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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Myhorseisfattoo

  1. So proud of you!!!!!!!!!
  2. Myhorseisfattoo

    Why the mind games??

    OMG I am EXACTLY the same! I feel like it all should be instant! Just came off of a stall week and lost 2 pounds which makes me happy. I wonder if being super competetive has anything to do with this insatiable NEED for me to see progress? My friend Batty VSG has such a healthy approach to it all and doesn't seem to let the scale get in her head! I admire her so!
  3. Myhorseisfattoo

    Shirataki Noodles

    Been cruising the interwebs looking for future recipes. Came across these noodles that are essentially carb free. Anyone tried them? They look like an answer to prayer to me!!!
  4. I had the terrible left sided pain as well - thought something must be wrong! But it was basically the fact that you are stitched deeply into the muscle where they pulled out you excess stomach and it heals from the inside out. Hurts like a biznitch, but goes away by week 4. Weight loss - if you are getting all your protein, water and cals, your loss should continue. Water is SO important and so is an adequate amount of protein and calories. Best of luck to you!
  5. Myhorseisfattoo

    Seems I always push the envelope, but......

    LOLZ!! So I made it last night, cuz I like the vinegar to marinate in. Had my usual one egg scramble with cheese and about 2 tbsp of the salad, sans avocado because they were all hard as rocks. It was delish! I probably could have had just a smidge less as I am pretty full, but I m happy to have had a treat! I miss veggies!! I have never really liked cooked vegetables other than broccoli or green beans. So it's 1030 am and I already have 40 plus protein in. I feel like I'm good to go!
  6. Myhorseisfattoo

    Shirataki Noodles

    Great update. I got some and tried to make Pho. I rinsed like crazy but didn't think to cook em up, just dropped them in the soup. Was not wild about the texture. Where did you find the Zeroodles???
  7. Myhorseisfattoo

    Seems I always push the envelope, but......

    Just talked to nutritionist. She agrees I will not die! But she hemmed and hawed and made sure to remind me to always eat protein first. I will, I promise. But just a few yummy bites!!!
  8. Myhorseisfattoo

    Seems I always push the envelope, but......

    I always get all my protein, and I would only eat this delicacy if that were the case! I've already hit 60 for the day and will have 75 at day's end! I need a yummy vegetable/fruit delight!
  9. So I'm not really back on caffeine, but I had such a jones today for a cuppa joe after lunch. So I poured about a quarter cup of coffee, added a no sugar-added hot chocolate and some milk. SO TASTY! And then, miracle of miracles, about an hour later BAM! Clean bowels!!!!!!! I am ecstatic! What a relief! So tired of microscopic bunny turds! Wahooo!!!!
  10. Myhorseisfattoo

    I buried my 15 year old grand-son

    I am so sorry. I literally cannot imagine anything worse. Peace be with all of you.
  11. Myhorseisfattoo

    Reached A Mini Goal!!!

    You are superwoman!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Myhorseisfattoo

    Folios Cheese Wraps

    Sold out on Amazon. Only available currently at Costco's in the Northwest. I am sad.
  13. Myhorseisfattoo

    No fresh fruits/veggies, but.....

    If pickled things lead to gastric cancer, I'm a dead woman. Also, I ate 2 pickle chips and survived and was HAPPY!!! I'm not typically a rule breaker, but I AM a pickle junkie.
  14. Myhorseisfattoo

    Laying in hospital now

    One day, VERY soon, you'll feel better and rejoice at your own bravery and accomplishments!!!
  15. Yes, I'm 4 weeks out and my left side still hurts like a bear. Was at surgeon today and she said a lot of trauma happens to that area and it can hurt for quite a while.
  16. Myhorseisfattoo

    Soft meats?

    Well lookie here! I ate 2.3 oz of lean beef (RARE) tonight. I slowed WAAAY down and chewed the snot out of it. No problems at all!!!! Maybe I was gobbling that chicken. Learning to take a breath, set the fork down and look at hubby for cues!
  17. Myhorseisfattoo

    Soft meats?

    So I'm 4 weeks out and am cleared for soft things, meant included. So, I thought rotisserie chicken thigh meat was pretty soft. Have tried 3 times now to eat 2 or 3 ounces of it and I have gotten SICK every time. No barfing, but miserable fullness, nausea and pain that lasts for hours! Feels like it isn't digesting at all. Is that a thing? Is it hard for the tiny pouches to grind up meats? I have stopped even trying that at this point. I can do ground chicken or sausage-like consistencies, but I don;t even want to LOOK at my fave rotiss. chicken now!
  18. Myhorseisfattoo

    Folios Cheese Wraps

    I saw them too. Am headed to Costco Saturday to purchase!
  19. Myhorseisfattoo

    Soft meats?

    Thanks, guys. I appreciate the feedback.
  20. Myhorseisfattoo

    Soft meats?

    I have stopped eating it. Was just wondering if it was a thing. To this point, I've handled everything I've tried, so I was just surprised that I couldn't do it.
  21. Myhorseisfattoo

    Who will like me skinny??

    See now, I like me a BIG boy! Of course, I also like athletic builds. But I am looking for a beautiful heart and soul and will not limit myself based on how someone looks, what color they are, what size, etc. I hope to find someone who is looking for the same!
  22. Myhorseisfattoo

    Today's menu

    My menu for today, at 4 weeks out: Breakfast: Premier shake 160 cals, 30 protein Snack: Chobani Greek "hint of Strawberry" yogurt 120 cals. 12 protein Lunch: 1/5 of a hormel prepared meal with 20 g of protein 200 Cals, 10 protein Snack: Turkey/cheese roll up 142 cals 5 protein Dinner: 1/2 serving of bariatric cookbook "Egg Roll in a bowl" 134 cals, 10 protein Snack: 1/2 Premier shake 80 cals, 15 protein I try to get between 800 and 100 cals per day, but some days I don;t make it. I ALWAYS make my 75 or more of protein. Today looks like about 830 cals, 82 protein, 42 net carbs, 8 fiber, 27 fat. I am losing about .65 pounds per day according to my app. I have not yet stalled, although I'm sure I will.
  23. Myhorseisfattoo

    WLS and Schooling

    Yes, my Batty love! I am entering semester 2 of my master's program next week. I had surgery mid-December so that it would fall between semesters! I can't wait for my classmates to see me again in awhile!
  24. Myhorseisfattoo

    When can we eat salad again?

    OMG. I crave salad! And more specifically, tomato, cucumber and red onion salad! OH MMMMMmmmmm!!!!!! I don't think I can have until 10 weeks out, which sucks!!!!
  25. Dang you really do look fantastic!!

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