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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ms.sss

  1. @FluffyChix, thanks for your sharing your point of view, its interesting to see your thought processes. I agree that the menu on this specific day was not ideal. Luckily these types of eating days are not the norm and come few and far between. Also, not sure about the anorexic categorization based on this one day's attempt to curb the snacking? Though in the end the conclusion was that snacking is needed anyway, so maybe this point is moot. Going to post yesterday's menu now, which is what I think is my happy medium... P.S. I also agree with you that I need to stop eating so late, its a bad habit I picked up on a vacation last month. I have been staying up longer now just to digest my food so I go to bed on a relatively empty stomach. Bedtime has consistently been about 2 or 3am for the past few weeks. I get up around 8am, so am not getting enough sleep, and am pretty tired by late afternoon (which Mr. thinks is why I have been gravitating towards sugar at the end of the day). A vicious cycle all of my own making! Need to work on that...
  2. So I used to get sick with my multivitamin when I took it on an empty stomach. Do you take yours with food? It may help...
  3. ms.sss


    Heading to the office for an afternoon meeting...while I did enjoy comfortably wearing summer clothing for the fist time in a loooong time this year, am now reunited with my true love: FALL. I heart fall clothing
  4. ms.sss


    From the album: ms.sss OOTDs

    © ms.sss

  5. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    oops, i can't edit this post anymore but I meant to type 0 carbs.
  6. 5'2", ♀️10m PO, maintaining 116.8 lbs this morning. Menu for Yesterday, Tue Sep 10: Totals --- 1768 cals --- 77g protein --- 67g NET carbs --- 119g fat 2:15pm (585 cals) salad greens + vinaigrette 95g oven roasted zucchini 12g pepperoni slices 2oz rib eye steak 150g avocado 5:30pm (54 cals) ΒΌ protein bar Β½ oz rib eye steak 7:30pm (474 cals) 3 buffalo chicken wing 2 tbsp blue cheese dip small side apple walnut salad w/ honey lemon vinaigrette 1 vodka caesar 10:00pm (594 cals) 39g almonds 39g almond bark ΒΌ cup spicy peanuts β…› protein ice cream Yesterday's Exercise: 1 hour zumba 15 mins strength training (arms) 15 mins strength training (core and butt)
  7. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    For me it was the fats. I didn't get diarrhea, but I got way more regular once I introduced alot of fats into my diet. Yep, me too. It has to be done, though. Yesterday I tried an experiment of only eating when I'm hungry (i.e., not snacking) and I ended the day waaaay too low on calories, even with a last minute protein shake before bedtime. So if I don't want to lose any more weight, I guess I need to just keep eating. We are the same height, and sounds like you get some exercise in (based on the muscle comment), and I seem to be maintaining on 1900 average cals a day (based on a 4 week cal range of 1600-2200 avg daily cals). So you will likely continue to lose weight at your current 1100 cals a day. Like Fluffy said above, you can increase your fats and carbs. I personally do not purposefully increase my carbs, but I do try to increase my fats as much as I can (avocados, nuts/nut butters, olive oil, butter, full-fat everything). I also eat a lot of chicharron (yeah I know not the healthiest thing) but its a lot of calories and fat & protein - and basically no carbs - AND its not filling (just 50g of it is like 200+ calories, 20g fat, 25g protein & 0 fat) I dip it in some apple cider vinegar...YUM. Also, RE: the water. I'm also averaging way less mL of water per day since increasing my cals, for the same reason as you. I get most of my water in in the morning before my first meal of the day (I normally skip breakfast, not a breakfast person), then I basically spend the afternoon/early evening eating, then I'm back to drinking water up until bedtime. The eating does cut in to my water drinking time, but its the best I can do right now.
  8. ms.sss


    Thanks, I'm becoming a boot addict. Also, no need to fear...you have a great bod and can totally pull anything off, including high boots.
  9. 5'2", ♀️10m PO, maintaining xxx lbs this morning. Ok, so I implemented a don't-eat-unless-hungry strategy yesterday to curb what I thought was an increase in unnecessary snacking lately, but it looks like I need the snacking, as I ended up with too few calories by day's end. *sigh*. Menu for Yesterday, Mon Sep 09: Totals --- 590 cals --- 71g protein --- 21g NET carbs --- 22g fat 10:00am (0 cals) peppermint herbal tea +β…“ Stevia packet 2:00pm (152 cals) salad greens + carrots + vinaigrette 5g grated cheddar cheese 1 tbsp diced sun-dried tomato 87g pan fried chicken in butter 4:00pm (35 cals) 1 cup almond milk 5:00pm (166 cals) salad greens + carrots + vinaigrette 1 tbsp salted shrimp paste 87g pan fried chicken in butter 11:30pm (237 cals) protein powder + decaf instant coffee + benefiber 1 cup almond milk Β½ cup full fat miilk Yesterday's Exercise: 3km run + 2km walk
  10. ms.sss


