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Everything posted by Great2BThin

  1. Great2BThin

    Daily News!

    Cathy, you were such an important part of my journey as well. You were one of the first to greet me when I timidly came here and our band dates were a day apart. I hope you can keep your band. Debbie, what a run of bad luck you have had. I had knee replacement in 2009, I had both done but not at the same time, 2 mos apart. They feel great now! Allie, Where in the south are you thinking? It seems every place has it's natural disaster risk. Hawaii -tsunamis, FL & southeast hurricanes, midwest - tornadoes, Calif - earthquakes, etc. I badly want to get back to Denver, but, alas, it won't happen for a while.
  2. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning It looks very dreary out there today, but at least it's rain and not snow! Come on spring! Janet, sorry you aren't feeling well. HOpe you are back up to par real soon. Laura, too bad your dad didn't feel like traveling, I know he enjoys his visits to your place so much. HOpe the situation for your in laws improves in Syria. Scary times. Arlene, I am having enough trouble right now with my Itouch. I think I inadvertantly wiped out DH's Ipod on Itunes. I synced and his stuff is all gone. I don't do it enough and mess things up. Maybe an Ipad isn't for me. Tonya, welcome and congrats on your band. First I think you need to change your thinking. Don't compare your journey to your husbands. If he wants to make poor choices they are well his choices. You can make your own better choices. As for eating smaller portions, get smaller plates and bowls. I got a small bowl that I think is meant for dipping sauces or something at Target, it holds 1/2 cup. So when I get my portion I know exactly what I am getting. If I am still hungry I will have another 1/2 cup as I keep my portions between 1/2 to 1 full cup. Why are big meals a must? Not sure what you mean by big meals, but there's nothing wrong with cooking healthy for the entire family. Good luck to you. Keep posting and let us follow your success!
  3. Great2BThin

    Daily News!

    Wow, so great to see some folks checking in and enjoying their new banded lifestyles. I have had a little struggle in that I moved from CO to UT and with the added stress, unhappiness with the move at first, etc. I regained some weight. Been a struggle to get it back off, but I'll get there. My dr said sometimes life just happens, but the important thing is to put it aside for a bit and when things settle to get back on track, which I have. Also, 2 weeks ago I became grandma for the first time. Now I will be thinner and better shape to chase after grandkids too! Allie, if I remember right awhile ago you posted that when your house sold you were going to move to Hawaii? is that still the case? congrats on your house selling. How do you like the results now after your plastic surgery now that it's been awhile? Angel, so sorry you are struggling. Apples, of course, I know you are still around! VZ, I had to have some taken out of my band with my knee replacement surgeries. Took awhile to get it all filled back up and I am still not where I was but I think at a comfortable place to maintain. I've thought of getting a tweak but am so afraid of getting too tight. Thanks for checking in, love hearing how everyone is doing!
  4. Great2BThin

    Daily News!

    So where'd everyone go? ARe there still any 'JuneBugs' of 08 out there? Can you believe this June will be 3 yrs since our banding? That 3 yrs ago now we were well into the process of getting banded?
  5. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Oh how I wish Utah was on the way from MN to Iowa! Apples, you mentioned not getting your font to work, but all I see is green from you. How exciting for Sandy and Karen coming up on their tummy surgeries. I would love to get my legs done. But am probably going to have to live with them. They can't do much for calves and that is what bothers me the most.
  6. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning! About ready to leave for the day for Bible study, lunch after and tonight book club. Busy day. DH is out of town so that is good. So sad, first day of vacation last week he got a call from one of his assistant managers for one of his stations. The manager hadn't shown up for work, they went to his apartment and found him dead. He was 62, so DH is gone to CA today for the funeral. He'll be home tonight. Apples, sounds like you are getting the winter storm that missed us yesterday and the night before. They hyped and hyped it on the news and then we got nothing. Sounds like I am glad it missed us. Another coming tomorrow they say. The calendar may say spring but I'm not feeling it yet. IPads, okay you gals with Ipads, I want one eventually. Do you use it as your computer? Or do you still have a lap top or desk top that you use as well? I'm thinking of replacing my laptop with it. Today is day 3 of the pouch test. I almost blew it last night. We wanted to go see a movie, LIncoln Lawyer. I decided not to as I knew I'd want popcorn. Had moments of oh what the heck, I don't need this pouch test, I know how I am supposed to eat, a little popcorn won't hurt. Then I thought of how guilty I'd feel, or more regret for having suffered 2 days of liquids to blow it on popcorn. So we stayed home. I invested this much in the pouch test, might as well go the whole 5 days. Today will be tough, not sure where we are goign to lunch after Bible study but I should be able to find some sort of 'mushy'. LauraK, have fun in Vegas. Janet, were you sore? Thanks all for the comments on my FB photos. I finally got some uploaded. The Maine ones have been in my camera since Oct. Jodi, speaking of pics, your's look great. No more comments about looking fat. You do not!!!!
