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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lynnlovesthebeach

  1. Lynnlovesthebeach


  2. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Not available in your recommended size...

    I find it just as difficult to find clothing now as I did when I was bigger! Also, why do they charge more for a 2XL size and use the excuse "well, it takes more fabric" but now that I need an xxs or xs I don 't pay less because they are using less fabric?
  3. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Out with the old (food)...

    I too live alone and have finally gotten used to the idea that I waste a lot of food! Throw it away if you aren't comfortable giving it to someone. I hate to cook because I know so much will get thrown out eventually.
  4. Lynnlovesthebeach

    1 year surgeversary

    Congratulations! You have done an amazing job!
  5. Lynnlovesthebeach

    How are your scars from labaroscopic procedure?

    Mine faded pretty quickly to thin white lines that I could find if I really searched for them. The 4 along the lower abd and the bellybutton one were removed along with the extra skin when I had my lower body lift in Aug.
  6. Lynnlovesthebeach

    No Stall - Anxiety

    Maybe you won't have a stall. Not everyone does. I just reviewed my weight record and I only had one week where my weight stayed the same. That was at the 5 month mark. My losses weren't huge every week but were losses. I reached my original goal in 9 months and my personal goal in 11 months so not fast but I got there slow and steady! I'm actually maintaining below my goal now and I still follow the guidelines I was given as far as getting enough protein and drinking enough water. I still track my food to make sure I'm doing the right thing! Statistics say year 3 is the time when most people start having regain and I'm determined to not let that happen because I just paid a a pretty good price for plastic surgery and plan to have more this year! I'm a couple of months into year 3 and so far so good!
  7. Lynnlovesthebeach

    The best compliment....

    I’m old too!
  8. Lynnlovesthebeach

    The best compliment....

    I love when I get compliments from people that don't know the "presurgery" me. The other day a guy was hitting on me at the carwash. The conversation eventually got around to age. He guessed my age but was off by 24 yrs! I asked him how he came up with that age since I was wearing sunglasses and a mask. He said, "Well, you are so tiny and you look like you take care of yourself. You have great abs and no body fat." I said, "Maybe I just have a really good plastic surgeon!" He said, "No, you don't look like the plastic surgery type." I thought to myself, well I guess I won't tell you I just had a lower body lift and brachioplasty in August. And no, I didn't give him my number.
  9. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Belly wrap

    I used an abdominal binder for a couple of weeks after surgery. I found it helpful to not have to use my hands to support my abdomen when moving around. They gave me the binder in the hospital. It also helps with swelling.
  10. Lynnlovesthebeach

    The changes we don't talk about

    After my RNY-120 lbs, but from my highest weight about 3 yrs prior to RNY I've lost 133 lbs!
  11. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Victory on the scale!

    Exactly 5 yrs ago this month I stepped on the scale at my doctors office and it read 110, but it was KG! That means I had a BMI of 48. I remember being so depressed because that was the highest number I had ever seen. I remember thinking "man that's what I should weigh in pounds!" I am excited today because when I got on the scale this morning it read 110.6...POUNDS!! It's been a long road but I can't believe I finally got there!
  12. My doctor's requirement was being at a "stable" weight for 6 months. They don't want you losing a lot of weight after having plastic surgery because it affects your results. Good luck with your decision.
  13. Lynnlovesthebeach

