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Everything posted by Great2BThin
Good afternoon. I am home from my bone density scan, the gal told me the results 'unofficially' as the radiologist has to read them but my T score was -1.4, nurses is that good or bad? I also had a Z score that was almost -2? Guess it means moderate bone density loss but that is compared to a 30 yr old so heck who knows. I know since moving everything in my routine fell apart, food, exercise, vitamin regime, etc. So I have not regularly been taking my calcium. It's a reminder to get a grip on everything again. After reading Laura's post about the dog eating her shoes, I even tried putting gravy on mine so my dogs would eat them. LOL I wish. Laura, I guess I got confused when I read about your dad's test result. You hear so much how people save and save for their retirement years and then something happens. It's such a fine line, saving for a great retirement but enjoying life along the way as well. It's part of the reason I supported DH is this job promotion/transfer. First of course the extra pay will go a long ways in retirement, and second the travel it will allow us to do now. So kindda the best of both worlds I hope. Plan, but enjoy the journey, guess I can apply that to many areas of life. Like plan my food and exercise but don't become so obsessed over it that I don't enjoy the journey there as well, which is I think what I did and why i lost my grip. I have always been an all or nothing type thinker. For example I was either on a diet or off a diet. I was holding on so tight to my routine that once I lost my grip I was lost. I need balance. Not sure where all that came from but your post really spoke to me today in so many ways. Also the part about stop being happy with maintaining. So thank you for your post today! Julie, so nice to see you back. I pray that these new treatments start to kick in and give you some much much needed relief. Can't wait to meet ya. LauraK, enjoy your date this weekend, sounds like you are being cautious, good job. Okay Vegas gals, I think I have the flight info of those arriving Friday morning except I can't find Cheri's. This is what I have, please correct if I am wrong: Me - arriving on DL 2223 at 855am Apples - arriving on DL 2057 at 1010am Julie - arriving on DL 1751 at 1025am Cheri - arriving on F9 (Frontier) at ???? Arlene- arriving on WN (Southwest) 1573 at 1120am. Anyone else arriving Thurs. morning? I know Frontier and Delta arrive the same terminal, Southwest is different. They all go to the same baggage area but lots of carousels there. In the Delta wing of the terminal that Delta and Frontier arrive at there is a food court in the middle of the concourse with some tables by a Buger King, would that be a good meeting place for all of us besides Arlene? Then we could meet Arlene by bag claim?? Let me know if anyone has any better ideas? Perhaps since there's 5 of us we can get a limo or van for all of us.
Janet, I have no idea how that post ended up green. It didn't show green on my computer as I typed it. So sorry Apples, for borrowing your color! LOL Getting ready to go get my bones scanned. Fun fun. It's a baseline bone density test? I'm getting all the fun stuff out of the way, mammo on Tues., bone scan today and next week the colonoscopy. At least the colonoscopy and bone scan will be done for several years. Jodi, $100 buffets? never heard of such a thing. Wow! I didn't mean that kind of buffet. LOL Proceed with caution with your guy friend in Vegas. Can you believe a week from tomorrow we will be arriving! WOOHOO!!
Good evening. Had a busy day with Bible study and lunch afterwards and then a contractor coming over to fix some doors. We got a little rain hopefully it helped the firefighters. They have it about 50% contained now. Laura, I also thought your dad's PET scan came back good. Did I miss something? What about some candy as a gift to send, or different foods/snacks. Arlene, I like Lands End for swimsuits. They have a variety of styles and sizes and for me being tall I like that I can get long torso. But they have extra support ones and even suits for masectomies. Have fun make up shopping. No need to try and have to hid an accent, we are who we are and where we are from. I get told all the time I have a wisconsin accent and I haven't lived there since the 3rd grade.
Good morning, finally got to sleep after midnight last night. When living in Vegas I always carried a sweater even when it was 115+ because then it always felt so cold indoors with the a/c. Baggage claim is pretty easy in Vegas too, it's all in one place for all airlines. Maybe I will pack some little shampoos, I always take the extras from hotel rooms anyway. Won't pack a hair dryer as mine takes up so much room. Do I need anything dressy for dinner? Apples, I know your DH is home, but how did the moving trip with DS from Atlanta go? Is DS settled in anywhere? Julie, nice to see you post, hope you are doing better every day.
Having one of those nights I can't get to sleep. What's up with that? I never used to have those and could fall asleep within 5 min of my head hitting the pillow. GRRR Got a surprise call from Arlene tonight, it was nice putting a voice to a name and soon a face. Gals, she sounds very Texan! LOL Anyone know if the rooms at the Desert Rose are like hotels in that they have little bottles of shampoo and such? I never pack that as hotels always have it and Arlene and I were discussing packing our 3 qt ziploc baggies. LOL I want to do carry on so have limited room for liquids of course. And blow dryers? Guess since I can't sleep I should go to the website and check it out. Back to add: they do have hair dryers and it says complimentary toiletries so I take it that means shampoo, etc.
