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Everything posted by Great2BThin

  1. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening, just got home from the movie, saw It's Complicated. It was pretty good. DH & I have already made it clear to both kids, we can't wait for grandkids, can't wait to baby sit, but will not do daycare for them. I've done my turn and don't want to be that tied down again. So, no, Janet, I don't think it's selfish. LOL I admire those that can do it, but not me. My good friend here can never do anything during the week, because of her babysitting and she's so tired and wants to slow down but just feels trapped and that she can't tell her daughter after doing it this many years, etc. Janet, I will have to remember that dr if we do move.
  2. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    We've been talking new vehicle and I want an Expedition for the reason of having the dogs inside with us when we go camping and to SD. Dh says they can ride in their crates inthe back. Not my baby!! But never thought of a 4 door truck for that reason. HMMMM But it will be my main vehicle and think I'd rather have the Expedition vs a pickup. for sure 4 wheel drive for the snow.
  3. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good afternoon. BAck from lunch with DH and doing my therapy exercises at the rec center. Now sitting here with ice on my knee and laptop on my lap in my recliner. LOL Having a lazy day though I was out of the house more than I planned on. Julie, it's not that I wasn't secure in my own religion when I lived in SLC before, I think it was more my own issues with rejection. I have always felt unworthy, not good enough and had fears of rejection and their treatment of me just reinforced that. Losing this weight and dealing with so many of these issues has definitely made me stronger. I have nothing against the Mormon people, it was just their treatment of me. And I've had friends since living in UT that are Mormon and it's totally different. I think because in UT it is such a majority or something. I still have some close friends there from when I lived there before, but do realize you can never go back. Who knows if those friendships will be the same if I go back or not. We still keep in touch though. Linda, I love some of your comebacks. That would be awesome if FL would work out. Jewel, good luck on your scholarships. You sound very smart. Go easy on the solids, tiny tiny bites, about the size of your pinky fingernail or a pencil eraser. Apples, Does DH have any room in the truck? LOL Does your dog get to ride inside with you or in the back? I'd miss my dogs that long too. We aren't getting any rain or ice storms but is supposed to be colder, we are very cloudy but must be on the fringe of the storms. Southwestern CO is getting hammered with blizzards.
  4. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    GOOD MORNING LOVLIES!! Well what's left of it. Would you believe I just got up about half an hour ago? I told DH that Friday was going to be my lazy PJ day and I was right. LOL Though I did put on a workout outfit, will go to the rec center and do some therapy on my knee in a bit. I woke up twice in the night with incredible knee pain, but after the last pain pill I must've really slept, never even heard DH get up and go to work. Well last night DH officially put his hat in the ring for the position/promotion I mentioned. If he gets it and the move package is good (we are worried about losing too much on our house) we will be moving to Salt Lake City. That will make the 3rd time I have moved there and it's my least favorite place to live that i've lived well Delaware was close to that too. It's a beautiful city and close to Denver so that is good, it is difficult though being a non Mormon living there. Now that I am older and wiser maybe it won't bother me so much, but in the past I've had neighbors tell me if I was 'worth' meeting they'd have met me in church and another that I had become good friends with tell me she couldn't be friends any longer because I wouldn't convert. But these things happened in my 20's and 30's I think I am stronger now in who I am and what I believe it won't bother me as much. DH would have to do some travelling in a region with this position and his region would be the southwest so maybe I can tag along some times on his say Tucson, southern CA visits?? hint hint??? So I am leaving it up to God and DH as to whether we move or not. DH was very concerned as he can tell I am not real thrilled about it, but years ago when we first got married and we decided for the most part I would be a stay at home mom I agreed to move whereever his career took us, I get to choose where we retire. And I don't feel right saying no as this is a great opportunity for him and well us. The kids are already talking about meeting halfway in the mountains to go camping and stuff, it's an hour flight away and I fly free, etc. so I think it will work out okay. It's not his position yet either, what will be will be. I think a lot of my not sleeping lately has been due to number one the knee pain and pain pills, but also I've just had so much to deal with lately I feel like one more thing is just going to overflow my plate. There's my G'ma and my mom trying to direct everything from down in FL, my sisters, my DD's issue with her fiance, the move, etc. so I am really looking forward to FL. I am open for anything but mostly looking forward to just chilling and relaxing with a bunch of great gals and lots of laughing. Oh and I want to find the Ann Taylor Loft outlet stores!! LOL Anyone know if the Prime outlets or Premium or something outlets are close by??? Linda, any chance you can take a day or so off w/o pay and meet us? I was so hoping to get to meet you. Or will they advance you a vacation day??? Pretty please!! And, Arlene, could your mom come along??? Sparkle, the soups would be good just avoid the creamy calorie laden ones. Also, right after surgery they might have to be clear soups for a day or so. Every doc is different on their post op diets so check with yours. Mine for 3 days had to be clear liquids only broths would do, but after that I could have the others. Janet, glad the fill is working well. I think I am keeping my appt next week for another one as this last one hasn't done much of anything. I know I don't want to get as tight as I was for the long haul but definitely need a little more. They haven't even put in yet half of what they took out. I am just so grateful that I am maintaining, I'm teetering though at the high end of my range. Survivor and Olympics, love them both!! Can't wait. Well DH just called and we are meeting for lunch, heck I just had breakfast. LOL
  5. Great2BThin

    Daily News!

