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Everything posted by Great2BThin
Good morning. I had a much better night last night. No weird dreams that I remember. I put the bottle of oxycodone away and am not taking that one at all anymore. And the norco (the extra strong vicodin) I took just one every 4 hours except once when DH asked me where my pain was on a scale 1 to 10 and I said 9 he told me to take 2 and I was still okay. I think it was the combo of the 2 kinds. I even did some of my therapy exercises this morning. Pretty good when I remind myself that it still hasn't even been one full week since surgery. My bend at therapy yesterday is starting out at 70 degrees, the same as my other one did and I got it up to 130 degrees. I am a good, rule following patient and have no doubt I will rehab this one as well as the first one. I am feeling so much better mentally as well, I was a basket case on all those pain pills and am so grateful to Phyl and Laura for their help and advice. I see my surgeon for the one week followup tomorrow and will ask about RX going forward. Today is a busy day if I can handle it all. Right now DH is at the eye dr. we picked out his glasses (he wants my help picking them out) previously so he just had to get the exam and order them and when he gets home we may go to Costco. No I won't walk around much, I will either let him push me in a chair or wait by the snack bar while he picks up the couple items we need. Then I promised Grandma that I would do my best to be at her place for an appt at 1pm today with this Longterm Care aide person that is to come and meet with her and my mom. She wants me there because I understand it all (sortta LOL). My mom had things so messed up and had Grandma convinced her money was runnning out when it wasn't really true. So I will do that for her today. DH will take me as I can't drive yet. Tomorrow is therapy and Dr. and then it's Christmas eve. Wow! Janet, I thought Russell should win too. I know lots of people thought he was terrible in how he played the game, but it's just that a game. I felt bad he didn't win. Apples, lets see traditions. I have several I guess. Chrsitmas eve I always let the kids open one present it started when they were little and I got them those little red sleepers to sleep in so they looked all Christmasy and fresh Christmas morning for photos. It took them years to figure out that that one present since then is always PJ's now they love it and look all year for the perfect pair. This year I even got a pair for the future SIL. Their stockings always have M&M filled candy canes. And Christmas eve is always on DH's side of the family oyster stew. However, no one that has married into the family likes it and they started making chili for us. So now it's chili and oyster stew. Normally though my kids have a 'ceremonial oyster' for DH. LOL SInce being back in Denver Christmas eve has always been at my house. Guess no one liked hosting it and I love it so I just sortta got it. I will have about 25 folks here. Tried to include my side of the family this year as they will all be in town but they refuse. They have known DH's family for years and there's no in laws on their side of the family to co-ordinate with or anything. DD is doing most of the coooking this year and can't wait. She loves to cook and entertain way more than I do.
Angel, I hope you get the answers to your frustrations soon. Maybe you should try the nutritionist and psych. something isn't working right. That is a huge fill (about what I have) and you should be tight with that, but we are all different. I don't think the time of day will effect your overall fill really. Not when you are talking that much of a fill. Best wishes to you, it would be very frustrating. As for me, I am scared to death of my fill or lack thereof right now. In the hospital after my knee surgery I had to have an emergency unfill, I had 10.5 cc in a 14cc band and they took out a full 5cc and said I would only be able to get it back gradual. I had gotten so restricted I couldn't even keep the smallest sip of water down. Not sure what went on as it didn't happen with the last knee. At least I was at the same hospital as my lap band surgeon, I called his cell number that he gave after surgery if we ever needed anything and he sent his fill NP over right away. So far I have not noticed being extra hungry but can eat more, just don't have much of an appetite on these pain killers etc. I hope to get my first fill tomorrow.
Well I got to the DMV and got my handicapped placard, different lady this time and so much nicer. She even apologized for the bad one I had the other day and said how wrong she was. Lots of help it did me but was good to hear. Okay so I've been talking about my pain pills and how they give me weird and vivid dreams. I gotta share one from last night, for a good laugh. Not sure if I talked much on here before about DH being a woodcarver we even had a craft business for a few years and he has won awards in a fish carving competition. Well the last thing he had me do was hold something for one of his fish carvings when I went to bed for a second as he painted. Probably explains why fish was on my mind. Anyhoo.... IN my dream 3 fish put on pearls and sunglasses and sang and danced the macarenna. LOL That was just one of many weird dreams. I woke up laughing from that one. Tonight am cutting out the oxycodone and seeing how that goes. My pain was worse today due to therapy I think. I even had the therapist cut one of the exercises short. Hoping for a better day tomorrow. I told Grandma I'd try to make it by her place to meet with some financial folks, my mom will be there but she wants me there as "I understand it better" Since it's for her I will do my best.
