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Everything posted by Great2BThin
Yea!!!! Everyone is together and we have our first photo! Anxious to hear all the stories.
Good afternoon. I am feeling a little better this afternoon. Interestingly my Bible study this morning was on faith. DD called and they talked to the pastor marrying them and everything is on and still a go for a March 26th wedding, had lunch with my son and sortta cleared the air a little bit and then I came home to find DH came home early. He has to meet with the district attorney this afternoon to go over his testimoney as the carjack victim from last March and is taking the rest of the day off. Linda, you are right, perhaps I have some control issues. I think things all tied up in neat little boxes so to speak. I am the type of person that sometimes will even read the last page of a book to see how it's going to end. LOL I don't deal well with the unknown. Tchr, welcome. I know I've seen you round the boards and glad you have come joined us here. Phyl, hope you are enjoying Seattle.
Okay gals, I need to vent and come clean some. I am really struggling and amazingly it's not with my weight, it's holding steady. But I am just feeling so overwhelmed right now and having to cancel FL has just been like the last straw. A few of the things going on are: are we moving or not moving? that's been hanging over our heads since before Christmas. Is my daughter going through with her wedding or not? My grandma I am doing most of the shopping, doctors, RX, banking, taxes, etc. and then my mom who lives in FL starts telling me what to do and not to do in regards to that and seems I can never do anything right and it's driving me nuts, thenshe can move here and do it herself! My son at 26 is living like he's 16 and doesn't follow through on anything. I lost my job, I may or may not have a new one that changes daily and if I get it do I take it because am I moving or not?? DH has been out of town so much just this week he was in Atlanta Mon - Wed. got home 7pm Wed. and left 6am yesterday for Seattle. He's home today and has to meet with the d/a to go over his testimoney in his carjacking case which goes to trial in a week or so. I just really needed this weekend to get away. I have Isreal coming up in 2 weeks maybe that will help. On the positive side, I am not eating my way through this. On the negative some of my old, I'm not worthy, I'm not good enough thoughts are creeping back into my head. Even retail therapy didn't help much yesterday as nothing i liked was on sale, in my size or fit if it was. CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!! Okay I am feeling a little better for having vented. DD just came up on her way out and said they were probably going through with the wedding. So maybe that's one thing off my list. Laura, thanks for the updates from FL it helps to make me feel part of it. I wish I was there to meet everyone, if you are all as sweet, friendly and caring as Apples you are a very lucky group! When is the next one?? LOL Poor Janet and Eva. Jodi, Congrats! here's hoping for an earlier date!!!
Oh no, you mean the flight that they got rebooked on because the original one cancelled, it cancelled too? What a whirlwind of a trip this is going to be for them. Janet mentioned checking her bag, I hope it finds her. I tried to keep busy to keep my mind of not being there. I went to lunch with a friend, shopping (bought a tshirt) and a chick flight tonight. Have a great time shopping or whatever you do tomorrow. So is Apples cooking? :scared2: Linda, I'd love a more often get together, that way there'd be more of a chance of making one and if I can't not having to wait a whole year. But cost and location would be a factor too. I'm just concerned some place like Duluth would be more costly and difficult to get to than some place like Vegas with lots of lodging & flight options. But I will make an attempt at anywhere.
Leave it to Apples to have it all decked out! She is probably hostess with the mostess. I so wish I was there. DH told me that they are expecting flights to be messed up on Atlanta the next couple days as the storm moves east so maybe that's the reason I wasn't meant to go. I kept myself busy today so I wouldn't dwell on it. I did some retail therapy! And tonight DD & I are going to a chick flick. And yes I am having popcorn. Glad everyone made it in okay, I want pictures!!!!
I am so sad and broken hearted. I so wanted to be in Orlando right now, I should be waiting for Apples right now at the airport. DH said last night it was very risky for me to go and when we looked at the flights it was just awful, one never knows with weather issues what's going to happen for employee standby either the flights get so full and oversold from rerouting passengers or they fall apart as everyone is stranded. With this being the worst storm ever to hit the east coast he just thought it so risky as he's seen so many people stranded yesterday in Atlanta when he was there. I got scared of getting stuck all alone. The flights looked just awful last night. Two employees got on and I had time on one of them. Oh well, at least I got to meet Apples in November and see what a special person she is and had a good chat on the phone with Janet last night. Am looking forward to hearing all about it! If you discuss next year (or even later this year), I am game for about anything, I especially like the idea of Las Vegas. Duluth has me a little concerned about being difficult and more expensive to get to. New York City would be cool to shop and see shows in, etc. but wonder how costly that would be. LauraK, I hope your dog is getting better. So hard when our furkids get old.