    Doing pretty good here, in the process of getting my band back filled up. After my 2nd knee surgery I had to have an emergency unfill, they took 5 out of 11 ccs out of my band. I've gotten 1.75cc of that back so far. Luckily I am maintaining. I have a number that I won't go over, but I am teetering too much right at it. i get another fill next week. Guess they can't put all the fill back in at the same time and I am not sure I want it all back. I was very tight and now that I am goal I am not sure I want to live that tight, but I don't want to gain either. So need to find my new 'sweet spot'. I've been loving life though, other than the knee pain from surgery recovery but once that is over, Look out! And I have a new hobby, SHOPPING! I just love going in the store and knowing things will fit. And it's so fun getting dressed in the mornings when Ihave so many choices in my closet, instead of going in there and wondering what will make me look less fat or not feel so tight.
  6. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    WOOHOO!! SAve that couch for me! I will check my flight options and let you know. I was actually thinking of taking the all nighter to ATL where I have to switch flights, in that case I'd get in in the mid morning but I could sit and wait at the airport til 2.
  7. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Well I think I will throw in my hat and say I am coming to FL!! Only hitch will be if the flights are full and I don't get my (free) standby but I should be okay the flights look good now. So now I need to know about rides etc. I am very excited. And the other hitch I was worried about, that is coming to FL and feeling obligated to go to my parents then, well I just got an email today and they will be on a cruise. I am very excited!! Save me a lounge chair Apples!
  8. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Back from the knee doc and I am doing fantastic he says. The right knee is progressing way faster than the left. When I mentioned flying to Isreal next month we spent the rest of the appt talking about Isreal, he was there last week and his daughter goes to school there. He advised me to where my compression stockings on the plane to be safe but that I was good to go, and he'll see me when I get back in 6 weeks. It's okay to take pain pills as needed that some folks take them up to 2 to 3 mos after surgery. Linda, here's a wild idea, why don't you go get trained to be that Zumba instructor and offer the class yourself? You'd be forced to workout and maybe make a few bucks at it yourself. Apples, love Oil of Olay, it's my back up when I run out of my favorite stuff from QVC, Dr Denese. i got hooked on her stuff when I worked there and it was amazing but it gets pricey without my discount now. What bags under your eyess, by the way, I never saw any. Laura, hope Nelson's thumb is okay. OUCH!! Poor baby.
  9. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning, I have a dr appt today too, mine is the knee doc, first time I am actually seeing him since surgery. He was out of the country for 3 weeks after mine and I just saw the physicians assistant right after surger. I am now 5 weeks out from knee number 2. It's doing pretty good but still pretty painful and that is bothering me. But I do remember getting depressed about the first one still bothering me and taking pain pills til about 6 weeks out. I don't take them every 4 hours any more nor do I take 2 at a time like I was but just want off those darn things. Eva, that pilates machine that you are doing that you say is stretching/strengthening your stomach muscles might end up helping your back. They say a strong core is great for your back. Glad you are enjoying the machine. Janet, good luck with your fill today. HOpe it gives you the right fill in your band and in your head as you say it's just as much a head fill for you. I have another appt to get more of my unfill back next week and think I will keep it. I am just able to eat a little too much I think. Deb, gosh it must be hard for you with the weight loss and having thyroid issues. Glad you got the tweak in meds that you needed.
