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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lynnlovesthebeach

  1. Lynnlovesthebeach

    when you ate eggs..

    In the early stages, if I ate an egg it felt like I ate a rock...no matter how it was cooked! I'm fine with them now.
  2. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Non Scale Victories

    I've had a lot of NSVs lately. I had hip replacement surgery on June 17 and I must admit being in the hospital and being treated like a "normal" weight person was nice, if you know what I mean. It only took one person to help me get out of bed, when the physical therapist came to help me walk I didn't worry that the belt they put around you so they can catch you if you fall would be too small. Yesterday I had my post op appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. I had to change into the paper shorts they have you wear for X-ray. The tech asked me, "What size do you want? We have S/M or L/XL." I asked her (already knowing the answer) "What size would you suggest?" She said,"Small." They were huge on me! When I went there 11/2 yrs ago for my first appointment at 235 lbs, they just handed me the L/XL and they were embarrassingly snug! At that appointment my doctor suggested I lose wt before he would do the surgery. He wanted me below 200 lbs. He said at that current wt the surgery would be difficult and my recovery would be hard. When I went back to him the next time I weighed 149lbs. He was impressed! The day of surgery I weighed 133! After surgery, he told me, "Your surgery was very easy to do since you are so small!" Recovery, as he predicted, is going great!
  3. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Knee replacement

    My orthopedic surgeon wanted me to lose about 35 lbs before hip replacement surgery. He wanted me to be below 200 lbs. At first I did Weight Watchers and wasn't having much success so that was when I looked into WLS. I had my WLS last Oct and 8 days ago on June 17 finally got my hip replaced! I was 102 lbs lighter the day of surgery. Because I lost the weight I was able to have the anterior approach surgery and my recovery has been remarkable! On day 4 post op I gave up my walker and on day 6 post op gave up my cane! Today on day 8 post op I went for a 1.7 mile walk all on my own! My orthopedic surgeon was impressed with my weight loss and I think will be impressed with this recovery when I see him Friday. I'm glad I took his advise and lost the wt first. He has changed my life in so many ways! Good luck with your knee surgery! It's a lot of work but so worth it!
  4. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Chronic pain and exercise

    I lost my weight with minimal exercise. One of the reasons I had the surgery was so I could lose weight before a total hip replacement. My orthopedic surgeon wanted me to get below 200 lbs before he would consider doing the surgery. He said recovery would be so much easier. My exercise consisted of using the recumbent bike 2-3 days a week, or the elliptical. Those were the only things I was able to do without severe hip pain and some days I couldn't do those. I am happy to say I had my hip replacement last Monday...100 lbs lighter than when I saw my surgeon the first time. He was impressed with my wt loss and he was correct...recovery has to be easier now than it would have been then! This recovery has been harder than my gastric bypass surgery but I can't believe the progress I've made in this last week. I took a walk outside for 20 min this morning and half of it I carried my cane! I am so looking forward to getting back to the active lifestyle I had a few yrs ago before "life" and arthritis got in the way!
  5. The night I went to my seminar and found out what was required I adopted a "bariatric" lifestyle. That was one month before my first surgeon's visit and 5 months before surgery.
  6. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Dry Mouth at Night

    I am 8 months out and I still have this problem. Sometimes I feel like my tongue is stuck to the top of my mouth. I get plenty of water, don't know why it happens.
  7. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Thought this was funny

    Spaghetti sure wasn't that nice to me! Some day when I post my before picture what you see will be attributed to spaghetti and sugar!
  8. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Batwings Be Gone! 🦇

    Can't wait until I get to goal so I can go to the plastic surgeon and be rid of my bat wings. No amt of exercise is going to get rid of mine...sorry no pictures.
  9. The plastic surgeon that works with my bariactric team requires you to be at least 1 yr post op and a “stable” wt for at least 6 months.
  10. Lynnlovesthebeach

    One month post op RNY

    sounds like a normal healthy amount for the first month
  11. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Did you need help at home?

    I live alone. Stocked up on the things I thought I needed afterwards and did just fine. My brother provided transportation to and from surgery and would of helped if I had needed it but I was fine on my own. Never took pain meds so I drove pretty quickly. Anything I didn't feel like doing (housework, laundry) waited until I felt like it! I just concentrated on recovery and all went well!
  12. I'm 4'11." Started this process at 229 with a BMI of 46. My actual highest recored weight in my medical record is 242 (BMI 49) about 3 yrs ago. I'm 7 months post op and doing great. Not quite sure what my ultimate goal will be but stated goal is what my doc said he thought I could get to. My insurance is a private plan through the hospital I work for.
  13. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Surgery tomorrow April 20

    Good luck with your surgery today!
  14. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Knee pain after surgery..