Well it looks like I am out for the count for the trip as well. AFter Janet called me tonight to tell me of her flight cancelling I went online to check mine. Well they are rerouting all those stranded folks via Atlanta my flights are so oversold, I'll never get a seat standby. They were so wide open too. DH told me he was just in ATlanta today (he flies confirmed on business) and there were stranded folks all over trying to get rerouted from cancelled flights. I am just sick but so grateful Janet called and i checked before leaving and getting stranded some place. I am so sorry I can't make it. I am in tears now and might need Apples paper bag. This sucks!!! Janet thanks for keeping this thread for everything. This trip, the band, the friendships have all been a big part of my journey. Heck when you all first started talking about this trip I wasn't even part of it as I didn't think i could go and I still got excited reading about the plannign. Then when I was able to go it was even better. And now that I can't go I will be looking for updates. The group has sure shrunk though. Wish it was easy just to postpone it a weekend or something.
I for one am sorry to have posted so much about this trip on here, but yet I feel it is very much a part of what has happened here. Many of us have become good friends and are excited to meet, and others seemed excited about it as well even though they aren't able to come and want to see the pics and hear about it or so I thought. On that note, this will probably be my last post before I leave, I have guests coming over shortly and then gotta leave for the airport!! YAHOO!!
Okay, taking a deep breath. I just freaked out when the flights looked so bad suddenly. Thanks for being so accomadating Apples!
OH NO!! my flights are filling up fast! I think it's all the stranded folks back east getting rebooked. I gotta sortta hope that they stay messed up til I arrive tomorrow so that my seats open up! Sorry east coast gals stranded in snow! Apples, I will call you and leave you a voice mail if I get stranded if you d on't answer. I hope calling like 7am isn't too early if I get stuck. Boarding passes, can't be done more than 24 hours out, used to be security issues too but so much of that has changed since I worked at the airport.
I am home from the hospital and now just have to figure out my liquids and toilitries and what I am wearing on the plane tonight and I am ready! Can't wait. Not sure if I am going to take my laptop or not. I'd like to so I can check my flights for my return trip. Do you know if there's a computer at the resort we can use?? Also, most hotels have hairdryers, shampoo, etc. I am assuming that is the case here? I haven't packed that stuff. If not I will have the 'natural look' on my hair. LOL Would Vegas work if we stayed at a different hotel?? Linda, I watched Biggest Loser, I didn't get that impression that Melissa gained on purpose. In fact, it actually made me believe that possibly her last gain was real as well. I didn't like the comment she made about her husband but I wonder how much was edited out or taken out of context, possibly he has other issues??? who knows, I was really hoping the green lady would go, I don't care for her though she's been better since her daughter went home. OK gotta go check what is in my bag one more time!! Also FL gals I forwarded everyone a copy of my Coach coupon.
Good morning!!! The next time I crawl into a bed will be in Florida seeing as how I am flying all night tonight!!!! I sure hope I can sleep on the plane, as I want to awake all day when I get there. No way will I wnat to take a nap once Apples picks me up!! I am having a hard time fitting everythign in my new suitcase, probably should've packed the extra huge one we have in teh basement, but it's so big and would be half empty at least on the way there. LOL I am thinking of taking some shoes out and just wearing my sneakers on the plane, they are more comfy anyway, just a pain to take on and off at security I'd rather have slipons for that. Guess what I got in my email this morning?? A COACH COUPON!! I printed it and am bringing it along. I am going back for the first time since my knee surgery to volunteer at the hospital today so life is returning to normal for me, well except for my job but I am not really missing it!
Curious, there are many threads by many others as well in the I'm here to help area as well as many other areas of Lapband Talk. However, anyone is welcome to post here and there are many successful bandsters here that are always available to answer any questions you may have. We've had many new people join us and we've all enjoyed getting to know one another here. I believe there were some answers to your questions here as well. This area is very special to many of us and we are grateful for Janet who started this thread and has allowed us all to bond and make wonderful friendships and we look forward to new ones as well. You are more than welcome to join us.
July in Vegas would be too hot anyway! LOL Regardless where we go off season we'd get better rates. Maybe we can talk about places and dates while in FL?? I think I might try and bring my computer, I haven't decided yet might be too much to carry.
Since Friday is supposed to be the rainy day what about shopping Friday and our hang and chat day on Sat? That way if it's nice (that's a big if from the sounds of things) we might even be able to hang by the pool??? Also no need to worry about getting back to get ready for our dinner? I am so excited. I got stuff in my new bag already. I am leaving here tomorrow night about midnight so tonight is my last night at home before I leave! Gym???? we'll see. Haven't done a whole lot yet since my knee surgeries other than some bike pedaling and leg extension machines.