  10. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Great post LInda!! Some very helpful things there as I contemplate my knee pain and stuff too and exercise. I have not really started exercising much yet since my first knee surgery in Oct. I feel very fortunate that I've maintained my weight. I hope to get into exercise (oops Janet is reading make that I WILL ....) soon and then want to get to the low end of my range instead of teetering at the high. I know you were writing to Eva, but thanks for posting!
  11. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Eva, great for you for realizing where your issues are and putting them out there and having a plan. The thing that bothered me the most when I started execising were my aching joints and stuff too. Hence the knee surgeries. I hope your's aren't that bad. I am straddling a thin line myself in some of my food choices lately. I am able to maintain but I know I could make better choices. Janet, I am so impressed with how committed you are to your exercise. It truly has become a routine and habit for you.
  12. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Oh Janet, I like it. Apples is our cook. Of course, we'll need a pool and then a pool boy! LOL Folks talking about ever marrying again, I don't think I could either. I got very lucky the first time around and hope he's around forever, but not sure I'd ever be brave enough to risk it again, or I could find one like him.
  13. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    You said snuggle! I just asked if there was room. LOL
  14. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Still freezing, just turned up the heat another few notches. Got room on that couch, Apples? I never turn my heat up past 72/73 degrees and it's at 76 now. DH is gonna have a fit when he comes home as he's always warm. Apples, good for you for dealing with the past and living for the present and future now. So many people aren't able to do that and carry their issues/problems with them throughout life and never achieve that happiness. Linda, I watched Biggest Loser last night. I too liked the Tongan guys attitude, they could've sandbagged the weigh in last night and didn't. That being said, I don't begrudge that red team gal for playing the game, what I don't like is lying about it. Heck, the way it's set up it is a game and if you can game it and stay a week or so longer to change and improve your life, all the better. But just be honest and upfront about it. I don't think she was. However, I also know that sometimes they do have weeks that they only lose a pound and the trainers aren't all over them then. But maybe because she did that last week and then a small loss this week. I almost wish they'd have voted the guy off instead of his mother last night. The mom is trying to change her life and come a long ways, the guy isn't. I don't see him sticking around long.
  15. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    BRRRR I am sitting here wrapped up in a blanket and can't get warmed up. It's not that cold out, well depends on your perspective, but it's in the 30's. I hope I'm not getting sick, I am just chilled and shivering to the bone. Just got home from lunch with my MIL had a nice lunch and chat. More like old times so I hope if there were some issues they are behind us. Just talked to DD and she has asked her fiance not to call her the rest of the week she is out of town and that she needs time to ponder things. He did sell his Corvette to his parents so that he can pay down his debt and then buy it back in 2 years and go back into debt. She's not so sure she's okay with that as it is always going to be something. It's not that specific Corvette, he keeps a car an average of 9 mos and has to have something bigger and better because 'he deserves the best'. He says she is asking his to give up his passions and being selfish and she says he's being selfish by taking away their future financial security and a family. So not sure they can resolve this. They are getting counselling with a Pastor and he's even told DF that this car issue could and maybe even should be a deal breaker from DD. I just pray they work it out now before marriage or move on instead of after. Arlene, you are full of new info today, two things I never heard of. I never knew that that there was a gas in your stomach that has to escape and that caused first bite syndrome. I just assumed first bite was from being too hungry and starting out with too big a bit or too fast. And also that lifting could make one tighter. Maybe this is new info to me since I don't really suffer from either. Apples, do you still suffer from the PTSD? Must've been something ugly you had to endure. Julie, sorry you can't get your MRI, is paying for it yourself an option? Laura, glad the chemo is helping your dad. WEll I gotta go snuggle up under some more blankets maybe my dog can snuggle and give me some of her warmth! LOL
  16. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Wow busy day here, haven't been able to check in til now. Took me along time to read as I really was taking it all in about the toxic relationships. I love the quote that Arlene posted as well about not making someone a priority in your life if you are just an option in their's. Heck that is my extended family except my G'ma. My sisters my parents, in laws etc. I am feeling even better about my decision to stop putting myself out there so much to just get trounced on. I had never heard that quote before so thanks for posting. And apples, so full of wisdom today! I took G'ma shopping today she got DD's wedding gift and shower gift. I hope not too early. DD and fiance are having a very serious issue right now and not sure if they are going to work through it. He is very into his cars and tires of cars quicky and always has to have the best of everything. DD wants to live life with as little debt as possible. Fiance just looks at the monthly payments and right now is bearly making those. He had agreed to sell his Corvette however, informed her last night he didn't mean it and was keeping it. It might be a deal breaker for her. She wants to start a family and feels his selfishness in his toys will rob them of their future. His attitude is her income can help pay for his cars. That's not okay with her. There's more and I may have explained it all wrong, but this is a very important issue they need to work through if their values are so far apart. she is out of town on business this week so they have some time apart to think on things. Nazzy, are you asking if your band has a leak or are you asking about gettnig it unfilled when you get to goal?? Julie, way to go on getting to the ground and playing with your GD Melissa, congrats!!
