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Everything posted by Great2BThin
Good evening. It was a beautiful day and I spent a lot of it sitting out back, didn't get much done but enjoyed it. Eva, yes the company hires movers for us, they come in and pack the whole house in one day, load it the next and hit the road. Then bring it all in the next house they'd unpack too, but I usually opt to do that myself as I want to think about where to put things etc. and take my time. Gotta do the kitchen last so I can go out to eat as long as possible. LOL The bike ride sounds fun. Julie, why do you think we would be happy if you weren't taking care of Mimi? Though I think it is good that you are going to take care of yourself first. We are much better caretakers of those we love if we take care of ourselves first. I hope these shots work for you! Melissa, I've been wanting to see Date Night, Hot Tub looked funny but was concerned it wouldn't be good when I actually went to it, thanks for the reviews, might have to check them out! 2plus4, I have 2 dogs as well, they are lab mixes.
Good afternoon, it's a gorgeous springy day here in Colorado! Mid 70's, DH is out doing yard work and I am going to sit in the sun when I am done posting. Went for a ride in my new car this morning and I love it!! I couldn't decide between it yesterday and a used Hyndai Sante Fe, I think I am happy with my choice. They were both nice cars! DD was just here and moved out the last of her stuff so I am officially an empty nester again. She is having fun setting up her kitchen with all her new dishes etc. she got as wedding gifts. She had registered at Kohls and Crate & Barrel and got lots of nice stuff. Deb, learning to eat slow is an art form! I am nearly 2 yrs post op and still catch myself at times eating too fast or too big of bites. I am reminded immediately when I have to excuse myself and go PB in the restroom. You'd think this far out it would be 2nd nature to me. It mostly happens when I am either too hungry or too busy socializing and not paying attention to my bites. I am debating about a tweak of a fill in 2 weeks when I see my surgeon and it's times like those that make me think maybe not. But other times I just can't seem to feel full. I am having a bigger struggle now than I did post op. Jodi, Congrats on your loss! and on the joining your gym! I too would like to be in the sit on the sidelines and watch class. If you find one of those, that also burns a lot of calories let me know! LOL I admire you as well for staying so positive about your ex to your daughter. No matter what that is her father and for you to honor him like that to her will pay you back in so many ways. The Gmach sounds awesome for new clothes as you are losing weight as you are goign to change sizes so fast and now you can always have something new to wear that fits! Apples, I will go to NYC with you any day! I've not been since before 9/11 and would love to go do some shopping! Janet, sounds like you've been busy. I miss you when you aren't here but glad you are so busy enjoying your new thin life! Sorry about the tiff with Andrew though. not sure what Xanax is but hope it helped! Arlene, hope the fibro eases up!!
Good evening! Had a very fun (sortta) day today. I got my new car, SUV! It is new to me, it's a 2008 Durango. I really wanted new and DH really wanted used and this was half the price of the new ones, so we went with used, or shall I say 'previously owned'. LOL Interesting how used cars aren't called used any more. I hate dealing with car salesmen and the whole process but I like having my new vehicle. And now tonight we were sitting out back (spring has sprung here too) and our friends/neighbors behind us had company, we know them too from church. Anyhow, got to talking over the fence and they are interested in our house and came to look at it. They now want to come back. That sounds encouraging anyway. We do have to sell via a realtor in order to get all our reimbursements back from the company and not get taxed a higher rate on them. They are aware of that. Linda, cute photos of you and the granddaughter! I liked her princess shirt. LOL Laura, cute photos of your little guy too. apples, how was the lake?? I am anxious to get to do some camping this summer, especially now in my new vehicle we can load stuff up so much better.
Oh gosh, I hope I didn't sound like a braggert when i said I had been to Hawaii so many times before. You know the real reason I went there so much? It was the cheapest place we could take our kids on vacation. We flew free so that wasn't an issue. Then we got 50% off on hotels for an airline employee discount. All my kids wanted to do was hang out at the beach which was free and eat McDonalds, Jack in the Box and Burger King. My parents laughed and said oh so you figured it out, huh? When I was a kid my dad also was an airline employee, in fact he is how DH got hired, and we went there every year on vacation too for the exact same reason. I think I am going to like DH's new position though if I get to travel like that with him a lot. Heck I won't have much else to do in Utah! LOL He has to go to San Antonio soon and I've always wanted to go there and see the RiverWalk, Arlene, is that anywhere close to you??