Good afternoon. Looks like we have some new folks in the past few days. Sorry I've not kept up too well but welcome Happy and Shan. I am doing better with my knee today sortta. I cut back on the pain pills and felt so much better in the head yesterday. But got quite painful in the night and I took 2 of the strong vicodin before therapy today and it made me loopy and nausaus today so came home and went to bed for an hour or two. On my way now to the DMV office, tried to get the temp handicap parking permit last week before surgery but since I didn't have the placard with me she wouldn't give me the new one as they overlapped 2 weeks and 'who knows what I would do with it'. So now I have to go in on my walker in pain 5 days after surgery to get it to satisfy her. GRRRRR Just hate dealing with gov't offices like that. My parents should've arrived town today, haven't heard yet as my sisters were picking them up. They aren't staying with me this time. I have plans to see them tomorrow, just hope the knee coopperates. DH went with me to therapy and my therapist showed him some massages and manipulations he could do for me at home. Thought that was nice of him. Well gotta get goiong to the DMV office. I promise when I get better off these pain pills I will keep up more what is going on here. I miss ya all!!
Yep Phyl, I'd have been in bed, I was in bed at 730 last night, and that was my time. I gotta tell ya, I am feeling so much better today in the head anyway. Sure I had absolutely no pain on those strong drugs, that was nice, but the pain I have now taking much less of them is more than bearable. I am so glad I had the last knee to compare it to, or I'd have gone for a week feeling like that probably. I am just so excited to be on the otherside of the surgery and cannot wait to get it all recuperated. Even the itchiness has subsided some. Tomorrow I go to physical therapy already. DH is off this week and will drive me. I am even going at noon to Walmart to pick up my new reading glasses I think. They came in yesterday, will see how I do.
Thanks so much nurse Phyl and NP Laura. I am doing much better this morning. I read this too late and did take a oxycodone about 7am this morning but will cut those out, maybe at night if the pain is bad. I also have gone to just one of the stronger vicodin (norco) pills. Of course I have a little more pain but I can deal with that much better than the out of my head feeling I was having. Also only took 1 benedryl at night as now that my dosages aren't so high I don't itch as much and 1 seems to do the trick. Thanks so much for your concern. I wonder why they gave me such stronger drugs this time than last, especially when this knee was better than the last. I think when I run out of the stronger vicodin pills or maybe even sooner at my post op appt on Wed I will ask for the weaker ones I had before. That way if I need stronger I take 2 and if I don't I just take one. One of these stronger ones equals 2 of the not as strong ones. I could not stand how I was feeling since being home from the hospital. I would make a terrible addict. Thanks again for your help.
I guess it's called oxycodone, not sure if that's different. When I got up from my nap I just took one of the vicadin type pill and am doing fine on. To top it all off I have an itchy 'trunk' and took some benedryl, think I will just take that at night. I didn't have this much trouble with my RX's last time. I gotta brag on my DH, he has been so good to me. I must've gotten up about 10 times last night and he was always right there, he sees me take the last sip of water out of my water jug and he's there to refill. Now he ran to get me a Sonic Blast. I know not the best choice but the cold feels so good on my throat after having that tube down it in surgery. Have fun at your party tonight Apples.
Thats just what I did Apples, backed off on some of the pain meds and will see how it goes. I just got up from another nap and was an hour overdue for pain pills, I just took one and will see how it goes. I can't believe people steal drugs to feel like this. LOL If it still doesn't help I will switch to my left overs from the other knee and then call the doc on Monday. I am wondering by being so nauseaus in the hospital and throwing up, that isn't what caused my band to get so tight. So far I'm really not missing those 5 cc's they took out. Wow sounds like quite the spread you are having tonight? Are you having a Christmas party? (sorry if I missed the post on it). Oh, DH just spoke to his SD uncle, he's getting in the last of his corn today. They are very relieved to get it in too.