Count me in as being on the couch watching Biggest Loser tonight. I love that show and have watched every season. Linda, I like the buffet idea as well, I mentioned it awhile back there are so many really nice ones, not the cheap ones. But I can find something almost anywhere, Italian is hard for me but can find something. Where is the M buffet? I lived in Henderson (Green Valley) and don't remember that one. Sandy, that charm will be so worth the wait and so inspiring for you everytime you look at it. Way to go. Apples, so nice to see that green again. And Phyls blue too. I call my dogs my babies or puppies. We have 2, I baby them both but Lucy is 'my' dog and Hunter is DH's dog. I have a friend coming over to pick up a book, she's supposed to be here at 630, planned that purposely so I can watch Biggest Loser right at 7. LOL Hope she's not late.
Oh what an exciting life I lead today. First up the annual boob squishing, yep had my mammo but is going to take a while for results as they have to send for my previous one in CO, dummy me forgot to get a copy of my films when I moved. Then if that wasn't enough fun for a morning it was off to the UT DMV. Our CO plates were expiring on the Camry this month and needed to get those an while there decided to get my UT drivers license since that expires on my next birthday. That took 2 hours. I had to take a test. EGADS haven't had to take a test for a drivers license in years usually they just swap one state for the other if you have no violations. But since I had a license and no violations I got to take the test open book. How silly. For years I have had my name on my license and other legal documents as my first name, maiden name as my middle and last name. Oh no, UT had to put my middle name in there too since my passport had it (didn't realize it did) and of course my birth certificate. I never use that name and when I fly I am in Delta's system without the middle name. Now they have all this positve ID match stuff and your tickets have to match your ID exact and I have tickets booked w/o the middle name. I sure hope it's not an issue. He said the only way I could take the Ann off was to have it removed from my passport which doesn't expire for 2 yrs. He said it was a new rule as of the first of this year. Sometimes I think we've gone a little far with this identification verification. It makes things more difficult for the honest person and the dishonest scum bag just finds a way around it anyway. So guess now I am an official Utahn. :thumbup: Sandy, so sad about the dogs at the shelter. I agree about the big dogs, but then there's also the little dogs that these usually young gals get after Paris Hilton made her little purse dog so popular and they treat thing like babies and not dogs. Then when the little dog gets a little bigger and is a behavior problem because it doesn't know it is a dog they end up at the shelter too. i love big dogs and have two lab mixes. My son just adopted a jack russell from the shelter. Laura, glad it was good news on your dad. I can't imagine wondering what the next test will bring. Heck I am a nervous wreck just waiting for mammo results I can't imagine if I had cancer and was waiting to see if it was coming back. Arlene, soon you will be a gym rat too! Good job! I used Mac for awhile. I liked it but didn't like buying it, it was always so 'young' and exoctic at their counters. Since working at QVC and discoving Bare Minerals or Bare Essentials (same thing I think) I love that and only use that. I get it at either QVC when they have it as their special or from Ulta. As for Merrills, I have found lots of wides at DSW if you have those shoe stores near you. Also, Born brand runs wide. Joyce, I was so naive, when my kids were teens I thought I can't wait til their 18 and my job is done. ha ha little did I know the job is never done. LOL It seems to take our sons longer to mature up too. And while on the topic of them maturing up, what's with them and video games? I guess I think of them as toys and my DS and DSIL are so into them still at their age. Melissa, glad the job is going to be okay, youll have them organized in no time! Eva & Phyl, are you meeting today? Just a week and a half til we all meet! WOOHOO!! Apples, are you coming back today? Julie, thinking of you. Please post when you can. Dancing wiht the Stars, anyone watch? what did you think? I was surprised at how bad Michael Bolton did, but I really didn't like the guy that calls himself Situation.
I love Mexican food and seafood, can't say I am too crazy about Italian unless it's in the form of a pizza LOL. Funny so many of the foods I don't like are high calorie ones so why did I get so fat? things like mayo, chocolate, sour cream, salad dressings, cream sauces, pasta, etc. HMMMM Oh you mean portion sizes, popcorn with tons of butter, chips, etc. are fattening? LOL Wow Phyl your cross country trip and back is almost over. It seems like just yesterday you left, well to me anyway, probably not to you driving it every day. Bet you are anxious to get settled in CA for the winter. Do you stay in the RV all winter then?
