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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lynnlovesthebeach

  1. Lynnlovesthebeach

    "You're too skinny!"

    @MIZ60I never get offended with the comments either. I work in a large hospital so I see a lot of people on a regular basis that are really just acquaintances and when they say stuff like, "Wow, you are really melting away" I just respond with "I sure am and I'm working hard at it!" I know who I want to know my story and who really doesn't need to know.
  2. Lynnlovesthebeach

    H. Pylori Question

    I had my first EGD several years ago when I had my first colonoscopy. Stomach looked horrible even though I had no symptoms of anything. I tested positive for H Pylori. I did the two weeks of antibiotics along with Previcid and retest (stool sample) was negative. When I had my next EGD 5 yrs later my stomach looked perfectly healthy. If you tested positive you should do the treatment because H Pylori is thought to be a cause stomach ulcers and cancer, so I was told.
  3. Lynnlovesthebeach


    As an RN working in the "baby field" for 40 yrs, I can tell you I have seen women in their 50's give birth but they were never natural pregnancies. All at this age have been IVF (and often with donor eggs) and multiple babies! Once saw a 49 yr old have quads and they weren't too happy about it because the doctor only implanted 3 embryos. Her 39 yr old husband had no kids so she wanted him to experience fatherhood. Her kids were young adults. Average age for menopause is around 51. However this ends, I hope you get the results you want!
  4. Lynnlovesthebeach

    It finally happened. Onederland!

    Congratulations! You have certainly worked hard for this. You are an inspiration!
  5. Lynnlovesthebeach

    "You're too skinny!"

    The thing I've heard lately by several people is, "I notice you've lost a lot of weight lately, has it been intentional?" I just respond with a polite "thank you and yes it is intentional, I'm not sick." When they ask "how much?" I just say "a lot!" I notice the people that say "don't lose too much" are the people that also struggle with weight loss and know I am or will be smaller than them!
  6. congratulations! You are beautiful!
  7. Lynnlovesthebeach

    How long did it take you to get your surgeries?

    I went to my WLS seminar in May and at that time was given a June 4 appointment with the surgeon. The day after the seminar I called the office and scheduled all my required visits, 3 medically supervised diet appts, psyche eval dietician eval, Upper GI, cardiac clearance (took 3 visits with the cardiologist for stress test, EKG) etc. I was finished with everything in mid Aug but had to wait until Oct 9 for surgery due to surgeon's busy schedule and 2 week vacation! I lost 26 lbs in that time.
  8. On my first doctor visit he told me he thought I could get down to 140 lbs so I set that as my first goal. According to BMI charts my range is 92-123 lbs. My doctor has now given me an "ideal" wt of 117. I think I'll set my "ultimate" goal at 123. It puts me in the "healthy" range and anything less than that is a bonus! My college wt was 112 lbs but that was 40 yrs ago.
  9. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Cool sculpting

    Our support group had a plastic surgeon that specializes in bariatric patients as guest speaker and he said procedures such as this don't work for bariatric patients and are a waste of money. Our problem when we get to goal is not excess fat but excess skin and these procedures do nothing for that.
  10. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Craving coffee ☕️

    My program allows coffee. I didn't want it for the first two weeks post op but since then I have a cup every morning with no issues.
  11. Lynnlovesthebeach

    A few NSVs

    @Neri Congratulations on your progress. NSVs are proof it's not all about the number on the scale! Yesterday, while talking to a friend of many years, she said "you are starting to look like the you I remember and I know you'll get back to where you were mean't to be." I've known her for 40 yrs and she has seen me yo-yo diet for the last 20 yrs so I know she mean't this as a sincere compliment . Definitely a NSV for me.
  12. Lynnlovesthebeach

    My Road to a Better Me

    Congratulations on your better life and your inspirational post!
  13. Lynnlovesthebeach

