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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TriAgain

  1. TriAgain

    Blender Suggestions...

    For anyone interested in getting a Magic Bullet, Walgreens has it on sale this week $10 off. I got a Cooks at Penneys which is similar and they have it in today's add for $29.99, which is half price. Nice to have options. Haven't had the Cooks long enough to know if I would recommend it, however.
  2. Thanks, Keepinfaith and New Diva 2008. The water and protein shake sound like it might be my best bet. I have found several vegetarian/vegan protein drinks and thought about mixing them with soymilk (which isn't real portable if you want it cold) but water would work with some of them. I also found a self stirring mug that I hope will be a great portable alternative to a blender.
  3. I noticed several of you said you had been banded by Dr. Cox. I see him on Tuesday for my initial appointment. I was also glad to see that he does the procedure at Catawba as that would be my choice. Any advice before my appointment? What should I expect. Thanks!
  4. I'm not banded yet either (I see the surgeon next Tuesday) but had a dilemma yesterday that maybe someone can help me with. I attended a luncheon and on the menu was chicken salad on a croissant (I'm vegetarian so I steered clear of this totally), cheese straws, potato chips, fruit (2 strawberries and a handful of grapes), and pound cake. This is an annual luncheon so I hope to go next year (maybe there will be a more varied menu) and hope to be banded and maybe near goal by then. Does anyone have any suggestions for a portable lunch I could take with me and be somewhat inconspicuous in these kinds of situations? I'm not sure how Granola bars will do and I can't think of any other options. Thanks in advance for any help any of you can provide me.
  5. TriAgain

    Blender Suggestions...

    J.C Penney has a Cooks Power Blender on sale in their ad today. It kind of reminds me of a Magic Bullet. Does anyone know whether this one is worth the cost even at half price? I have a very worn Krups that is in bad need of replacement.
  6. Hello All! I'm with Indio Girl 55--I'm looking at banding because I'm tired of being fat. I've tried everything except the prescription weight loss drugs and have minimal success. I have been a vegetarian for 18 years so in theory this shouldn't have happened but it did. I even went vegan last year and lost a couple pounds and that was it. I exercise at least 3 hours a week, too, so I seem to be doing all the right things but am not seeing any results. I see the surgeon on May 6th and we'll go from there. Thanks to whoever set up this board. It's an awesome resource.
  7. Congratulations, Alice 150!! Remember the Chinese proverb about a journey beginning with a single step. You have taken it! Actually, the first three weeks trying to get into an exercise routine are the most difficult. Once you get past that point, it's a habit you won't want to break. Find something you want to do and do it! Living in S. Florida I know you have lots of options. So keep walking until you find what you find the exercise that you can't wait to do each day. And if walking is that exercise, increase your mileage to keep those calories burning.
  8. I have a very symptomatic medium hiatal hernia that will need repaired. I thought banding might be out of the question for me but I was pleased to see several responses that indicated hernia repair is actually required for those who have one. For those of you who have undergone simultaneous banding and hiatal hernia repair, were you hospitalized over night? How long was it before you were able to return to work? How long before you could return to normal activities such as vigorous exercise? From what I have read on the forum, post-banding diet is typically 2 weeks of liquids then 2 weeks of "mushy" foods. Are there any differences to that when a hiatal hernia repair is also involved

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