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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. 3+ years out and i still have days when I forget to eat. Once I realized its already 3pm and i haven’t eaten yet, I was STARVING. So here is my way too big, 474 calorie salad. Eating it now and anticipate that I’ll likely get through at about a 1/3 of it.
  2. Sure, im game…i’ve been gaining and losing the same 5 lbs for over 2 months now!
  3. ms.sss

    Soup and Drinking

    Ah soup, how i miss eating it the “normal” way. I’m 3+ years post op and i still have to eat soup in stages: first slurp up all the liquid/broth, then I eat all the solid bits. If I don’t, i’m guaranteed to get super full, super fast and likely barf. BUT…I’ve read of folks on here who have no issue having soup with liquid and solid at same time. Best way to find out is to try. But go slow if you tend to be a barfer like me! Good Luck! ❤️
  4. I went ultra-low carb (20g net carbs a day), but I’m not vegetarian so it would’ve been easier for me. This was not my prescribed program, i chose to do this on my own (and fully disclosed it to my NUT). I didn’t eat any fruit during weight loss phase save for the occasional berry (least amount of sugar in the fruit family). But i do now at 3+ years post op. You can try google-ing Vegetarian Keto for some food/recipe ideas, but i think that so soon after surgery you may not reach your bariatric protein requirements and stay below your maintenance calories to be true Keto. So maybe a modified version of it?
  5. ms.sss

    End goal weight

    My doc had a goal of 60% excess weight loss, which was 175 lbs. I chose the mid-point of “normal” BMI range for my height: 120 lbs. I ended up revising my goal and ceased weight loss efforts at 127 because I felt I was looking too gaunt when I reached that number. Am 3+ years post op now and weighed 117.2 this morning. My insignificant opinion is to set a reasonable goal weight and adjust as necessary given how you feel, how YOU think you look, and the efforts you are willing to put in. Good Luck! ❤️
  6. ms.sss

    My Face Is Broken!

    Yep. Further, at 9 months post-op, I renewed my passport early (2 years before it was set to expire) because it was getting annoying/stressful having to explain that i was in fact me at airports. Im 3+ yrs post op now and a few months ago, I renewed my driver’s license and its nice to not have to explain my appearance to the people at the liquor store when I get carded. Though getting carded at all is an NSV in itself cuz im like 50 years old. Lol. Congrats, and enjoy the broken face!
  7. Dinnertime! Cucumbers tomatoes feta cheese anchovies and balsamic vinegar…yummers! Ate it all: 198 calories
  8. A mini charcuterie board, lol! grapes, carrots, peppered salami, jalapeño havarti, truffle cheddar, and plain old cheddar. With some blue cheese dip on the side (i looooove blue cheese): 367 calories. Totally intend to eat it all while i binge watch my latest series du jour (Outlander, lol…dont judge me!)
  9. Yuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy
  10. Ahhh this just reminded me…back when i was still taking vitamins, i too would get nauseous if i took them on an empty stomach…so i started burying them in a tbsp of greek yogurt. Worked well for me.
  11. I didn’t really eat any fruit during weight loss phase save for the occasional berry when i got closer to goal. I did eat some veggies (kale, lettuce, spinach) but only if i had room after eating my protein…which didn’t happen very often. The only dairy i ate during weight loss phase was cottage cheese and plain greek yogurt…and if I remember correctly I didn’t start eating these until about month 5 (i’m lactose intolerant). And finally, I actually didn’t follow my prescribed program. They wanted me to be at 1200 cals by month 3, with a macro split of 50%~25%~25% of low-glycemic veggies, protein, and starches respectively. I got nowhere close to that. I came up with my own program through research and trial and error. I did tell my NUt about what i was doing, and while she did tur-tut me about maybe eating more, she wasn’t overly concerned (especially since my labs always came back satisfactorily) and was actually always the first one to rave about my weight loss progress. So, go figure. ***And again, i want to stress to any readers of this to do your due diligence and consults with professionals before embarking on any drastic food intake changes. This worked for me. It may or may not work for you.
  12. Yeah, i went ultra low throughout the 7 months of weight loss phase, for me, that meant under 20g NET carbs per day (i don’t count fibre nor sugar alcohols). For about a year into maintenance, I just went “regular” low-carb at about 50~60g net daily. Now, while I do still keep track of my daily carb amounts, I don’t try to stick to any limits or anything…I track mostly for data collection and future analysis (yeah im nerdy like that, lol). In terms of calorie consumption, here are the averages during MY weight loss phase…. NOTE: my calorie intake is on the low side compared to others I’ve read on here. I do not recommend anyone do as I do without a consultation with a medical professional. It worked for me…and may or may not work for you. 2 week liquid pre-op diet: 600-900 cals (I had either 2 or 3 protein shakes a day) First 2 weeks post op: 50 cals a day (no joke…surprised I didn’t keel over and die) Week 3 to Month 3: 300-400 a day Months 4-5: 400-600 a day Months 6-7: 600-800 a day Months 8-12…worked up to 1500 Year 2: 2200+ a day (this was my peak exercise/activity period) Year 3: 1800-2100 a day Now (in year 4): 1600-2000 a day, but mostly stay around 1800.
  13. 5’2” female (was 46 yrs old when I had my surgery in 2018); 235 lbs at the start of my 2wk pre-op diet. weight lost as follows: 2 week liquid pre-op diet: 11.8 lbs Month 1: 22.2 lbs Month 2: 15.8 lbs Month 3: 13.2 lbs Month 4: 11.1 lbs Month 5: 10.3 lbs Month 6: 12.5 lbs Month 7: 9.0 lbs (Reached Goal by this point…127 lbs) Months 8-12: 15-ish lbs more. Today at 3+ years out, I have maintained +/- 5lbs of 115 lbs since, and managed to stay below goal weight the entire time. My average calories to maintain changes as my activity levels change, but for the past several months I average about 1800 cals a day with moderate exercise. I weighed 116.6 lbs this morning. I used to be ultra-low carb, but now I eat pretty much whatever I feel for..though in smallish amounts.
  14. I’m not a breakfast eater. Never was, even pre-op. I wake up around 6-7 am every day and my first solid food intake is not until after noon (I do drink a thermos of black coffee in the AM though, about 500ml over a couple hours) I also do not eat 3 meals a day. I basically graze from noon to about 7-8 pm usually. I normally end up consuming 1800-2000 cals during this period. While I realize there will be many arguments against this, I’ve maintained my current weight +/- 5lbs for over 2.5 years this way. we will all have different ways of operating in varying degrees of success. I say do whatever works that doesn’t give you angst. ❤️
  15. ms.sss

