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Everything posted by Great2BThin
Wow this is the quietest I think this board has ever been. DD is doing fine, only 2 contractions last night. She's home and resting. She hits 33 weeks today. At 35 they will take her off the RX that is limiting the contractions and allow her to go into labor if she does. Of course, the doc said she could still go full term at that point too. So we are just in wait and see mode. Trying to talk DH into going to Denver this week on Thurs instead of Friday to have an extra day there. He's such a workaholic that I'm trying to turn it to work related for him. LOL Don't think Cuban and Brazillian food are similar from what I've had of either. But that isn't much.
Good morning, YAWN!!! I hardly slept last night. As we were going to bed, DD called and was on her way to hospital with contractions that had gotten pretty bad and moved to her back. Dr told her to go in. She was having strong ones every 4 minutes and lighter ones in between and started to dialate internally as well as externally??? Anway they gave her a shot of something, had her take her RX sooner that she takes every 4 hours and got them to slow down to fewer than 6 and hour and no more dialation so let her go home about 2am. She's home resting now. I wasn't sure if I was going to be catching a flight or not this morning. Her husband has a 3 day weekend and is home with her now. Not much time to post much else, on my way out to meet my friend for our diet coke/coffee chat at McD's this morning. LOL
Karen, glad you delivered the stone and that you can get back to feeling well.
Good morning. Drats I missed the trash truck this morning. I forget it comes on Thurs. mornings here, I am so used to Friday mornings in Denver and even before that in Delaware. I did get the recylce container out in time though. DH is gone and he usually takes care of that. He should be home tonight. Phyl, I don't think travel is that big a hassle. I got my ziploc bag of liquids all packed and ready to go always and usually do carryon unless I am going some place for longer than a couple days or some place like Hawaii where I have to check bigger than 3 oz containers of liquids (like sunscreen). My biggest hassle is whether or not I am going to get a seat, but get used to that too and plan pretty good. I thought it was almost a bigger hassle when we drove to Denver for Thanksgiving, packing the car, roads, rest stops, car maintainance, car door breaking, etc. Maybe I just like to travel too much. LOL It's always been a passion of mine. AS you can tell by my travels. Apples, pass that stone yet? Hope it passes soon or maybe you should listen to DH and go to ER? Not sure what they do for ya there though to make you pass it. Sounds awful. Linda, hope Katie gets the help she needs, but unfortunately unless she's will to get the help or listen to it, it won't help. Praying she has hit her bottom and thinks of her child and takes the steps necessary. Arlene, glad you are feeling better.
Arlene, glad you feel better, when I read sick I thought like the stomach flu vomiting kind of sick. Glad it wasn't that. I can do McD's nuggets but not Chik fil A, I get stuck on them. Jewel, hope the bone isn't broken.
Good evening all. Been busy today and just now at the computer so that's a good thing. Went to Bible study and then lunch afterwards. Then when I got home got a message from my friend that I meet at McD's a lot for a coffee/diet coke. Her DH is out of town so we met and gabbed for awhile. Got a few loads of laundry done in between and that's bout it. Anyone watch Biggest Loser last night? Could you believe those twins? I felt so bad for others who wanted to be on the show and then they do something like that. Arlene, how do you get sick from not eating? That would be yucky, like dry heaves or something? Hope you are feeling better. Get some rest and drink plenty of fluids and maybe it will pass by morning. Linda, any news on the ultrasound? or on Katie? Thinking of you. Karen, hope that stone passes quickly, sounds so painful. Cheri, I plan on watching Idol tonight too to check out the new judges. I lost interest last year and the show seems to be heading downhill so maybe this will give it new life. Julie, glad this dr seems willing to get you some relief. LauraK, not sure if I told you but I agree with the others, your new photo looks great. Laura, your photos are great too, what a difference! I remember when my DS played TBall he had a good friend sign up to play on his team as well. His dad was from Germany and not used to American baseball. The poor kids was clueless and struck out even with the T all the time. Finally he got his first hit and had no concept of where to run. He ran to the pitchers mound, then 3rd base then 2nd and finally to 1st. Everyone took for granted he knew what to do but when you have parents not from America and baseball isn't played they don't, but sounds like Nelson knows what it's about and goign to love it.