    14 days after WLS

    Instead of going to "my surgery" go to "profile." That should allow you to edit.
  14. I wouldn't worry about pain. It's pretty extensive surgery (12 1/2 hrs!) so of course there is pain. But, there are plenty of drugs available to control pain! I only took one dose of narcotics immediately after I came home from the hospital. I then took gabapentin and celebrex around the clock for the next 2 weeks and then just when I felt I needed it. I did get a refill on the gabapentin because I used to get nerve pain at night. If I had felt the need and the pain was bad enough I wouldn't have hesitated to take something stronger. The healing on the lower body lift has been perfect and the scar is looking pretty good. The incisions on both my arms opened up over my biceps. The right was pretty small and healed nicely after a little wound care. The left was pretty big and is almost healed but will need a scar revision in the future. It's not uncommon for that to happen when you think about how tight they pull your skin. He removed 9 inches of skin from my left arm! It is half the size it used to be! I measured 73 inches of incision from my LBL and brachioplasty! My brachioplasty was considered "extended" too. The scar goes from the lower edge of my boob to midway between my elbow and wrist. There are a lot of sutures involved and it's when your body spits out sutures that didn't dissolve that can cause the incision to open. I'm not sure how you would use crutches after that surgery. I guess you would have to discuss it with your doctor. The armpit scars actually healed the quickest. I have my next appointment in Feb. I'll be 6 months out from this surgery and we will discuss and plan my next surgery-breast lift and back lift. However, I just had 2 biopsies in my left breast (benign) so he is not sure he will do my boobs yet. Even though there is pain involved and long term wound care and scars...I'd do it all over again. I love my results! It was worth every dollar I spent. I did not use insurance.
  15. Lynnlovesthebeach

    The changes we don't talk about

    Body dysmorphia is definitely a problem for me! I literally have to tell myself "my size 4 jeans are now too loose, I couldn't possibly look fat in them!" My XS scrubs I wear to work are loose. Still, I can't pick out someone that I think is my size. I guess I really have no concept of my size!
  16. Lynnlovesthebeach

    robot engineering

    Robots are very common in a lot of surgeries these days. That's why so many procedures are laparoscopic instead of open. The surgeon still controls the robot though so, yes, they are safe. I'd rather have tiny incisions instead of the big incisions needed when you have "open" surgery!
  17. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Having trouble with motivation to exercise

    I did very little exercise during my weight loss phase. I rode a stationary bike for 30 min 3-4 times a week until I finally had a hip replacement when I reached about 130 lbs. Now I walk 4-5 miles every day. I haven't gone back to the gym yet since Covid. Maintaining my weight so far because I follow my plan!
  18. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Food Before and After Photos

    The Instant Pot is great for beans! You don't have to soak them and they cook in less than an hour for a pound of dry beans. I made black bean soup the other day and it was delicious. Actually, anything I've made in it is delicious. Ms.sss, I have the same height challenges as you with the instant pot...I too have to stand on a step stool sometimes to use it!
  19. I reached my doctor's predicted weight (130 lbs) at about 9 months out. MY first "goal" weight at 11 months out. At my last visit in Aug (it was considered my 2 yr visit even though it was only 22 months) I was at 103% loss of excess weight. I'm now 8 lbs below what was considered my "optimal" weight but haven't calculated what percent that is.
  20. Lynnlovesthebeach

    How Often Do You Weigh Yourself?

    I weigh every morning. I only record it once a week. I feel it helps keep me accountable throughout the day. I don't get bothered by fluctuations on a daily basis. I know my heaviest day of the week is usually Friday and my lowest day is usually Monday. I know I have body dysmorphia because I have had frequent doctor visits after my plastic surgery and I still try to wear my lightest weight clothing and shoes because I have to get on the scale. I weighed 108.1 on their scale the other day! Hopefully some day I'll get used to the fact that I am no longer "morbidly obese" and am actually quite small!
  21. Lynnlovesthebeach


    Your dress is beautiful! Your transformation of that condo is gorgeous...just what I need with that view! When can I move in? Don't know what the competition did but that looks like a first place finish to me!
  22. My doc was also going to do fat transfer to my butt but I didn't have any to transfer, it was just skin. When I have my thighs done he is going to transfer that fat to my breasts and there is definitely fat there at the moment. Who knows if there will be enough when I'm ready to do that surgery.
  23. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Victory on the scale!

  24. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Victory on the scale!

  25. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Muscle building

    I'm not even trying to gain muscle...I'm fine with being skinny and bony! However, I do get my required protein everyday and do continue to drink at least one protein shake per day because I like them. My favorite is Fairlife Nutrition Plan, Vanilla or chocolate. The other Fairlife one, Core Plan (or whatever it's called) is too sweet for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
