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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Neversaynever in Before and After Pics   
    So here's my before picture at my max of 304lbs- 21stone 10 for the uk people

    and now my latest picture , 88lbs later!

  2. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to Bari_KS in Before and After Pics   
    Ta da! I'm 63yo today! Lost 50lb in 3 months. Feeling good and enjoying life.

  3. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Diana_in_Philly in I lied   
    And my response would have been: Did you have sex last night?
    Oh, wait you don't want to answer that personal a question? Really, why did you ask me a similarly personal question.
    Turn on heel. Walk away.
    People are generally stupid and assume they are entitled to personal information. It is your job to remind them they are not.
    I had surgery 3 years ago. to this day, only my husband, my two teen daughters and my best friend know. I used that response fairly often in my first year after surgery. I didn't tell my office other than to say I had to have an abdominal surgical procedure and would be out for a week or two.
  4. Like
    ms.sss reacted to NYJenn in I lied   
    Sorry but you ask me an a-hole question “did you have weight loss surgery?” You’re getting an a-hole answer
  5. Like
    ms.sss reacted to jaytissle55 in I lied   
    My business is my business, if I want to tell people that’s my decision... I shouldn’t have to walk around with a sign around my neck saying “I had bariatric surgery”!!!! So if you had a medical procedure u r saying u should tell everyone!!! Make no sense, your business is your own business to be talked about only if u decide to tell others!!!
  6. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Donnythedevil in Gastric bypass 6 years ago   
    Down 18 stone now have stalled can eat regular potions now need to get going again not a goal of 13 stone yet any idea's how to reset it. 
    Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Orchids&Dragons in spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend/family heavy??   
    Nope, my DH is almost 6'2", 180 lbs. He'd like to lose about 20 (naturally very slim), but only if he can manage to lose without giving up beer and pizza! He does, however, have blood pressure and cholesterol issues. When my weight got under his about 5 months ago (first time ever), I felt so feminine! I hadn't realized that it bothered me in that way.
  8. Like
    ms.sss reacted to becca101 in 7 months post op VSG surgery   
    Hey, fellas.
    Figured I’d share my stats and experience, as it may help some of you.
    Surgery was on 8/15/2018
    SW: 210
    CW: 125
    That’s 85 lbs down!!
    I do this by living a low carb, clean eating lifestyle, and on most days I attempt to keep my calories below 1000. Originally the calorie counting was barely a challenge, lately however, my sleeve has been able to accommodate lots more and...well...whoops.
    I use the app Baritastic (which I recommend!!). It was a game changer for me. It keeps me accountable for everything I eat, drink, exersize...
    oh exercise, I don’t do it. 😳 I try to do some muscle building about twice a week, as my muscle mass has depleted ssiigniificantllyy since surgery, but other than that, I barely work out. I’d like to start though. Maybe some cardio from this week onward.
    I’m still pretty weak, weirdly. I was told a full recovery can take a year.
    Fingers crossed.
    HMU with questions.
    I’m here for you, beautifuls.
  9. Like
    ms.sss reacted to larisa1 in Some perspective   
    When you get discouraged, because you have “only lost 5lbs” here is a little perspective. This is what 5lbs looks like.  Also, don’t let the number get into your head too much. Look at the whole picture. Measure, you might see changes in places other than the scale. Don’t underestimate non scale victories like wearing a necklace without having to use an extender or your knees not hurting when you walk down stairs.

  10. Like
    ms.sss reacted to fontjm in Entered Onederland!!!   
    Sleeved on 8/27/18. Lost 89 lbs. Feeling great!
    Sent from my VS988 using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to Laura7 in Laura's RNY Journey; Age 31 Starting Weight 365   
    Here’s a recent comparison pic.

