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Posts posted by Deepseamariner

  1. I was sleeved 10/15 and have had absolutely zero issues. No dumping, no extreme soreness, no sweats.. no complications at all

    i eat tons of Protein, steak, pork, chicken, turkey, fish- you name it. I stay as close to zero carbs as I can. I operate on 800-1000 caps a day. But it’s picking I can eat a 6oz steak, but it literally takes 2 days- small bites, chewed well, but my body doesn’t reject it lol

    I drink min 120 oz of Water a day. 4 thirty ounce yeti cups over 18 hours. The first week it was hard to get a sippy cup down, but once the swelling subsided, it was game on

    This morning I officially lost 100 pounds. (Actually 116). Weight day of surgery was 381, today it is 261. 116 pounds/87 days=1.3 pounds a day and no stalls.

    So to those who say the guy was wrong or what ever, it’s his body, his procedure, his ass if it doesn’t work. I’m kind of doing the same thing. So far, I think I have a handle on it.

  2. 2 months post op. Down 81 pounds.

    I tried the insurance route 3 times and all 3 times the ins.co would pull the no bariatric rider at the last minute. I paid out of pocket for mine, $13k. I gave them a check on 10/01 and was on the table 10/15. Dr required 2 visits. One was a “physical” more or less and the other was a sales pitch, the next day he was playing with my innards.

    10/15 the day of surgery i was 381, 12/15 I’m 300.

    do what your dr says and the procedure will work.

    Water is critical, lots of Protein, as few carbs as possible. I try to stay under 1000 calories and 20 carbs a day, and I’m usually able to do that the key is reading labels. meat has few/no carbs- cook it simply and it’s perfect. sauces and seasonings are the devil. I use a lot of garlic, salt, pepper and rosemary. And I grill everything beef, bird, fish... everything

    Dont graze eat. Figure out what you can “hold” and then only put 75% on your plate.

    i guess I got lucky- I have had ZERO complications post op. No bleeding, no dumping, no major pain, nothing. I went back to work after a week off... I was bored silly sitting at home that week

    I live and die by my 30oz yeti. I drink 3 cups plus a day. One before lunch, one before dinner, one before bed. Sometime I shoot some MIO or lemon in it. Somedays I have unsweet tea. I’ve been able to keep the soda and alcohol monsters away, but somedays I’d kill for a ginger ale

    Pouches of tuna and salmon and chicken are easy to carry in the car or work bag.

    A little thing I do is when I’m on dinner duty, I hit the free sample display at the deli. One cube of meat, one of cheese and I’m half full, keeps me from over indulging with actual dinner

    for a sweet treat, sugar free popcicles are just sweet enough to do the trick. Atkins has some good low carb/high Protein Bars. One thing I learned is the more you pay, the better they are.

    Exercise is difficult for me due to the nature of my work- I’m on a seagoing tugboat 9 months a year. So the whole boat is my gym- everything is 100 pounds or more, it’s difficult to get the cardio in though- you can walk only so many laps around my 150’ steel island.

  3. Not to be crass, but it sounds like there’s a lot of issues in play here. Please do not take this as a slam on you or your family, but just an outsiders perspective.

    1) the unsupportive family- only help those who will help themselves. Your husband helped make said kids, he can help feed them and clean their habitation. If he refuses, lay the law down to him.

    2) kids- at the age, they should be doing chores as part of their “deal”. If they can change the channel on the tv or play on the cellphone, they can work a broom, take out the trash, follow written instructions on washing/drying clothes, operate a can of pledge and dust rag....if they ever want to see the tv (or what ever their vice is).

    Someone has had to be the adult. By letting your spouse do as he does, you are condoning all of their poor behaviors. Therapist or not, it’s not acceptable. To be frank, call him out on his crap. He’s a big boy, it will be ok

    As for for your needs and 4 weeks “off”, personally, I think it’s a bit much. You will be walking 2 hours after surgery. Some tenderness for a few days, maybe a week at most. 30 days absence from duties is absurd. My job is fairly physical in a hostile environment, ( requires lifting things over 100 pounds daily and on board a ship that routinely operates in 15-30’ seas)- I was back at work in 7 days.

    Those 7 days off I was bored out of my mind.

    As for care at home, you will be able to walk, use toilet, make your own food(liquids)... so really their will not be much need for reliance on anyone but yourself.

  4. I had a vsg done 10/15, started out at 389, weighed this morning, fully dressed 339.

    Only complication was a go round with gout. I think the dehydration post op a few days triggered it. A round of steroids and Percocet and I was good as new in a few days. No dumping, no hunger, bp feels down.

    Went out to the moose lodge last night and forgot to wear a belt, my shorts kept slipping off my ass night. (No no drinking other than a unsweet tea). It’s funny because I wore the same shorts the day of surgery and they were snug on my hips. Good problem to have I guess.

    2 week post op dr visit is Tuesday... I’m ready to get back to work.

  5. Trust me, I get it.

    10/15 0600 i was 389 pounds

    10/22 2200 I was 341 pounds

    I have lost 49 pounds in a week.

    Im still a fat bastard, and will probably always see myself as one.

    The wife says she can see it though, neck is thinner, stomach is less pronounced... we take photos tomarrow.

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