Up from my morning nap, awaiting DD's return with some McD's nuggets for lunch. Probably my first solid food in a few days. I am kindda nauseaus. I compared my pain pill bottle from last time til this time. They both are hydrocodone or something like that. The old ones say 5mg and the new ones say 10mg. And then my dose is 2 so maybe that's why I am so loopy double the dose and I take oxycontin or something like that as well which I didn't last time. Think I will try cutting the dose in half and take one pill on my next dose. I was fine with that level of dose last time. I can't stand feeling like this. Oh and a side effect is mental/mood swings. DD & DH can vouch for that. I've been on the verge of tears all night and morning long. What do you nurses think of my plan?
Good morningl! I had a pretty rough night, I went to bed at 730pm and got up at 8am but probably only slept half of that. If it wasn't the pain, it was having to use the potty, or thirsty, etc. And I got stronger pain pills this time and they are making me very loopy. DH & DD are laughing at me and the things I end up saying etc. I can't concentrate more than a minute or so on anything. The nurse told me in the hospital I'd make a happy drunk. LOL So not sure how to proceed, I have so much less pain this time but can't stand how I am feeling on these pills. I think I will try cutting down to just one vs 2 and see how I do, also have some left over vicodins. They told me these pills I have now (norcal or something like that) are twice as strong as vicodin. So I am sorry I am having a hard time keeping up with the posts, I've read them but don't remember a thing to respond to. LOL
AHHHH it fees so good to be home. First thing I did was take a nap! One thing about hospitals they don't let you sleep much. I took a nap while DH went and filled my RX's. I notice the pain pills are different this time and I have 2 kinds, so maybe that is why this knee is doing better. Sorry with the grogginess I have I am having a hard time keeping up and reading all the posts. My different pain pills are helping on the pain but make me more groggy than the vicodin, though they said this was similar to vicodin only stronger.
It's official.... I get to go home today!!!!! Just waiting on DH, he's at work and I can't get ahold of him, which usually means he's on a conference call or has someone in his office. HURRY UP AND ANSWER YOUR PHONE, DEAR!! i HAD a really good nurse last night. I remember I had her every night in October on my other knee.
The nurse practioner and physicians assistant were just here. I might get to go home today!! They said I was doing awesome, it's much better this time than last. Last time I never even left my room until the 3rd day, this time I was to the end of the hallway twice and climbed stairs on my first day. WOO HOOO!!! Though life in my suite ain't too shabby! And I get good therapy here, but still think I'd be happier in my own bed and at home.
Lost my first post, GRRRR MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU GALS AS WELL AND ALL THE JUNIES. i AM in the hospital recovering from my 2nd knee replacement. I think I might get to go home today. This one has gone very well, much better than the first even.
You are so right Laura, this unfill is messing with my head big time. I am so afraid of not getting my restriction back, slippage as they refill me, etc. But it had to be done, I couldn't have gone on like yesterday. I asked the NP that unfilled me from my surgeon's office and she said it happens from surgery,. however since my band this is my 3rd surgery (also had gall bladder last year) and it never happened before. She said it could be the drugs or my body just going through trauma. This is the 2nd major surgery in as many months. I could feel the relief as soon as she pulled some of the Fluid out. She wanted to take out half of my fluid. I balked a little bit, and she said this is where the negotiation begins, and then I thought, no Lori, listen to the professionals. She is going to come check on me today as well and said when I come down to the hospital next Wed for my post op appt that she could probably start refilling my band, though it can't be done all at once. Also, Laura, I feel so for you making that decision about Christmas. Nelson w/o his daddy for Christmas that's a tough one, but this could be your last Christmas with your daddy. Is there anyway your DH can go with you even just for the day? Thinking of your DH, I had the best anesthesist. Last surgery they had such a hard time getting my IV in, they stuck me 5 times. When he called me the night before to ask me some question, I mentioned that to him, as he gave me a main line (think that is what is called) after I was out. He left orders in the pre op that they only were allowed to try and stick me once with a 22 needle (evidently that is tiny as the gals were all talking about it). They got me on first pick, he used that I guess to put me to sleep and then gave me the main line, he said that way when they have to do their blood draws each morning, I don't have to worry about them getting a vein then either. Interestingly, he said due to myhuge weight loss and a fairly quick loss at that, that my veins may just be a tad deteriated. Does that make sense to you? I'll be praying for you and the decision you have to make. Just happened to think, could you give Nelson 2 Christmases? One at home with Daddy a day or two early depending on when you leave, and then one with your Dad? Nels might think he's extra special getting 2.