Good evening. WEnt to Denver this morning and am back tonight. Had a good day with Grandma. Took her to Walmart, the Dollar store, lunch and Walgreens, all very important stops to her and I balanced her checkbook and went through some tax stuff so very productive day. Both my kids picked me up at the airport so I got to spend the day with them too. Got into a little disagreement with DS so after we brought Grandma home we went to McD's and had a mocha (him) diet coke (me) and talked things through. All is good. I am exhausted though, gotta get up at 4 to make that flight and then go all day. Gonna sit down and watch Biggest Loser tonight. Oh I did do some googling on Seasonal Affect Disorder, nope don't think that is me. It listed depressiong, hopelessness, over sleeping, social withdrawal, etc. as symptoms. I just get sick of inversions and get real spring fever. I do take high doses of Vitamin D (RX strength). Jewel, what is a mini bypass? good luck with the new doc. Linda, any word on the ultrasound yet?
Happy Birthday Melissa! Oh my I think I have spring fever already. Today is beautiful out. The sun is shining, it rained all night and melted most of our snow except on the front aka north side of the house. DH is out there now finally getting the Christmas lights and decorations down. It's been so icy and they were frozen in place. Tonight he is grilling steaks outside. Now you sunbelt folks will think we are crazy going with no coats, grilling, etc when it's only 49 degrees out but after the cold we've had that is balmy! I am seriously beginning to wonder if I have that disorder when you get down/depressed when there's no sunshine. I feel invigorated after my sunny drive to the mountains on Sat. and a day like today. Anyone know much about that? Suppose I could google it but not sure what it's called. I didn't get like this in Denver. But Denver has more erratic weather. Sure we had our extreme cold, like a week of 15 below zero but it was just as common or more so to have a week or more in the 50s to 60s in the winter. Here it is just constant 20's and blah no sun, inversion stuff. Sure has been quiet around here. Even Janet has been quiet. Apples is too busy soaking up the AZ sunshine. I am going to Denver tomorrow since I didn't go to Hawaii and will spend the day with Grandma. HOpefully I will get on the flight. Usually Tuesdays are good days to go standby but with today being a holiday for lots of folks many of the Monday morning travellers must be booked for Tues as the flights are looking full.
Good afternoon. It's a gloomy rainy day here. Rain?? I can't believe it's rain but it's melting a lot of the snow so that is good and it means it's above freezing again today so I'll take it. I got my break into sunshine yesterday in the mountains. I looked at the weather forcast for Honolulu today and it's supposed to rain so I'll just pretend I'm there. LOL But I guess it all worked out that the trip cancelled. As a glutton for punishment I pulled up the flight I was supposed to take today and it went out full and I would not have gotten a seat (I fly standby). DH has promised to reschedule in the near future. it's just going to be tricky now with DD possibly going into labor any time after the first of Feb. and DH can't go before then due to other work committments. No more baby shower drama, don't think the MIL has gotten the email addresses to my friend so they won't be included unless she does. It's the least she could do. ON another note, my sister whom I have not seen since DD's wedding last March the last time my folks were in town. Is throwing a brunch/shower for DD while my mom is in town so we can all be together and Celebrate DD? HUH? While I am going to be gracious and accept it for what it is, I can't help but think what her ulterior motives are. The same sister who didn't have the time of day for me at Thanksgiving, Christmas, or anytime I've gone to Denver (or for my DD for that matter) now puts on this show while my mom is in town? Oh well. DD will be blessed and there's always a chance for relationships to grow and heal. Laura, nice to get caught up with you. Could I ask a question? DD keeps having FFN (I think that's what it is it's a swab test of her cervical mucus or something like that) tests to determine the likelihood of labor, so far it's negative. What is this and is it accurate? She hit 32 weeks yesterday and after 35 weeks they'll take her off the supposed contraction