  12. Like
    ms.sss reacted to AZhiker in How much should I be eating calorie wise?   
    I've wondered this, too. Looked at a lot of articles, all of which say I should be eating more than I am. (Almost 6 weeks post op but can barely get to 500 cal/day.) But I get my Protein, fluids, Vitamins, and exercise in every day. My weight loss has been steady and I feel great with plenty of energy and mental alertness. The bottom line is to listen to your body. Get the requirements in and your body will tell you when you can handle more. I know I could get more calories if I added Snacks, but I refuse to do that, because snacking is what got me in trouble in the first place and I am not going down that road again. My doctor says "3 meals and no snacks" so I am abiding by that, Truthfully, I sometimes have to divide my protein meal, because I can only handle 1 once of animal protein (fish, liver, chicken) at a time, so I will get the other half several hours later, But I don't consider that a snack.
    Relax and let your body tell you how much to take in. It is very helpful to keep a daily food log and to plan for the next day, because you do want to know that you are getting all your protein in. You are in a forced Keto diet right now, where your body is breaking down fat and creating ketones for energy. It is actually a healthy place to be, metabolically. I think there is a certain amount of euphoria that goes along with ketosis, as well, which can elevate mood and motivate activity. I am enjoying it!
  13. Sad
    ms.sss reacted to KateBruin in Frothy/Foam vomit or spit up   
    The foamies is disgusting. I wake up choking on foam and bile so I’m getting bypass from a sleeve. PPIs stopped working a year ago and caused enough bone loss for me to lose my $5,000 dental implant
  14. Like
    ms.sss reacted to sideeye in Dating   
    In my scenario, I walk out of the sushi restaurant with questionable-smelling fish (dating pool) and then go to a nearby restaurant (drinks with friends) or cook at home (binge-watch Korean TV with my dog). My point is that if I don’t find a good piece of fish, then I’m not eating fish. I am not going to ingest fish that looks, smells or is priced funny. I am only interested in fish I think I’ll like, and am not risking food poisoning to try my luck with a fedora-wearing California roll.
    Man, this analogy is getting tortured.
    When you were going through WLS, did you talk to any counselors or therapists? It’s not an easy transition and they provide a good third party view into habits or repetitive thought cycles you may be blind to.

  15. Like
    ms.sss reacted to GreenTealael in I lied   
    I've done the same. With a straight face and erect posture. You can *lie* about it all you want to nosey people who just want an all access pass to your life. They don't get one and you don't have to give it.
    P R I V A C Y
    You deserve it. Protect it, hell even *lie* to maintain it if you *need* to about this in a world that no longer respects boundaries and will steal it at every turn.
    Medical information is after all inherently private unless it directly affects another persons health.
    Jealously does not qualify
    Congrats on your success 💜
  16. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Frustr8 in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    My old trusty tan Levis are getting loose enough I need to wear a belt, yes the pair I used to lie down on the bed to zip, Yippee Skippee Whoop Whoop, a day I have been dreaming of has come, and by a few ounces I weigh less than Tomkitten ! A big wide " Hey it Works" smile upon my face!😝🚩😝🍀
  17. Like
    ms.sss reacted to lgredvig in 1 month Post op   
    I can't believe I'm already a month out from my VSG. I saw my surgeon yesterday and I'm down 33 lbs all together (23 from surgery day)
    I was so discouraged that I wasn't losing fast enough but I was told I was doing beautifully !
    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Like
    ms.sss reacted to LasVegasMike in Non Scale Victories   
    I had one this past week. I have been buying business class seats to travel for years because of my size and never wanting to be embarrassed or kicked off a flight. I've always had seat belt extensions as well. I took my first economy flight in years and fit in the seat and the seat belt actually fastened without an extension. Great feeling!

  19. Like
    ms.sss reacted to justgrace152 in Non Scale Victories   
    Fit into my wedding dress!!!! (which I blindly ordered 3 sizes smaller than what I was measuring 6 months ago!) 😁

