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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lynnlovesthebeach

  1. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Here we go

    Congratulations and I hope you have a great recovery.
  2. Lynnlovesthebeach


    Congratulations! That is a wonderful feeling for sure!
  3. When I was in the hospital they gave me "routine" Toradol through my IV even though I wasn't having any pain. I was there less than 24 hrs post op. Once I got home I have never taken any pain meds or nausea meds. I'm 4 weeks post op today and I couldn't have ask for a better recovery!
  4. Lynnlovesthebeach

    October Bypass

    Congratulations on surgery and such a nice recovery. I’m 4 weeks post op tomorrow and can’t believe how smooth this has gone.
  5. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Orlando/winter Garden Fl support groups

    It is held in the conference rooms on the first floor, right past Subway Subs. If you ask the security people on the way in they will point it out to you.
  6. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Post op diet

    Since we are on the same plan, I know you should be on full liquids. Also includes yogurt, applesauce, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, pureed fruits and veggies, sugar free pudding and gelatin. Our guide also says to work your way from 3 to 5 ounces in one sitting. Hope this helps. Congratulations on your surgery!
  7. Lynnlovesthebeach

    When can I start swallowing capsules?

    @GettinSkinnywithitYes I know. Before surgery I was switched from a time released med to one that could be crushed. Hopefully I won’t need it much longer.
  8. Lynnlovesthebeach

    When can I start swallowing capsules?

    I’m 3 1/2 weeks post op. I was told 6 weeks. I have the Bariatric Advantage chewable vitamins and chewy calcium. The vitamins are gross but I manage to get it down. I also take chewable Pepsid Complete and a small blood pressure pill that I have to crush and I just put it in water.
  9. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Post op emotions

    I’m 3 1/2 weeks post op bypass and have not regretted it for a moment! I know I made the right decision.
  10. Trust what your doctor says but ultimately it's your decision.
  11. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Not loosing weight and feeling helpless

    @Rj’s mommyI'm 6 days behind you and feel exactly the same way. I weighed myself this morning and have lost 11 lbs since surgery. To me that doesn't seem like much but then I remind myself, when was the last time I lost 11 lbs in 3 weeks? Probably never! I'm still working on trying to meet my protein and fluid requirements. I know I certainly don't get in enough calories but I'm working on it. I can have soft foods now but frankly I can't seem to make myself eat anything. I have no appetite and nothing looks good. I'm working on that too. I think if we look at this as a marathon and not a sprint we will both be happy with our results in the end! Good luck...we can do this!
  12. Lynnlovesthebeach

    October Bypass

    @BRYCE86 good luck with your surgery today. Prayers for you, Dr T and the entire team. Hope you have an easy, healthy recovery!
  13. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Orlando/winter Garden Fl support groups

    The ORMC Bariatric Practice has a support group on the third Tuesday of every month at 6 pm in the same place where you went to your initial seminar. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. Today is my first day to start soft foods. So far, not interested in anything!
  14. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Green stools and diarheoa

    How much iron are you taking? That could be responsible for the green color.
  15. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Is it supposed to be like this?

    If they didn’t give you an abdominal binder at the hospital, call your doctors office and see if they can get you one. It helps hold everything in place so you can move around and not have to hold everything yourself. It helps support everything to make getting out of a chair easier too. It will get better with time!
  16. Lynnlovesthebeach

    10/29 RNY pre op jitters

    Bryce86, the ORMC Bariatric program is so organized I needed nothing but my hairbrush. And unless you like lemonade Crystal light, you may want to take your own. I didn’t get to my room until 6pm and at midnight I could start drinking clears so I didn’t even need the biotene. Between trying to sleep, walking the halls and using the incentive spirometer there isn’t much time to do anything else. I only stayed one night. Went home at 4pm my first day post-op and so far have had a perfect recovery. Haven’t used any of the pain or nausea meds they prescribed...15 days now. Best wishes to you on your journey too.
  17. I wish I had taken my own fruit punch flavored Crystal Lite. They only had lemonade flavor. Otherwise, I didn’t need anything I took except my hairbrush. They provided everything I needed...even a phone charger.
  18. Lynnlovesthebeach

    How did you choose a goal weight?

    I just looked up the low end of the "normal" range BMI for my height and it is 92 lbs! No, not gonna happen! The lowest I can ever remember weighing as an adult was 112 and that was in college 40 yrs ago.
  19. Lynnlovesthebeach

    How did you choose a goal weight?

    I put the number my Dr said he thought I could get down to and figure I'll reevaluate when I get there. It's been a long time since I was in the "normal" BMI range. The top of the "normal" range for me is 123.
  20. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Surgery in 30 mins.

    I hope you had a good night. Now, let the healing begin!
  21. Lynnlovesthebeach

    1 week post op

    How long do you have to do clear liquids? My surgery was the day before yours but I only had to do clears for 3 days. I am now on "full liquids" for 2 weeks and it includes greek yogurt...my lifesaver! I just put some unflavored protein powder in it and I'm good to go. Premier Protein Clear is good if you have to stay on clears much longer.Good luck!
  22. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Did my surgeon change my surgery????

    @sleevegirl88I guess the real answer to your question is they are not going to change your procedure without discussing it with you. You have to sign a consent attesting the doctor has explained the procedure to you and that you understand what is to be done. That is your time to ask all the questions you need explained. Good luck with your procedure.
  23. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Today marks 1 year!

    @MG1776congratulations! Amazing transformation! I’m one week post-op and am so inspired to see pictures like yours.
  24. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Did my surgeon change my surgery????

    I think you are scheduled for an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty. RNY is not described as endoscopic because it is done laparoscopicaly if not open. At least mine was.
  25. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Did my surgeon change my surgery????

    I wouldn’t think so. There is no way they could do a RNY bypass through an endoscope. I’m one week post op today and I have 7 incisions on my abdomen. Beside that you have to sign a consent where the procedure is spelled out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
