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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    mousecat88 got a reaction from GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    In the darker, realistic recesses of my brain, I anticipate reaching my goal in 18-24 months. But outside of that, I demand it within a year. =p
  2. Congrats!
    mousecat88 got a reaction from GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    Ugh. Your single word coerced me into scheduling an appointment. lmao. December 31st. Right before my deductible rolls over. Woot. lol.
  3. Like
    mousecat88 reacted to Hrsnjs in Body Composition Scale @ Surgeon Office   
    This is so cool!!

    Sent from my Pixel 3 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    Sometimes I need some false hope that it's possible I, too, can lose that 100lbs in under a year. False hope isn't the right word... because it IS possible. I just don't see much negatives on weight being lost on this forum (except people like me right in the beginning complaining about slow weight loss. LOL)
  5. Like
    mousecat88 reacted to Matt Z in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    Right! Sadly Dehydration and inefficient levels of hydration aren't the same, I'm not even sure if they can test for "proper hydration" only if it's a problem and you are actually dehydrated. There is so much "art" involved with this whole process!
  6. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    Lab work doesn't indicate any dehydration, but I swear I would love to just have a permanent IV line stuck in me. LOL. I've drank about 10oz since 8am and feel very, very queasy. I keep trying to "force" more down despite that, because I know it's important.
  7. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    My surgeon tells me I am doing fine and that weight loss will pick up at month 4. But I still don't listen. lol. I can't help but see how much weight other people are losing, especially ones who had surgery in November, too, and be like WTF WHY NOT ME? HMPF.
  8. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    No, I was on Diamox so I felt permanently dehydrated and peed so much I needed to keep drinking to stay hydrated. If I didn't, my pee would start turning brownish, indicating that I wasn't getting enough in... because I'd keep peeing even if I didn't drink much. It was just natural to me to sip all day long, too. Never was told not to.
  9. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    Yeah, I am very below my water intake because it is so painful with my ulcer. They are satisfied with my 40-50oz a day right now until my ulcer heals. I am so used to pounding water... I used to be at 120oz + pre-op and now I am like a raisin. Everything is just so sensitive right now. I do drink hot water, which helps. I try to get in broth. Popsicles and stuff hurt because of the cold. I recently found a shake I can tolerate, so that's some more fluids. I can't wait til this stupid thing is gone so I can drink more! For some reason when I drink water, I feel like I want to vomit or get very nauseous, and it feels... lumpy?
  10. Like
    mousecat88 reacted to GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    I know it's hard not comparing your journey to others but consider that things on the internet are often manufactured to look the most appealing. You will never know the whole truth in the background.
    Guard your sanity and protect your journey from negative outside influences, even when they masquerade as positivity.
    You don't need that in your life.
  11. Like
    mousecat88 reacted to GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    Don't compare yourself to others...
    And not just about weight loss
    But sure it's *possible*, it will depend on so many factors that you just can't anticipate. But set/smash goals and never ever ever sell yourself short โค
  12. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from Hrsnjs in Body Composition Scale @ Surgeon Office   
    Here's what it tracks.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Like
    mousecat88 reacted to Matt Z in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    I certainly didn't expect to break more than 100 LBS in less than 9 months, let alone a year! Other than really hammering the Water intake... I can't think of a reason why my specific results are what they are. But, water really REALLY is amazingly important to weight loss.
  14. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from GreenTealael in 100 lbs in under a year?   
    I've noticed a bunch of people's stats lately and many of them show 100lbs or more down in under a year. (Most have starting weights around 300 or less). Is this typical? YES I AM COMPARING MYSELF TO OTHER PEOPLE. INB4 SOMEONE COMMENTS THAT I SHOULDN'T. lol. I feel like it's an impossible ways away!
  15. Like
    mousecat88 reacted to Roxine in 101 pounds down - 10 to go!   
    It's been awhile since I've posted - but thought I'd post some before and after pictures.
    This was taken last week when I hit the century loss - but today I'm officially 101 pounds down!
    My BMI says I should get down to 140, but I think I'll be healthy at 150 - so I'm 10 pounds to my personal goal.
    I did start working out with a personal trainer which I think will help with these last few pounds.

