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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ummyasmin

  1. ummyasmin

    100 lbs in under a year?

    To be honest, now that I'm actually losing weight, I'm just thrilled to actually be losing weight, I'll take whatever my body gives me. I didn't realise this until now but because every diet has failed me, including the lapband, a part of me didn't believe the bypass would work either. So I never dared to dream of actually making it to a goal weight. I'm only now daring to let myself think it might be possible. Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. ummyasmin

    Non Scale Victories

    Is that during the Amidah? You go up, I go down heheheh. Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. ummyasmin

    Ugh PMS

    I had the worst, heaviest period this time round, really, painful and crampy. It hasn't been this bad since my fibroid days. I figure it's the estrogen from my fat sending me for a loop. I know what you mean about wanting to eat. Can you save some calories from your normal eating so that if you want to snack you've got some spare? And try and figure out what exactly it is you're craving? Protein? Fat? Carbs? Specific food? So that you can see whether allowing yourself some of it will satisfy the urge? Seeing the gynae is important, you might have other stuff going on and/or they might put you on the pill to see if it evens the hormones out. I feel ya! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. ummyasmin

    Non Scale Victories

    You'll have to report back and tell us on Sunday! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. ummyasmin

    Sophomoreville - A Home For The the Tweeners

    Woot! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. ummyasmin

    Non Scale Victories

    Give it a go!!! You might surprise yourself. I certainly did. Do you have to go deep when you genuflect. My in-laws are Catholic and they don't go very deep in the kneel, but I reckon anything is a victory!!!
  7. From the album: More After

    At this point I am down over 16 kilos.
  8. ummyasmin

    More After

    More pix of after my gastric bypass
  9. From the album: More After

    Bought a new pair of skinny-fit jeans. Size 24 UK but they ran small so I'm delighted.
  10. ummyasmin

    Non Scale Victories

    OK this is probably not going to be relatable to many of you out there unless you belong to a gymnastic religion like I do [emoji6] but I just discovered I can do a sitting prayer posture properly!! I am so excited, I've never been able to do it before. It still feels a bit uncomfy but I can see how a few more kilos will help with that. To explain, you have to sit on one buttock with your knees and legs folded to the right and your left leg tucked under or right next to your right leg. Can't explain very well, but in the past whenever I'd try, I'd just have to prop myself up with my left hand or I'd topple over, so I mostly just remained kneeling (mostly uncomfortably). I remember when 130 kilos was the threshold between having trouble getting up from kneeling to standing straight but that's a doddle now. I didn't think I'd get sitting so soon (I'm 116 kilos now). Woot woot. Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. ummyasmin

    Pain 2 weeks after GB surgery

    My kidney stones felt like back pain and also like gastro or a funny tummy. It meant I didn't get diagnosed for ages coz I thought I had been eating dodgy food and my GP thought I had giadia! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. ummyasmin

    Anyone using the Baritastic App to track nutrition?

    Is the link not working? Or when u try and install it u get an error msg? Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. ummyasmin

    8 months post op down 85 pounds

    Woweeeeee! You look fab! (maybe add on some calories in the form of cheese, nuts, full cream milk, full cream yoghurt etc) Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. ummyasmin

    Non Scale Victories

    Love the outfit, you look gorg! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. ummyasmin

    Anyone using the Baritastic App to track nutrition?

    Some countries' Google Play stores don't list it if you're using Android you can manually install the apk (you have to set permissions to allow installation from unknown sources) but here's a link : https://apkpure.com/baritastic-bariatric-tracker/com.baritastic.view Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. ummyasmin

    What was everyone's first puree ?

