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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. ms.sss


    Day 1 Arms done. (K, I’m gonna say it, the arm exercises are a tad on the easy side. Now, of course since I said it, I will likely soon find it gets exponentially harder) Did some butt exercises...I wasn’t sure how many reps to do for full effectiveness, so Mr. suggested I do a single exercise until I start to feel the burn, then do 10 more. I did 3 different exercises, and needless to say, my glutes are on fire. Here’s my sunny (Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦) pic. Actually had our holiday weekend BBQ yesterday, and ate waaay too much (comparatively) and am paying for it a little today. I probably had more carbs in one day yesterday than I did the entire past week, and today I’m feeling unnaturally bloated...my lower stomach feels rock hard. It’s like I have abs or something, lol. Maybe thats my secret to a firm tummy...Carbs! Sure would save $$$ in plastics.
  2. I get this from time to time. At first (about the first 1-3 months post op) I was all, "Cool! One less thing to worry about". Then around 4-5 months, I started to worry that I was going to do harm to my body and health and make myself sickly, so I would force myself to eat (which actually would make me sick). The more recent months though, I am more used to it and know that the feeling will pass and I will I'll feel like eating eventually, so I just wait it out. I do try to drink protein shakes at least when it happens though...and I always keep up with my vitamins (BUT: taking my multivitamin does make me a tad nauseous on an empty stomach so sometimes I'll skip it during these times, and just take the others.) On the bright side, this food aversion thing seem to happen less and less frequently and gets shorter in duration as time goes on
  3. ms.sss

    Almost 5 yrs out

    nu-uh. you look great!
  4. ms.sss

    Non Scale Victories

    I've noticed this too...i've noticed (and so has the fam) that I am so very chill post op. weird.
  5. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    omg i get this all the time or some variation of it..."I'm going to buy you a loaf of bread", "your stomach probably hates you right now, feed it", "here, take my dessert, you need it more than I do". people suck. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  6. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

  7. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    Right?!? On paper the numbers tell me I'm just fine. Geez.
  8. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    Ugh. Adults. Busybody Aunt types and those distant cousins you only see once year. 🙄 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
  9. Last night's dinner: Shrimp Ceviche #yum 140 cals, 29g protein, 8 net carbs. ATE IT ALL. Would have gone for seconds, but didn't want to risk it.
  10. ms.sss


    Ok, I didn't do the June challenge (out of sheer laziness, i admit), but will try to keep up on this one (I like the Instagram/photos aspect, and the focus on arm toning is intriguing. I'm a little skeptical that these exercises will have any positive effect on my surplus bat-wingy arm skin, but I'm down to get what muscle I do have toned up ) ========================= VSG: October 24, 2018, currently 8 months post up, in maintenance. Weight: 118.5 lbs July Goals: Keep weight stable-ish and maintain a BMI of no less than 22 Complete every single one of the arm challenges. Firm up my butt, lol. Not sure how to measure success on this one, but will do a bunch of squats, leg lifts and bridges anyway. Every. Day. Take pretty pictures. Here are some pics of my arm. They aren't so bad, if you ignore all that skin hanging underneath! Keeping my arm down helps tremendously . Lucky no one walked in to the washroom when I had my shirt off for the first shot.
  11. ms.sss

    The Nightmare of Dating

    *slow clap* well said.
  12. ms.sss

    June 2019 challenge

    O.M.G. Now there's a place to go!
  13. Worst. Dumping. Ever. Last. Night.

    So I thought I would throw caution to the wind and sample some of the fruit salad that my mom brought over for the fam. I dutifully portioned out 1/8 cup of the stuff.  I figured the sugar in the fruit may be in issue, but come on, 1/8 cup?  Barely a couple bites, should be fine.

    Before I could finish it, my heart started to feel like it was beating out of my chest.

    *** TMI Alert: continue reading at your own risk ***

    Ended up in the washroom barfing. And while I was barfing, I had to :70_poop:.  I was literally alternating ends to face the toilet until it felt like there was nothing left in my insides.  I swear more came out of me that I even put in it over the last 3 days.

    I laid down with my forehead on the cold bathroom floor tile for like 20 minutes afterwards to recuperate.  Then Mr. (my hero :1007_hearts:) carried me to the shower and helped me crawl into bed.

    So yeah, I'm feeling pretty shitty this AM.



    1. FluffyChix


      And on a lesser note: LOVE the NSV that he was able to pick you up off the floor and carry you to the shower! :) Um, hopefully NOT firemen's style! ;) haha

    2. Cheeseburgh


      How are you doing?

    3. ypease


      Yikes! I'm going to remember your experience. Fruit Salad....maybe not such a good idea.