Hi, I forgot to mention I loved the Monte Carlo as well when I stayed there last year. They have a great pool too and it has a lazy river and a wave. And was centrally located on the strip as well. I am all for Vegas next year! There's great shopping as well and a outlet mall way down south on the strip.
Well I found a new suitcase, not a spinner though but the easiest rolling one I've ever had, also the most I've ever spent, $100 at Costco. I usuallyl get the $20 specials LOL and they last a year so hopefully this one last longer. It was just like the Tumi that was next to it only Costco's brand. Also took Grandma to Super Walmart (went to my son's store and said hi to him) then Macy's, Kohl's & Joanns as well as lunch. Whew! She was tired when I dropped her off. Jessica, glad the fill went well.
Good morning. Feels like Monday today maybe because I didn't do my usual Monday errands with Grandma due to the snowstorm and am doing them today. It is beautiful out today, bright blue sky, bright white snow and sunny but cold. Florida will still feel nice to me. All of our suitcases are in bad shape, think I might shop for a new one today. So far I've had 3 out to try and all 3 have messed up zippers. The only one left is huge, if I have to I will take it but will see what I find shopping with Grandma today. That's what I get for buy such cheap luggage! LOL Vegas next year? Count me in? It will be so much easier for me to get there. I know my way around there pretty well, at least I think I do still, as I used to live there too. (I get around LOL) Jodi, thanks for the explanation, I have always wondered about that candle I blew out, I sortta had the silverware figured out. Funny, my friend I stayed with didn't practice all the rules all the time especially when she was away from home and hubby and the kids, but she kept a pretty strict home I guess. I have a good friend here that is a Messiahanic Jew he calls himself and he explains a lot of the traditions to us but he doesn't know them all real well as he wasn't raised in them much. Melissa, bummer about the string of bad luck you've been having, will sure miss ya! Janet, I know what you mean about another dog throwing things off in the house. DH always says when DD has her puppy here that it affects the feng shui. LOL Our dogs just really act up as well when she is here and they all go wild all over the house. It just affects the balance in the house. Eva, there is an end in sight for your busyness at least temporarily! FLORIDA!!! Jewel, good luck on that first fill. I remember being scared for my first one too but it was really nothing. I hope it starts to give you better restriction, but it may or may not. Some folks do get it after one and others take a few fills. Heck, I had like 7 or 8 fills my first year. I was on one extreme of the fill spectrum and Janet here on the other as I believe she got good restriction after just one. Each person is very different so don't compare yourself to anyone and don't concern yourself with how many cc's you have in your band compared to anyone else either, it's very individual. I liked knowing how many cc's I had but if I had 10ccs and someone else only 2cc's it didn't make either one of our bands or us any better than the other, it's what works for you. I don't mean to sound preachy but it's something I see on other threads here a lot people comparing their fills or someone telling another that they don't have enough fill or too much. That's between you and your dr as to what is right for you. Apples, miss ya posting! have you dethawed yet??
1Day, I was so worried you were going to cancel. I am so sorry that you aren't going to be able to come, I was looking forward to it.
I ventured out in the snow to the grocery store, roads weren't bad. It's slowly stopping now for awhile the sun was shining and it was snowing at the same time. My exercise was shovelling the driveway and sidewalk, also made a path on the patio out back for the dogs so they don't bring in so much snow with them. Phyl, what ship were you on? Too bad you had such bad weather. I love to stay on the ship and sometimes even skip some ports, but with bad weather that wouldn't have been so great as I usually am on the deck by the pool. Great photos! I wish that was a flight to Orlando you were catching!
Julie, glad you are checking your bag, I was concerned about your shoulder and lifting your bag over your head to the overhead bin, sometimes you can get someone to help you but many times not. I just tried cramming a bunch of stuff in a carry on and it's not going to work if I want room for bargains I could find shopping. LOL I can't believe I started packing already, shows how anxious I am. I never pack in advance! So for you FL experts, is white acceptable year round there? Am trying to decide on what pants to pack, I have jeans and denim capris so want to go with something else that I could also wear to dinner. I have some black dress pants but didn't know if I wnated to bring dressy just for one night so thought more casual but not jeans for dinner. It's still snowing here, glad I cancelled with Grandma today, don't want to risk her slipping on the ice. i hear the roads are pretty bad too, it's supposed to stop by noon. I need some things at the store and am debating when to head out if it's supposed to stop I might as well wait I guess give the plows some time to clear the roads, I gotta take some country roads north to the stores my community is too new and we have no close by stores.
