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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ms.sss reacted to Healthy_life2 in Do all sleeves or baraitric surgeries need revisions?   
    Do all sleeves or bariatric surgeries need revisions? Iโ€™m seeing posts that some people think the sleeve stops working and will need a revision at some point. Where are people getting this information? Yes, some people may need surgery revision. It can happen with any type of surgery.
    This site is filled with new people and people that have gained weight. People that are maintaining have no need for support here. Iโ€™m wondering if this is the reason people think surgeries will โ€œneed revisionsโ€ That we are all doomed to regain.
    Understand some may need a revision for various reason: examples: (Iโ€™m sure there are more reasons than what I have listed)
    Complications procedure not done correctly it was the wrong type of surgery for an individual. Many reasons why people gain weight. (Most People can control gains on their own, If the contiune to gain, they can consult their surgeon on options) Examples:
    Hormones medical conditions medications pregnancy/ menopause eating disorders stress Grazing โ€“ Eating a combination of heathy and unhealthy food over their calories and macros. The sensation is no restriction. Its as if you never had surgery and you will gain weight. Mistaking stretching as your restriction becomes less as you progress out from surgery (Your stomach is not back to full size) You still can fill it with food within your calories and macroโ€™s Not knowing how many calories they are eating daily Will all surgeries stop working. NO. Will everyone gain weight - no. If you gain you can work it back down. Weigh yourself before a 20 pound gain continues on to a 40, 80, or 100+ weight gain.
  2. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Ed_NW in I AM NO LONGER OBESE!!   
    I'm just happy to be obese and out of the morbidly obese category. Each step in the right direction is a victory!
  3. Like
    ms.sss reacted to sideeye in Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread   
    Surgiversary for me! Lost 97.9 lbs, size 10-12 jeans, and went to Club Monaco today to try on a top and the sales guy goes "I'll see if we have a large in the back" which on the surface sounds horrifying but Club Monaco clothes are tiny! And the large fit! And then I didn't buy it because while it fit the color just wasn't exactly what I wanted!
    My friend told me when I started seriously thinking about this that the surgery had changed her life, and I thought she was being dramatic. I no longer think that. Shaking off the constant social "you're fat" pressure has been unbelievably freeing, and other people have noticed the huge change in the way I interact with the world. 10/10 would engage in radical body modification again.
  4. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to Myhorseisfattoo in I AM NO LONGER OBESE!!   
    Good job you!! Your post made me go check the BMI chart and I am now ALSO not obese - just overweight!!! I'll take it!
  5. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to jultrim18 in I AM NO LONGER OBESE!!   
    Hi friends! Just got to overweight today!! I am 5โ€™2โ€. I weighed 235lb on surgery day, and today I weighed 160.8. It has been 6 months 2 weeks and 3 days since surgery (August 17th). What I have learned:

    1) you will still be hungry
    2) you will still have cravings
    3) you will still love food
    4) you pretty much canโ€™t eat and you have to always be aware with what you are putting in your mouth. My favorite food is pizza and Iโ€™ve had it about 4 times since. I loved Pasta, but I never ever eat it alone like I used to.