stopping RX she's on. Though she still has them but not as hard or frequent. It's tough on me sometimes when DH travels so much. And a reason I got so down when Hawaii got cancelled. Part of the draw for me when he took this promotion was to be able to pick up and travel with him and whenever I have plans to do that something comes up. It's not his fault, it's the demands being placed on him to be other places or put out other fires elsewhere. I'm dying for him to get TUscon scheduled before Karen goes home too. But alas, my priorities aren't his company's priorities. LOL I've had to jump in here and get involved in things so that I stay busy when he's gone. I've joined a book club, Bunko and a ladies Bible study group (that also goes to lunch each week). However, I am kidless now and wouldn't be able to do that with a child to tote along. I remember those days well. Glad you got today to yourself. Meredith, was this shower for the gal due the same day as my daughter? I am looking forward to her's but it is going to be very simple with just cake and punch. My sister (believe it or not) is throwing her a family one with just my sisters, mom and grandma and it will be a brunch. Arlene, sorry not me looking to freeze chicken salad, think it was Melissa. You'd never find me doing anything salad. LOL I don't eat lettuce since banding and can't stand the taste of mayo. LOL Phyl, well my Packers did their part and won, hope your Seahawks can do the same today then we can be rivals and root our teams on next week! Julie, I know I have asked a few times before, but maybe missed a response. What about Mayo? Are you due to go back there anytime soon? I thought they were having you back if what they had you do didn't work? Joyce, I hope you don't need your band removed. ARe you too tight? Eating too large of portions? Perhaps and unfill and starting over is in order? Meredith, you sound so much like me in the all or nothing thinking. You have accomplished so much, don't let the fear of failure derail you now. Talking to myself here too. I understand about wanting more me time. DH is gone so much or working at home when he's here that I resent outside commitments sometimes. It's like when is it my turn? Sandy, good for you for scheduling that Cancun trip. You deserve it. Have a margarita for me! Eva and Karen, enjoy, still pushing DH to get his TUscon trip on the books!
Good afternoon. I got me some sunshine today and a little outlet mall shopping and am feeling better. LOL I think this inversion crap gets me down sometimes. Today DH and I went for a drive to the mountains, we went up to Park City and it was beautiful and sunny and warmer than down here. We went to the outlet mall where I loaded up on baby stuff at the Carter store and then also bought myself a new gray Coach purse at the Coach outlet. From there we drove through the mountains through the little town of Heber and around Deer Creek resevoir and down through Provo Canyon back into the 'muck'. But it was a nice day and enjoyable ride. Jewel, good job on the school work. As for your dr, sounds like you maybe going in there prepared for the worse so that is what you are hearing. If you are happy losing at the pace you are (which is good) then keep on doing what you are doing with the carbs. However, if you want to lose faster, do what he says and cut back the carbs. Depends on which is more important to you. Sometimes some of us would rather eat more balanced and have some carbs and lose slower while other times we want quicker results or break a plateau and then it's no carb. We all gotta find what works best for us at where we are at. Julie, are you supposed to go back to Mayo at all? Go and tell them it's not working, what else can you do for me?? Well I got dinner cooking (baked chicken) so we can eat early and watch the Packers beat Atlanta tonight! GO PACK!!!
Linda, so sorry to hear about the kidney problems. I hope the next test is good news. My McD's coffee/diet coke friend I meet at least once a week is up in Idaho this week with her mom, she jsut found out she has stage 4 kidney failure and may have to go on dialysis soon. How did you get e-coli??? Just got home from another movie. I never go to movies much and here it's 2 in about a week. Saw Kings Speech, GREAT movie. I really enjoyed it and recommend it. I had never heard of it til I heard some friends talk about it and then someone else, etc. so had to see what the buzz was about.