Woo Hoo, for harvest being over. Well the unfill helped immensely, so first priority is getting well after surgery and then I will work on getting filled back up. It will be interesting to compare how the band is now vs what it's been like for months. I'm just so surprised it happened. I had no problems with it during my first surgery. I have a great nurse tonight, she was my nurse during the first surgery, she guarantees me some more sleep tonight. DH & DD are here now visiting me. Can't believe Christmas eve is one week from tonight. My immediate family meaning DH, DD & DS are so great. My son spent the entire afternoon with me here. DH took off work early to be here and is taking next week off on vacation. I'm in good hands. With my band and unfill issues I've been educating the nurses here on the orthopedic wing on lap bands, they are full of questions. When they hear how much weight I lost they are so impressed. One even told me today how small my tummy was and was sure I had surgery. LOL I said you should see my butt and legs then, that's where I carried it all. I am just feeling so encouraged and anxious for this recovery to be over, with 2 good knees and my weight loss, I will be totally transformed. I want to plan some sort of hike in the mountains this summer.
Had a little band set back this afternoon. Suddenly I couldn't keep anything down, not even the tiniest sip of water. And oh did it hurt. So fearing that perhaps I had a slipped band or they damaged it in surgery, I called my lap band doc. He had a nurse practioner come over to my room and do an unfill. She took out 5cc's. I had 10.5cc's in there, so that's about half. I am nervous now about losing restriction. She said I couldn't get it all back at once either, but could start gettingt some back starting as early as next week. It will be interesting to see how I do. It made a world of difference already, I could drink right away, just had soup for dinner though, she said to stick with soft foods. I'm so scared of gaining now. But maybe not I know the usual portions I eat, just hope I am not so hungry and tempted especially over Christmas. Knee wise I am doing awesome. I've walked the halls twice today, did stairs, and took a shower. These are things I didn't do til the 3rd day last time and the pain has been minimal. Phyl, my knee doc said 90% of the time the 2nd knee is much better than the first.
Good almost afternoon it's 10 to 12 here. Well in some ways I am having a fantastic day, I even walked to the end of the suites hall, lkast time I got so dizzy I didn't get past the door to my room til the 3rd day. Yep I got a suite again, where I volunteer hooked me up. But the negative is the throwing up and I had such a pain kindda in the sternum area until I threw up. The nurse said perhaps I was up too long, I was concerned about my band. I hadjust eaten eggs for breakfast when they brought me a slew of pills to take with water, so maybe it was just a bad stuck PB episode too. Laura & Phyl, I sure wish I could have you as a nurse, I have one bad one and she was the overnight CNA. She was offended when I asked what/who she was as she had no name badge on. She thought I was being prejuduce because she was black and made it racial, which was so far from the truth, she said yiu think I just hang around thehospital for fun?? I was doped up and saw no badgem, I don't think I was wrong for questioning. Again so sorry for the typos.
first off please forgive the typos, i have pulse ox thing on my finer and iv in other hand so puncuation and typing not good. no caps sorry. thanks for all the thoughts and well wishes yesterday. things are going well. i was in recovery a long time waiting for my room, pllus woke up sobbing with some pretty bad pain, it's under control now. They even had me up out of bed yesterday snd now this morning they moved me to a recliner and i get to shower this afternoon. i think it helps to have been there done that too. i'm a pro. lol all my inlaws have called and my mom but not a word from those sisters of mine. phyl if/when you get your other knee done my doc said 90 percent of the time it is much easier. lets see so far we have a line up to be apples neigbor for her cooking, and now i want to get in that line in joanns neighborhood for quilts. lol we certainly have some talented folks here. linda i cheated and baked those exact same pre cut out cookies, unfortunately i found them tasty with frosting. well nurse is here and theray is coming.
Meredith, you look amazing! Just a quick post to say I am on my way out the door for the hospital to get new knee #2. Will check in when I can. 'Thanks for the prayers and well wishes.