I wasn't thrilled with Lane winning but better him than Enzo at least. LOL I thought this was a boring cast this year on Big Brother and they weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. I mean after Ragan told Britany about the guy alliance and her own suspicions, and the fact that Lane said he wanted to go to final 2 with her, why didn't she and Lane vote out Hayden when they had the chance? They could've kept Ragan and gotten Enzo next as he couldn't win anything. I am looking forward to Dancing tonight and Biggest Loser tomorrow. Also tonight a show that looks interesting is Mike and Molly who are both overweight and meet at some type of weight loss group, might be interesting to see how they handle the whole weight issue. Linda, sorry to hear Katie was in the ER last night. Hope she's okay. Jewel, stress can make you tight and it sounds like you are really stressing lately, not that you don't have reason too wiht school and Jake and all. But try and take a step back and deal with it all one step at a time. Hope you get his meds figured out sooner rather than later.
We had some excitement with the fire last night, it was eery to be able to watch the flames from our backyard. We were never in danger but the evacuations of over 1200 homes was about a mile or so away. The winds died down thankfully and they are getting a handle on the fire now. If you go to www.ksl.com you can see more about it and pictures. Still feel like I am getting a cold but never seem to really come down with it, just groggy, scratchy throat, etc. Phyl, oh I have a fantasy football team and I am kicking some booty! Aaron Rodgers was going to be my number 1 pick til my son took him just to be ornery. Little stinker! But so far I am undefeated! LOL And yes my Packers kicked some Buffalo booty yesterday.
Good evening. Wow we have a huge forest fire in the mountains to the west of our house called the Oqqurihahs (sp) I could see it real clear now it's very smokey out and hard to see but it's coming down very near some homes. We aren't in danger. I was texting with Apples earlier and she talked to Julie. Julie has had more intense pain after 4 shots. She had her DD's bridal shower today so it was a very, it was good but she ahd a tough time. She's worried about the Vegas trip. Gosh I hope she gets some relief from this pain soon. Poor thing.
Good afternoon. Not much going on here, DH is just busy watching football, his team is on the Broncos. My team wasn't on here today, the Packers. Feel like I am fighting off a cold I haven't gotten it yet but just feel like I am getting one. Linda, sorry about the eye infection. Goodness what's in those drops, liquid gold? LOL Julie, where are you? how are you doing? concerned since your last post said you weren't doing well. Janet, wanna come clean for me? I'm a terrible deep cleaner it seems I think I am doing good but then a few months down the road I see all the 'deep' areas I missed one being those ridges on the doors. Eva, whats FNSC?? isn't it late to be so hot still there? Just saw on TV something for the state fair. They have deep fried. Gosh the fat that must be in that!
Apples, what a nice surprise to 'see' you today! Thinking of you as you close up your little slice of heaven here on earth at the lake. I think we are talking April for the cruise and not May so I hope that makes a difference for you. Sandy, best of luck in the race tomorrow. What an awesome accomplishment. Post when you can after you finish and let us know how you did. And if you listen real close, you'll hear me cheering for you.
Janet, oh good, I don't like coffee so I can sleep in a little longer before Trainer Janet gets me going. LOL I ate most meals at the buffet too on my cruise and it was no problem, I could load up on protein and pick and choose what I wanted. Worked well. dinner in the dining room most nights but the poor waiters don't understand my eating habits and were always so concerned if I didn't eat something and try and bring me more stuff. LOL I saw all the props on Phyls FB page. I think the lady that must've posted the comment posted something too trying to recant what she said. Phyl has done too well to have someone like that poo-paw her progress. Melissa, congrats on the job!
Janet I am with you on the 7 day cruise and I don't even have to pay for my airfare. I did a shorter one once and heck as soon as you got settled and found your way around the ship it was time to go home. I would want to do a day before in New Orleans as well. And I like NCL over Carnival because of the freestyle cruising, but could go either way. A cruise is such a great vacation for a group of people because everyone can do their thing but we can always have dinner together at night and just hang out on the ship if we don't want to fill it with activities as well. To each her own. And food is so easy on a cruise as you can order whatever you want and they always have their 'spa' entrees available. And they have a gym too, cause I am sure if you are along you are going to make us workout! LOL Trainer Janet! Arlene, bummer on 24 hour not having a pool. One location near me does and the other doesn't but I can go to either one. In the winter I may go to the one with the pool, I usually go to the one w/o right now. Congrats on making the step to join!
Love the cruises Janet. Thanks for posting the links, I didn't know how to do all that. Personally I like Norwegian's Freestyle cruising, but I don't dislike Carnival just love to cruise. Arlene, did you check out the 24hour Fitness deal? or are there none of those near you or do they not have pools by you? Good luck in your decision! And good luck with Dr Davis today. Julie, did you get the first injection or PT yet? Hoping you get instant relief! Laura, so how's it going? Still trying to find your 'routine'? Any decision on the HRT? For me, the night sweats and sleep issues lasted for 6 mos to a year really bad and then got better, still have occassional issues. I never took HRT so I am not sure if it got better as my body adjusted or how all that works. I also had the heart palipitations and that freaked me out. I can't imagine dealing with all that, a new job, volunteering and with a 6 yr old very active boy. My heart goes out to you.