  7. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good Morning! Am so glad to wake up and see the weatherman wrong. They overhyped some winter storm so much on the news last night, I was expecting to wake up to all white out there and there's nothing. Still cold though. This is day 2 of the 5 day pouch test. I was really hungry last night but today not so much. Looking forward to tomorrow though. Linda, I did get the email about the 17 day while in Denver and thought I saved it but lost it. But Eva sent me a copy of the Word doc she made from your emails so I have that now. Thank you for taking the time to write it all out. Jewel, your DH sounds like my SIL with the video games. He plays an XBox game called Halo and it's like he's addicted to it. I don't get it, to me it's a toy and when I grew up I gave up my Barbies. LOL He gets consumed by it, in fact one night while we were in Denver some new maps or something came out for it and he had to take the XBox up to the other room and locked himself in there to play for hours against people he doesn't even know to earn points. It's when he gets so engrossed with that and doesn't help DD around the house or with the baby that I have issue with. He goes through streaks though and gets better then worse. I think it depends on when something new for the game comes out. Cheri, so glad your daughter is responding so well to chemo! Jodi, hope your ear infection is better. A friend of mine in Denver has one too as an adult. Laura, how scary for your MIL hope the situation improves and you can go or that she will go to Dubai to see you all. Eva, good luck with your story submission. Janet, this long distance grandma-ing is going okay but sure wish I could hug her today! Well I am going to go and try and work on pictures. I don't know what it is about digital photos and uploading and downloading but I have troubles every time. I love to play on the computer but hate messing with photos.
  8. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Arlene, I didn't get the 17 day diet book. Sounds like you eat a lot more on it than the pouch test though. LIke I've always known, I know what to do it's just doing it. LOL I rarely eat fruit, never was much of a fruit eater so don't crave it and just never think of having it. Glad you are having success with it. Sounds like we are all paying the same for gas...TOO MUCH! LOL Egads, I hate to think of what it will get to this summer.
  9. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Meredith, yes my friends son has tried drugs before. He is a real naturalist type person and says he refuses to take anything. He has tried lithium before since that was a 'natural' substance. He was to go to counselling this morning, she was really hoping he went. She didn't want to talk too much about it this morning as she says she will just relive it all and just told me bits and pieces. She is really hurting. She's also in denial and admits it that he actually is bipolar. As for your friend, this book Boundaries, that I read, has really helped me. But warning, it is a so called religious book and bases a lot on scriptures so if that isn't your thing, you may not like it, but also some practical help too. You may just have to sit down with your friend and say while you value her friendship at work you also value your time with Andrew and your free evenings as well. That you just can't always be there for her demands. She isn't going to like it and may even get upset, but if you hold firm, she will eventually learn to either respect it and live with it, or leave you alone all together. Julie, any test results yet??
  10. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good afternoon. I think I may have screwed up my 5 day pouch test already. I went to Walmart yesterday to stock up on puddings, Jello, Soup, etc. and bought yogurt. Surely if pudding was on the liquid days, yogurt must be after all it's healthier isn't it? I had that for Breakfast, only 100 calories. Oh well I am going with it. It sure was hard meeting my friend at McD's and smelling those nuggets though! LOL Came home and had soup or shall I say mostly broth? There was a little chicken in it, real stringy fine chicken like it was finely shredded. Got a disappointing phone call, DS is now not coming, something changed at work and he can't be away. BUMMER! But I got a reprieve from cleaning house! LOL Actually have the vaccuum out and it's trying to say come use me. LOL Weather is so yucky. Supposed to snow tonight, GRRRR Really? On the first day of spring, you do this to me?? It's so windy out now so I know it's blowing something in and the rain has started. Arlene, my friend just got the 17 day diet too. She has diabetes so I think it will be good for her.