    Taming Cravings

    I give myself 30-60 mins to change my mind. if I want something that has disproportionately high calories, or if I want something soon after I just ate, I’ll wait a little bit (usually timed on my watch), and if I still want it, then fine, I’ll have it. But I’ve found that more often than not, I don’t want it after the “waiting period”.
  16. Of course. Recipe is below…you can sub some or all of the sugar with a low cal sweetener (I sometimes use swerve or monk fruit…me nor fam can tell the difference). The original recipe actually called for almost double the amount of sugar/sweetener that I’m using below…I have made this a number of times with varying amounts of sugar to find what we think is “sweet enough”…so you like it sweeter, just add more sugar in any of the various elements. Also, here are a couple pics of ones I’ve made before for reference of what it looks like before cut into…yum, right?!?! Lol Recipe here: Strawberry Meringue Cake.pdf P.s.I’ve also subbed the strawberries with peaches, chocolate, and lemon curd, all quite successful…but strawberries remain our fave. p.p.s. …and can swap out the almonds for basically any nut..I added some ground sesame seeds last time and it was delicious.
  17. ms.sss


    First, may I suggest shopping around for a new therapist? Your therapist’s advice to just “think about all the good things” you’ve got going seems very un-therapeutic to me; he/she sounds like they want you to push down your feelings instead of exploring them…? Which seems odd advice to be dispensed by a therapist. I dunno… Second, nobody says you have to go through the surgery if you don’t feel ready. You can sit on it, talk it out with a (hopefully, different) therapist or a trusted friend, maybe deal with other life stressors first, etc. In the meantime, you can also vent it out here if it helps alleviate the alone-ness feeling…you will find many in your same situation, and many others who went through it to the other side. Hugs & Good luck ❤️
  18. So I was curious and went into MFP to find out what my diet has been consisting of recently. I pulled up the data for the last 30 days and was (sorta, kinda) shocked to see that the majority of my calories came from Liquor, Cookies and Popcorn 😳 #YIKES. These items were also the highest in frequency consumed. With an average of 1700 calories a day. I suppose my salads were so few in calories that they just didn't make the Top 10??? Does this mean I drink more martinis than I eat salads??? #DOUBLEYIKES While my weight has been rock-solid-stable for the past 30 days (well, for the past 2 years, really), seeing this report has spurred me to clean up my diet. Thanks, MFP. Soooo...for curiosity and accountability's sake, what have y'all been eating the past month???? P.S. I'm 5'2", 116.9 lbs this morning, and 3 years out from sleeve surgery.
  19. I make a mean strawberry meringue cake (technically a Dacquoise, but i feel like “dacquoise” just doesn’t sound yummy, lol)…layers of nut meringue between layers of a whipped cream-mascarpone mixture and strawberries. It’s actually quite easy to make, but the baking/resting of the meringue takes forever. I wasn’t able to take a big of the whole thing before the fam dove into it, but my slice will have to do. Oh, and that’s 1/3 of a dulce de ledge churro in the bowl: 307 calories. I are the churro and about 1/2 the cake slice, because I had put the bowl down to take a break and someone came by and gobbled it up cuz he assumed I was done. I hate when he does that. 🙄
  20. ms.sss

