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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lynnlovesthebeach

  1. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Caffeine on Pre-op Diet

    My plan never told us to cut out coffee or straws as a lot of plans do. They did tell us to try to limit it to no more than a couple of cups per day. I, on the other hand, didn't want it for the first couple of weeks. It was one of those things that just didn't feel good in my stomach. After a couple of weeks I was back to my usual 2-3 cups per day with no problem. Funny thing is when I had my arm surgery for skin removal 6 months ago I had to drink my coffee through straws because I couldn't bend my arms enough! I think you just have to listen to your body.
  2. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Pulmonary and Cardiac Clearance

    As Catwoman7 described, I had to do the stress test for the cardiac clearance because I was on two blood pressure meds, also EKG and echocardiogram.
  3. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Weight Watchers for 1+ year post-VSG?

    I was already going to WW when I started the process for WLS so I just kept up with it. I kept with it after WLS for the support I got from the members. I figured I had given them so much of my money I may as well get my lifetime membership and the once weekly weigh in was motivating and what I considered my "official" weight. Only a couple of my friends there know I had WLS but there are several people there that have had surgery and are there for regain. I still use WW and WLS surgery guidelines combined. I use very little of my WW points because I eat mostly the healthier zero point foods. I do weekly Zoom meetings and my once a month in person weigh in. My WLS group only offers a once a month support group and it's currently online when I work so I usually miss it.
  4. Yes you can. I used to order the 8 piece and make at least 3 meals out of it. Since covid I haven't been there but I could probably eat most of the 4 piece now.
  5. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Someone in Florida???

    I went to the info meeting in May, had my first visit with the surgeon early June. When I went to that appointment I scheduled everything I needed to complete...3 "supervised" diet visits with the Nurse Practitioner, visit with the Dietition and the Psych eval. I completed everything by Aug. It took about a month for approval from insurance, doc was on vacation in Sept so I had surgery in Oct. Everything went very smoothly. I was only in the hospital overnight.
  6. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Someone in Florida???

    I had my surgery with Dr Jawad, same group as Dr T. Is there anything I can help you with?
  7. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Plastic surgery painful?

    My lower body lift wasn't too painful but that's probably because my arms were for the first couple of weeks. I wouldn't worry about the pain though...there are drugs for that! And it's a small price to pay for the results! I see my doctor next week to discuss round 2!
  8. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Setting a goal weight?

    On my first pre-op Doctor visit he said he thought I could get to 140. I was following Weight Watchers at that time and knew my “normal” range for my height was 94-124. For WW I chose 123 as my goal. On my first post op visit my dr said he thought I could get to 130. I told him I had to get to 124 otherwise I’d still be in the “overweight” class and I’m not doing this to get close to normal...I’m going for normal! He told me ok but don’t be disappointed if you can’t get there you’ll be fine at 130. I hit 130 with no problem and kept going until I finally stopped at 109. That seems to be my optimal weight because I’ve maintained that for a while now. Surgery was in Oct 2018.
  9. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Clothes etc

    The "enjoy them from a distance" reminds me of the years when my son was in elementary school and I used to give all his outgrown clothes to a friend of his being raised by a single dad. Neither of the boys knew this but occasionally my son would see the other kid and say "Hey, I have a shirt just like X is wearing." I'd say, "yes, but remember yours is too small now" hoping they wouldn't come up with the idea to wear their "matching" clothes on the same day like girls might do!
  10. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Clothes etc

    I had clothes from size 8 to size 20, size small to 2XL. The size 8s were because that was my “dream” size a few years ago when I was doing pretty good losing on my own...before I started gaining it back plus more and reached my highest weight ever! I didn’t have to buy a lot of clothes on the way down this time until I got too small for the 8s. I thought I was going to stop at a size 4 but now I’m in a 2 or XS. The last time I cleaned out the closets I gave away everything over a 6. It’s time to do it again. I have a friend who recently had gastric bypass so I gave her everything and told her to pass on what she didn’t want or donate the rest. She was thrilled.
  11. Lynnlovesthebeach

    💛Jan surgery countdown💛

    When I had arm incisions I used thin maxi pads or mini pads (can't remember which) to prevent anything from rubbing against them. I just taped them into my arm pit to cover as much as I could. It worked great.
  12. Lynnlovesthebeach