    This way of living has been forced upon me because of surgery. Before I would binge, now I mindfully eat always. The first couple months were the worst. I was depressed and missed food so much, but I stuck with it Bc I didnโ€™t want to feel like a failure. Now it is a habit to eat the way I do. Please keep that in mind. Force this habit on you from the beginning.
  6. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Avery's Mom in Worried about getting out of chair Post-Op   
    I stuck to the sofa but if you slide as far forward as you can before rising should be ok. getting out of bed was a definite ROLL
  7. Like
    ms.sss got a reaction from FancyChristine15 in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    Figured I'd start another NSV thread as the other one was started in 2017 and had 69 pages!
    We all need a place to toot our proverbial horns and get our backs patted for it
    Toot away!
  8. Like
    ms.sss got a reaction from FancyChristine15 in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    Figured I'd start another NSV thread as the other one was started in 2017 and had 69 pages!
    We all need a place to toot our proverbial horns and get our backs patted for it
    Toot away!
  9. Like
    ms.sss reacted to RoRoKitty in Dating   
    I had today one of the best dates ever! Handsome, funny, smart, we have same music taste, do same silly things, he loves cats, he is a great kisser ahem, and he had a wls four years ago!
    I am sleeping on my pink cloud today! Goodnight yโ€™all !
  10. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to DanaC84 in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    Iโ€™m seeing inches down on the measuring tape and today I was able to fit into a bra that used to be too small.
  11. Haha
    ms.sss reacted to GreenTealael in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    This body is not bikini ready ๐Ÿ˜†
  12. Like
    ms.sss reacted to GreenTealael in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    Awwwwww yeah i love spring collections
    Bought my first bikini!
  13. Hugs
    ms.sss reacted to KC77 in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    Ok, sorry this will be a little long...I began this journey back in January of 2016. Started the process and completed my required (by insurance) 6 month weightloss plan and then went for my pre-op physicals. During this process (1 week before my scheduled surgery) my surgeon found that i was anemic and was concerned.(HE SAVED MY LIFE RIGHT HERE...THE FIRST TIME) He pulled some strings and got me in for an endoscopy and colonoscopy the day before my scheduled surgery date because, as he said, "I need to know what i'm dealing with when i go in there." During the colonoscopy they found that I had stage 3 colon cancer. My surgery the next day went from a GSV to a colonectomy. He also took out my gall bladder (as the preop tests found I had gall-stones) and took out my appendix. So, 3 months of open wound treatment (because of an infection at the surgery site), and 6 months of chemotherapy later, i was able to take a deep breath. I had lost 30 pounds during all of this, but then sadly watched as the scale crept back up to my previous weight. So, in August of last year I decided I was ready to continue down the road toward the GSV surgery. Unfortunately, my employer switched insurance companies so my approval had to start back at square one. I have now completed the 6-month weight loss program...again, and have a surgery date of April 25th. (I could have had it sooner, but i needed that week to fit in my life). I am ready to get this surgery done and get healthy because my co-morbites are out of control. So now, my surgeon will get to take credit for saving my life 2 TIMES!!!! Thank you, Dr. Hipp!
  14. Like
    ms.sss reacted to nenes78 in One year Sleeveaversary. Onederland!!   
    In 2 days itโ€™ll be one year since my sleeve. This morning I was a few ounces below 200. It was a great feeling, I have not weighed that since I was 18.

    This past year was full of changes and looking back I just wanted to say thank you to all of you on here who post and/or reply. This site has been a great tool full of information as well as a place where people relate to what I am going through and I them. Iโ€™ve read some inspirational posts as well as those of heartache and funny ones as well. I will continue my journey, taking what I have learned from here and keep moving forward.

    A big thank you again to the BariatricPal family, you all rock.

  15. Haha
    ms.sss reacted to ummyasmin in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    I was shaving myself in the shower and I saw parts of my body that I haven't seen since I was a kid! ๐Ÿคฃ

    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    ms.sss reacted to FancyChristine15 in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    When I started my journey, I was in size 32 pants, now I'm in size 18. It feels amazing to be able to buy pants anywhere!
  17. Like
    ms.sss got a reaction from FancyChristine15 in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    Figured I'd start another NSV thread as the other one was started in 2017 and had 69 pages!
    We all need a place to toot our proverbial horns and get our backs patted for it
    Toot away!
  18. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to Orchids&Dragons in Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread   
    Today's my 1-year surgiversary! Almost 120 pounds gone and a normal BMI - Woohoo!
  19. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to notmyname in October 2018 Sleevers   
    Since I've been Debbie Downer lately, I thought I'd post something good. I hit a weight where I am now below 35 BMI. So, I am now considered Obese Class 1 - low risk. Considering I started out well into the high risk/morbidly obese category, that is a good thing to focus on.
  20. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Georgetown in October 2018 Sleevers   
    Maybe only put half a chicken breast in your plate so youโ€™re not tempted to eat the whole thing? Once youโ€™ve eaten half get up and leave the table.
  21. Like
    ms.sss reacted to JessLess in October 2018 Sleevers   
    A scale isn't the best way to measure progress anyway, it's just the easiest way.
  22. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to Freiabr in October 2018 Sleevers   
    Good morning all! Just took some progress pics to compare to the ones I took prior surgery. 3.5 months in. Down from size 20 to 14. Down almost 50 pounds. Letโ€™s do this ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ™Œ

  23. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to katiemarie22 in October 2018 Sleevers   
    And just like that, I am OVERWEIGHT!!! 29.9 BMI and still going down. Only 24 lbs to go before Iโ€™m a normal BMI! So exciting!
  24. Like
    ms.sss reacted to CyndieRI in October 2018 Sleevers   
    I just got back from a 5 night stay at an all-inclusive resort in Riviera Maya. I weighed myself before I left and when I got home and I lost 1 1/2 lbs! I didnโ€™t think I could ever do that on vacation! Iโ€™m so glad I had this surgery!! โค๏ธ
  25. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Jean E. in Thighs and Arms   
    Thanks! I am still loosing a little. In the 180โ€™s now. I had my DS 20 months ago. I will be having a 360 body lift, breast lift, and possible implants

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