    Mornings are starting to get cold...the fall clothes are coming out of my closet...and so are the boots!!! Can I say that since I was able to zip up a pair of boots over my jeans a few weeks ago, I've since bought 3 more pairs, lol
  11. ms.sss


    From the album: ms.sss OOTDs

    © ms.sss

  12. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    No, none for me, other than the regular fullness/dumping feelings... (sorry I'm no help...hopefully someone will have something useful to add 🀞🏼)
  13. ms.sss

    Stopping Omeprazole-

    I had a 6 month prescription of 30mg, and when I ran out, I got the rebound symptoms (foamies and slimies galore! burning in throat in the mornings) and asked my doc to re-prescribe me. I'm 10 months now and asked the doc to help me wean off of it, after reading some tips on how to do so. So, once I finish off my current stash of 30mg (probably another month or so) here is the plan: reduce dosage to 15mg daily and take this for two weeks. then take the 15mg every other day for two weeks Well see what happens...
  14. ms.sss


    I think Junior sized clothes are more for shape than size. Juniors are for body shapes that are not as curvy (i.e., hip to waist ratio is smaller) EDIT to add: chest to waist ratio is smaller as well.
  15. 5'2", ♀️10m PO, maintaining 117.4 lbs this morning Feel like I'm eating when I'm not hungry these days. Its been like, it's there, I'm not trying to lose weight, why not, lemme eat it. I don't want to make this eating-when-not-hungry a normal thing, so am going to consciously cut back on all the non-hungry snacking for the next few days and see if that makes any difference... Also spoiler alert...didn't do the 10K this morning Menu for Yesterday, Sun Sep 08: Totals --- 2066 cals --- 135g protein --- 71g NET carbs --- 131g fat 11:30am (293 cals) salad greens + carrots + vinaigrette onions fried in butter & olive oil 1.9 oz ribeye steak 16g almonds 2:30pm (456 cals) peanut butter and chocolate protein bar Β½ cup cottage cheese 24g almonds 6:30pm (804 cals) 1 pork spring roll 2 oz beef shank in peanut sauce 10g almond bark ΒΌ mini moon cake 9:30pm (513 cals) 50g almonds 40g almond bark 1 cup chicken broth Yesterday's Exercise: 1hr Hot Yoga
  16. ms.sss

    The Maintenance Thread

    A maintenance update and some observations (I'm 10 months post op, been maintaining for 3 months now) MFP tells me I'm averaging about 1600-2200 cals a day for the past 4 weeks (2238, 1652, 1949, 2231), and my weight has basically bounced around between 114-117 during this time. So it looks like I've found my sweet spot if I want to stay at this weight. MFP also tells me I"m averaging about 90-140g of net carbs a day for the past 4 weeks (140, 90, 80, 100). Given my weight stability, I may not be a carb sensitive as I thought. I do however notice more bloating in my lower abdomen and face since I've upped the carbs. This is both a good thing and bad thing, I figure. The bloating in my tummy gives the illusion of abs and firmness, lol. But the bloating in my face is actually a welcome thing: personally, I think I look healthier, and my skin looks firmer on my cheeks and under my eyes. I starting to slack off on portioning my food. I have noticed that I am getting overfull (that leads to foamies and barfing) more often than before because I am not being vigilant about pre-portioning my food. I am also noticing that I am eating faster than before, which again leads to foamies and barfing. I need to be more careful. Finally, I'm totally noticing the changes of my almost daily strength training has done to my arms. I am getting pretty toned! Yay! What about the other maintainers out there? How you guys doing?
  17. 5'2", ♀️10m PO, maintaining 116.9 lbs this morning Back from another impromptu road trip, with some unrestrained eating...surprised to have maintained my weight more or less, I was totally prepared for a gain due to the food choices I've been making the past few days. Here are the calorie counts since Thursday, and detailed menu from yesterday. Yesterday was a had people over for lunch and and after dinner which we basically spent at the table chatting and eating, so I was literally eating non-stop from noon until 2am. Also got to 8k yesterday! I really wanted to get to 10, but had to take the Kid to a Dr. appointment, so ran out of time...didn't run this morning as I went to Yoga, so I'll try for the 10K again tomorrow. Thu Sep 05: 3053 cals - 83g protein - 150g NET carbs - 137g fat Fri Sep 65: 2378 cals - 110g protein - 52g NET carbs - 71g fat Menu for Yesterday, Sat Sep 07: Totals --- 3255 cals --- 154g protein --- 119g NET carbs --- 211g fat 3:00pm (881 cals) ** ate all this over 3+ hours ** salad greens + cucumber + almonds + onions + vinaigrette 25g lobster 3.5 oz ribeye steak 40g almond bark 20g almonds Β½ cup tofu pudding + 2 tsp maple syrup 6:00pm (576 cals) salad greens + carrots + almonds + onions + vinaigrette 2.5 oz ribeye steak Β½ cup cottage cheese + pumpkin seeds + black peppper 2:00am (1798 cals) ** 😲😲😲 ** ** ate all this over 5+ hours ** ΒΌ slice carrot cake 4 sweedish meatballs w/ gravy Β½ moon cake 20g pumpkin seeds 15g almonds ΒΌ protein ice cream Β½ cup cottage cheese 1 pepperette 50g cheddar cheese 10 wheat thins 30g beef jerky Yesterday's Exercise: 8km run 15 min strength training (arms)
  18. ms.sss


