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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. ms.sss


    Wow, being discussed so thoroughly seems oddly unsettling (?) @SteveT74, thanks for taking the time to write all this, I can tell you have put a lot of thought and research into your posts. As someone who to tends to lose hours reading about subjects that interest me as well as take pride in composing a well thought out essay/email/argument/post-it note, I can appreciate your efforts. To be clear, both my nutritionist and surgeon (and while i'm at it my PCP) are satisfied with my progress so far (despite my NUT preferring that I up my calories). I'm sure they think I could be doing even better, like more calories, more exercise, more sleep, less salt, less special-occasion alcohol, less Perrier (my nemesis!) etc, but for now they are cool with what I'm doing. Come three months from now, they may advise me differently, and thats cool too...I could very well be in a different position to better address that, then.
  2. ms.sss

    hope I don't chicken out

    I'm nearing 50 (turning 47 this year), and I chickened out TWICE in the year and a half before I finally went through with it last fall. The "chickening" is probably one of my bigger regrets. It really served no purpose other than to allow me to gain another 15 lbs during that time, and to further delay getting to where needed to be. Good Luck!
  3. ms.sss


    Like others have stated above, everyone will have a different recipe for what works for them. What works for one, may not work for the other. With that said, I watch/track calories and carbs (and protein, fibre, fat). These were two goals my nutritionist set for me, which I consider my primary daily goals (I don't always meet them, but I do the majority of the time): 70g protein minimum 2.5L water, the more the better. The next two I set for myself: Net carbs under 20g. Fat, I put a limit of 20-30g (but this is the most flexible macro I watch/track). I have noticed that if I take in more fat over consecutive days, my bathroom regularity improves. I end up averaging about 500 cals a day*. * I know this sounds like a small amount of cals, but I don't feel deprived nor starving...primarily due to the restriction of my sleeve (sometimes I think my surgeon may not have meant to make it this size, but whatevs, I'll take it). I am physically satisfied with the amounts I eat at meals. My nutritionist last month said she would like to see me take in more calories, but not to force it, if I can't. I'm sure I could choose more fatty, high-carb foods to do this, but honestly, I don't want to. In any case, both she and my surgeon were satisfied with my progress. P.S. I am also only 5'1".
  4. ms.sss

    Buying clothe

    I've slowing been going through my "skinnier clothes" that I've kept over the years (in case I lost weight of course!), and piling up the clothes I'm sizing out off on one side of my closet. I'm planning to sell the good items to a thrift shop, and the not-so-good ones are going into the donation bin. I don't want to keep them if only as a symbolic gesture that I will never need them ever again. As for going through my skinny clothes, they are depleting and there are only size 6's left in my stash, which I can't fit into comfortably yet. I haven't done any major shopping, just underwear and bras, and SOCKS. However, I do plan on doing some serious shopping soon as I need some summer clothes and some new shoes (my feet have shrunk 1.5 sizes!)...kinda excited
  5. ms.sss

    Swelling legs and feet

    Probably a better question would be, "What didn't swell up before surgery?". Feet, ankles, calves, knees, elbows, wrists, fingers...all swell-free now.
  6. Ah, a fellow Canadian 🍁 I also eschewed socks before (they made my feet sweat!) If I wore them out, I would take them off as soon as I got home. Now they are my bffs. Being cold afterwards is pretty common, I understand, but everyone tolerates it differently...your hobbit feet may be OK au naturel.
  7. I'm a couple days past my 5 month mark. I had my labs done last month (around mid-feb), and all was good except I was a little high on B12...so they asked me to reduce the frequency of taking my B12 vites, that's about it. I remember reading somewhere that body temp goes down during active weight loss phases, but I can't be sure...I'll have to go do some research on that later to confirm...
  8. Yeah, being cold is annoying. But I have to say I prefer it over being so hot all the time. Before, the slightest exertion would result in me being a hot, sweating mess. Then I'd be all flustered about being sweaty and then end up sweating some more. *sigh* So now socks are a fixture on my feet (I only see my feet now when I shower!), and I drink hot water all day. I want to say it has gotten slightly better, but it may just be because the weather is getting warmer. *shrugs*
  9. I can tell you that getting into and out of a laying down position will be difficult/painful. Do ask your doctor if you should be doing the exercises though...
  10. I can totally see the difference! I can see that your neck, shoulders and jawline have slimmed down congrats! Yay you!
  11. ms.sss

    Asking advice!

