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Chicago Chick

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Hi,

    Recently had Gastic Sleeve surgery (10/22) and excited to get involved with this group as I move forward with this journey. 

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    2. Chicago Chick

      Chicago Chick


      I had my post op appt last week, was cleared for eggs if I want them but my surgeon really wanted me on puréed for another week. I see them again on Wednesday so will see what he says then. Overall doing good but struggling with getting the liquids in, the flavors I liked before I don't care for now. Although this past week has been better, I think the anesthesia effected my taste buds a bit 😔.

      how are you doing?

    3. %^&


      Weird that you would say that about your taste buds...I am having the same thing happen! My chewing gum tastes AWFUL😛 lol which is such a shock! I'm doing ok on the liquids, drinking herb tea at night but I still may be coming up a bit short as well.

      My surgeon was very happy with me but still on purees too. I LOATHE the canned soup, but made some homemade butternut squash soup that was divine! but I'm out of ideas for soup and don't want to make it everytime...have you found any you like??? 🍜

    4. Missouri-Lee's Summit

      Missouri-Lee's Summit

      Your taste buds and your sense of smell will be wacky for months, if not longer. It's a common and unpleasant side effect. I've heard it improves, but I'm still not noticing much. I had my bypass in June 2018. The hard part is no longer enjoying foods you used to love as much and craving foods that you used to be able to take or leave. I am obsessed with eating okra. Go figure.

      This sense that everything tastes and smells awful won't last forever; it will just seem like it. Welcome to the forum. We love new members. We're a friendly group and love to help.

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