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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  2. ms.sss


    If it makes you feel any better (hopefully), you have really long curly hair (according to your profile pic ♥️), so it probably looks much worse than it really is when you see it in your hand cuz your hair takes up more volume per strand. It'll get better later!
  3. I'm loving all these before and after pics this morning ♥️. Gives me all the feels ♥️ Congrats on getting halfway to goal so quickly...such a transformation already You look awesome!
  4. Nice! Your waist is shrinking! Great job, lady
  5. wow. you look badass. 235 lbs lost! crazy!!! congrats to all your work!!!
  6. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    EXERCISE. I'm assuming that the long term successful maintainers have some sort of exercise routine incorporated into their lives. How much of it do you do now, and what do you do? Tips? I know that the loose skin is a fact of life now, but have you noticed any firming up of the post weight-loss sag? It's crazy that I actually like getting up and about and moving now. I feel like something is missing on those rare days when I don't at least get my daily 6k walk in. This morning I went for 10k and actually RAN the last 2k!! Madness. I do need to invest is some tighter clothes though as I can feel myself "jiggling" in the back...that and my pants kept slipping down over my butt.
  7. ms.sss


    Yeah, the hair loss sucks. But barring any huge nutritional deficiencies it will come back. Painfully slowly, but it will eventually. I chopped all my hair off in month 3 cuz i was shedding EVERYWHERE. It’s still falling out a bit, but I do notice it’s not in such large quantities anymore, so im hoping the shedding phase is nearing its end and the regrowth will start already! Hang in there, it will get better eventually.
  8. ms.sss

    wisdom my from drunk bff

    I thought maybe YOU were drunk...read the title of this thread. LOL 😂
  9. ms.sss

    Opinions please

    @anaxila, if its not too much to ask, would you mind posting a pic of your arm and scar? I am scheduled for an arm lift myself in December. I know I scar easily and take a long time to heal, but like you, I don't care about the resulting scar as much as I care about ridding myself of these bat wings of mine (I had a breast reduction 15 years ago, and the scars are still visible, but I prefer them over the disproportionally large breasts I had back then any day). Anyhoo, I'm curious what a 2 year old scar looks like. I understand if you are uncomfortable with posting a pic, so no pressure if you don't want to! ♥️
  10. ms.sss

    Opinions please

    I agree with the other posters, the decision to get plastics should be based on your opinion alone. You need to do what makes you feel awesome, not what other's think. P.S. if i read correctly, you had an arm lift in 2010? If so, the absence of scars on your arms are pretty impressive!
  11. ms.sss

    Relief for fullness

    Slow it waaaaaaaaay down. You could try to take a bite or two, put your fork down, wait 10 minutes. If after the 10 minutes you feel any fullness/tightness in your your stomach or chest, wait another 10 minutes, if not, take another one or two bites. Rise and repeat until you finish your pre-portioned out meal OR when 20 minutes have gone by and you still have fullness/tightness, whichever comes first. I know this sounds tedious, but it may help you avoid the pain of overeating, and allow you to learn your body's new tolerance levels. Hopefully, once you get to know your cues and limits, you will be better able to navigate at a higher speed limit. P.S. It still takes me a relatively long time to eat my meals at 8 months out. I learned that my stomach seems to fill up on smallish amounts of food, so I need to wait for it to digest or whatever before I put more in it. If I don't, I will start to hurt and possibly barf. And I hate hurting and barfing, so I do what I can to avoid it....i.e., eating slowly.
  12. ms.sss

    Lifestyle changing new food discoveries

    I put the noodles in a strainer and run water over them (for like forever)...do you have a tip to make the rinsing more effective??? I feel like I'm wasting some much water rinsing this stuff!
  13. ms.sss