I recently asked that same question at the Loft store, she said basically what Janet did though not the cheaper part and she said put another way the Loft is more 'west coast' and the regular Ann Taylor is more east coast. Both sell jeans and both sell dresses but Ann Taylor is a little dressier or professional. Last year though I liked Ann Taylor better this year I didn't like anything in there and she said they got a new designer this year and had a lot of complaints (silly me thought Ann Taylor was the designer?? that part still didn't make sense) this year I am much more of a Loft gal. Good idea about going but I didn't today. I worked and stayed off the ladders, I stood firm as a lot of what was left was high up windows and all the mirrors around the weight room. I did the low parts. Then it was hair day and then met DS for lunch. Now I am going to TRY and ake a nap. My poor dog got sick last night about 1am and was in and out times from 1am til I got up at 4am. And she's made quite the mess a few times in her kennel. She acts fine otherwise so not sure if she needs to go to a vet or not. DH called and he got an earlier flight home and should be home in a few hours too. WHEW!! I was worried he'd get stuck in Atlanta and not get home tonight. I have lived out west most of my life, it's only been the last year or so I've heard of the Chrismas eve tamale tradition, I love Mexican food but not tamales, don't like mush I guess. I didn't like grits out east, scrapple in Philladelphia or polenta. Maybe it's a texture thing for me. And being a 'reformed fat chick' I have never watched the Food channel. But then again I've never been fond of cooking much. Jewel, good luck wiht your MIL. JoAnn, so glad you came back, I hope it's to stay!
After talking to DH tonight about how tired and sore I am tonight, I have a plan for tomorrow. I will go in, but I will tell them that my knee isn't as recovered as I had hoped/thought and that I need to do something that doesn't involve ladders or that is easy, if there is nothing that I need to go home. I am not going to come home tomorrow like today. The gal (friend) I work with will be happy because if I go in, we can go in early at 530am, they don't let one of us open the place up alone so she'd have to go in at 8 which she hates as she wants to be home when her kiddos get home from school. I will take it easy til the boss gets there, talk to him and if I need to leave then. I have such a good son. Can't remember if I posted in my last post, he called me earlier saying he'd like to take me to lunch tomorrow to keep me busy and keep my mind off my surgery. Funny thing, he was out Christmas shopping, he said he'd have to shop for his mother more often, that the cute sales girls think it's so sweet he's shopping for his mother. LOL Also have a hair appt tomorrow. My goal is to stay busy so I don't fret about the surgery the next day. It's not that I am scared or really nervous or anything it's more a feeling of dread. I dread the recovery period especially that first week and that bugs me because first week is Christmas week, my most favorite time of year so I don't want to dread it. Not sure if I am making sense. I best go to bed now. LOL
Jewel, you really do need to call your dr office and get all the info before you have surgery, you need to go into this fully prepared. Do they offer pre op classes? My doc requires them it helped a lot. I hate to tell you but you will have food struggles after surgery but they are different. Once you have your band and a fill or two you will have the restriction and get full on much smaller amounts of food, but that doesn't mean your head doesn't still tell you that you want more or that you want to eat sliders (stuff like ice cream, chips, etc. that go right through the band). The band doesn't do all the work, you have to do a lot of it too still. Still that being said, it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. If you search around this site, you will find many many opinions and variations of the pre op and postop diets, many docs differ. The best advice I've heard on that, is follow the instructions of the doc that is going to take care of you if you have any complications, therefore, you need to follow what your specific dr requires. Thanks Arlene, can never have too many prayers. Too late on overdoing it on the job. I really have 2nd thoughts about going in tomorrow but know I probably will. Today I did windows for 3 hours and these were very high up windows, I was up and down the ladder so many times, my legs hurt so bad I can hardly walk. I will take it easier tomorrow.
Good morning. Just about ready to head out the door to work to clean. UGH!!! At least I only have to do it today and tomorrow. They are actually cleaning all week and the later in the week it gets the worse it gets because everyone saves the worst stuff for the last. We have a list of things that need to be done posted on the desk and we choose things that aren't done to do and mark them off. Hopefully there's easy stuff left for today and tomorrow. Finished watching Christmas vacation last night. Then watched the Rockettes Christmas that I recorded from PBS. I still have White Christmas and Wonderful Life on the DVR to watch perhaps tonight. Getting a little anxious about my surgery on WEd. am ready for it to be done with, but that first week of recovery wasn't fun. I'm dreading that more than the actual surgery.
I'm not so into Jim Carey but for some reason Chevy Chase has always cracked me up. Ilove the 'Vacation' movies. I've only liked one Jim Carey though and that was the one with Jennifer Aniston, can't remember the name. I just noticed Chrsitmas Vacation is from 1989, wow, hadn't realized it was 20 yrs old, I remember seeing it in the theater and now I feel so old.