  11. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning! On my way in a bit to meet my friend at McD's for one of our chats. Lots to catch up on. She wants to hear all about DGD, but she had a bad, bad weekend. Her DS tried to commit suicide, so want to be there for her as well. I just never know what to say in those type of situations but am a good listener. I pray he is okay or gets the help he needs. He's been diagnosed bipolar but refuses meds. He's 28. Also, my DS just called and looks like he is coming tomorrow for a short visit. WOOHOO!! He has to do some project for work. I know his store manager opened the Walmart that is within walking distance of my house so maybe he is going there for something. I don't know just that he's coming and I get to see him! Apples, what type of corporation do you own? My you are busy! Is it to do with the insurance business you used to have? Have a good coffee with your friend today as well. MisAvery, I can't really add anything that others haven't. Other than the reason I went with the band vs the bypass is that the band didn't rearrange my insides. I didn't have to worry about malabsorption, stretching my pouch, etc. Yes my pouch can still stretch but I can also get fills to keep my restriction, and, God forbid, some serious medical issue arises, etc. I can always have the band removed. Plus I was self pay so it was cheaper by $10,000. Good luck in your decision. Well out of time must run, will check in later! We missed you Janet!
  12. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening. Well I got all my laundry done for the week gone now I just have a house to clean up. DS called and he may come out here on Tuesday for work. If so he'll stay with us, so hope so! After reading so much about the 5 day pouch test and contemplating it many times, I have decided to start it tomorrow and give it a go. Linda, it's definitely cheaper for me to fly than drive, considering the flying is 100% free. LOL It is an 8 hour drive vs a 1 hour flight. We drove this time because we wanted to have our car there and also to bring the dogs along instead of boarding them for a whole week, that gets costly too. Though with the price of gas these days, boarding would've been cheaper. Speaking of gas, what are you all paying for gas these days? We are about $3.30 here, in Denver it was about the same, but got a kick out of Wyoming, in Rawlins right next to one of the largest refineries in the US in Sinclair, WY we paid $3.50 you'd think it would be cheaper. Julie, also anxious to hear the test results. Jewel, I agree with the others, you look great. A cruise sounds wonderful. Sandy, glad you got away to MX. Janet & phyl, anxious to hear about the week. Karen, that little one sounds so much fun. I bet he loved his cake.
  13. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good evening, I am back home in Utah. It was a long but uneventful drive back, unless you count the tears I shed after saying good bye to DGB (darling grandbaby). The actual leaving was the hard part, once we got under way I was doing better. I knew I wanted to be grandma, I knew how much joy a grandbaby would bring, but never did I imagine it would be this much. And the joy it gives me to see my daughter being such an excellent mother. I guess in the back of my mind, I still see her as a little girl, etc. and she has truly blossomed as a mom. And the weather while we were there was awesome! In the high 60's or low 70's every day. Then as we crossed in to UT we got the inversion, mucky stuff and snow flurries. GRRRRRR I know one thing for sure, you are meant to have kids when you are young. I am worn out! I stayed up a few nights with her and am still exhausted. LOL Seeds: many of you have been mentioning gardens you are planting. Just before leaving DH started some seeds indoors and has made some special growing lights out of LED's in red and blue, etc. He has big plans for a 'salsa garden'. Plus he is growing a zucchini plant (he's convinced if everyone planted one zucchini world hunger would be solved LOL), some bell peppers and carrots I think and some herbs. Eggs: soon you all can color those eggs you are boiling for Easter LOL Tummy Tucks: make sure you gals get some good before and after pics! Can't wait to see them! There were many other things I thought I'd remember as I was reading posts all week to comment on but of course now that I am home and exhausted, I can't remember. LOL
  14. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning, drive by for me too. I am at DD's on her computer with little Katelyn sleeping by my side while DD tries to get a little rest. She has a dr appt this morning to see if the light therapy lowered her jaundice levels any. Oh what a doll she is. Soaking up all the grandma time I can! AM leaving shortly to pick up my grandma to bring her down to see the baby, the nursury and also to take some 4 generation photos. We had a great drive, wonderful sunny weather the whole way. Linda, thanks for your understanding about DD's MIL being a bully. That's exactly what she is. Janet and Lucky 7's hope you are having a great time! As I said in my email yesterday, I want to be a 7!!! LOL Sorry no time to post to everyone. Know that I am reading on my phone just can't post much when I am away. Anxiously watching for word on Julie.