  16. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from FluffyChix in Body Composition Scale @ Surgeon Office   
    I have one of these scales at home (and one at the surgeon's, of course). I can't remember what the one at the surgeon says, but looking at my phone tracker, my phone says I have 103.8 fat-free body mass and 97.6 muscle mass... which would be 44.8lbs of fat. But I have to lose 109 lbs to be at a normal body weight. I am 5'3 and 249.... someone who is 5'3" should be around 140 or less. It also says I am 58.3% body fat and normal is 26%. I wouldn't go by how much "body fat" it says you have, but whatever a healthy weight for your height and build would be. 86lbs would put you around 160, so that could be perfect for you coincidentally , given your build. I need to go a bit further than just the 44.8lbs my scale says. lol!
  17. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from ๐Ÿ…บ๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ…ผ๐Ÿ…ผ๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ…ด๐Ÿ…บ in Body Composition Scale @ Surgeon Office   
    Relatedly, I love my scale I got. It was super cheap on Amazon. And the weight is basically dead-on with the scale at the surgeon. The only thing that I remember that differs is the BMR, but whatever. It has bluetooth and syncs to your phone. It's a RENPHO scale.
  18. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from FluffyChix in Body Composition Scale @ Surgeon Office   
    I have one of these scales at home (and one at the surgeon's, of course). I can't remember what the one at the surgeon says, but looking at my phone tracker, my phone says I have 103.8 fat-free body mass and 97.6 muscle mass... which would be 44.8lbs of fat. But I have to lose 109 lbs to be at a normal body weight. I am 5'3 and 249.... someone who is 5'3" should be around 140 or less. It also says I am 58.3% body fat and normal is 26%. I wouldn't go by how much "body fat" it says you have, but whatever a healthy weight for your height and build would be. 86lbs would put you around 160, so that could be perfect for you coincidentally , given your build. I need to go a bit further than just the 44.8lbs my scale says. lol!
  19. Like
    mousecat88 reacted to ๐Ÿ…บ๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ…ผ๐Ÿ…ผ๐Ÿ…ธ๐Ÿ…ด๐Ÿ…บ in Body Composition Scale @ Surgeon Office   
    What scale do you have at home? I have one of those Fitbit Aria scales, but its been in the box over 2 years because I could never EVER get an accurate reading from it for my weight alone. It ended up pissing me off so I boxed it LOL I'm very interested in knowing my muscle mass without having to go get a DEXA scan.
  20. Like
    mousecat88 reacted to S@ssen@ch in 600 pound life!   
    I started watching 600-lb life about a year ago and believe it or not, the re-runs of the Asanti family were the first ones I watched. I was already pretty deep into the pre-op process at that point and was absolutely fascinated. I watched them faithfully until I was about 3 months post-op. I watched them because I felt that by watching, it would help motivate me to stay on track. They did, to a degree, but I just couldn't stand watching these poor souls anymore.
    As someone said in an earlier post, there were so many common threads like abuse. Sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse. Then there were those who had substance abuse problems.
    I also felt like the show kind of edited things to make you react. Of course, you have Dr. N's tirades at non-compliant patients. But, the biggest thing for me was that I just could not watch them eat. The show always showed them stuffing themselves. Heck, one girl ordered pizza right after her family left and had a Domino's pizza feast to herself: med/large pizza, garlic knots, cookie pizza. The entire bed in her apartment was covered in food. And what about the chick who was performing sexual favors for her boyfriend/partner so he'd bring her junk food? Even when she was in the hospital, on a monitored diet! I just had to stop watching. It became a negative reinforcer and I wanted positivity in my life.
  21. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from Cute4aBigGirl in Help, I'm hungry AGAIN!   
    Girl I am just 6 days post op and feel exactly as hungry as I did last week, pre-op.
  22. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from sillykitty in Bariatric Pal Store??? Non-whey options.   
    Thank you. I'm not vegetarian or vegan, I just get sick from whey Proteins specifically. I can have milk/yogurt/etc totally fine... but when it's a whey shake... super nauseous. I use soy Protein Shakes. I've found a few things off the bariatricpal site that I've ordered, like the lentil curry and the sloppy joe mix. I did order the oatmeal, which I believe is whey, but sometime it's hit or miss so I'm going to give it a shot!
  23. Sad
    mousecat88 got a reaction from sillykitty in Weight Stall Venting   
    I'm down 1 lb in 11 days and I am heated. lol! I'm stuck on bland purees for another 5 weeks and have already been on them 4 weeks. I want to enjoy some food progression with other people, and also not just lose 1 single pound while eating flavorless mush. So bent out if shape right now.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app

  24. Like
    mousecat88 got a reaction from irol888 in Gastric Bypass - Week 2 Post Op   
    Check out the BariatricPal Store. TONS of foods on there quick to make for the puree stage, including soups. They are all pre-portioned and the right carbs/fat/cals. I had Campbell's condensed cream of chicken 2 weeks out and GOT SO SICK. I had the cream of broccoli at 3 weeks, and got mildly sick. Most people say it's fine for them.
  25. Like
    mousecat88 reacted to Sweettoothless in Weight Stall Venting   
    I hauled butt to my pcp to cry wtf. I lost more weight in month 1 on all the different diet fads I did. I lost 11 pounds in 11 days after surgery then nothing, not a speck for 20 days. THIS IS NOT EVEN SCIENCE LOL! I was on antibiotics back to back for uti and also dealing with kidney stones but I felt so bewildered and ripped off. Then the last 5 days I lost a pound a day for no particular reason except maybe that I added a bit more carbs and fat because that would shake things up when I stalled low carbing before. But I felt the same feelings of panic and disbelief and feeling ripped off.

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