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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by mousecat88

  1. mousecat88

    Caffeine Pre and Post Op!

    Caffeine was only "forbidden" until I was able to consistently get in at least 72oz of water in a day. Caffeine is a diuretic and that is no bueno post-op. I'm now allowed one cup a day. But I have three some days - of hot tea. Meh.
  2. mousecat88

    mother's day jerk

    seeing my gma for the first time since I had surgery. she legit said I "used to be her granddaughter then stopped for a few years (while I was fat) and decided to be her granddaughter again"...... [emoji35][emoji35][emoji35] and yes, she did mean it like that. she always talked **** about my weight behind my back since I had gained. she's become anorexic in her old age, as well, so she has her own problems. we have never gotten along. well jokes on her because it was a buffet and i ate a bit too much and puked in the bathroom, cutting the visit short. #bariatricweaponization Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. mousecat88

    mother's day jerk

    Similar situation with me. Began in middle school with my father saying I was fat when I wasn't. Continued for years and then stopped when I actually became overweight... something that happened because of body image issues directly from the comments he made when I was a child. People don't understand the effect their words truly have on kids. Anyways, screw em. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. mousecat88

    mother's day jerk

    It's messed up because when I was skinny before, my gma and dad would tell me I was fat... and now that I am losing weight, although I'm still 50lbs heavier than I was when they said I was fat, they now say I look good. like wtmf! Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. supplements and supplements and supplements! XD Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. mousecat88

    med sorting day!

    I take 2 at a time over 5 minutes, 3 times a day. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. mousecat88

    Nausea...does it ever go away?

    I could not tolerate whey. Try soy shake instead. If you continue to be nauseous, could be gallbladder. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Can someone explain why a bypass patient is more likely to develop an ulcer than a "regular" person if they smoke? I can't figure out the connection. Is it because there's no protective stomach acid anymore? I can only find the "don't smoke" mantras... but all doctors say that. Why is the predisposition higher? Yes, I will admit I've smoked about 4 packs or so since surgery. I know I'm not supposed to. And at my 6 month I told the doctor's office and they're like "you may get another ulcer" and I was feeling bitchy that day and was like "that's fine because I have leftover Carafate from my last one". I'm a stubborn ****** but I will complain when it bites me in the ass.... at least I'm honest. lol. I'm trying to quit again. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. I had an ulcer for several weeks immediately post-op. With a lot of medicine and diligence it cleared up. Took about 12 weeks or so. I am glad they can try repeat endoscopies! I was like O___O for a moment!
  10. mousecat88

    HELOC for Plastics

    I want my arms, tummy, butt, and inner thighs. Arms are the priority though, and insurance MAY pay for my stomach.
  11. mousecat88

    Six months post-op+ : The Sophomores Thread

    I was told up until May 1 (my 6 mos) not to add fiber because of a hernia repair. I take Colace twice daily, Magnesium Citrate pill once daily, and Milk of Mag once a week. I did have some senna last night. They finally said I could add Metamucil if I want, but they also said taking the Milk of Mag once a week is fine, too. I will go once a week on the Colace and Mag Citrate by themselves, so still need the MoM to truly go on the weekends.
  12. mousecat88

    How many oz

    Depends what those 4oz are. I am 6 months out and sometimes struggle with 4oz of meat. But 4oz of cottage cheese is nothing.
  13. mousecat88

    Smoking and ulcers

    My question was specifically why bypass patients are more at risk than those that haven't had the surgery. I was trying to understand the science behind that, and not be berated. Also, cigs are like $3 a pack where I live and with the frequency in which I purchase them, it doesn't exactly break the bank so I don't even understand that last comment.
  14. I am so sorry to hear this. I suppose for the next four months they are trying to heal up the ulcers prior to redoing the surgery? Can they remove the ulcerated sections sooner? I don't understand the repeat endoscopies don't work thing.... I know a number of people on here have had strictures that required several endoscopies to continue stretching it out. My coworker's brother has had two already.
  15. Have you had a sleep study done recently to see if you still need the CPAP? Or, rather, do you plan on having one again as you lose weight to see if you can ditch the machine?
  16. mousecat88

    i hate cardio.

    Have you tried jogging in water? They also have water aerobics classes with resistance floaties (if you're fortunate enough to have a gym with a pool, unlike me).
  17. mousecat88

    i hate cardio.

    I don't intend to ever stop exercising? Even the stuff I hate now. I LOVE weight training and resistance training. And yoga - which counts as cardio as far as my trainer is concerned. I am trying BANG Power Dance next week.
  18. mousecat88

    HELOC for Plastics

    Update: Oh yeah. CareCredit interest is 26% after deferment or 14% if you don't take a deferment. YIKES ON BIKES.
  19. mousecat88

    Pounds lost

    I am 6.5 months out and have lost 100 lbs. I have 46 more pounds to go, which I hope to reach by December 1 of this year at the latest. I am really focused on having my brachioplasty end of November or December, so I sincerely hope I can do this.
  20. I went through an impulsive shopping spree a bit at the beginning. I do obsess over my weight - I weigh daily. If it goes up a pound, like yesterday, I freak the hell out. It could be worse. I haven't picked up any bad habits or addictions, though. I have drank twice, but don't feel any desire to drink more than I did before, which was a handful of times a year (it doesn't seem to affect me any more like they said it would). I exercise regularly but not obsessively. Although I sort of wish I would, lol. At least for a few months. I am addicted to cottage cheese. LOL. I HAVE to have that sh*t on the daily. Weird, permanent craving.
  21. mousecat88

    Low Cal Ice Cream

    My favorites are Breyer's Carb Smart, Enlighten bars (not Enlightened pints), and Yasso bars.
  22. mousecat88

    Dr. Now.

    I ate a wee too much at the Chinese buffet yesterday and felt awful. Then got super nauseous while with the trainer. Printing this out for my desk at work as a reminder.... Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. mousecat88

    Dr. Now.

    https://www.amazon.com/protein-mashed-potato-doctor-shirt/dp/B07KY955J9/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1CLOTRJ3NIMRZ&keywords=dr+nowzardan&qid=1557501592&s=gateway&sprefix=nowzar%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-4 i love this. lmao.
  24. mousecat88

    Dr. Now.

    I've had it a few times before... it's just every time I've gone I eat too much. Probably because it's a buffet and I want a small sample of everything. I wish I had thrown up. lol. 4 hours later at the gym I was doing tire flips and jumping jacks and like blarrrrrffff.
  25. mousecat88

    Exogenous Ketones

    I take a whole bunch of rando supplements touted to do this or that. I have no clue if any of them have factored into my weight loss. My trainer is big on those sorts of things. Not "diet pills", but things like CLA, arginine, inosine, etc. I read some article about the exogenous ketones because they were featured on Shark Tank and they were cheap so I was like whatever sure. lol. I am around 50g of carbs a day and 800 calories. I'm sure I am losing by virtue of that alone, but I guess any placebo mental boost can help, right? lol. Will keep you all posted... they arrive today. If I notice any crazy drastic drop or anything, that'll be my indicator.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