    Oooh that cottage cheese and peaches almost sounds like faux icecream. Did it have a cottage cheese taste though? Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. ummyasmin

    4 month VSG Post-op

    Congrats [emoji253] Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. I've been invited to a restaurant (actually, dinner theatre which I think is some sort of dinner we eat whilst light entertainment is performed) and it's my first time eating out post-op. Bit nervous. I figure salad or fish should be on the menu at the very least (can't eat meat coz it's not halal). Please don't let it be a set menu!! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. ummyasmin

    First restaurant post-op

    Insert happy dance gif here Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. That's the one!! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. ummyasmin

    ❤13 month post op❤

    [emoji106] Looking fab! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. ummyasmin

    Irish Medical System SMH

    Thanks@LadySin I shouldn't rant too much about Ireland coz apart from the healthcare, I do love living here. Hubby also said I shouldn't give this share of mind coz I had my surgery, it's not like they can take it away bahaha [emoji16] Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. ummyasmin

    Irish Medical System SMH

    I don't know whether to laugh, cry or raise my fists to the heavens. My story is I had a lapband in 2009 in Australia which never worked. I have/had Type 2 diabetes so my Irish diabetes doc referred me in 2016 to Irish Bariatric Doc to look at having revision surgery. Long waiting list (Ireland only does 150 bariatric surgeries on the public list, a year) , but I finally got at appointment with him in Feb 2018 (two and a half hour drive to see him) and he suggested revision to sleeve and put me on waiting list for surgery (I even have that letter that says I am on the waiting list for SURGERY in capital letters!!) In the meantime, I try again with lapband although fills bring on reflux. I hear about the EU cross-border directive (EU law says any EU citizen can get needed medical treatment and home state reimburses cost) and think yippee. At June appointment with Irish Bariatric Doc's junior team member I ask them to write referral for overseas and they say no they don't do that. Disappointed I do bit more research and discover if I'm already on waiting list I can use that as my paperwork. Because Irish medical system is so bureaucratic they make it seem like you really need prior referral from your Irish doc (even though EU law doesn't require it) I google Irish Bariatric Doc's email and email him directly to ask if he will sign prior approval application. He rings because email got garbled and I should send it again. On phone, he cryptically replies he doesn't think overseas surgery is "best way forward for service" (what the hell, does that mean? I can tell you what it sounds like: "I don't want to lose all my patients and funding for our research projects to overseas because its quicker and cheaper"). But he never replies to my email request. So I give that option up and decide to have the surgery and just put in the paperwork for reimbursement and hope it works because I fulfil all the EU law requirements even if the Irish want to make things hard. The Belgium experience goes off without a hitch ONE MONTH LATER (up yours waiting list) and my diabetes instantly resolves, I am 16 kilos down and counting. Loving getting thinner, can move more easily etc, helloooooo better health. Didn't bother telling Irish Bariatric Doc because he never got back to me. I put in a Freedom of Information request to get all my medical records from Irish Bariatric Doc so I can show I needed to have the surgery and I was already on waiting list etc etc etc. They give them to me, lots of lovely referral letters and discussions about lapband not working and reflux problems etc and being referred for sleeve etc. So, today I get a letter from Irish Bariatric Doc to say he is not going to fill in the prior authorisation form because he doesn't even know whether I need surgery, I'm on waiting list to see bariatric surgeon for appointment to discuss but that's a very long list, and let's talk about it at our next appointment (which will be June 2019). What. The. Hell? Seriously. I don't know whether to laugh uproariously or spit in rage. AYAAA! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. ummyasmin

    First restaurant post-op

    I did it lads. Turns out steamed salmon was on the menu. It came with a creamy sauce but I just avoided that and there were some veggies I ate with it. For dessert we got a plate of petit fours. Lads, I DIDN'T EAT THE CHOCOLATE BROWNIE OR THE MERINGUE! OK I ate the mini apple pie thingy but it was really tiny me not too sweet. I am so proud of myself! Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. ummyasmin

    Irish Medical System SMH

    Oh the bureaucracy here is maddening. Medical consultants have their little fiefdoms here and they don't like uppity patients not falling into line. I decided in going to laugh about it, because I have my bypass and it's working just like it's supposed to (if a little slow) and I'm delighted with how much better I'm feeling. I'm just agog that a top bariatric professional could decide it's better for his patient's health to wait years on a waiting list, than get the medical help needed overseas straight away. Seriously, dude?!? يا الله!! But at least it's taught me, when I need professional medical attention I should go overseas rather than waste my time with the docs here. Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app

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