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Everything posted by Great2BThin
Had to skim 6 pages to sortta catch up but I know I missed some stuff that took me over an hour. LOL Did see Apples had an anniversary, Happy Belated Anniversary to Apples and Mr Apples! I got home from Denver yesterday. We had a nice night in Denver. DD and DSIL got the new Kinect game for XBox 360 and we played that, OMG was that fun! Now I want one, it's like Wii but no controllors. DD has a workout game and a Zumba as well for it. However, I saw it at Costco today and since we don't have an XBox to add the Kinect to it is $400 almost, that's probably not going to happen, but would love it. Also I was good at it. Beat DH at every game we played. LOL I think I am done travelling until Thanksgiving, but then again if an opportunity presents itself....LOL The travel is what is keeping me sane since moving away from Denver. LOL Kelly, I don't think I welcomed you, so welcome and good going on the walking!
Good morning. Waiting for my flight to denver to spend the day with grandma. Had a great time in Memphis. I finished my 50 state quest, told dh i need to work on Europe countries or something next be just rolled his eyes. Also we did go to Graceland. Very interesting, the upstairs of the house was off limits. We got to go in his airplanes too. It all looked so old and dated and was probably the ultimate in it's day. Last night we strolled Brake street and had the best ribs ever ar BB kings. And janet would be so proud of me, i went down and swam 10 laps in the pool. I forgot workout clothes and sneakers but had a bathing suit thinking hot tub but i swam. I freaked dh out though he got back to the room from his meeting and couldn't find me. I had walked back to the hotel alone and he was worried something happened. Good to know he worries about me. Lol
Good morning can't sleep in, dang time change. Dh is having no problem snoring next to me. I get none of the food ads either. Have fun shopping janet and phyl.
Good evening, posting from my phone in hotel room aka there will be typos. I can't type well on this thing. I made it to my three remaining states and have now stepped foot in all 50!!! I collect spoons and could not find an Alabama spoon though. Tomorrow Graceland and transferring to the Peabody hotel, anxious to see the marching of the ducks so need to check in by five. Apples, i get depressed on Christmas night too Arlene, new tree themes every year? Egads mine are are traditional and the same each year plus the new ornaments. It's what the kids remember their special ornaments from years gone by though the past two years it's been pretty themed with my pheasant feather balls. Sorry just read three pages and now can't remember to reply. Oh jodi, yep must be the mom in me. Lol hope i wasn't to prying. Good luck in your decisions for your future i know you will make the right ones
Pretty table Arlene! Did you win anything? I didn't know there were 'in' colors for the holidays. Thought red and green were the norm. Shows what I know and how well I keep up with it. My goal this year is to open all my Christmas boxes, to first make sure nothing broke in the move and second to go through things and get rid of some. I have so much and so many boxes and so little room to put it out. May ask DD and DS if they want any of it that I don't and pitch it. Jodi, good to get caught up with you. Are you and Jeff contemplating a move? Congrats on getting the position even though you didn't take it. sounds like you made the right choice for you but good to know that they wanted you.
All set to leave in the morning. Talk to you when I get back! Julie, I am just the opposite. I hate the 'fall back' of the time change and get so energized and excited when we spring forward and get that extra light at night. Though I will enjoy that extra hour of sleep tonight!
Good late morning, guess it's almost noon so good afternoon too. Just got home from dropping the dogs off at the boarding place, had to take them early since they close at noon on Saturdays. Told them they were going to the doggie spa so they wouldn't be as mad at me. LOL We leave in the morning, gotta pack this afternoon. Having trouble deciding what to bring as I don't want to lug a winter coat around Memphis just because I might need it in Denver. One never knows there, today it is 80 degrees but supposed to be 50ish on Tues. Apples, I used to hate hunting and suppose I would feel even different if they were hunting all around my house. I can remember my dad always bringing his critters home and them hanging in the garage, I felt so sorry for them. And when DH started going I thought oh no here we go again. He's pretty respectful of me though. And he's a meat hunter so always eats what he shoots. I have a real problem with trophy hunting where they just want the antlers and leave the animal to waste. I still won't eat the stuff he kills though. But have no problem eating beef, chicken, pork, etc. Weird I know. I think it's all the memories of growing up seeing them hanging in our garage and being forced to eat it as my folks had no money and that was what we lived on. I wanted to grow up and be able to eat 'real meat'. The absolute worse I had to eat growing up was raccoon. Oh it's just awful. We had that, squirrels, any kind of bird, rabbits, bear, deer, etc. etc. And my parents would always say 'it tastes like chicken' for reals. LOL NO IT DIDN'T!! LOL DH knows not to take me with as I'd be running RUN!!! Our first year married he took me with, he never invited me again. LOL Janet, enjoy your closet day. I just got new hangers to try and organize mine.