Okay, I gotta give you gals an update on the baby shower drama and DD's MIL. Remember she demanded the date be changed as she had to work that day? Well the date was not changed, my friend that is throwing the shower, picked the date as it worked for her and the place she is having it was available. The invites went out yesterday. Well suddenly the MIL now thinks she might be able to get a trade that day (she's a nurse) and responded a 'maybe', however, she also put in her response a list of the people that she said needed to be invited. HUH?? She's not throwing this shower? Not only did she leave a list of names for my friend to invite but then also didn't give any contact info (she did evites so no email addresses either) and said you can look them up on FAcebook. HUH? They have a very common last name and my friend should go through all the time and trouble researching that for her? SHEESH! My daughter doesn't even know these people. It's nice that the MIL wants to include some of her friends to 'shower' my daughter, but to insist they be invited to this shower? My friend responded that she'd be happy to include them but she needed to be provided their contact info. This woman is something else. Yet my DD is the one that gets villfied in the family etc. GRRRRRRR Just thought I'd update you and vent here. LOL Sun update: It is shining And it's a balmy 35 outside!! There's even a little meltage going on, I went out and shovelled with no coat! I don't expect you desert or warm temp climate dwellers to get that but the northerners can relate after weeks of frigid conditions what a sunny above freezing kind of day can feel like. SPRING FEVER! Speaking of spring fever, could not believe at Kohls yesterday they had Easter stuff out. It was comical in this one row they had first VAlentines things, then St Paddy's, then spring/Easter and further down the Halloween/fall, Christmas clearance. About all that was missing was 4th of July. LOL
Good morning, we officially got above freezing yesterday to about 33 only for it to snow some more. GRRR I just hate this inversion stuff, I need sunshine! Maybe DH & I can go for a drive to the mountains this weekend to get above it. Just got done with my workout. I am really liking that Sports Active for the XBox Kinect a few issues with the sensor not seeing me sometimes especially when I have to improvise some moves for my knees but overall it's been great. However, my hip is really bothering me. I know i have arthritis in it but the ortho doc said I had a good 10 yrs before needing replacement. I am going to be all bionic parts one day. Janet, it wasn't so much needing a tougher skin as it was that I was afraid I was coming across sounding like a spoiled brat. I wasn't hurt by the comment just afraid of how I was being perceived. That's always been one of my issues, so afraid of what others are thinking. I had a really really bad day yesterday (some personal issues) and then when Hawaii cancelled it was like the last straw. DH was so concerned he even came home from work early yesterday and took me to dinner so we could talk. Things will be okay and if I can get some sunshine maybe that will help me out of my 'funk'. LauraK, no worries, I took no offense to any comment and really don't remember you making one. LOL Sounds like you are having fun on the dating scene. I can't imagine what it would be like. I met DH when I was 16 so it's fun reading of your and Jodi's adventures. Laura, did I read that your DH was in Wisconsin? My home turf! Cheri, way to go on the loss! Arlene, now that you are getting your mom more taken care of time to get back to you. Sounds like you are doing just that. Apples, have you defrosted from the MN winter yet there in AZ? I see pics of Tuscon on the news and it looks so nice out. Eva, yep that housework never goes away. I wonder how I got it all done when I did work and/or had 2 kids living with us too. Can't believe how much there still is with just 2 of us. Linda, so sad to hear how destructive Katie is being. The one that would really be paying hte price is your GD, she's lucky to have you in her life. Sounds like you are really working out these days! How's the hip liking it?
Arlene, it is Cherry Blossom that I got, haven't even opened it yet, normally I don't like their fragrances as I dont' want to smell like a fruit, but will have to check it out. Sorry I won't post about my trips, I know I have gone a lot but it was still disappointing to get the news I couldn't go. I was so looking forward to some warmth and sunshine. Still hoping to break freezing today, but to no avail so far.
Good morning. Well I am very down this morning, looks like DH is going to have to cancel our Hawaii trip, I had started getting things together to pack. GRRRRR Guess where I went on the spur of the moment last night? A WLS support group. A friend here has a daughter that had bypass surgery on the 22nd. We were talking and she mentioned her DD was going to support group last night. I asked her about it and if other patients could go as the dr I did see her after moving for a local contact makes you be 'his' patient or pay a huge program fee. She said yes and shortly after her DD texted me the info and we agreed to meet there. We had never met before. It was very fun, they had people from Macy's there, make up people and also hair and had done 3 makeovers and gave out numerous door prizes. I got a Bath and Body works gift set. Sandy, I've thought the same thing about our kids. I think we gave them too much and made things too easy on them. It's taking them much longer to 'grow up' as well. Not that it's all bad, I mean I was married at 20 and had kids at 23, it worked for me but not for everyone. But when I see my 28 yr old son still living for the social scene and video games I think it's time to grow up. Well today might be the day we get above freezing here. Got my fingers crossed. The forcast says 41 but then another storm coming. Oh how I had my sights on Hawaii.
Me too Sandy, nothing ever good enough. I never got credit for getting straight A's even. But I brought home a B once and boy did they notice that. It was like what happened here? SHEESH! I am a total perfectionist which is why I think I failed at so many 'diets' it's my all or nothing thinking. If I couldn't be 'perfect' I was a failure so gave in to everything and really failed. I made sure every night when my kids went to bed they heard I love you from me and to this day it's how we end every conversation on the phone, every good bye, etc. Now my parents wonder why they never hear from my kids, same thing, very uninvolved in their lives when they were little so kids forget to involve them now. It is reassuring to know that I am not alone as well. You are handling this situation with your dad with such grace. Even if he doesn't acknowledge it, he is very lucky to have you.
