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About Eliz_123

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  1. Has happened to me too !! A few hours ago I literally puked my life, and I didnt have anything new ! So what I've done in the past is just done a reset, just for a few days. Go back to liquids, and that might even feel like much but imagine everything your digestive system has gone through ! Just take it easy and no worries you'll get back to where you should be. Some tummies are just more sensitive Sent from my SM-A520W using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Eliz_123


    Very helpful thanks Matt! I've tried talking to my doctor about the medical cannabis but hes a little reluctant to try it right now since I'm still healing. I'll try the intermittent fasting tonight and see how it goes 🤞🏻 Sent from my SM-A520W using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Hey guys, So my insomnia has come back so I usually dont sleep till about 5am. Even though I take 10mg of melatonin and I've even taken my 50mg of trazodone (if I take this one maybe I sleep by 3am). Its obviously affecting my eating as well cause now I dont wake up till about 130pm. And then I usually just stay in bed waiting to fully wake up by 2. I say its affecting my eating because I'm not getting in all the meals I should nor the water. And I'm scared that this will get worse for me when I actually get more hungry like in the past and eat at night and gain the weight back. Any suggestions for sleep ? I have been diagnosed with insomnia and very mild sleep apnea (dont require a machine) before the surgery as part of the sleep study.
  4. Eliz_123

    Is anyone else feeling down?

    I was there! I was actually not doing so hot when I left the hospital in my intake and it went back down. Then I increased but now have gone down again. Your body is changing ! Be kind to yourself and to it 💖 it will definitely thank you later. If you go a week more like that maybe call the hospital backto see if you can meet with the dietitian or speak with someone over the phone. Hang in there I know it's tough, I'm still navigating the highs and lows and I'm 3 weeks post op Xo
  5. Hi everyone ! So I must admit I've been feeling more encouraged with everyone'ssupportive comments and recommendations since I was last on. That 3 week stall was very discouraging, and I'm still accepting it but definitely working through it much better now. So now, as much as I've tried sticking to the diet plan post op, I slipped last night. My mom made some chicken in salsa, onions and veggies (in my culture it's similar to a pollo encebollado). I took a bite from it, and following that took an even smaller bite of this dulce de leche from a party cake my sister brought home. I've been doing so well but I definitely gave into temptation. I'm supposed to be starting solids next week upon the surgeons discretion. So I figured what could be so harmful? ... my body took vengeance. I've been in twisting pain in my stomach since then. I took 1/2 tab of pain meds and eventually I fell asleep. This morning woke up again with the excruciating pain and I've been in bed and strictly on fluids because of my fear. I still feel the pain and it has now been 24hrs with another 1/2tab of pain meds. Has anyone else experienced this???
  6. Eliz_123

    Difficult in weightloss

    Yes ! I really just believed that I was doing something , but then I did read about the 3 week stall that someone here recommended. And now reading your story really put things into perspective so thankyou for sharing !!
  7. Eliz_123

    Difficult in weightloss

    When you day stalled, do you mean you didnt lose weight at all or it significantly decreased? (Like a few lbs a week) Thank you ! Xo
  8. Eliz_123

    Difficult in weightloss

    You're so right ! I shouldn't beat myself up because no I've never lost that amount of weight in such a short period of time ! Thankyou xo
  9. Eliz_123

    Difficult in weightloss

    Thank you so much so I know someone who did the sleeve and shes still losing weight at 2lbs per day !!! And I did the rny which from what I know is supposed to make you drop more weight. I wonder if it's reallythat too, my body either healing itself or trying to fight back (I believe this one more because it's always been resilient). Anyways thank you again and I will do some more research but let it go for now and try to relax xo
  10. Eliz_123

    Difficult in weightloss

    I've been really beating myself up for it because I've stuck with the diet and measurements, if anything gone less than what I should be eating and I'm now moving more so it's so odd to me. Thank you for the encouragement xo
  11. I'm having a real hard time guys ! Im almost 2 weeks out of surgery. First week was rough but I lost 12lbs. Now that the second week has rolled around I've basically only lost 3lbs ?!?! I havent been eating more and if anything I've increased my physically activity! Has this happened to anyone ? And how did you manage or resolve this issue ?
  12. I'm fresh out of surgery, and I already feel stagnant as I'm trying to eat more but also feel like I'm not really dropping the weight as fast I thought ? but wow ! you have done such a great job so far looking at your stats. Please stay encouraged, and dont focus so much on numbers but how you feel with yourself and be proud of what you have amounted! acknowledge it and own it!
  13. Eliz_123

    October bypass

    Ohhh hun im so sorry ! This is what I mean. I feel like things like that some people should put aside for those that they love ! I mean I hate anything to do with vomit but obviously you cant think about that, you're going through hell and only wish you had someone hold your hair up, rub your back or just be there to check up on you and make sure you dont pass out or something. My best friend didnt visit me at all during my stay, which was in her city. And I still have yet to see her. But again, I'm just trying to prioritize myself now, and not to be petty but really give what I can and stop going above and beyond fort those that cant do the same for me. So I'm glad I've been pushing myself as you should be very proud of yourself too for that !! I know it isnt easy, but it's making us stronger for sure and buildingcharacter for ourselves ! I've thought about what to take ! Ive been talking half tabs of senekot stool softener but it's so bitter and disgusting ! Ive also tried mitts apple sauce tropical with added fiber, man did that send me running ! I'm not sure if it was because I finally got the effects of the stool softener or if it was that but holy did it work so now I try incorporating it to every meal. How much miralax do you use ?? Thanks hun for your reply as well !
  14. Eliz_123

    October bypass

    Wow kathy thank you !!! I'm going to be seeing my doctor tomorrow so I will ask to see if there are any support groups , as I traveled a little to the hospital where I got my procedure. I think sometimes it's hard always being the first one to call or make the move you know ? I've always been therefor my friends, and it's hard to believe that in a process like this ... the people I expected to pull through didnt. But I shouldn't dwell too much, last time I got upset I ended up almost missing a meal and slept 3 hrs. I cant afford to but myself on the back burner anymore, not now. Ahahaha yes !!! Something to celebrate for sure ! I've never had constipation, so this was a big eye opener and definitely something I took for granted. I'm happy to feel that physical relief ! You're amazing thanks for reaching out xo
  15. Eliz_123

    October bypass

    Of course !!! Its weird because now that I'm starting to feel better my insomnia has hit ! so last night was very long but I did manage to rest. Thanks hun xo

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