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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Acactusflower

  1. You are looking fantastic!!! xoxox

  2. I will have to wait for one in Las Vegas. I would definitely attend one on the west coast.
  3. Dolphin, Be patient. Have faith that the weight will come off. I am going on 11 months since getting banded and I've only lost 42 lbs. I have felt the same frustration you have. I have gone down 2 pants sizes so I know the exercise I'm doing is working. I work out at least three times a week and incorporate cardio and weight resistance training. We didn't put the weight on overnight so we can't expect it to come off overnight.
  4. Acactusflower


    I was banded September 17, 2007 and I still burp alot. The gas is not so bad now. Gas X now has strips that you place on your tongue and the taste isn't so bad. It helps alot.
  5. Acactusflower

    Before and After

  6. Acactusflower

    Hoover Dam 5/08

    From the album: Before and After

  7. Acactusflower

    May 2008

    From the album: Before and After

  8. Acactusflower

    Who's up for a 'Vegas reunion' party in 2010

    I'm there. I'm in Henderson, NV. Banded by Dr. Atkinson September 17, 2007. Keep us posted on when and where. Sounds like a blast!
  9. Are you feeling better today? Trust me, it will get easier!

  10. Hi GG. Yes I was banded September 17, 2007. I've lost 42 lbs and have gone down 2 pants and shirt sizes. I'm no longer a diabetic and I feel absolutely wonderful! I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

  11. You shouldn't be feeling desperate 13 days postop. For the first 3 or 4 weeks after surgery you should only be on fluids. You may not be able to take in the full 4 oz. at one time but you can have unlimited fluids. You should not be eating solid food yet. You have to give your stomach time to heal. I started soft, mushy foods on the fourth or fifth week after surgery. After your first fill you should feel some restriction. Good luck.
  12. Acactusflower

    No one here?

    Do you have your ticker saved in your signature? That's where mine is.
  13. Acactusflower

    No one here?

    Feel free to add me. myspace.com/acactusflower. I was banded on September 17, 2007 and have lost 42 lbs.
  14. Acactusflower

    Henderson support group**trying again

    I with you my friend! I had the surgery because I had a problem with food. Meeting in restaurants everytime is too much of a temptation. I need support for encouragement in changing my lifestyle and sticking it.
  15. Acactusflower

    Henderson Support Group

    I just spoke to Fran (mominlv13) and she and I are very interested in meeting with everyone. Unfortunately, Sunday morning is definitely out because she works on Sunday and I go to church. Sunday afternoons would be fine for both of us.
  16. Acactusflower

    Tammy March 08 six months post op

    From the album: Before and After

  17. Acactusflower

    Me 3 months pre-op July 07

    From the album: Before and After

  18. Acactusflower

    Henderson Support Group

    Saturday the 21st is not good for me. I have to go to Arizona, but the following Saturday would work. Email sounds like the best way.
  19. Acactusflower

    Henderson Support Group

    I think that would be fabulous. I know of a couple of Henderson people (mominlv13 and yvonne72) that would probably be interested. The District sounds good. If mornings, I think a Saturday morning would be best because of most people's work schedules.
  20. Acactusflower

    Henderson Support Group

    Who would be interested in meeting somewhere once or twice a month here in Henderson? Any ideas on a place?
  21. Acactusflower

    Henderson Support Group

    Can we start our own group? Not sure how one would go about it. I'd love to have one here in Henderson.
  22. Acactusflower

    need some advise

    I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes 3 years ago and I weighed 268 lbs, had high cholesterol, aches and pains in joints and back. I had the Lapband surgery in September 2007 and have lost approximately 40 lbs, no longer have high cholesterol, am no longer considered a diabetic, I feel great and I'm enjoying doing things I have had trouble doing. I'm off all medications for high cholesterol and diabetes. :thumbup:I still have about 80 lbs to go to get to my goal but I'm absolutely happy I had the procedure done. Good luck!
  23. Congrats! I'm so happy for your! Your in my prayers.

  24. keep chin up g/f... you'll get there

  25. Acactusflower

    Any Las Vegas people out there?

    I'm getting ready to get my husband into FillsCenterUSA. They told me that you pay by credit card and then you can submit for payment to your insurance company yourself. Initial visit is 349.00 then 165.00 after that for fills.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
