got decades more SINNING to get down too! My Pride or More time. I made a pretty OK choice
  12. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Chuck Clasik in Happy with my decision!!!   
    82lbs down in all, 38lbs down since sleeve. 12-10-18

    Started at 457 now 375. A good ways to go, but I can see and feel the difference!! Good luck to you all!!


  13. Like
    ms.sss reacted to LadySin in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    I hope so because as of right now if that thing was a thong it would be all up in my ass!
    *2019 Goals*
    This year I'm reaching my goal weight of between 140 and 160. As the Dothraki say "This is known". By the end of year I'll be gaining weight in the form of muscle. This too is known.
  14. Like
    ms.sss reacted to GreenTealael in ❤ JANUARY 2019 CHALLENGE ❤   
    Now it's a party! Please like and follow the thread so I can account for all participants !
  15. Like
    ms.sss reacted to ElectricBoogaloo in Non Scale Victories   
    I purged my uber fat clothes from my closet and am now wearing my 'you are still kinda fat' clothes!!
    Donated three yard-size bags of clothes to G-dub and donated 10 suits to an interviewing/back to work nonprofit.
  16. Like
    ms.sss reacted to IvyAddison in Starting weight is lower, what should I expect?   
    Great job ms. Sleeve!!!! So inspiring
  17. Like
    ms.sss reacted to tmrtyty2018 in Non Scale Victories   
    Way to go!!! That’s awesome!!! Keep it up lady!
  18. Thanks
    ms.sss reacted to rs in Non Scale Victories   
    Awesome on all counts! Congratulations!
  19. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Wanda247 in Let the lying begin . . .   
    This is a great thread!! I’m experiencing the same, when people ask me how much more weight do I plan to lose I say “ I’ll know when I get there” 😂😂 that seems to stop them in their tracks and then they look dumbfounded...I knew questions like this would be coming as I started losing weight and I’ve thought about it long and hard about it so I don’t have a problem telling people that I’m not looking for unsolicited advice regarding my weight.

    One lady at work constantly has to check me out everyday, one day I was so cold at work so I was wrapped up in my throw for most of the day, she asked me to take my throw off so she could see how much more weight I had lost....lol just nuts.

    We all know when we are where we want to be in this journey!! You all inspire me 🥰
  20. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Swanton_Bomb in Non Scale Victories   
    As of today, I am obese. Normally, the knowledge of being obese is pretty distressing, but pre-op, I was "Morbidly Obese", then I scaled down to "Severely Obese". As of today, I am merely "Obese. The next hurdle is to get to merely "Overweight", and hopefully, someday, "Healthy Weight". So yay for being obese, LOL.
  21. Haha
    ms.sss reacted to mousecat88 in Non Scale Victories   
    Omgggg. I went overseas and ALL of the towels there were like... hand towels on me. I could barely cover a boob. So embarrassing! That'll be a nice thing to experience. lol!

    Today my pants fell down at work. Does that count as a victory?
    (No one was in the hallway at the time so... thank god for that. lmao.) I'm riding out these baggy pants as long as humanly possible.
  22. Like
    ms.sss got a reaction from Healthy_life in Food is like, meh.   
    Ok, so for the past week or so, the act of eating or even the thought of eating has become increasingly uninteresting to me. I am 7 weeks post-op tomorrow.
    I honestly would rather not have to sit down and eat my x number of tablespoons of whatever as its been feeling like a chore. Its odd because the actual chore of preparing and cooking meals (for the fam) I look forward to. I also enjoy looking up and preparing single serve "meals" for myself and stacking them up nicely in the freezer. I just don't really care (or feel the need to care) to eat them.
    I have been dutifully taking my vitamins/supplements and getting 2-3 litres of Water in daily. I force myself to drink a Protein Shake (which I used to love but now barely stand) because if I didn't, my daily caloric intake would be close to zero. I haven't had my shake yet today, but so far I've managed to eat one teaspoonful of cottage cheese...and its 2pm.
    I get about 8-9 hours of sleep a night.
    Luckily enough I still have energy, and am able to get an average of about 10K of walking in a day (because I always feel better after I go out for the walks), plus whatever else I would normally do, but I'm sure this wont last if I continue this way.
    While I don't exactly hate the fact that this food-aversion-thing I'm experiencing is showing itself on the scale, I just don't FEEL quite right. I don't feel "bad" or anything, I just feel "off".
    I figure this is some sort of stage that will pass eventually?
    P.S. I'm seeing my PCP next week for a previously scheduled appointment, so I guess my labs will help reveal whats up if anything.

  23. Like
    ms.sss got a reaction from Healthy_life in Food is like, meh.   
    Ok, so for the past week or so, the act of eating or even the thought of eating has become increasingly uninteresting to me. I am 7 weeks post-op tomorrow.
    I honestly would rather not have to sit down and eat my x number of tablespoons of whatever as its been feeling like a chore. Its odd because the actual chore of preparing and cooking meals (for the fam) I look forward to. I also enjoy looking up and preparing single serve "meals" for myself and stacking them up nicely in the freezer. I just don't really care (or feel the need to care) to eat them.
    I have been dutifully taking my vitamins/supplements and getting 2-3 litres of Water in daily. I force myself to drink a Protein Shake (which I used to love but now barely stand) because if I didn't, my daily caloric intake would be close to zero. I haven't had my shake yet today, but so far I've managed to eat one teaspoonful of cottage cheese...and its 2pm.
    I get about 8-9 hours of sleep a night.
    Luckily enough I still have energy, and am able to get an average of about 10K of walking in a day (because I always feel better after I go out for the walks), plus whatever else I would normally do, but I'm sure this wont last if I continue this way.
    While I don't exactly hate the fact that this food-aversion-thing I'm experiencing is showing itself on the scale, I just don't FEEL quite right. I don't feel "bad" or anything, I just feel "off".
    I figure this is some sort of stage that will pass eventually?
    P.S. I'm seeing my PCP next week for a previously scheduled appointment, so I guess my labs will help reveal whats up if anything.

  24. Like
    ms.sss reacted to FluffyChix in Open Letter To All Newbies   
    Dear Newbie,
    I'm not a vet--only going on 10months post op RNY. But here is the #1 rule of WLS, like think of it as the eleventh commandment.
    ELEVENTH COMMANDMENT OF WLS - If you want all to go well in your world, you will learn to pound drink Water like nobody's beeswax.
    Whahhhh???? You don't like water? Then you probably should choose a different road to Thinville. Seriously. Learn to drink BEFORE your surgery. Practice sipping from a 1oz jigger, every 15 minutes...then every 10 minutes...then every 5 minutes, until you can drink up to 4oz of water every 15-20 minutes. And btw? I mean WATER. Learn to tolerate it now without a crapton of MIO or whatever the fork you think you need to add to it. Use a slice of citrus, let some strawberries sit in the water, or a slice of orange. But drink it without man-made whackadoodle sweet crap.
    Why? Cuz after surgery, your life WILL depend on it--more than ever. And best part? If you stay VERY well hydrated, then you poop better, your nausea rate goes down, it's easier to eat, you heal better, you make better/rational decisions, and you can TCB (take care of bidness), but best of all--you mobilize and move out fat stored in your fat cells.
    Signed Sincerely,
    The Water Board

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