Just for the fun of it, I went to www.cheapcruises.com and looked at cruises from New Orleans in April. There's Carnival and Norwegian they both have 7 day cruises. Carnival is $509 for inside, $579 outside and $829 balcony. Norwegian is $529 inside, $579 outside and $799 balcony. I can get discounts on that for DH being an airline employee not sure if I can get more than one room. Just FYI I think the cheapest date was April 16 or something.
What a rotten thing for your 'friend' to post, Phyl! Sounds like something my mom would say, she's always commenting about my face. GRRRR But you are right these type of comments come from very self centered people and it's all about them and when we make changes to improve ourselves in some way it's a threat to them because they like to feel better than everyone else. I'm glad you came here to vent and turned your tears into just anger. You are right to put it behind you. I can't wait to meet you! Well DH got home last night and not feeling well, he thinks it's just a cold, I was so sympathetic I told him he better not give it to me as I have a trip in 2 weeks! LOL Today is my DD's 29th birthday. It seems like just yesterday. Wish I was with her to celebrate. Have I told you my new plan? Since I am struggling so much with this move especially now with a grandbaby on the way, we have an 'exit' strategy. Our goal originally was to be back in Denver in 8 yrs but now I want to ramp that up. But it won't be too possible since DH won't be ready to retire, however, he could get transferred etc again. So my plan is to find a 'grandma condo' in Denver in a few years so I have a place to go back to and stay for periods of time especially when DH is on the road etc. I love love love the idea of a cruise next year, and it's early enough that we can start saving. Cheri, hugs on the DD issue. LauraK, good job on the no smoking! my son is trying to quit and using some electronic cigarette. Think he has more of a chance of quitting this time as this time his g/f is behind it. LOL Eva, wow only 10 more working days. So you'll be retired when you come to Vegas?? Thanks for taking care of that on our rooms.
Sandy, I am so impressed by your success. You truly got it band or no band. I think one of the reasons people don't succeed with the band is they expect it to do all the work and that's how people get the idea that surgery is the easy way out. But it's not, it's just a tool and we still gotta do the work. Congrats to you.
Short cruise????? Long cruise!!!! LOL How short? LOL can you tell I love to cruise?? I'd love New Orleans too! I'd room with ya, smoker or not!
I thought hurricane season didn't start til June? At least that's why my parents always tell me in FL. Could do an Alaska cruise. LOL but that wouldn't be central. We'd have to make Janet show us how to zipline! LOL You go first Janet and I'll follow! ha ha yeah right. LOL You are much braver than I am!
Visiting, shopping, visiting, eating, visiting, sounds good to me! I'm not much of a gambler especially since the machines don't take coins anymore. Oooooo, I like the cruise out of TX idea! Or San Antonio was fun when I went there. Maybe someplace besides FL since we (well I didn't get to go) were just there??? But then again, the place doesn't matter too much since the main focus is visiting. DH is coming home today, I have to pick him up at the airport in about an hour. WOOHOO!! He's usually only gone a night or two at the most, this was a long one. In Vegas for dinner, what about a fancy buffet? I don't mean your cheapo ones but I think there are some pretty nice ones these days. True with our bands we won't eat a lot, but there is somethng for everyone there in case someone doesn't like Italian, or Chinese, or seafood, etc.??
Oh there's a Loft, just not an outlet, so no worries. LOL I've never been to a Loft outlet and was hoping there was one. As for the show, I was just asking because I thought there was talk of a free or very cheap show. I'm not all about going to a show either. Just want to visit. apples idea about a nice dinner one night sounds nice. For those of us coming in on Frontier and Delta (they both come in the D concourse) in the morning, why don't we meet at the food court by Delta? There's chairs and tables right in the middle of the concourse that you more or less have to walk through to get by, right across from a Burger King. We could gather there?? There's a main hall too after you get to the main part of the concourse, just not sure of any landmarks to meet there other than the top of the escalator that goes down to take the train. Then we can meet Arlene down by bag claim before we go out to get a cab/ride to the hotel. Perhaps with this many of us we can get a shuttle or limo?? So far there's me, Apples, Julie, Cheri and Arlene all coming in between 9 and 1030am or so.
I know of the link, but was just wondering what if anything was decided and what to plan for. But guess I really don't need to plan, I can just wing it and go with the flow when we get there. I did just discover though, that there's no Loft outlet store in Vegas. DRATS! LOL But several regular stores. LOL
I just assumed we were all taking a cab or something together too. But whatever works best or anyone wants to do. Linda mentioned having her DS drop her off at the airport to meet up with us as well. Speaking of Vegas.....there was mention at one point about seeing a show on the Beatles or something. Are we still doing that? What night? And how much is it??