    1 year anniversary today

    Congratulations on your anniversary and your terrific weight loss!
  14. you look great, love the haircut!
  15. Exactly what notmyname said! That's what I did! In Aug I scheduled a condo closing on Sept 14 and the first available surgery date was Oct 9 so I took that date. Moved into the condo Sept 29. It was great because my daily walks after surgery allowed me to get to know my new neighbors and my new neighborhood. My kitchen was bariatric friendly because I only moved the things I needed. Couldn't cheat on my pre-op diet (at least at home) because there was nothing there to eat that I shouldn't have! I have two closets in the master bedroom...one is clothes that fit and the other those soon to fit that will be moved over as the time comes. I didn't sell my house first though so that is my project for the new year...gotta do some painting and updating and then I'll put it on the market. So glad I did it this way!
  16. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Going thru RNY alone? Need someone overnight?

    I was in the hospital alone. After a tech walked with me the first time I was approved to walk alone after that. Pushing the IV pole was no big deal. A physical therapist came to my room to assist me the next day but after he had to find me somewhere in the hallway he decided I didn't need him and went on to his next patient. After I went home I was totally alone. I made sure I had all I needed before surgery so my recovery was uneventful. I drove on the 5th day post op because I wasn't taking any drugs that would make me drowsy. Pain was never an issue. I had a support person that took me to the hospital, stayed until I was in my room and then came back the next day to take me home.
  17. Lynnlovesthebeach


    The surgical group I use allows straws. They even gave me a cup with a straw in the hospital.
  18. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Stomach binder or no?

    They gave me an abdominal binder at the hospital as soon as I got up to walk. I used it until my staples came out and then didn’t feel I needed it after that. It made everything feel better and supported.
  19. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Can I have zevia sugar free soda?

    @BRYCE86it is always the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the same location as the pre-op info session. Dec 18, this month. I look forward to meeting you.
  20. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Can I have zevia sugar free soda?

    @BRYCE86since I have the same surgical team as you I referred to my surgical nutrition manual. On page 14 right above where it says in capital letters "NEVER DRINK CARBONATED BEVERAGES AGAIN!" it says sip sugar free, calorie free fluids between meals. I guess if you let your root beer go flat it becomes a sugar free, calorie free beverage! Also, since the next support group meeting is with the dietitian, I'm going to ask that question. I'll let you know her response.
  21. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Instant Pot?

    For those not willing to wait for Santa, Kohl's has a code for 25% off plus you get Kohl's cash to use later. The code is HOLIDAY25. I just ordered an air fryer oven and got a great price on it. Now I have to return the one I bought from Bed, Bath and Beyond on Monday. I already have a 6 qt Instant Pot and love it!
  22. Lynnlovesthebeach

    7 weeks Post Op!

    Congratulations on your great weight loss! I'm also 7 weeks post op, (surgery 10/9/18). So far I'm down 45 lbs since initial visit, 19 since surgery. I'm half way to the goal my surgeon set! My personal goal will probably be lower. I guess I'm not quite as adventurous as you though because I just reached the point of trying "all foods" this week per my plan. Haven't tried alcohol either. I've had a pretty nice recovery too...followed instructions as best I could and am happy with results so far!
  23. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Caffeine (coffee/preworkouts

    My program allows up to 2 caffeinated drinks per day. I didn't have any for the first week because I just didn't want it. By week 2 I started drinking my coffee again although it just doesn't taste the same to me anymore. I use a Kuerig and have decaf, half caff and Starbucks veranda...I put them all in a canister and whatever I grab when I reach in is what I drink.
  24. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Fluids after surgery

    It gets better pretty quickly. I’ll be six weeks out on Tuesday and can finally drink pretty normal drinks of liquids. Still working on getting more protein though.
  25. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Best Tools

    I’m in my last week of soft foods and for a protein supplement I like Syntrax Nectar unflavored. I put it in yogurt, cottage cheese, actually most anything. Good luck with your journey!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