    I've had hip pain for a few years now. Although it has gotten a little better with weight loss, that doesn't change the fact that I have bone on bone in the joint from osteoarthritis. Plus, not being able to take NSAIDS doesn't help. I've put off a hip replacement for about 7 yrs now. Now that I've lost a significant amount of weight my doctor says my surgery and recovery will be much easier. I am scheduled for a total hip replacement in June. I'm finally ready for it so I can hopefully get my active life back!
  15. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Energy after surgery?

    Once I recovered from the surgery, I have plenty of energy on very few calories. I do get hungry sometimes but it takes very little to satisfy it. I'm not in ketosis (at least the last time I had labs done I wasn't) and don't attempt to be. I guess I eat just enough carbs to prevent ketosis. This has been one of the best decisions I've made!
  16. Lynnlovesthebeach

    y'all still drining coffee ?

    Yes, still drinking coffee. My program says 1-2 cups per day is ok. For a couple of weeks post op I didn't want it but after that I drank decaf for a couple of weeks (only because I bought it thinking I couldn't have caffeine). I usually stick with one cup per day just because that's what I had cut down to long before I started this journey.
  17. Lynnlovesthebeach

    6 days out - NO real pain

    I never had any pain either. They gave me pain meds in the hospital but I never took any pain meds once I got home. I followed the guidelines they gave me and have had no issues. I did have the “foamy” stuff come up a couple of times in the early stages when restarting solid food due to either eating too fast or too much but otherwise no vomiting or nausea. It doesn’t take too many times of doing that to figure out your bodies cues to slow down! I consider myself to be having a textbook journey and am grateful. I don’t get stressed out if I have a day where I don’t get my protein in. I just do better the next day! I did get hunger back after 4 weeks but it doesn’t take much to make it go away. I used to live on sugar, now I have no desire for sweets or junk food. Now I just look at junk food and think to myself, that’s what got me to the bariatric program in the first place! I’m doing the best I can and so far it’s working. I’m no longer Pre-diabetic and no longer take taking BP meds. Good luck with your journey. It’s ok to being doing great! Your doctor will be proud of you!
  18. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Weighing in at the doctor's office

    The only doctor office I don’t mind going to is the ophthalmologist because I don’t have to get on a scale! I guess we all have the same tricks when we go knowing we have to get on the scale! I told the medical assistant the last time I was there my goal is to some day come to the office in jeans and not care what the scale says! Don’t see that happening any time soon!
  19. What does your primary care doc think? Have you checked in with your bariatric group lately? Maybe a visit with the dietician would be a good place to start. Sorry this is happening to you.
  20. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Excessively long clear liquid phase

    I only had to do clear liquids for 3 days and then progressed to full liquids. Saw my doctor on day 9 post op.
  21. Lynnlovesthebeach

    First half marathon

    Having never done this before, I can't give any advice but just wanted to say Good Luck! Thirteen miles is a long way and certainly something to be proud of!
  22. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Clear Liquids @ Hospital--Aspratame in EVERYTHING

    I got to my room at 6pm the day of surgery so no meals that day, only had water for the rest of the evening. The next day I had exactly 2 "meals." Breakfast consisted of chicken broth, orange jello, bottle of water and a crystal lite lemonade packet. Lunch was exactly the same thing except it was beef broth. The only thing I took off the trays were the water bottles. At some point I ate the red part of a "bomb pop" popsicle. At 4pm, I was discharged home. I had my IV infusing until the minute I was discharged so it didn't matter if I drank their meals or not. I wouldn't worry about taking anything to eat or drink...you probably won't want it any way.
  23. Lynnlovesthebeach

    My journey not over

  24. Lynnlovesthebeach

    Non Scale Victories

    I had to fly to Penn this past weekend for my son's college graduation. The person that had the plane seat before me had the seatbelt expanded as far as it could go and I thought about when I needed it there too, then I cinched it in about 15 in! My son has not seen me since I started this bariatric journey and his response was "Gee Mom, you are so skinny!" And, the NSV I planned for just in case it happened...I ran into the ex and his wife (I've never met her before) and I was looking pretty damn good and smaller than her! Not that I really care what either of them think about me but it did make me feel good for a moment!
  25. Lynnlovesthebeach

    3rd day

    Hi Karenbb8! Congratulations on your surgery! I also had Dr Jawad! Isn't he great! I didn't have a sleeve but had the RNY GB. What you are feeling sounds completely normal. You might need to tighten up your binder a tad to help with the "guts falling out" feeling. I wore mine for a week then didn't need it any more. Also, sipping your fluids a little slower may help with the spasms. Don't be so hard on yourself . You are doing great! Just concentrate on healing and staying hydrated! It all comes together quickly and the pounds will start melting away! Just follow the rules they gave us and you will be successful!

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