Good afternoon. Home from a new ladies Bible study that started this morning and met some new people too that invited me to lunch with them afterwards We went to a Mexican place and I ate a few chips and then the innards of about 1/3 of a burrito and brought the rest home for DH. Eva, funny, our Albertsons are all gone too. WE have Sunflower, Whole Foods, Smiths (Kroger), Harmans and DAns and a few others. Hope you get your 'work' done and can have fun this afternoon with Apples and Tanker. Jodi, generally we do a baby shower in the last month or so before the baby is born to give the new mom time to get everything set up, laundered and put away. Her dr has given her permission to attend her shower. She will be taking her off the anti contraction RX a few days after that as well. I had never been to that Etsy website and don't know that my DD even ordered anything from them but got lots of ideas from them for stuff. Sandy, my and my DH's parents are the same way about paying for help and what not. Interestingly they seem to be of the generation that expects their kids to do for them. However, and I hope this doesn't sound too bitter, they did not much for me. Of course, they raised me, but once I was grown, nothing. I remember being so sick with pnuemonia and 103 degree fever with 2 preschoolers one of which had strep throat. DH was at work and I asked my mom to pick up an RX for me, we lived about 10 miles apart and it was too far to drive. DH & I have had many conversations about when the time comes and just how much help etc. I want to do the right thing by them, but on the otherhand not be at their beck and call either. If that makes sense, I hope that doesn' tmake me sound like a horrible person. Just have a very complicated relationship with my family. Meredith, I've been nominated for tax duty this year again as well. Mom has already informed me that I am doing Grandma's taxes. I don't mine those as they are simple and I usually do mine on TUrboTax though was unsure about doing mine this year as I struggle a little bit in years that we move. I got audited one year and it was a move year and UT and CA both said we were resident of their state and charged me taxes, I owed over $1000 plus penalties. I've been gun shy in move years ever since. This is a move year. LOL Apples, glad you are settling in so nicely in AZ. Sounds like you have a regular community there. Does your FIL live there or just winter there? I can remember going to Tucson as a kid and going to some western place where they filmed High Chapperal and watching a gun fight and stunt men. I was scared the bullets were real. Janet, you've not talked about work much lately, have things settled down for you there?
Eva, who needs a coffe pot? LOL Yucky Pooey LOL My friend I meet here a lot, about once a week, we meet at McDs. She's a huge coffee drinker and me not at all so there I can get a $1 soft drink and she gets her $1 coffee and we gab for hours with free refills. LOL I think you are partially right about them expecting me to do things because I don't work. But even when I was working and living in Denver it was the same way. I also think they know it will get done. One sis is how shall I say 'very mentally fragile' so everyone is afraid to ask her to do much and the ohter well she's a whiner. But it's harder now that I don't live there. Sometimes it sucks being the responsible one. LOL Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to whine about it, I enjoy all I do for my grandma and feel very fortunate to have her in my life and to be able to do for. My problem is when I am 'expected' to do it by the rest of the family or critiqued because they would've done things differently. Linda, forgot to comment on the rug. Too funny. Yep our DH's are afraid we are not only going to work our a$$ off but the carpet fibers too. LOL Arlene, we didn't get your usual check in post in the morning. You must have your hands full with your mom and all. Take care of yourself too though! She's lucky to have you.
Good morning! I am feeling the sodium affects of my popcorn last night. Even my lips feel chapped and puffy, rings tight, etc. Drinking lots of Water today. Also feeling the affects of all those squats yesterday but not like I did last week, so must be strengthening those muscles. According to the weather app on my phone we are supposed to get to 33 degrees today. Above freezing for the first time since Dec 29. I hope so. While I love living some place where we have all the seasons the constant cold and inversions here get me down. But I have the beach to look forward to on Sunday! Linda, I watched Biggest Loser. Wish they would show more of the contestants off the ranch. I don't think Jillian was sick because she was pregnant. I 'liked' her and Bob on Facebook and she just posted recently a photo from a photo shoot where she is covered in paper towels getting a spray tan for a magazine cover, she sure didn't look pregnant and I would think would look it by now since that show is taped months in advance. I like Jesse (Samoan dude) too, the wrestler (gotta root for the home guy) and the gal that lost 100 lbs already. Oh and the last guy to weigh that's over 500 he's funny. Sorry those popsicles got ya. I used to get those a lot but haven't in a long time. Karen, glad you are all settled in and enjoying the AZ weather. Being so far from things is the one thing I always tell Dh I don't know if I could stand. He used to talk about going back to SD and farming a lot years ago. I was surprised to hear they had SAfeway there. They went bankrupt in UT years ago and a few years ago in Denver closed up the stores that were near me though DD just told me she still has one down by her. Is Glimmer a girl dog? Maybe Tanker will fall in love. LOL Janet, thanks, the popcorn was just that a treat. BAck on track, it didn't derail me.