    1 year surgeversary

    The sleeve was out for me too because of GERD. I went in to my appointment knowing I wanted RNY. My doctor actually suggested the DS but I told him I wasn’t ready to go that drastic. I’m glad I stuck with bypass. I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d be able to get to the size I am now. I’m pretty sure after I get my thighs done I’ll probably be able to wear a size 0P! I love the size I am now!
  13. Lynnlovesthebeach


    My original plastics date was in May and got postponed (5 days before it was scheduled!) due to Covid. I rescheduled for Aug and then was more worried that my Covid test would come back positive and force me to be rescheduled again than I was about the surgery! Luckily, that didn't happen. I had my surgery when hospitals were thrilled to be doing surgery again! If that's considered selfish, so be it! It wouldn't be the first time I've been called that by people that don't really know me!
  14. Lynnlovesthebeach

    1 year surgeversary

    No, no one in the medical field has said that. Actually, the range for a "normal" weight for my height is 94-124 lbs so I am right in the middle. I'm only 4'11" tall and medium build. Yes, I'm thin now but I'm back to the weight I was before I started gaining in the first place! I've been maintaining for a while now. I did run into a friend I haven't seen in a while yesterday and she did say I'm "too skinny" and need to "gain some weight." I assured her I feel great and this is what I'm supposed to weigh. I do see my surgeon in a couple weeks so I'll see what he says. I'm sure he'll tell me not to lose any more weight but I'm not planning to anyway! I think my body has found it's happy spot and this is where I'll stay unless I lose a couple of pounds with my next plastic surgery!
  15. When anyone asks me how much I've lost I just say "a lot" or "more than I now weigh." I never give an exact number.
  16. Lynnlovesthebeach


    Technically, any surgery not done emergently to save your life is classified as "elective." I could live without having my cataract surgery but I'd be blind. I could live without my hip replacement but I couldn't walk. So yes, technically WLS is elective, but necessary, to restore health as the one's named restore health. I am also a nurse and work with several nurses who have had WLS. We all agree it's one of the best decisions we ever made. The decision is only up to you! Don't let anyone else influence your decision! I have only had support from people that know about my surgery. What they may be saying behind my back doesn't matter.
  17. Lynnlovesthebeach

    💛Jan surgery countdown💛

    Your results are amazing! I think I'd live in a bathing suit if I were you!
  18. Lynnlovesthebeach

    💛Jan surgery countdown💛

    Agreed! I'm making a list! Actually, I saw on another site a lady even had her earlobes made smaller! I think I'm ok there!
  19. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Plastic Surgery Countdown is on!

    I used the Marena abdominal thing. I got the one with the zipper up the side and it has a pretty good size opening that attaches with hooks (like on a bra) and was very easy to get on and off after you get used to it and easy to do your business when you need to. I bought the arm garment at the same time so I got a discount.
  20. Lynnlovesthebeach


    You look great in everything! Curves in all the right places! Talk about body dysmorphia...I’m having a “I feel so fat today” day as I sit here at my hairdresser wearing size 2P jeans and an XS sweater! Changed 3 times before I found something to wear!
  21. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Plastic Surgery Countdown is on!

    Good luck with your surgery today!
  22. Lynnlovesthebeach

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

    Good luck today! You may have some moments of regret in the next couple of days but just remember it's all worth it in the end. You will love the results!
  23. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Plastic Surgery Countdown is on!

    I remember when I looked at my stomach for the first time. I was convinced my belly button was too high! I know they don't move it, the just move the skin around it but it looked really high. I actually went online and looked at underwear sites to make sure it was ok! The problem was I had so much swelling I couldn't tell where my waist actually was. And, after I thought about it, I realized I hadn't seen my belly button on a flat abdomen in so long I wasn't sure where it was supposed to be! After all the swelling went away I finally have a waist now and my belly button is fine! And I can't believe how my measurements have changed!
  24. Lynnlovesthebeach

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

    I couldn't sleep in my bed for about 6 weeks after plastics! I remember just wanting to curl up in a fetal position on my side in my bed. I tried at one point but it didn't work. I had to keep my arms elevated for quite a while due to swelling even with them wrapped so the recliner was my only option for that. It is all worth it though!

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