Good morning! Right now 67 degrees in FL sounds wonderful, I am looking out at a very cold and snowy view, can't even see the mountains today, and I am all wrapped up in my blanket trying to stay warm. Can't wait! Does anyone know how much each persons share of the room and expenses will be? I want to bring some cash to reimburse whomever I need to. Got up at 530 this morning to have breakfast (went to MCD's) with DH as he is leaving for Atlanta today and then he comes home on Thurs. we will actually cross paths possibly in the airport on Thurs. as he is coming home and I am connecting to FL. I won't see him til Sunday afternoon. Went to future SIL's for a SuperBowl party yesterday. I had no interest in either team so just picked the Colts to pick a team and they lost. I think in the future teams should pay me not to root for them then they are guaranteed a victory, no matter who I pick they always lose! I didn't think the commercials were all that good. I always like the Clydesdales ones and this one was cute but some of the past ones were better. Guess my favorite would have to be the Dorito one with the dog and the no bark collar that he takes off and puts on the guy. Enjoyed the Who at halftime but they were a little past their prime. I feel sorry this morning for Carrie Underwood, I heard her getting bashed pretty good on the radio for messing up the nat'l anthem, guess she didn't do that great. I thought she sounded fine and there was one note at the end that was a litte off, but gotta give her credit. I guess she's the first one to sing it in years live. She insisted on performing live, usually the prerecord it. Jodi, quesstion on the shabbat. Do you light a candle on Fri evening at dinner that you can't blow out? I had a Jewish friend that I stayed with in Brooklyn years ago and we had some special dinner Friday night. AFter I helped clear the table and blew out the candle, she got really uptight and said it was to never be blown out and I felt so horrible I never asked why but have always been curious. Then I dried dishes and put the silverware in the wrong drawer with the wrong silverware certain ones weren't supposed to touch or something??? Thanks for the education! Julie, glad you made it safe on your trip. I haven't decided whether I will check or carryon. I never pack til the last minute so it depends on how much I have. I am thinking I will check though so I have lots of room for shopping just in case. That means I'll probably find nothing. LOL I hate dealing with a carryon and finding overhead room for it and hoisting it up in the overhead which is something you might want to consider with your bad shoulder. But also I am lucky with my flying benefits I don't have to pay to check my bag either. Janet, looking forward to you getting back to normal on here, miss you and Apples when you are gone. Apples, miss you! glad you are enjoying your time in FL so far though. Melissa, sounds great if we can hook up on the same flight or time! Phyl, are you back from the cruise yet? How was it? Did it improve once you set sail??? I am trying to save up for a cruise in May. DH says since we are going to Isreal in a few weeks that is our major vacation this year, but we've done a cruise a year for the past several and I really want to do one again so I had been savign all my paychecks and any other unplanned money that comes in (like I got a refund for overpayment of a hospital bill, etc.) so hope I can swing it.
It's Allie's turn for plastics!
Great2BThin replied to allielee's topic in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
HOpe you are feeling much better by now. What an ordeal. Just focus on that new body and how great you will look or feel soon! -
Good afternoon. We just got back from our weekend in the mountains, had a great time. FUnny DS & DD at ages 28 & 26 still bicker, tease, etc. in the backseat just like they were kids. The hotsprings was really fun and I enjoyed that a lot. Something I would not have done before I lost the weight. DD said she was shocked when she saw me come out of the dressing room in my new tankini especially around the shoulders and stuff how thin I was. COOL!! No one would say that about my legs. LOL On the way home today we stopped off at the outlets in Silverthorne and I found me some denim capris finally. Got them at Chico's have never shopped there before as I don't like or understand why they have to size things differently, is it for our egos so we can say we are a size 1 or 2? LOL Leaving shortly for a SuperBowl party, I don't have a team in it so don't care who wins but if I had to pick a winner I'd prefer the Colts. I am in it for the commercials. Laura, remember half of us are coming from snowy, wintery conditions so to me that weather wasn't too bad of news at all! I'd prefer dry and no rain but will deal with it. Thanks for the update! Jewel, glad you and DH are coming and that you got your own room. Will be fun to see you and also fun for you two to have a little weekend to yourselves. Melissa, I am sure it is fine if you fly in early and ride with Apples and I. I arrive on Delta, maybe we can hook up at the airport so Apples just has one stop to make to pick up. I have your cell number so let's call one another when we land.
Melissa, we must've been posting at the same time. I am getting into Orlando hopefully at 830am, Apples is picking me up at 10am. Laura I believe is picking the rest up in the afternoon. I am pretty sure Janet and Eva get in about 4pm. Leaving on Sunday the 14th, Janet has a flight at 930am and I am planning on trying to leave at the same time or whoever is going to the airport earliest. I fly standby so go whenever there are empty seats. Hope that helps.