    4. Show next comments  690 more
  14. My attempt at a healthy-ish high calorie snack! Chia pudding made with cashew milk and Isopure Dutch Chocolate protein powder + 1 tbsp peanut butter + 1 fl oz pumpkin seeds + blueberries... Ate almost all of it, save 2 or 3 (tea)spoonfuls that Mr. ate “just to have a taste”...
  15. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    I had an honest conversation with the Kid this evening. She told me how several people went up to her at a party we were at on the weekend and told her that I was now skinnier then she is (she is a 105lb 13-yr old) and that she should tell me to "stop losing weight" immediately. Indignation aside (I mean, what the eff are you talking to my daughter about?!?), I am not unaware that I am getting too thin for my liking. I asked her if she thought I was too thin, and she reluctantly said yes: that just last month I was looking "hot", but in the past couple weeks, I look like I lost 50 lbs all of a sudden or something. She and Mr. would be the last people on earth to comment on my looks in any sort of un-positive way (even when I was obese, gotta love em) so I'm taking this to heart more so than random party-goers. Ok. Regroup and Refocus time.
  16. ms.sss

    June 2019 challenge

    ooohhh that sound awesome on a day like this...!
  17. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    So I've been at this for a month now, and haven't found my groove yet. I am realizing that this is likely going to take much longer than I anticipated and the thought of it bums me out. Despite my efforts to stop the losses, I dropped a little over 9 lbs in the last month. Which is insane to me (I really shouldn't be surprised, so much of this process is just madness, really). People are starting to tell me that I am too skinny with actual worried looks on their faces. Which is another thing that shakes my head, because yeah, I may also think I am on the thinner side, but I still look pretty damn good, people. Geez. Here is what I've done so far: May 27 - June 04 increased to 1000 cals/day (from 600). This made me feel pretty icky for about a week as I think I was forcing myself to eat beyond what I could, so I went back down to 800. June 04 - Jun 11 decreased to 800/day (MFP says average 756/day) net carbs to 25g, but I didn't do this really, I think my carb-phobia was too strong. June 12 - Jun 18 increased to 900/day (MFP says average 845/day) consistently got to at least 25g net carbs June 19 to today 1000/day (MFP says average 891/day) aiming to hit 35g net carbs, but am really hovering around 25 still. Mr. says that my activity level is likely too much for the amount of calories I am taking in if I want to maintain and not lose. I do not want to reduce my activity because I think that's just dumb (plus i like it!). So that means more calories. Ugh. Am going to try to get my 1000 (without force!) for another week. I had stopped taking my protein shake as I seemed to be hitting my protein goals without it, but I think I'm going to add it back in on top of what I am already eating. That's another 110 cals...
  18. ms.sss

    Keto numbers

    I don't do Keto myself (I am just unable to get the amount of fat in that is required), but I did some research on it a while back. I found this site a good first step resource (before you get into the more detailed, science-y stuff) : https://www.ruled.me/start-here/
  19. ms.sss

    dumping syndrome...

    One or two bites of some dessert at Christmas (about 2 months post op). Was in the bathroom alternating between barfing, dry heaving and 💩-ing for approx 45 mins. And i’m not even a very-big-on-dessert-person in the first place! Horrible. I’ve had it probably 2 more times since (and I’m 8 months post op now). Mixed drinks and wedding cake were the probable causes those times.
  20. Sugar. If I eat something with too much of it, or too much of something with it in it, my heart will race and I will feel pretty icky for a while. Sometimes I may feel nauseous and barf, other times I'll need to poop immediately.
  21. keep on truckin', 7 months is still such a short period of time of your weight loss phase. you have many more months to succeed even more. you are doing awesome. and it totally shows.
  22. @GreenTealael: did the GERD come on gradually/or at a later time? Or did you suffer from it immediately after (or before?) surgery? ...and sorry you are going through it. sucks.
  23. ms.sss

    For those eating under 1000 calories

    Ah, yeah, I didn't look at how far out you were! Yep, like @notmyname, at 3 months, I was having a protein shake a day (each one had 25g of protein)
  24. ms.sss

    For those eating under 1000 calories

    For the past 3-4 weeks, I have been able to get my 60-70 g of protein from regular food each day. There may have been 3-4 days during that time period when I had a shake on a given day where I didn't reach my protein goal by dinnertime and downed a shake to make up for it.
  25. ms.sss

    For those eating under 1000 calories

    I'm aiming to be at 1000/day but more often than not, end up below it. Yesterday I got over 1000, but Saturday I did not, so here is what I ate that day. Note that "Breakfast" was at 12:30pm, and "Lunch" was 5:00pm. I was at a party for that second meal, and had prepared to eat lots but it didn't happen. Ended up 688 cals that day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