  20. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Avery's Mom in Non Scale Victories   
  21. Like
    ms.sss reacted to sideeye in Dating   
    In my case it’s code for “don’t take a photo in a smudgy mirror under fluorescent light while staring blankly at the phone screen”. Of course I only tag guys I find attractive, but... that should not be a surprise? A good written profile is part of the equation too. I mean, does anyone select people on dating apps they don’t think they’d want to kiss? Hell, I dismiss adorable guys who socially smoke because I’m not making out with an ashtray, no matter how nice their hair is.
    So getting back to the root of the issue: Not sure what to tell you here, so I’m going to go with the slightly-tough-love angle. From my perspective, I just shared my experience on dating sites as a woman and you kind of moved through that list dismissing each point as though I’m the outlier, despite the fact that I am a genuine member of the pool where you’re fishing and your data are gained secondhand at best. You sound convinced that you’re in some sort of victim role in dating apps, being done wrong by women who “get away” with something (a massive red flag for women who have to deal with too much “red pill” crap in everyday life and don’t want it to be part of their dating life too) and men who are outcompeting you. By the way, I think you’re being way too cavalier about how women experience these apps. “It’s easier for women to be selective”... in what universe?! Do you mean out of the galaxy of d**k pics sent their way? Or the men who say hi, follow that up with a question about what you wear in bed, and then instantly call you a b***h when you cut off that line of conversation? And don’t for a second think that less-attractive women have it “easier” than unattractive men - let me know when men get completely unsolicited incoming chats that exist solely to inform them of how ugly/fat/old/whorish they are, in the sender’s opinion. And that’s the first message! Just free, unsolicited feedback the more out-of-conventional-attractiveness bounds you go.
    I also don’t get this fixation on the other guys, because what exactly are you going to do about them other than stew? Can you knock them off the app? No. Can you emulate them? Sure, but if you don’t match that emulation in person it’ll fall apart fast. And you are not going to be dating any of the guys, so why waste energy obsessing over them? What’s the point?

    Here’s the thing - I can live without consuming fish. I am totally good without fish. So if I walk into a sushi restaurant and nothing looks appetizing, I am going to walk right back out. Now, admittedly, we may have different priorities: I do not long for human companionship when I get home from work each night, and my biological clock is not ticking like a bomb. My core life objectives do not include “get married” or “have kids”. I am deeply unwilling to settle for a so-so partner so I can achieve a wedding and a baby. The math may be different for people who have other priorities, can’t speak for them.
    I can’t emphasize enough that internalizing a victim role is like swallowing a poison. It spreads through everything you do and say, and while you may not think it shows outwardly, it is very perceptible to others and no one wants to explore romantic possibilities with someone who’s mired in a victim mindset, especially when that person views women as the perpetrators of that victimhood. It’s not too much to say that it’s a survival instinct for women.
    Your current situation isn’t women’s fault. It’s not the app’s fault. It’s no one’s fault, it’s just what it is. What’s more fundamental is changing your self-perception from “damaged goods” to something that doesn’t need outside validation to become whole. A huge part of attractiveness is finding another person who is already mostly complete, so when you team up you just augment each other. Few people want to get into a relationship where they’re aware going in that the other person is looking for them to make up their shortcomings, because that means the other person has identified their own shortcomings and basically gone “eh, I don’t want to work on this, I’m going to outsource the work and emotional burden of this onto someone else”. Run screaming from these people.
    And that’s me off my soapbox. Well, except to say that the VacayBoo is a guy I met at a professional event, so get offline when you can. It probably helped that I was not remotely thinking about finding a boyfriend at the time (I was actually trying to con someone out of event swag), and we just had a normal conversation that turned into dinner (which, by the way, I thought was just a convenient “let’s meet up and eat” and then he showed up wearing a button-down and I’m in a hoodie like some sort of vagrant). So - as annoying as this advice sounds, just get out there and talk to people.
  22. Like
    ms.sss reacted to Bigpants in Demolished wall   
    4 months and 1 week post op
    I can’t believe how good I feel and to think 106lbs lost
    Here are some pics

  23. Congrats!
    ms.sss reacted to DanaC84 in Non Scale Victories   
    My new super cute rain boots were just delivered and they fit over my calves!!!

  24. Haha
    ms.sss reacted to BigDaddy BGP in So Who do You Look Like?   
    So, the one without the hat is me...the other one is Rob Lundquist of the acapella group Home Free...I don't really see any resemblance...LOL

  25. Haha
    ms.sss reacted to insta_adventurer in So Who do You Look Like?   

    I have no idea what they’re talking about! 😂😂

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