    Losing My Hair!

    It’s pretty much a given you will lose some or lots of hair. There are some who report they haven’t, but I think they are in the minority. But it’s also pretty much a given that it all grows back eventually (I have yet to read anyone report that they are 2+ years out and still have hair loss). I had cut my hair into a pixie cut around 3-4 months post op to lessen the thinning look and save my vacuum from having to suck up so much hair everywhere! Lol. I’m 3+ years post op now and my hair is just past my shoulders and just as full (if not fuller) than it was pre-op. It sucks, but it’s temporary. It won’t always be this way. Good luck! ❤️
  21. ms.sss

    Cranky, and irritable with my spouse

    I realize this is an older thread, but i’m with @The Greater Fool on this one. Just because it comes “easy” doesn’t mean it is isn’t real / deserved / worthy / earned. If I get an A in Math without studying, is my A not really an A because my classmate stayed up all night most nights this semester to get the same A? If I had the best trainers and access to facilities growing up, with an small army of people to support me, is my gold medal at the Olympics not really a gold medal? ….and if I lost weight with the help of WLS, or plastics, or whatever, am I not really skinny? Spoiler alert: I am.
  22. ms.sss


    Love it!! Congratulations! ❤️❤️❤️
  23. One of MANY salads I’ve been consuming of late in an effort to get back down to 115. Though my love of blue cheese is getting in the way, lol!! The blue cheese and blue cheese dressing makes up like half the calories of this thing! Whatever….it’s delicious. Am eating this as we speak while I catch up on on all the “Below Deck” season 9 episodes I missed. I’ll eat whatever I don’t finish later. 587 calories for the whole thing:
  24. ms.sss

    cottage cheese

    I totally googled it and realized I’ve had this before and loved it…just didn’t know what it was called. I’m def gonna make an attempt at this next week!
  25. So the family has been bugging me about my alcohol consumption since Covid started. Full disclosure, prior to the new year, I was drinking as least 2 (sometimes 3, on rare occasions 4) drinks A DAY. Either an espresso martini or red wine. So to get them off my back, and prove to myself I could do it, I agreed to cut down to no more than one one a day for a month. I thought this would be a piece of cake, but lol and behold, I ended up non-compliant the first 2 days. Mostly because I “forget” that I am on a mission. So on day 3, I put a sticky note on the vodka bottle when I have a drink to remind me I already had a drink that day….and I tell Mr. so he can remind me at dinner if I absently reach for the wine. Since doing this the past 3 days, it’s been working. When I quit smoking (again) last year (I had quit for 10+ years, went on a vacay in 2019 where I accepted an offered cigarette, and just like that, I was smoking again). And my quitting attempts last spring was also thwarted by me “forgetting “ that I was trying to quit. So I tossed all my lighters, got rid of my outdoor ashtrays and told EVERYONE I was trying to quit, and asked to remind me if I forget , but not to enforce me (cuz I know that will just piss me off), as I want to make the decisions myself. I’ve mostly stopped since about April 2021, but I admit I’ve had maybe 10-15 in the past 9-ish months….which is a heck of a lot better than 10-15 A DAY. Final examples: I log everything I eat. Having a running total of my calories, has a bit of influence on my food choices at the end of the day. I weigh myself every day…so I am aware if my weight starts to move from its happy place. Just a couple other “reminders” for me to keep myself in check. This approach may not work for everyone, but I seem to have moderate success with it. Anyway…this was my long winded attempt to suggest you try to find what it is that works for you and what doesn’t (either on your own or with the help of a therapist), and make efforts to implement this knowledge to achieve your goal(s). You may not be perfect, and that’s ok, small changes for the better are better than non at all. Good Luck! ❤️

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