Good afternoon. I am here Janet? Where's Apples today? I just got home from taking Grandma to lunch and Walmart and I should be cleaning house. We have 2 realtors coming this evening to do market anayisises (sp) on the house. they get submitted to the relo company and if their prices are within 5% of each other we pick who we want to list the house, if not they send a 3rd realtor to come up with a good 'sell in 60 days' price. So the move process is getting started. We also have a realtor in Salt Lake now sending us lots of info on houses there. Looks like we can easily get something we'd be happy with but it's hard to go by a photo on teh computer as well. Part of me is anxious to get this process started and to get moved and settled, I don't do well with the uncertainity of things and like things all tied up in neat little boxes so to speak. On the other hand I dread moving. And I know my grandma does and it's getting really hard every time I see her listening to her go on about me moving and how she will never see me again. I tell her over and over how I will be back lots but she doesn't think so and I can't convince her otherwise. I have mostly white blinds with curtains/drapes hanging down the sides. I have the wider blinds not mini blinds, except my slider has vertical blinds and it has a cornice (that's what those boxes are called, Janet) that DH made covered in fabric that matches the drapes in the rest of the room. I love Ikea for getting window treatments, they are so cheap and long and I buy extras to make other window treatments out of, even made a duvet cover out of some to match in the bedroom. Perfume, I just got a new one I liked last year on our Mediterranean cruise called appropriately Mediterranean by Elizabeth Arden. Before that I liked Red. I don't buy it often and forget a lot of time to even spray it on. I liked all the Philosophy ones when I worked at QVC I'd spray a tester on me every day, I got kindda tired of it, but now would like it again. however, it never lasted long on me, maybe I am too stinkiy for it. LOL Had dinner last night with DD and her new DH, they had a great time on their honeymoon cruise. She is in the process of settlingin at his Townhome, it's a little weird to be moving into a place he was so settled in. She still has a load of stuff to pick up here at the house and plans to be by on Sunday for church and will get it after that. Not sure how many of you here now remember DH's carjacking last spring (it was a year ago in March), but the DA is coming by today to take pics of the hood of his car where they banged it with the gun for evidence. The trial got postponed til July and DH will have to testify. And he may have to in a civil trial as well. The dead guys's family is now suing for excessive use of force. DUH!! He had a gun to DH's head and also shot at the detectives. Poor police officers seems so many want to make them out to be the bad guys anymore. DH is so grateful he will do anything to help them out. Well I better go get to my cleaning, the realtors need to take photos and I don't want a dirty house in the photos.
Eva, I stayed on Oahu at Waikiki at the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani hotel. It was just across the street from the beach. Weather was perfect, a little cloudy for my liking, I got a little tan, not super dark like I usually do but I used an SPF8 this time. I told DH I hope he has to go back soon and often for business, I will tag along with him there anytime! I'm trying to stay awake til 930 or so then sleeping in, in the morning.
Good evening! I am back from paradise! I had a wonderful time, but no pics. I didn't even bring a camera, I have been there so many times before that I didn't even think of it. Didn't do much but lie at the beach and pool, took a catamaran ride one afternoon. My friend who went with had to leave a day early as her flights were full so she only got a day and a half there. I feel like the walking dead today as we flew all night. I just don't bounce back from those all nighters or lack of sleep like I did in my younger days. Tomorrow I have to take grandma shopping since I was gone most of the week. I tried reading all the posts but seems all I've been able to keep up with is skimming and I am missing so much. Mimi is having surgery? what's wrong? Glad to hear Apples son is good. Joyce got a fill, woo hoo!
Leaving for the airport now! I am so anxious to get to Hawaii. Have a great week!