  17. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening, couldn't get on the internet for most of the afternoon evening. Not sure what was up if it was just down or our modem or what. I was going through withdrawal! Apples, I am down to once a week therapy for 2 more times the next 2 Mondays and then I am done. I am going to do some of it on my own up at the rec center that laid me off. It will be hard to go up there and see someone else sitting in my chair. Though I know it's not her fault. they transferred someone from another dept that has only been there a couple months to take my place as well as her job. She's not happy either that her workload doubled. Eva, I have no idea at this point where I will be at Labor Day, will be great if I am here to see you. I hope I know more on our living situation soon. Florida, I still know nothing about htis new job possibly starting so at this point I am tempted to just say I am coming and if the job works out I will deal with it then.
  18. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    No PJ's for me here today but I am in my grubby workout type clothes that I wore to therapy today. Knee is progressing so well. I am to 130 degree bend already, it's passing the other knee on by. I drove down to the Ann Taylor Loft store that is closing today. I had gotten all that stuff on Chrsitmas weekend with my giftcards. I had this coupon to use for an additional 15% off when I used my gift cards with in a week or so after Christmas. When I showed the card at the store they told me it wasn't good there but only at the Ann Taylor store. Well I got to looking at the card when I was cleaning out my wallet yesterday and right on the back it said it was good at Ann Taylor or Ann Taylor Loft. Luckily I had my receipt still so off I went and I got $20 credit. I applied that to a new winter coat marked down from $200 to $80 and then an additional 50% off that so for $40 and then the $20 credit I got, I couldn't resist. Plus it's a size 10!! Usually I am bigger on coats and stuff. Tomorrow I am taking Grandma shopping. She wants to shop for a wedding and a shower gift for my DD so think we might go to a mall. Should be fun. LOL
  19. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning! DH is off today so is going to therapy with me today. Looks like a beautiful springy day here, almost 60 today!! WOO HOO!! I gotta remind myself it's still winter. Actually January is our driest month they say and March is our snowiest month. march is always when I have spring fever really bad too and we get that heavy wet snow, at least it never sticks around long in March. Jodi, nice to get to know you. You sound like a very fun person. I once had a friend in NYC that was Jewish. I spent a long weekend with her and on Friday night it was some night before a holiday or something and I had dinner with them. Well I cleared the table and blew out some candles that weren't meant to be blown out and were to stay lit til they went out and then I helped with dishes and put the silverware drawer in the wrong silverware drawer, some was meant for some types of food andothers for something else. I messed up bad. But my friend was a hoot and I think the same as what you described yourself a quasi. When her kids and DH weren't around she wasn't so strict. We've lost touch over the years. Meredith, congrats on the house!! WOOHOO!! If we end up moving, I've been looking at homes on the internet in the new locale and there's some amazing deals with short sales and what not. Since I am not in a hurry to move if and when we do find out we are, I am thinking maybe this is a way to go about it. Would you do it again?? Does it just take the bank along time to respond? Julie, where is your big trip to? or are you referring to FL? Thought maybe you and DH had another trip planned. Melissa, still not sure if I will make FL but it's looking like a great possiblity, but think I'd pass on a park unless everyone else is going. BTDT, many times with my folks living in FL when my kids were younger. I am more into the just wanting to chill, find a lounge chair with my name on it (unless Apples has put her name on all of them) and shop at the outlet! LOL Apples, ARe you leaving any room for DH to pack?? Has your dog taken long trips before? My dogs are good travellers. Well better get ready for therapy. Have a great day
  20. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening Sorry you aren't sleeping well Linda, it's been happening to me off and on lately as well. I am wondering if it's the body getting used to things after surgery and pain pills. I NEVER have trouble sleeping and have been lately. though I do wake up at night sometimes with knee pain. I got my part of the cleaning done, DH did over half of it so that was nice. I sat with ice on my knee and my laptop while he vaccuumed. Nothing sexier than a man doing housework! LOL Janet, glad you had a good time last night. Was Lionel Ritchey good?? or do you remember? LOL just joking!