  15. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Cheri, I've already told DD about my Boundary book and have it packed. And I am just listening, I vent to DH. LOL You are right to a point about her MIL, I think sometimes she does think she is being helpful and isn't trying to slight my DD like in the unsolicited advice, etc. But it's hard for DD to not remember the times that her MIL told her she wasn't good enough for her son, that she was an anoreix _itch, that she was a compulsive liar, that she came from a bad family, that she would never support their marriage, etc. The MIL really poisoned the well before the marriage so it's very hard for DD to let things go in one ear and out the other. She does do a pretty good job of it though and calls me to vent sometimes. Supposedly DSIL was going to have a chat with his mother yesterday so I am hopnig he did at dinner. Others in the family have told her how impressed they are with the dignity and grace she is handling it all. And I guess as much as the MIL wants to protect her son, I want to protect my daughter but also would do nothing to come between her and her DH by bad mouthing and feeding her rage. So I come here to vent. Thanks for your insight. Well just waiting for DH to get up to hit the road. He's being lazy bones this morning, think he's getting that extra hour sleep back. Did you remember your clocks last night?
  16. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks Janet, I just think DD'sMIL was being rude and insensitve. I didn't mean that DD should leave the baby. I would hope that they would bring her dinner back. No I didn't know Patti, she was pretty new when I was there. Did she say why she was leaving? I thought of getting the capris yesterday but didn't.
  17. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Just had to post, DD's MIL strikes again. I can't believe. She came down to see the baby and then took DSIL out to dinner and left DD there alone. DD who hasn't been out of the house in a week, who's tired, doing it all (DSIL isn't doing much to help out) and her MIL thought he needed a break. DD is furious. How insensitive. She could've brought them both dinner and ate there, offered to stay with the baby so they could go out, etc. But worse is I am upset with my SIL for even going. Or do I am I being selfish? I just don't think if my son was married and had a new baby, I'd come down there and take him to dinner and leave my DIL home alone. I'd come cook for them, or something. Now DD has no dinner or has to make her dinner for herself. The MIL is also telling DD how she is doing everything wrong and that her dr is wrong on so many things. She being the expert since she's a NICU RN. DD is being very by the book in what her pediatrician tells her to do. Just had to vent, should be an interesting week! I'm so anxious to hold that baby!
  18. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning. Just got home from Breakfast (ate the sausage patty from a McD's sausage biscuit) and the cell phone store. I can now stop worrying so much about DH and his phone driving, he got a Blue tooth device. He gets so many work calls and he gets so distracted, he pulls over usually but still. Now to figure the thing out, he has all day driving tomorrow to work on it. We will leave early in the morning. I am so thrilled with the clocks changing tonight to daylight savings time. I just love the extra daylight in the evening. And it makes spring seem here. It always lifts my spirits for some reason. Linda, you are so right. Had the hospital just said yesterday that they were sorry for the mistake but were trying to make it right instead of making me feel like I was the problem that they had to work in and was making other patients wait, I'd have been perfectly fine and forgiving. Just take responsibility for it. She gave me the managers phone number and I think will call when I get back. By the time I got home yesterday he was out, now the weekend, and of course gone all week for me next week. I should have the results on MOnday though. Arlene, I don't think this is a stress related condition, not sure how that would give me a sore throat/neck. I've had it since the holidays. I'm supposed to take Aleve, but am a little leary of that with the band, though my doc says I can take it for short term conditions such as this, it's when you take it all the time he said that is a problem. But still I just hate taking stuff. Jodi, thinking of you today for the Bat Mitzvah. Cheri, what a celebration for your folks. Congrats to them for 60 yrs!! Janet, we have Winco's here too, thought it was a Utah thing. I have not been though as they aren't convenient.