    Food Intake

    I'm almost 8 months out and I'm still not eating that many calories (i'm barely reaching 900, not for lack of trying). You are about 1 month out..at that stage MyFitnessPal tells me I was doing 300-400. (but i remember I was going through a food aversion thing though) Also, I have been able to drink well over 2L (67.6oz) since month 2... We all have different needs, you will learn what works for you and what doesn't. So long as your labs/checkups come back good, you feel good and are losing weight and/or inches, then you are golden. If one or more aren't, adjust as necessary. EDIT: forgot to add a disclaimer, that this works for me, and may or may not work for others, and also I am not advocating to ignore your medical professionals, just a reminder to listen/pay attention to our bodies, as well as our medical professionals, and make informed decisions based on the information you gather from all
  14. ms.sss

    Lifestyle changing new food discoveries

    Ooooh this is a good idea. I always dry them with paper towels, but this is a way better idea (and saves on paper towels ). Thanks!
  15. I delayed my process twice. The first time for 6 months, the second time for 2 months. I just wasn't ready at the time. When I finally committed to go ahead with it, I never looked back. Best decision ever. Sorta wish I never delayed it those times, but like I said, I just wasn't ready yet. Sometimes the thought of something new/different keeps us staying put, sometimes the thought of things staying the same makes us move in a direction . Weigh your options and do what is best for you. More of the same, or a stab at something else? Good luck!
  16. ms.sss

    Weight-loss funnies

    Am behind on laundry this week, so it was slim pickings in the closet this morning and I had to settle on a pair of pants I haven't worn in about a month...granted, they were a little loose back then, but still wearable-ish, and when I put them on this morning, yeah, they were still loose, but it seemed OK to wear (they are a old-school size 8's, i.e., pre-vanity sizing). They. Just. Fell. Down. Luckily, no one was around to witness my humiliation, especially since the underwear I'm currently wearing is also about 3 sizes too big for me (like i said, I'm behind on laundry!). I need to buy new clothes.
  17. ms.sss

    Scar cream/oil?

    I think genetics plays a big part of it too...years ago when I had a breast reduction my surgeon told me I have hyper-pigmentation and that I will likely have scars that won't fade to my liking. He was right. Its been over 15 years and the scars are still visible...a lot better than before, but it took a while (1-2 years) to get to an acceptable level for me. Its been almost 8 months since my sleeve and my scars from that are still dark and raised. I knew it would be this way and I'm good with it. (Now that I'm getting plastics at the end of the year, I will probably end up looking like a verifiable Frankenstein naked. Mr. and the Kid suggest I get some tattoos not just as a cover up, but to increase my street cred. LOL)
  18. ms.sss

    Pounds lost

    Agreed. Some people can handle seeing the daily fluctuations and get on with their day, but for some others, that occasional 1/2 pound overnight gain causes anxiety and stress. Know what helps and what doesn't help you, and behave accordingly. I weigh myself every morning at the same time, wearing nothing at all. lol. Works for me
  19. ms.sss

    Weight-loss funnies

    *raises hand*
  20. ms.sss

    Hair loss

    Oh, I am brightened to read this. I am almost at 8 months and while I thought my hair loss stopped, I was sorely mistaken. While I love my short hair now (cut off in month 3 when I got sick of seeing my shed hair everywhere), I still would like the option to grow it out long again someday. I'm glad that yours came back after an extended period of loss...gives me something to hopefully look forward to myself.
  21. I was intrigued with the idea of greek cream cheese after reading all this and found this site with instructions to make your own Looks easy.... https://lifeshouldcostless.com/diy-how-to-turn-greek-yogurt-into-cream-cheese/
  22. ms.sss

    June 2019 challenge

    Wow! I see a difference, and you look great! Going to the gym is magic. LOL. Congrats!
  23. ms.sss

    Bad habits

    This was key for me. My mindset changed early on that parties/get-togethers were about the company and not about eating the food.
  24. ms.sss

    Carbonated drinks

    Earlier on, I could only drink a few sips of sparkling water at at time. It made me burp like crazy and I swear I could feel it travel through my stomach and intestines. Now (almost 8 months post op) I can drink sparkling water just fine, and in pre-op quantities. I suspect I do have issues drinking carbonated alcoholic drinks, but that is probably more because of the sugar content than the carbonation (a lesson I learned the hard way )

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