My bags are packed, I am ready to go, I'm leaving on a jet plane....... Hope everyone had a great Easter, I know I did. I picked Grandma up for church and we went to church then to my inlaws for dinner. Tonight we wandered around a few car lots while they are closed and no pushy salesmen to check out some 4WD Suv's. A few dealerships leave the cars open adn we got to sit in them and everything. Apples, hope your son is doing better! Thinking of you! Jojo, I can't help you out on the gas pains as I never suffered from that, but I can say that once you get past this initial recovery, i think you wll be very happy with your band. I was banded almost 2 years ago, lost 126 lbs in one year and have maintained it since. Sometimes I miss the quanities I ate before but that is rare, it is a total change and what surprised me is how much of the change was in the head not just the body. It's a learning process and you need to deal with the head issues as well as you lose. I came to understand why I ate, etc. and am learning to now think of myself as a 'normal' weighted person, though inside I am still the fat chick and have to watch myself at all times. Mommy, I can't speak about the Mexico issues but I do know there are some docs in the US that have some very competitive rates. I live in Denver and many folks come here to a Dr. Kirchenbaum who supposedly only charges $10,000 for surgery and $15 for fills. I did not go to him but that's an option. Many docs have a lower rate for cash patients as well. Mine did. One of the main reasons I got banded is I knew I could lose the weight, I also lost 60 to 70 lbs a few times before, however, I could never keep it off. What I like about the band is that I always have that restriction now and it keeps me in check. Whereas, from my understanding of bypass, you can stretch that pouch back out. Good luck to you!
I'm watching it too. Love that movie, but wow have special effects ever changed.
Oh Karen, my thoughts and prayers are going out for you and your son. I had no idea kidney stones could get that big or be that serious. I bet you are going crazy with your baby in a hospital, you not sure where, etc. Are you going to try and fly down there? I pray that infection clears up in a hurry. Julie, I leave on my trip on Monday. Enjoy that your DD wants to talk to you so much about her wedding. Keep those lines of communication open so you can learn all you can about the fiance and be a big part of her big day. I think my doing that I grew even closer to my DD during the planning etc. She felt she could come to me for anything good and bad. Hope every one has a blessed Easter. I am taking my grandma to my church tomorrow (she won't like it as it's not Lutheran but wants to go) and then we will all go to my in laws for Easter dinner. Not sure what to wear, the new skirt and blouse I got for the rehersal dinner, or some new stuff I just got at Ann Taylor Loft. LOL I just went there this morning and got some great stuff on clearance for $4.88 each!! You know how I love that store and for such a bargain all the more!
Julie, Sorry I thought you had said she was married before. My DD had her bridesmaids wear a black cocktail length dress of their choosing and then she wanted them to wear the same shoes. they got the kind you have dyed and she had them wear pink shoes. They looked great and they both bought dresses they loved that they can wear again. I thought it was a great idea. DD did try on my dress but she only ended up using my veil and remaking it. Good luck in your planning.
Congrats to your DD, Julie. Will you be giving her a big wedding since this is her 2nd marriage? I actually enjoyed planning DD's wedding but it was lots of work. The counselling is good! DD and her new DH went to pre marital counselling with our pastor as well. Sounds like quite the storm you had. We just had a cold wind today, the snow stayed in the mountains where it should! LOL though DH and DS are up there now.
Apples, that cake is adorable!!
Good evening! What a busy day, I left at 9am to help fold Easter bulletins for church, then on to Grandma's. She was being a little difficult today so it exuded lots of patience on my part. Whenever my mom comes she gets so unsure of herself and into this 'I don't want to be a bother' way of thinking that it takes a few weeks after mom leaves to get her back to normal. My mom is so difficult and Grandma lets mom push her around sortta. We had lunch at Golden Corral. Can't remember who mentioned not going to a buffet anymore as they don't get their money's worth. I go weekly with Grandma. She doesn't eat much and when we go there she has to 'get her money's worth' so she eats more. But I have discovered from going that I do really well there. It costs no more than any other restaurant no matter how much I eat and I can load up on my protein etc. and leave the fries and other sides alone. And I think because we go so often that all the 'goodies' aren't that tempting to me. After lunch we stopped by Goodwill so I could donate another trash bag full of too big clothes. It's fun now donating clothes my too big clothes are now clothes that I bought after I started losing weight and was so excited to fit in at one point. Of course, we had to go inside and see what they had. I am the proud owner of some new khaki capris by Ann Taylor half off so they were $2.50. Love me a good bargain! Then she wanted me to stay at her place for an appt with a social worker so was gone all day. I had such plans to do so much around the house and start packing for Hawaii. Speaking of Hawaii it's so liberating to think of what to pack etc. I am used to going to the beach and looking to see if I am the fattest one there. Apples, I admire how positive you stay over your whole kidney stone situation, proof of how staying positive can really improve one's outlook no matter how painful. Phyl, great chatting with you on Facebook earlier! I am taking a Suduko break and checking in here. Melissa, I have only met apples, but love everyone here as well. wish you could all move to UT with me! Laura, beautiful sunrise, I don't see many of those myself.
