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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Myhorseisfattoo

  1. Myhorseisfattoo

    Purées egg salad?

    I made that! I used greek yogurt instead of mayo, but it was soooooo goooood!!!!
  2. Myhorseisfattoo


    Thanks Green!!!
  3. Myhorseisfattoo


    I don’t know how to get all of me in the mirror! I’m tall! 82 pounds down and pretty pleased!
  4. Myhorseisfattoo

    Hip Issues?

    I just went through this! Turns out I had trocanteric bursitis, which my doc said is because I no longer have butt fat to hold my joints in place!!! So he shot me up with steroids, I'm much better and now have to do exercise to strengthen his muscles and ligaments! It's a real thing! Don;t let it go on - see an orthopedist!!
  5. Myhorseisfattoo

    Smoking 1 month after surgery

    I know it's hard, but PLEASE don't smoke! You just went through hell to get healthy, don't sabotage your own efforts!
  6. LOL! I wasn't a huge sweets eater before, but now really sweet stuff just doesn't happen for me. I made chocolate chip cookies for my dad last week, Took a bite of one and actually spit it out. It just wasn't ok.
  7. So sweets do not appeal anymore at all, but I CANNOT STAND the sight or smell of salmon or tuna anymore. I dunno why not - I used to love both!
  8. I had my surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) in mid-December, so I'm about six months out and have lost 78 pounds, with less than 15 to go to reach goal. This surgery is a tool, not an easy way out. I agree with whomever said that you should give up the tough stuff pre-surgically. I did that, including coffee. It wasn't that hard. I would then suggest implementing/using a tracking app. I use baritastic and it is awesome. If you don;t weigh, measure and track, it's very difficult for you to know what kind of progress you are making and why. Your nutritionist can help you set goals for the app. I literally live by it! A few months down the road, you will then need to decide what kind of diet suits you going forward. For me, it's Keto, or some semblance thereof. You will learn to be very regimented, but also you will know, thru tracking, when you can allow yourself a treat. Good thing for me, my taste for sweets is almost entirely gone. Drink your water, get your protein and realize there will be tough times and plateau's, but you will lose the weight and you'll be glad you did this!!
  9. Myhorseisfattoo


  10. Myhorseisfattoo

    Allowing for occasional treats

    I typically do not go off plan, which is 800 to 100 cals and fewer than 30 carbs per day. However, Saturday night I went to a Cinco de Mayo party and chose not to try to log my intake. I know I didn't overeat, but I had a margarita which contains like 3 days worth of sugar and carbs. It was yummy! No resulting weight gain and back on track the next am.
  11. Myhorseisfattoo

    8 weeks in and only lost 11kgs :(

    I'll tell you one thing, the last 15 are a bear to get off so far!!!!
  12. And now, I'm ecstatic to be in my friend's hand-me-down size 12 jeans! American Eagle ones, which I would NEVER buy for myself. And they are not tooo tooo tight, they are comfy and on the looser side, so maybe a 10 soon? Size 10 is the smallest size I ever wore as an adult!! I am so glad I did this!
  13. Myhorseisfattoo

    I remember when I thought sz 12 was BIG!!!

    Yasss girl! I'm still bringing it! I got the booty, but the boobs are on the road south!!!
  14. Myhorseisfattoo

    I remember when I thought sz 12 was BIG!!!

    I have 52-year-old butt!! Much flatter than it once was!
  15. Myhorseisfattoo

    I remember when I thought sz 12 was BIG!!!

    There ya go!!!!
  16. Myhorseisfattoo

    I remember when I thought sz 12 was BIG!!!

    Do you know how hard it is to take a pic of your own booty? It ain't easy!!!
  17. I am 15 or so weeks out and I get about 800 to 100 a day. I usually average around 8 or 900. I have lost 65 pounds with 25 more to go, so I must have found the right level!
  18. Myhorseisfattoo

    What, you had NO surgery complications?

    No complications for me at all! Now 15 weeks post op and down 65 pounds! Best thing EVER!!!!
  19. Myhorseisfattoo


    I try to keep my carbs at 30 a day or less.
  20. Myhorseisfattoo

    Today is my one year surgiversary!

    Dang you are gorge!!!!!!! Good job, Mama!!!
  21. Myhorseisfattoo

    Coke zero help

    I do really well with sparkling waters and they provide a much needed change from plain old water!!
  22. Myhorseisfattoo


    I have not stalled for that length of time yet, but I find first that I need to really watch what I'm eating. Second, a day where you go either OVER or UNDER your typical calorie and carb intake can sometimes shake things up. I keep it between 800-1000 cals per day and my carb goal is 30. I'm losing 2-3 pounds a week right now and I'm 13 weeks out.
  23. Myhorseisfattoo

    No protein shakes! Possible or no?

    I usually start a weekday with 2 prosciutto and mozzarella roll ups. For an am snack I will have fruit or something less protein rich. For lunch I will have 3 to 4 oz of a dense protein, like chicken or beef. For pm snack I will have 2 more roll ups or 2 mozz sticks. For dinner I will again have 3 to 4 oz of a dense protein. Chicken, beef, sausage, etc. Don;t usually do an evening snack. And LOTS of water!!!!!
  24. Myhorseisfattoo

    No protein shakes! Possible or no?

    I stopped using shakes before I hit 3 months post-op. I can totally get all my protein from food. I keep a few around in case I have a rough day and need to augment, but I no longer have them in regular rotation.
  25. Myhorseisfattoo

    adding in your "addiction foods"

    Even if I wanted to, I literally cannot. Pasta hits my tiny tummy like a lead balloon....at the most I can eat 2 or 3 bites! I'm afraid of bread, although I did eat a half of a BLT on toast once. I don;t do cereals or potatoes really. I eat a basically keto diet and try to limit my carbs to 30 or fewer per day. The hardest carb for me to control is FRUIT!!!!

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