    Not at all, you look like happiness, lol.
  19. 5'2", ♀️10m PO, maintaining 116.4 lbs this morning So pulled an all-nighter with BFF at my place as I was her ride to the airport this morning for a crazy early flight. She brought a bag of these unbelievably yummy and addictive chocolate-covered-almond-and-seed-snack-concoctions that we ATE ALL NIGHT. Needless to say I/we ate waaaaaaay more than the suggested serving size over several hours. Surprisingly, I did not dump, but man, the total intake of these delicious things was the calorie equivalent an entire low-end day. Not a proud moment. I think the problem was that I emptied the entire contents of the bag into a giant bowl and left it in front of us. Should have portioned out a serving or two and left the bag in the kitchen #lessonLearned On the bright side, am looking forward to a good sleep tonite as I've been going through a bit of insomnia for the past week or so and the all-nighter from last night should help, I think... Menu for Yesterday, Wed Sep 04: Totals --- 2701 cals --- 146g protein --- 140g NET carbs --- 187g fat 9:00am (8 cals) peppermint tea chicken broth 12:30pm (470 cals) salad greens + cucumber + Parmesan + pumpkin seeds + vinaigrette 82g avocado 130g pan fried chicken in butter 3:30pm (679 cals) 1Β½ cup whole milk Β½ medium avocado 49g chicharron 50g beef jerky 6:30pm (93 cals) salad greens + vinaigrette 70g pan fried chicken in butter Period from 8:00pm to 5:00am next day..(1450 cals) ** 😲😲😲 YIKES ** 260g InnoFoods Dark Chocolate Almond nuggets 2 peak freans cream cookies Yesterday's Exercise: 5km run in the morning 15 min strength training (arms) 15 min strength training (butt and core) 1km run after dinner with Mr...I had to run much faster than normal to keep up with him and I gave up after 1k...he is way too fast for me! 1km walk of shame back to the house in sweaty, exhausted defeat...
  20. ms.sss


    @Sophie7713 : First, you are a woman after my own heart with your obvious planning abilities ! and love love love your colour scheme. Did you draw the dress picture yourself ?!?!? Second, congrats on your 25th anniversary next year (which, btw, you look waaaaay too young to be having ) Third, yep, a couple months ago, I got Mr. to agree to some sort of vow renewal but no details or anything yet...lol. we had a destination wedding with close family and friends back then, and would love to go back to the same place and do it again. honestly though, I just want to wear an awesome dress and have an awesome party 😎 ...and finally, I looooove your dog. He/she looks just like my own own dog a while back *sniffless* Cock-a-poo?
  21. ms.sss


    I did a β€œtrash the dress” for fun and my son took these amazing pictures for meο»Ώο»Ώ OOTD circa early 2000's... K, found my wedding dress in the basement last week, and took these pics but forgot to post them! I weigh about 35-40 lbs less now than I did on my wedding day so its a little big on me now, hahaha. I'm cinching it from behind on the pics on the right to get an idea of what its supposed to look like....
  22. ms.sss


    From the album: ms.sss OOTDs

    Dug up my wedding dress...its a little big now as I'm about 35-40 lbs smaller than I was when I originally wore it...

    © ms.sss

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