Good morning, I am up early today as my guys are getting ready to head up to the hills to go fishing. They are going near Glenwood springs, DS is meeting DH here at the house. Later this morning I am stopping by church to help fold and stuff bulletins for Easter Sunday and then take Grandma to the store to get stuff for the next week while I am in Hawaii. Apples, hope you get some answers and relief from the stones at the specialist today. Arlene, I am sure I will have a great time in Hawaii, it's one of my favorite places and one I have been to many many times.
?Do you put strawberries and grapes in it or just strawberries? I can't eat this salad as I have trouble with grape skins I guess. I get a stuck feeling. So I've actually never tasted it but it gets rave reviews. Perhaps I could do the berries. Melissa, you can do this. Go back to the place that made you get banded in the first place. Look at that person and who she was. Remind yourself you never want to go back there again. Now look at the place you want to get to. see the new body, the new self confidence, the new active lifestyle. Now try acting like that new person now. Buy some more stylish clothes (Goodwill is good as you transition and it still feels new to you), tell yourself how great it feels to have lost the weight, be more active. The more you can become that person as you are losing, the easier it will be to be that person and harder it will be to be the person before surgery. I know I am probably not very eloquent in my words and I don't mean to sound like you were a bad person before, after all we are the same person. But these type of practices helped me a lot. In other words, Fake it til you Make it, act like you are at goal now.
Talk of bunny cakes reminds me of the lamb cake my Grandma used to make when we were kids. She had a lamb shape pan and then put green easter grass around it and some jelly beans. I'll have to find that pan when we move and I unpack, have no idea where it is now and won't find it by Sunday. I made a good grape salad for a pot luck tonight, think I will make it again for Easter at my MIL's GRAPE SALAD 1 8 oz. Sour Cream 1 8 oz pkg. cream cheese 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 C. sugar 8 Cups of grapes (mix of red and green) Brown sugar pecans Mix together softened cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla. Fold in grapes. Put in serving bowl. Sprinkle top with small amount of brown sugar and nuts. Of course you can use light sour cream and cream cheese.
You are all still here. I got suspicious when it had been since yesterday morning that I got an email update about new posts here and came to check it out and now I am behind. I hate when the email updates don't come. Julie, sorry you didn't get any immediate treatment or solution to your pain but I still look at it as good news, at least they know what is causing it and can go from there. Here's hoping your insurance approves the treatments promptly though! What caused this to happen? an injury? Arlene, congrats, glad to hear you sounding positive again, I was getting concerned about you being so down. Laura, have a good trip to your folks. Hope you get your dad out in that boat. Phyl, too funny, you get 60 degrees and you break out the crockpot and make chili. We get to 60 degrees and we are breaking out the BBQ and grilling! All a matter of perspective and the climates we get used to. Linda, my DH is just like your's and others that have posted. He won't throw anything out, periodically I sneak some shirts out of his closet, he never even notices. He had one in there that I bought when I worked at Mervyns. I worked at Mervyns when my 27 yr old son was 2. LOL And to go shopping with him he goes in and 'conquers' the first shirt/shoes/whatever we are shopping for that fits. Whereas I want to shop around and check everything out first to be sure I got the right one. LOL Did you join the gym?? Deb, throw the food out! I grew up with the clean plate club too and depression era parents and grandparents. it's hard to break but once you realize it's doing more harm than good it gets easier. Janet, enjoy the day off tomorrow! Just found out DH is off tomorrow too but guess he and DS are going fishing. Eva, I've been noticing at times the sizes of people too. It used to be that I would have to gauge the room to see if I was the heaviest and to some degree still do that.
WOoHOO!! Arlene, you are doing great! Not much on tap for me today. I had pretty much put everything on hold thinking my parents would be here. DH is checking his schedule to see if he can meet me for lunch. And I have a $10 off coupon for a $10 or more purchase at Penneys so might go see what I can find before it expires today. Weather was gorgeous yesterday, we hit 82. Supposed to be some storms moving in though by the weekend, hopefully not big snow storms. By april 1 I am ready for spring, big time!!
