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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Myhorseisfattoo

  1. Myhorseisfattoo


    So I went to the store and was inspired! Fage yogurt has 22g per cup. So I made a pureed Raita. Those of you who enjoy Indian food will know what that is. It came out delish!! I also found some 30g smoothies in the produce section that seem doable and I added a scoop of protein powder to my tomato soup and measured out 5 portions from the one can. It's coming together, I was just at rope's end this morning!!! Thanks for the ideas and support!
  2. Myhorseisfattoo


    I'll try it! I literally cannot with the sweet anymore. 8 days pre-op and 7 days post have burned me out. I'd sooner eat dirt!
  3. Myhorseisfattoo


    Yes, but what do I put it in??
  4. Myhorseisfattoo

    6 days post

    Thanks! I was also the model patient, lapping every hour or more, doing all the stuff. Still am. Just having less of a great day today. Due to rain, my walking has been limited to the house, but looking forward to getting out today!
  5. Myhorseisfattoo

    6 days post

    Well, my experience has been a little different. I'm 6 days post today. I had a complication in surgery which I think has made my soreness worse. Otherwise, I never had nausea or vomiting and was able to get fluids and proteins in off the bat. Stopped pain meds 2 days post, but that twinge on the left it still ouchie. I've been pretty tired, but plan to go out to walk around the dreaded Walmart today because I need OUT!!! This morning I woke up with a bit of nausea and just kind of a crappy feeling. Hoping it passes. Have a feeling like something is sitting in the bottom of my esophagus. Overall I'm pretty pleased with my progress but I am glad I took an extra week off work. I think I need that adjustment time.
  6. Myhorseisfattoo

    After my surgery I'm looking forward to...............

    Batty - you will have to come visit me in PA after we get thinner. I'll get you up on a horse!!! And we can go shopping too, for cute clothes!!!
  7. Myhorseisfattoo

    Having second thoughts... Help!

    I was sleeved on the 12th. I've had a couple of roughish days, but I can tell you that I'm starting to feel better and hopeful and proud of my decision. You have to go through the rough to get to the good!! Good luck!
  8. Myhorseisfattoo


    I think you are correct. He has employed my son as a watchful eye, med reminder and gopher today as he had to go to work. It's all good. 🙂 My daughter is coming home tonight - she knows how to take care of business!!!
  9. Myhorseisfattoo


    I've put a LOT of effort into this journey, so measuring success is important for me. I like to know exactly where I am and what I need to do to get to goals. Not everyone operates that way. But I will say this. Back when I "didn't have a scale" and used the fit of my clothing to determine my progress, I reached the highest weight in my life. That approach did not work for me.
  10. Myhorseisfattoo


    He's more nurse-maid-y than I would have expected. Not verbally supportive but I have what I need. Good enough!
  11. Myhorseisfattoo

    Today is the Day!!!

    Heading in at 730a for a 940a surgery! See y'all on the other side...prayers and good thoughts eagerly accepted!!! To my twin, Batty VSG....We got this girl!!!! XOXOX
  12. Myhorseisfattoo


    I did it. I got on the scale. 6 pounds up from surgery! ARG!!! I feel ok. About where I should be at this point. No regret, just wish I didn't have to go through the crappy part to get to the good part!!!
  13. Myhorseisfattoo


    Dude - I'm 2 days post op and I won't even get on the scale because I'm sure I weigh more than I did when I went in! So swollen! You've probably lost more than you think when you factor in temporary surgical gain!
  14. Myhorseisfattoo

    Today is the Day!!!

    Home now Gas hurts. Otherwise feel pretty good. Put too much shake in my pouch last night - very uncomfy! Lesson learned! Took off this humongous binder thing they had on me that extended from mid-boob to coochie. Seemed a little excessive.
  15. Myhorseisfattoo

    Today is the Day!!!

    All good! No nausea yet, very little pain. Some gas in my pouchie. Water and cranberry juice in. Trucking along! Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts! Batty..... thinking of you with prayers!!! Keep your eyes on the prize!!!
  16. Myhorseisfattoo

    Going to Surgery on Wednesday... NERVOUS

    Me and Batty VSG are on Wednesday too! We will get through this and we will be victorious over the weight that holds us back!!!
  17. Myhorseisfattoo


    Record man-flu recovery time! He is back at work today!
  18. OK, so there I was, working and drinking a cup of delicious broth, dreaming of my surgery on Weds. Hubby texts and says he is home THROWING UP!!!!! Now what do I do? I cannot go home! I am NOT missing surgery because of a stomach flu! I will obviously have to sleep in my truck! I've been SO SO careful to avoid sick contacts, sanitize my hands and it turns out to be an inside job?? For real, tho, will they cancel me if I'm barfing or.....pooping???
  19. Myhorseisfattoo


    Spare bedroom, plastic tenting, negative pressure airflow, mask, napalm, oven mitts, scuba gear. Maybe a glass of water.
  20. Myhorseisfattoo


  21. Myhorseisfattoo


    This is happening on Wednesday NO MATTER what!!!!
  22. Myhorseisfattoo


    Ok. I came home armed with masks, gloves and hospital grade disinfectants. However after hearing the facts of the case, I’m pretty sure he ate bad tacos at lunch. I will sleep in another room and continue to mace the house w citrace.
  23. Myhorseisfattoo

    Lunch time!

    That looks so freaking good!!!!!! Enjoy!
  24. Myhorseisfattoo

    Picture taken while in pre-op

    Good thing they had the drool guard hooked up!! 🙂
  25. Myhorseisfattoo

    Officially have less than 100 pounds left to lose!

    You are amazing!!!!

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