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Everything posted by hwequestrian

  1. hwequestrian

    I can’t date overweight people

    Also late jumping in, but I feel what I have to say should be heard... we are all here because we are/were addicted to food and/or sedentary lifestyles. It shouldn’t be considered shallow to not want to date someone with the same addictions. It’s just like two drug addicts in a relationship. There’s a high likelihood of disaster. Finally, a new relationship is different than a previously established one. In an established relationship, you go through the struggle as a couple and make changes together. A new relationship hasn’t seen the pain and work that went into making you what you are today, and I don’t think the seriousness can be adequately described.
  2. hwequestrian

    Pre-Op Journey

    Congratulations on your surgery! No doubt it’ll be worth it.
  3. hwequestrian

    Journey Begins 10/22/2018

    BTW, I’m at 220 with a goal weight of 140
  4. hwequestrian

    Journey Begins 10/22/2018

    I had my first appointment on the 22nd! I have a 3 month supervised diet as well, so we may be surgery buddies! Looking forward to hearing how you progress.
  5. hwequestrian

    Make DS public or not?

    My mom hasn’t told many people. My sister actually doesn’t even know. She knew my sister is shallow and would be hateful if she knew. Not saying any of your family will be that way, but it’s not easy to figure out who will be hateful without knowing them on a personal level.. With that being said, it depends on your preferences. I plan to go ahead and make mine public when it’s official. I want to encourage people who are hesitant to pursue this avenue.
  6. hwequestrian

    Personal Rewards

    Cyndie, if you were close to Oklahoma I’d invite you to ride my horses!
  7. hwequestrian

    Goofy picture

    From the album: Life Before WLS

    I had this crazy idea that it’d make a cute picture when I was helping my husband weld some fencing. 😂 Not very cute, especially when you don’t feel comfortable in your own skin!

    © Carly

  8. hwequestrian

    Life Before WLS

    Just some pictures to remind myself of my “why” and give others an idea of the person behind the screen
  9. hwequestrian

    Another with my horse, Button

    From the album: Life Before WLS

    The day I bought Button. Felt self conscious, so I never posted it on social media

    © Carly

  10. hwequestrian

    What I enjoy most

    From the album: Life Before WLS

    Horses are my true passion. This was 10/22/18, the same day as my first WLS appointment. After surgery and weight loss, I intend to ride this girl in 25-50 mile endurance races. A dream of mine!

    © Carly

  11. hwequestrian

    Summer 2018

    From the album: Life Before WLS

    I felt so self conscious in this picture that I never posted it on social media. A fun memory with my son that I can finally share with a non-judgmental group.

    © Carly

  12. hwequestrian

    Questions for the nervous.

    Talk to your medical team. I have my 3 month medically supervised diet, and my NP told me to keep in mind if I drop below 35 BMI insurance will deny me.. I’m sure after that when you have your date and are prepping for surgery this does not apply.
  13. hwequestrian

    Personal Rewards

    Clothes, jewelry, a night out dancing, a concert, tattoos, depends on what you enjoy. I haven’t had my surgery yet, but we enjoy horses. So my rewards will most likely be new things for my horses, rodeo dates, or maybe hubby will trail ride with me as a reward. We shall see 😊
  14. hwequestrian

    Pre-Op Journey

    Aundria, I’m a high anxiety person when I don’t know what to expect as well. My NP did a great job explaining what all would need to be done before surgery, but didn’t have a timeline. I’m sure it’s hard to figure an exact timeline without knowing when each test will be. They did give me a book with a checklist of everything that will need finished before surgery though. Hopefully that will settle my nerves as I’m able to see the list dwindling. Keep me updated on your progress please!
  15. hwequestrian

    Bipolar diagnosis

    How did things turn out for your sister? I have bipolar 2, and I’m just starting my pre-op journey. Side note: when I told the NP I’m bipolar, she asked 1 or 2 and if I had “the one with multiple personalities” 😬 I’m hoping to see their psychologist ASAP to settle my nerves.
  16. hwequestrian

    Pre-Op Journey

    I’m hoping for the sleeve, but I’ll go with whatever my surgeon suggests. My mom had the sleeve two years ago so I know roughly what to expect.
  17. hwequestrian

    Pre-Op Journey

    Jen- I have a 3 month requirement. You won’t be too long after though. I look forward to hearing how your pre-op journey progresses ❤️
  18. hwequestrian

    Pre-Op Journey

    Walter- I’m sorry you have to deal with mental illness as well, but that gives me hope I may not have as much trouble as I thought. My NP said the psychologist may want to hold off surgery until I’ve been stable for a full year. I’m going to be so disappointed if that’s the case 😔 Drez- That’s pretty far into the process! You should be scheduling your surgery soon shouldn’t you? Jazzy- Good luck with your liquid diet and surgery. My mom had the sleeve and was self pay. It’s tempting to self pay just to get it done faster 😂

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