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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by honeysucklelee

  1. honeysucklelee

    A pat on the back!!!!

    I know it is tough to resist temptation. We had a chocolate fountain at work the other day for a baby shower with every thing you could imagine to dunk in it. I had to sit in a corner with people I would have to climb over until I had enough self control to have two strawberries, two slices on banana and one (yes I said one) oreo. Believe it or not it gets easier to say no to things we shouldn't have. You know you can't so you don't. It truly is mind over matter and you matter more. You get used to not having the bad things and you don't miss them as much. Others may disagree but it can be done. Congratulations on doing what you had to do. Keep up the good work and good luck with your surgery. Shannon:thumbup:
  2. honeysucklelee

    Insurance Loss due to LapBand?

    it may be an issue becuase you fudged your weight when applying. My insurance required a documented history of being overweight for 5 years (doctor records, etc). If this conflicts with what you told them when you started with them it may be some kind of "breech of contract" thing. I don't know for certain. I am just supposing. I hope they will cover it for you with no issues. Shannon
  3. honeysucklelee

    surgeon consult

    I would go for the clinic. For something like this you should not compromise on a doctor that you are not comfortable with.
  4. I was on mine when I was banded you just have to wear hospital undies with a pad. The surgery actually made my period last a few extra days but other than that no difference.
  5. honeysucklelee

    Friendly Observation part 2 of 2

    I can understand that anything but glowing reviews and someone blaming the band for all their woes can feel like someone calling your child (or other cherished person) horrible names. But it is truely nothing personal and leave that emotion out of your replies. If you would like more info from that person respectfully ask for more without accusing them of everything in the book. Does everything really need to be challenged? I chose to post this in a blog instead of in a forum because I wanted to get it off my chest as I kept thinking about this in the past few days. It makes me extremely sad when I see this occur. It makes us look childish and petty. Writing it down helps me and if it benefits anyone then it was worth it. Please feel free to leave any response and remember it is only a friendly observation. Shannon
  6. honeysucklelee

    Friendly Observation part 2 of 2

    I can understand that anything but glowing reviews and someone blaming the band for all their woes can feel like someone calling your child (or other cherished person) horrible names. But it is truely nothing personal and leave that emotion out of your replies. If you would like more info from that person respectfully ask for more without accusing them of everything in the book. Does everything really need to be challenged? I chose to post this in a blog instead of in a forum because I wanted to get it off my chest as I kept thinking about this in the past few days. It makes me extremely sad when I see this occur. It makes us look childish and petty. Writing it down helps me and if it benefits anyone then it was worth it. Please feel free to leave any response and remember it is only a friendly observation. Shannon
  7. honeysucklelee

    2 mos out 5/24/08 26lbs down

    From the album: As I lose

  8. honeysucklelee

    Day before installation :) 3/26/08

    From the album: As I lose

  9. honeysucklelee

    2 mos out 5/24/08 26lbs down

    From the album: As I lose

  10. honeysucklelee

    Day before installation :) 3/26/08

    From the album: As I lose

  11. honeysucklelee

    Why no restriction at all???

    kidder as is stated previously in this thread most people do not find any difference after their first fill. Be honest with your Dr. they will fill the band more you will probably note a difference then. The best thing you can do is measure your portions and eat no more than that. If you are still hungry give it a few minutes and you will probably find your hunger is gone. I was told that it takes 20 mins for the satisfied message to get from your stomach to your brain. Even though you can eat more. Don't. Stick with the choices and portion sizes recommended by your doctor. It is hard but worth it.
  12. honeysucklelee

    Why no restriction at all???

    Most everyone has been in your shoes only a few experience a lot of restriction the first fill. That is usually do to a lot of swelling. I have 5 fills. The fifth just yesterday. I have had restriction but I could still eat more than I should if I really want to. I have to measure out my meal because if I am not paying attention I can easily eat too much. My Dr. only went from 1cc to 4cc's on my second fill but only increases it by .5 cc's after that as they want to take it slow. They say there can be a big diff in restriction by that small of an amount. I have done rather well. (36lbs is 11wks) But a lot of it is due to my portion control, avoiding the foods I know I should not have and exercise. It has been hard but rewarding. Not to say that the band is not helping. It is. It does keep me full and I do eat significantly less and feel satisfied. I just don't stay full as long as I should and can eat more than I mean too sometimes. Long story short. Hang in there you will find the right fill in time. I felt no difference after the first fill as well. Just stick to what you are supposed to be eating and drink Water when you feel hungry. OK I'm done.
  13. honeysucklelee

    cravings for pop

    I wasn't going to say anything when I read this last night but I started thinking about it this morning and I felt I needed to share. I don't know if you have tried to stop drinking soda in the past but when I have I would do great then I would treat myself one day. Then that became a once a week treat quickly escalating to a once a day then whenever I wanted. Just like everything else. I was banded on 3/27 and I have not had a soda since a week prior to that. I have had severe cravings and have almost talked myself into it. But I remember what happened in the past. I don't want to know if I could handle drinking soda. If it causes me no problems then I know the whole pattern will start again. I don't believe that soda in any form (diet) is good for your weight loss. I do miss it but I love me more. And there are a lot of other option when I want something more than Water. Now is the time to stop bad habits and start good ones. OK. Just had get that off my chest. Thank you for reading :cursing:
  14. honeysucklelee

    What if I'm becoming anorexic?

    I agree with Lunanoir. To me it sounds like your band is too tight. Besides the weight loss, you are probably not getting the proper amount of nutrients which will cause way more problems in the long run. Your weight loss is great but this is about being healthy for the rest of your life. This includes a healthy mind. I can see the temptation to not eat and lose faster but safer is better no matter how you spin it. Please speak with your doctor about this. They can give you the best advice. Shannon
  15. honeysucklelee

    Young and Banded

    Hi, I had pain in my collar bone for a few days after the surgery. They told me it was from the gas they used to inflate the stomach area for the surgery. If I kept up and moving it didn't seem to hurt. It also helped when someone would massage it for me. I would try the heat pad but I think you just have to wait until the gas is absorbed and dissipates. It should not bee too much longer though hopefully tomorrow. :tt1:
  16. Check with your Dr. first but after my banding I only had to be on clear liquid the day of and the day after. For the next two weeks I was able to eat full liquids. (yogurt, cream soups-strained, pudding, applesauce). See if this is OK with your dr and you should feel more satisfied.
  17. I slept on my stomach right away and there was a bit of soreness but nothing that prevented me from doing it.

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