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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. Last night's Dinner: Strawberry, Fig, Candied-Pistachio, Cucumber, Feta Salad with a low-cal homemade Sesame Vinegrette. (the fam had it with a high-cal Honey-Lime Vinegrette, Lol) It was a low protein, high carb salad, but was so yum. I ate it all! (over 1.5 hours though lol)
  2. This is very true. During weight loss, I would also eat until I was full (or finished my portioned meal, whichever came first), but it still took me waaaaaay longer than 30 minutes to do either.
  3. If I did this, I would be eating basically nothing!
  4. Good point. I would also assume that there are a lot more plastic surgeons per capita in L.A than Toronto...
  5. ms.sss

    Big Goals

  6. ms.sss

    Non Scale Victories

    Me too! Yay, us!
  7. Speaking for me, I'm done with the losing (I'm currently in an attempts to STOP the weight loss). And since my surgery is still months away, I hopefully and getting a built-in "stable" period, which btw, none of those I spoke to had any requirement of. Interestingly, all 4 of them seemed to be more concerned (if anything) with continued weight loss rather than potential weight gain as something that would affect the results of the procedure.
  8. Yes. The good ones are booked up far in advance, apparently. My surgeon's office originally gave me a March 2020 date! The patient co-ordinator told me they were actually contemplating opening up a few more days in December that morning, and would put me on the first opened up day if one did. On the day I called in to place my deposit, 4 more days were opened up in December and I was able to get in on one. I really lucked out on the appointment front with this surgeon. 🤞🏼 P.S. I also asked to be put on a cancellation list if by chance anyone cancels/postpones their surgery, I would be offered it.
  9. I ended up going with a surgeon who has an extensive resume in "post-bariatric body contouring". The fact that he has done so many of these types of surgeries makes me feel more at ease. I saw endless before and after pics. He was able to advise me on aspects of the different surgeries that the other 3 surgeons I consulted with did not even mention. And he was the only one who advised me of a program on how I can apply to have insurance to cover a portion of the surgeries. The others only told me that my surgery was not covered by any insurance. So yeah, I think it's a good thing to go with someone who's been around the block a few times. I had actually already decided on another surgeon because this one didn't have a consult available until end of July. But then a space opened up and I decided to take it, and am glad I did. Going with this surgeon actually meant I had to push my date to December (his earliest opening), from my original plan of August, but I'm okay with it. I believe I'll be in better hands.
  10. LOL, 1 in the Kid's tummy, 2 in Mr.'s tummy and 1 in mine. (the rest in the fridge...unless they ate more for breakfast this morning...)
  11. honestly, i don't know!! i had forgot to spray with avocado oil before filling the pan, but they still came out nicely... (i scooped them out with a bowl scraper immediately out of the oven...maybe that helped??...or maybe because i put the cheese in first and then followed with the egg mixture??...or maybe it was magic after all...mwha-ha-ha-ha)
  12. First meal of the day: Mini crustless quiche, or, as the Kid said: "Oh. So like an omelette." 🙄 106 cals, 2g carbs, 9g protein per serving. I ate one and was almost over-full.
  13. Ok....so there may be a such a thing as too much Chia. So last night I had 95g of my protein-powder-shake based pudding with pumpkin seeds (calcuated 12.2g of fibre) and since I woke up this morning my stomach has been making the pre-diarrhea sounds and "movements". Yikes. Good thing the washroom is like 15 feet from my desk....
  14. Ooooh...going to try this with some leftover tuna I have in the fridge....
  15. So I went to a wedding last night and definitely consumed more calories than I ever had since before my 2-week pre-op diet.  I didn't have a scale nor labels to scan, so I estimated everything in MFP, and logged in about 2000 calories.  I didn't really eat much, so most of this was comprised of booze (red wines and gin & sodas) and 3 spoonfuls of creme brûlée.

    Well, either I over-exerted myself with all the dancing, or I was drunker than I planned, or I possibly experienced my second-ever dumping episode (I say possibly because I'm still not sure the first one I had was really dumping nor am I positive that last night was one either...).  I was sweating at the level of my pre-op days, and barfed for like 15 minutes.  Luckily, I felt sooo much better after the barfing that I got to enjoy the rest of the night, so all was not completely lost.

    I have another wedding to go to this month, and will do better.  Pinky swear. 


    1. Purpledva


      Hey Ms.sss,

      You are human and you enjoyed yourself. I am glad that you were able to identify the problem and you were ok. Yites!!!! Another wedding? You will do just fine...….Pink Swear.

  16. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    Maintainers: Do you still see your nutritionist/dietician? Do you still get your labs done periodically?
  17. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    I was hoping that the feeling of being cold would go away once the weight stabilized . P.S. Just visited your profile and saw that pic of you in front of the horseshoe...you look like a skinny robert di nero!
  18. ms.sss

    Progress pictures

    I see a huge difference too Yay, you!
  19. ms.sss

    June 2019 challenge

    a long time ago a trainer said to aim to keep my weight over my heels and to look straight ahead, if that helps...
  20. First meal of the day: Oven roasted broccoli & garlic slices with leftover grilled chicken chunks and some shaved parmesan...No leftovers!
  21. Love that this pic matches your profile pic!!
  22. I'm not super far out (7.5 months), but I track every thing. Haven't missed a day (or meal) since surgery. But I'm one of those spreadsheet-loving, data-farming, trend-spotting people, so it's right up my alley. I don't see me stopping any time soon, because 1) It keeps me honest 2) the data collected can be valuable for future trouble shooting 3) I kinda love doing it.
  23. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    3 more weeks, and this contract is done, then back to working from home for me too! I intend to leave the pilot light to the fireplace ON this summer....

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