  21. Great2BThin

    It's Allie's turn for plastics!

    Good luck tomorrow! I am extra anxious to hear about this procedure as it's the one I would get if I could.
  22. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    First off, I missed it was Melissa's birthday, so Happy Birthday!!! Having a pretty good day today. I overdid the shopping yesterday and had a painful knee night last night. Today I just went to church and DD is cooking us dinner tonight. All the weather talk, reminds me, remember how I said some of you think 30's and 40's are bitter cold and like winter and here I say they start putting on shorts and sandals? Well saw lots of that at the outlets yesterday. FUnny because to me up in the mountains (we were about 10,000 feet elevation) is cold, there were some folks shopping in their ski clothes (we were very close to many of the major ski resorts) and others in their sandals. You see all kinds. And no signs of a recession either, goodness the shopping bags many of these folks had. Guess I had my share of them too. LOL Well gonna try and clean house, by that I mean help DH, he's been doing it since my surgery. I can do some of it now and it's pretty bad, haven't done it since NY day when we took down the Christmas stuff.
  23. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening, I am back from my adventure in the mountains. I had a great day. Yes i got a bag at Coach. I got a crossbody bag, it's small, bright pink with a small pocket on the outside too. I thought it would be perfect for our trip to Isreal as I hate carrying a big bag and feels more secure since it's crossbody style. And I hit a bonaza at Ann Taylor though I went to other stores, I was very disappointed in the Jones NY outlet. Not much at J Crew or Coldwater Creek. but Ann had 40% off everything including clearance. I got 2 pairs of capris for summer for $4 each and 2 summer tops also for $4 another top, a blue corduroy blazer and a pair of earrings. So cool! Dh says fishing is getting expensive. LOL He had a great time fishing too. And it was beautiful up there today, so sunny, clear and we saw about 30 deer and 20 big horn sheep on the say up. And I got to spend the day with my 2 favorite guys DH and DS. Chewing Gum, my doc says no, as it produces gases in the pouch especially early after surgery, so might check with your doc on that. Jewel, I think you are entering Bandster Hell. Can you try upping the protein even by putting the taste free powder in your food? How about some jerky between meals? Phyl, you rarely find me in a Starbucks, they only thing I like there is water. DH suggested I go there as the internet then I found out they charge for their internet and McD's is free. However, I spent somuch time shopping I didn't need to kill any time anywhere.
  24. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Apples, I just meant when I was in my public school in Wisconsin the Catholic kids that didn't go to Catholic school got to leave public school early one day a week to go to catechism classes while we had to stay in school. I always thought they were so lucky to get out early one day. Just waiting for DS to get here before we head up to the hills. I have my coach factory outlet printed and in my purse. LOL Also will bring my laptop along. I've been instructed if the fishing is good I may have to wait in a Starbucks or MCD's with wifi and entertain myself a bit. LOL If not one is on LBT I will have to practice up my Suduko on facebook so I can beat Phyl again. She's too good for me! Oh my smaller sized skirt came for my mother of the bride outfit. Fits perfectly! Gotta take the bigger one back for sure.
  25. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening, goodness you folks were busy posting today. Apples, you couldn't have played with me then, I was a Lutheran growing up. I wished Iwas Catholic because every Friday afternoon they got out of school early to go to Catechism and we had to stay in school. Can you imagine a public school doing that today? Also they got fish on Fridays, I loved fish. Though we usually went to Fish Fries on Friday nights. I got my fill today, so far not noticing much of a difference. We shall see, I have another one set up in 2 weeks just in case. They took 5 cc's out and I've only had 1.75 cc's put back in so far. Am heading up to the mountains tomorrow, have my coach coupon printed and in my purse just in case! Jewel, there are many mushies out there that aren't carbs. Refried beans, cottage cheese, some yogurts, egg beaters, etc. Those are the foods I was allowed on mushies, was never allowed mashed potatoes or anything. Sounds like you are doing better every day. Way to go! Julie, I don't do coffee or tea either, and don't like hot chocolate either so guess I don't do hot drinks either. I really miss my diet pop too. Diet pepsi was my favorite. I take sips of DH's here and there, but have never had one since surgery. I am afraid I could addicted so easily again. Well may not have time to post before leaving in the morning. So have a great Saturday everyone!

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