  19. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    I am home from a very frustrating several hours at the hospital. I called this morning to schedule the ultrasound. It's one central scheduling number for several different hospitals in their chain or whatever you call it. I got, or thought I got a 230 appt at the one by my house. I got a 230 appt alright but she scheduled it for the wrong hospital about 40 min away. So, of course, mine didn't have me in the system and then they act like it's my fault by telling me I don't have an appt etc. but they will 'work me in'. Finally got called back about 330, I was supposed to get a 'carotid artery' and a 'neck' ultrasound. Well neck was too ambiguious for the tech. She needed more specific was it thyroid? or what? Because 'she couldn't be liable for doing or seeing something on the ultrasound that wasn't specific in the orders'. HUH?? I am so sick of these privacy laws, liablity laws, etc. No one wants to take responsibility for nothing. Of course, when they called my docs office for clarification they were closed . So I was to point to areas in my neck and they could take pics of that area only because the orders said neck fullness or something. SHEESH! I hope they got what the dr needed. And then she gave me this story of how I didn't have an appt, they worked me in and others were waiting. Well what about me? I did have an appt it's not my fault the scheduler screwed up, I even verified it and everything before I hung up. GRRRRR I did some googling of carotidynia not sure that sounds like what I have or not. I've not had migraines in over 30 yrs but as a teen and young 20's I did, but I was healed of them. As for DGD, she just called her levels are up again to over 17 and the dr ordered a light bed from some home health care place to be delivered to their home tonight. DGD has to stay in that all weekend except for feedings and diaper changes. DD is all worried. She goes back on Monday to be tested again. Janet, have a wonderful week with your Lucky 7 group. Sounds like a blast. Phyl, hope your WA dr can get the ball rolling on your knee surgery as soon as you get back. When do you go back?
  20. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    OK nurses, I just got home from my dr appt and on way to get a neck ultrasound for something called carotidynia? I am googling it now. LOL I won't get results til Monday while I am away but they have my cell number and said I could call them as well. Always something. Also those anuerysims (sp) on my eye could be related. HMMMM DD just called and they are parked in the car at a park in the sun trying to get sun on DGB, they are supposed to put her in sunlight for brief periods for the jaundice but they don't get any in the house so her DH took the dog to the dog park and DD is sitting in the car with DGD. She needs to be exposed and it's not warm enough to take her out in just a diaper outside. She sent me a text of a photo of her sunbathing. LOL She said it really helps the yellowness. It's so fun/weird/interesting/awesome seeing your own child as a mother, this totally irresponsible child of mine becoming all responsible and grown up, etc. She's doing great so far. Laura, enjoy date night. Just saw a sign that a restaurant I like is having a shrimp special so think I might make it date night too!
  21. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning. Wow sounds like quite the earthquake and then tsunami that hit Japan last night. Also a tsunami hit Hawaii, glad I wasn't there for that. I've been trying to get ahold of DH to see if his employees are okay in Hawaii but it sounds like it wasn't bad there. I am going to the dr today. I've been saying I am going to go since Christmas but haven't. I have this weird neck thing going on. It's like a sore throat but more neck-ish. Noticed at first mostly at night but it's there during the day too, maybe something with my glands? Also got paperwork to have some bloodwork drawn from when I saw my lapband dr in Denver but never did so will ask them to do that. Then I got laundry to do so I can pack for our road trip to Denver. Little Katelyn still has jaundice and her levels have peaked. Hopefully they will go down now. I got to see her on video chat yesterday afternoon. She's yellow!
  22. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good afternoon. Sitting her awaiting DD to get home and we are going to video chat! Gonna see that DGB one way or another! LOL Linda, we always were going to go to Denver for the week next week but I had friends coming from Denver for the weekend so depending on when they left was when we could leave for Denver. Since they aren't coming I am wanting to leave on Sat. or early Sunday. Though I was looking forward to their visit I am a little relieved they aren't coming.
  23. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks for the update Apples, been wondering how she's doing. Do they know what makes a band erode? Does it just happen? Is it something we do, or eat? Scary. Poor Julie with a big incision and all. Praying for a quick recovery Julie. Well my out of town company I was expecting tomorrow just cancelled. This is the 2nd time they were coming and the 2nd time they cancelled last minute. I was looking forward to seeing them, but in a way am relieved as now we can hit the road whenever for our roadtrip. I should tell myself they are still coming and clean house anyway, but then again.....LOL
  24. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    I am with you Apples, gonna accept my face for what it is. I see younger in the mirror too. If I did something it would be legs probably, they bother me the most. Though I get rashes sometimes in my stomach. Wish you heard back from Julie too. Anxious to hear. Glad you had a nice lunch, sounds yummy. Meredith, fun chatting this afternoon. Hope they have your band at a sweet spot now. Sandy anxious as well to hear about your TT. How exciting.
  25. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Hmm, interesting and so true. But I don't do it anymore so maybe I am growing and learning. The Boundaries thing has really helped. Now I do what I want for my Grandma and stand up to my sisters and mom and am feeling much better about myself. This board is good 'practice'. Good, I'll be a cute shar-pei! LOL

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