    The 4 people I told about my WLS don't watch, nor really care, what I eat or don't eat. However, the gazillion other people who I didn't tell, do. People (including strangers) seem to feel the need to question/comment on/judge my food choices (or lack thereof). That, or they will continually offer or encourage me to eat more of whatever happens to be on the table. I figure people are somehow uncomfortable when other's don't eat? In short, the food police are everywhere.
  12. It's normal to feel c-c-c-c-old after surgery and have the need to wear sweaters/socks/blankets All. The. Time. Side note: I am the only one in my hot yoga class who wears socks and long sleeves to class. Sometimes I even keep my yoga jacket on for the first half of it.
  13. ms.sss

    Asking advice!

    This. While at first I didn't mind the attention, because really, I was feeling myself and I was happy that others were noticing what I saw. But now, it seems my weight loss seems to dominate the conversations, and yes, it has become uncomfortable and annoying. It's no longer, "Hi! How are you?", it is now "Hi! So how much weight have you lost now?" I find the need to continually change the subject to something else.
  14. Wow, thanks for the info and pics...the transformation is AMAZING!! I'm about 25 lbs to goal, and hopefully will be following in your footsteps soon after! So long, batwings!
  15. ms.sss

    Non Scale Victories

    Ok, this is an odd one, but I'll take it: Since losing the weight, I find (and so does Mr., as I needed a second opinion, lol) that I am no longer in need for deodorant. I'm not sure if it's because my diet is different, or because I am always cold and no longer as hot as I used to be, but it is what it is. Though even after working out, and getting all sweaty, upon close inspection, I still manage to avoid smelling "ripened". Go figure. Again, I'll take it.
  16. ms.sss

    I Got The "Foamies" Today

    I get them when I eat too fast. Never fails.
  17. Jumped up on the surgical table around noon on a Wednesday and then got picked up to go home around noon the next day.
  18. ms.sss

    Loss Reports

    First, the obligatory disclaimer: remember that everyone is different and will have different weight loss rates. Age, starting weight, genetics, height, complications all factor in to each person's weight loss rates. Second, a thought: Instead of just total units lost, probably a more telling statistic would be maybe BMI (which factors in height), or Percentage of Total Body Weight Lost (but this doesn't take into account lean muscle changes...), or Percentage of Inches Lost in certain areas of body measurements (but everyone carries their weight differently...) Lastly: Anyhoo, with that said, we are human after all, and we can't help but compare and be curious: ** Note that I am on the vertically-challenged side of 5' 1" ** Highest weight: 235.0 lbs (10-Oct-2018) BMI: 44.4 (morbidly obese) Surgery weight: 223.2 lbs (24-Oct-2018) Today's weight: 148.8 lbs (26-Mar-2019, 5 months + 2 days post op) BMI: 28.1 (overweight) % of Body Weight Lost: 36.7% (-86.2 lbs) % of inches lost chest: 25.0% (-12.0") % of inches lost waist: 28.7% (-12.5") % of inches lost hips: 22.2% (-11.0") ** Yes, I keep track of EVERYTHING. You should see my spreadsheet **
  19. I broke 150 lbs today!!!!

    150 lbs has been my wall for the past 15 years.  I've dieted down to the low 150s 3 times only to regain what I lost and more. 

    I am now officially 149.7 lbs as of this morning.  Yay me!

    1. Orchids&Dragons



    2. GreenTealael



  20. Tonight, I swallowed my semi-horse-pill-sized multi-vitamin without wanting to hurl!

    So long, expensive chewable multi-vitamin, from now I can buy the cheaper, tablet vites at Costco.

    Next: try to swallow the actual horse-pill-sized calcium pills without wanting to hurl....

  21. Well, at least I didn't gain weight!

    So mini-break road trip over, and while I did drink a little too much wine, AND did not meet my daily water intake goals, AND did not meet my protein goals, AND ate much later into the night than I normally do, AND went over my daily 20g net carb limit EVERY DAY, I still managed to lose 0.7 lbs.  Lol, I'll take it.  I'm just relieved the scale did not move upwards 😎

  22. In Day 1 of road-tripping mode so I will be away from the scales (both body and food scales) for the next week.  Aiming to make good choices and so far day 1 has been a-ok.  Am a little stressy about not being able to weigh myself though....

  23. Another interim weight loss goal reached: I now weigh less than Mr.!!! This morning I weighed in at 156.4 😁

    (Mind you, I've reached below his weight the last 3 times I dieted, but I have a good feelings about this time, and that it will stick 😎).

    Next interim weight loss goal: Break into the 140's...

    1. GreenTealael


      Congratulations 👑

  24. I am now in the 150's.

    159.7 lbs, to be exact.

    The 150's has historically been my weight loss nemesis.  In the past 15 years, I've dieted down to the 150's three times only to gain back what I lost and more.  So getting under 150 will be a huge symbolic accomplishment for me, and in my mind solidify that I can get to goal.

    Here's looking to lose the next 10-ish pounds!!

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