Good evening. Apples glad you arrived safely. Hope Tanker has a good time on his date tomorrow! LOL Arlene, the wrist must've been broken then? Can she not stay in rehab any longer? or do you just want her to come stay with you? I sure get about the sandwich generation. I joke that when DD has her baby I will be the center of a double decker sandwich with 2 generations before me and 2 generatons after me. I will have a granddaughter, daughter, mother and grandmother. DD wants a 5 generation photo real bad when little Katelyn gets here. I am really feeling the crunch in the middle of the sandwich today. Why am I the one that's expected to take care of so many things? After some retail therapy, I did take a stand, enough said. But along with some retail therapy, DH & I did go to a movie today and yes that thump you heard was me falling off the wagon and having popcorn. Maybe that extra workout yesterday will help with damage control. We saw Country Strong.
I hath returned with a new pair of shoes. Weren't on clearance but I got 'em anyway! LOL I needed some retail therapy today LOL Feeling kindda down and not sure why, maybe the fact I didn't sleep much last night and the whole baby shower thing. New shoes help! LOL
Greetings, guess who didn't make it to Denver today?? Seems the snowstorm in Atlanta has really messed up Delta's flights, which is who I fly on standby, folks were getting rerounted all sorts of crazy ways and my once open flights were oversold. I didn't want to chance getting stranded. I may try again on Friday. So I did my extra workout for nothing last night. LOL Well not really nothing as now it was a bonus because being the good girl that I am I did the regularly scheduled workout today. This Sports Active I am doing changes up the workouts every day. Yesterday was focus on upper body today was almost all squats. I am afraid I will pay for that. It's Karma getting me back for last night. I purposely picked the first workout I did that had so many squats and got me so sore last week for DH to do, hoping he'd get sore. LOL And then this morning it was all squats. I'm afraid, very afraid, tomorrow is a rest day I may need it! LOL I was very tempted to take today off to thinking well I did that workout last night, but no I didn't. Are you proud of me Janet?? LOL Snow: I get such a chuckle reading how snow shuts some areas down. When I read Melissa say she might not be able to get out with a couple inches. And I know it's all in what an area is used to but we trod through just about anything. Reminds me of when we first moved to Vegas about 10 yrs ago. our first week there they got snow. Now mind you this was a dusting, the grass was white but the roads were just wet. Folks were panicking. I had a hair appt and went to the salon and they were closing down due to the storm. And one beauty operator didn't even come in as she couldn't get out of her driveway? That was my first experience with others who aren't used to experiencing snow. My kids and I got such a laugh out of that. Of course, a city like that has no equipment to deal with it now snowtires etc. And I realize that is why it cripples places like atlanta etc. Meredith, your friend is due the exact same date as my DD, March 12th. You'd never know DD is that far along she has only gained a little over 10 lbs and looks just a couple months along. Janet, my dad is good guy. But he is of that generation that shows no emotion, he showed his love for his family by providing for them but not by showing it any other way if that makes sense. To this day he has never told me he loves me (nor my momfor that matter). He's very quiet. I get along fine with him but find it difficult to talk to him when it's just me and him one on one. We differ dramatically on politics and he'll sometimes try to goad me into a debate, sometimes I do but most the time I don't. LOL He retired from teh airlines in fact got DH his job many many years ago. He's also very henpecked by my mom and for years hasn't stood up to her, he has basically just sortta checked out and spends as much time as he can on the golf course. LOL Arlene, hope your mom's wrist isn't broken. Good job on going to WW. My friend who goes showed me her stuff on it. I find it interesting that this time they have no charts to tell you your point range etc. that your leader has to tell you etc. Guess they are trying to prevent folks from doing it on their own, though I did see some apps to figure points to download to my phone. I did download one to show her but am using Spark people app for my cals and Protein. Eva, sounds like you did good for Karen. Get your work done so you two can go play! Linda, I asked DH last night if he thinks his mom will say anything about the shower, he's confident that she won't. He said she's so afraid to speak up that all they talk about is the weather. LOL Well now that I have this unexpected free day, i am off to DSW show store. They had a pair of Born shoes I liked before Christmas. Santa didn't bring them and I am hoping they are on clearance now. LOL Also to costco to return some Can organizers that I didn't use. BTW my pantry rocks now!