Apples, I don't know how to say this without seeming conceited or prideful, but it felt wonderful! I got so so many comments on how I looked. At first it was really hard but then I just started saying thank you and leaving it at that, instead of thank you BUT..... DH kept telling me I was hotter than the bride LOL i told him I was supposed to be to him. But even men were commenting (not in that way) but it's unusual for men to notice things. I think I had the perfect dress for me and for once in my life I just beamed and loved being all dressed up. For the rehersal dinner the night before I even bought a pencil type skirt with a belt and a blouse tucked into it. folks were shocked to see me in a skirt. Even my pastor commented on how great I looked. The whole weekend was like my crowning glory, I felt so good and it sortta clicked something in my head that said, 'Lori, you aren't fat anymore'. I will always be, as Janet says, a fat chick inside, and have to watch my mindset a lot, but my body is telling a different story and I relish in living a 'normal weight' lifestyle. the things I have done in teh past year that I wouldn't have done before are so rewarding. I truly feel like I got my life back. Thanks for letting me gloat a little. In fact, DH went and found the photographer and asked her to take shots of me as he wants one for his desk in his new office. AHHHHH how sweet! Said he had to show me off. Even my sisters commented!
Thank goodness there was no leak! Good luck on your knee surgery. The recovery is a tough one but oh so worth it! Between my band and the resultant weight loss and my new knees I feel like a new woman!
Apples, my sisters told me to be relieved my parents left early, they stayed with them until Sunday and said it was a very challenging visit. Very negative about everything. It's almost too quiet around here today, it's the first peace and quiet I've had in a long time. It is supposed to be 80 degrees out (record high) today so might have to go sit out back and soak up some rays! DH will be home from Phoenix and Salt Lake tonight. Speaking of feeding dogs, we have a measured scoop we keep right in the dogfood bucket that way they get the right amount everytime. They get so excited over the same old food every night. Last night they got a treat of some left over gravy over it, OMG that went fast! Linda, just read or figured out you joined a gym, how good for you! I know you've been working out tons and this will really help you with some variety. Janet and Apples, I think all 3 of us are shoppers extraordinaire, loving our good quality items but love those bargains even more! How fun would it be to get together and shop sometime???
Hello!! Goodness about 5 pages to catch up on. I've been skimming so may have missed some stuff. I did see Julie got her MRI approved and may be getting a SIL?? CONGRATS! And Laura, has been ill but feeling better. Reading about your fill and possibly being too tight makes me think I am going to cancel my fill for tomorrow and wait and talk to my doc later in April when I have an appt. Though at times I think i am too loose but will see how I do til then. Apples is riding her bike, makes me think I am going to try mine this spring now with my new knees. I got it 2 summers ago thinking I could do that with my bad knees but they still hurt too bad. Hard to believe the wedding is over and done with and DD is off on her cruise ship honeymooning already. Things went beautifully. Just the little blip of a late start due to the traffic jam, and, no, Jodi, it's not usual to have wild animals roaming our freeways. LOL She will have a story to tell that's for sure. We live in the west but it's no longer the wild wild west. LOL The brunch the next morning went well at the house too. I had so much left over food I've been giving it away. On Sunday we had prime rib dinner at my sister's house and then my folks came here to stay for a week. Only thing is yesterday morning they got up and announced they were going home last night. My mom has been in pain due to her hip, she needs a replacement and has put it off for 2 yrs already. And now has some heart blockage and may need a stint, she is geting a catherization or something done next week. I guess I am not the most sympathitic daughter or somethign but she is one who I think almost enjoys having something to complain about. She drove everyone nuts! My sisters couldn't wait til my turn to take them. They said I got lucky that they left early, but still I was sortta miffed. DH, DS and my dad were to go on this fishing trip this weekend that DH & DS have worked a lot to rearrange schedules etc. to go. My grandma was so upset that my mom was leaving as she hardly saw her, my mom is her only child. But maybe she feels worse than I think she does and I should be more sympathetic. Anyhow, I now have the rest of the week free!! Guess I will start organizing the house as it will be time to put it on the market for our move very soon, plus I am going to Hawaii next week! Thanks for all the props on my wedding photos. It was a beautiful wedding if I do say so myself!
Good evening, thanks everyone for the wonderful comments on my pics from the wedding. I am actually starting to see my weight loss and was able to look at these photos of myself with a less critical eye. This evening DH & I went out to a movie and, yes, I had popcorn! It was a very low key rest of the day and going to bed very early tonight. One thing I've discovered now in my early 50's. It takes me longer to recover from a late night out or lack of sleep! LOL Now I just have my parents visit next week to get through (they are coming to my house to stay for a week until Easter) before Ileave for Hawaii the day after Easter. DH booked our room tonight! WOO HOO!!