I hope Karen is defrosting in Tucson nicely. I just had to come on and post and tell Janet that I just got done with my 2nd workout today. I am leaving the house at 5am tomorrow morning for my flight to Denver and won't be home until later tomorrow evening. Soooo I did tomorrow's workout tonight. DH did it with me and was impressed. it was much harder than he thought it was. He wore the heartrate monitor and had his way up there too. I did the squat workout that had my legs so sore. I am evily hoping he has sore leg muscles tomorrow. LOL Thing is with DD's MIL, she's not communicating any of this via me or even DD all through DSIL, I would tell her that and am tempted to send her an email in a day or two if it continues saying something along the lines, I am sorry you won't be able to make the shower, you will be missed, however this is the date that the person giving it can do it, I understand perfectly if you want to have your own shower at another time. Did I mention earlier that she thinks DD is faking the contractions? SHEESH! She's a NICU RN and saw the monitors on DD in the hospital and even heard the dr in the room.
Cheri, I've thought the same thing, I really think DD's MIL doesn't care if she weakens the marriage as she didn't want it in the first place. First and foremost the MIL wants to be proven right. Forgot to mention in my original post, she accused DD of faking the contractions and that it is just gas. AS for my MIL, DH has sat down with her in the past and drew some very good boundaries, since that time she has been good. However, am nervous to see how she responds this time and if she crosses that boundary, I know DH will pounce. I think she knows it to, but time has a way of making one forget or want to retest those boundaries. Thanks for your input, it's always so insightful. As for an update, lets see if I can remember. We've had some ill mothers, Phyl's mom is better and Arlenes mom went to rehab today. Meredith passed her math test and lost 9 lbs! WOO HOO Meredith. Apples left 2 days ago and checked in the first day from KS but didn't check in yesterday so not sure where she made it to. Phyl is trying to take some control back from Earl in the kitchen and jokes if her 46 yr marriage can make it to 50. LOL She also got in trouble for taking the cart and Zoey and visiting a neighbor and Earl not knowing where she was. Janet is probably at the gym. LOL Linda's DSD may be reported to the authorities as a drug user and lose custody of her child. LauraK, had a good time at a singles dance and we are wanting to know if Mr Filet Mignon was there. LOL Kelly checked in and is down 50 lbs. TX checked in and is doing well and getting ready for fill number 2, he also had a great NSV Eva, is doing yard work and got work at home work from her friend. She's also having a hard time with the senseless shooting in Tuscon. I know there's more but that's all I remember now. Someone else fill in the gaps??? oh and we have not heard from Julie and are missing her
Thanks LInda and Meredith for your input, it helps a lot. No I don't think she's a drug addict or anything like that. She's just very into herself and has always been able to control her husband and sons and now that there's another woman in the picture in the form of my daughter, she's not happy. I feel sorry for my SIL he's never done anything, even their vacations as kids were to cities with good craft stores so she could fuel her obsession. DD says this woman's basement belongs on the TV show Hoarders. Until their honeymoon, DSIL had never seen the ocean even. IMHO no one has stood up to her and now when someone does she doesn't know how to react other than in anger. She's like a spoiled child. Bad thing is she is very close to my MIL and takes her sob stories to my MIL and gets her on her side as well. It's just an ugly ugly situation that has caused many family rifts. I saw Jodi's FB post today wishing for a different family today that would be me too at least for today. LOL Good news, DD just had her dr appt and she's doing well. Hasn't dialated any more, cervix also hasn't shortened. She's doing so well she doesn't have to go back to dr for 2 weeks, but to continue on the restrictions.