I am watching that Man V Food show right now, they are doing a show from Salt Lake City. First up is Crown Burger, that is where DS wanted to go for lunch the day we left and we met DH there. They are famous for their pastrami topped cheeseburgers. No I didn't get one, but DS did, he couldn't even finish it. Arlene, yep the concrete guys came but an hour late. GRRRR I got up extra early so I'd be up, dressed and showered when they showed up, was so afraid of them coming when I was in the shower or something and then I sat and waited but at least it's done. Took Lucy and Hunter for a walk this afternoon. Went up to the pond but it was all fenced and closed off for the winter. So we walked the trail near it along the irrigation canal. Lucy just can't stay out of water if it's there. Then jumped on me when I called her all excited so needless to say my new jeans and tshirt are all muddy. Got a workout in though. I didn't go to the gym since I was waiting for concrete guys and then had to keep the door open. Sandy, good luck on your run tomorrow! Arelene, hope your table wins. OH guess what is playing on one of the radio stations here? CHRISTMAS MUSIC!! 24/7 I LOVE IT. Yeah I know lots of folks hate it but I love Christmas music and was shocked to hear it so early. I admit it is a little early but I'll take it! Wish they would maybe wait a week and then play it longer. usually midnight it's done and I consider it the holiday season until New years and wouldn't mind still hearing some. Speaking of holidays, DH & I decided today we would go to Denver for Thanksgiving. we are actually considering driving if the weather is good. Flights are so packed and for us to go standby might not be a good idea.
Good morning, am up bright and early awaiting a cement contractor. We keep getting Water in our garage when it rains so they are hammering out a section of the garage floor today and then going to replace it. Depending on when they get done I might run to the mall. Macy's sent me an American Express card in the mail. I never asked for one nor applied. So going to go shut that down and grumble to them. LOL Arlene, I am around, even posted yesterday about my upcoming jaunt to Memphis. I got it all booked yesterday, we leave Sunday morning. My plan is also to take a drive to Alabama, Arkansas and our hotel is actually in Mississippi, that will complete my Quest to get to all 50 states. I'm excited. We planned on going to Graceland as well but not sure I want to pay $35 each to do so, plus parking. Janet, my gym didn't just change the names of the classes but the days and times as well. I liked the sculpting class on Mondays and it's now a Zumba, etc. I will find some to make it work, just frustrating all their little changes. Apples, happy painting, hope you get your basement organized. Even though we just moved I have some organizing I need to do. Like in my computer room I just unpacked the boxes and set stuff on the bookshelves in stacks, it looks so messy, need to organize and figure what I want to keep there. LauraK, glad the date went well with the one. Linda, hope all is well, we miss ya. Cheri, hope you get your gas issues under control, or you may have to get a dog to blame it all on. LOL Julie, so what's next for the pain? What they had you do from Mayo doesn't seem to be working. Do you go back to them?
Greetings!! As a matter of fact, Janet, I have been to the gym, I bet you didn't think I had. I am a little peeved at them right now though, so many changes in the 6 weeks or so that I've been. They no longer let you check in with your card and want to finger print everyone and then you scan a finger each time and enter a code. I'm not sure I am comfortable with that, they said I could show a photo id if I refused. Then the locker rooms they removed all the digital locks from the lockers, I loved those cause I didn't have to bring a lock with me. And took out paper towels, changed the class schedule around, etc. But, alas, I will just have to deal. Apples, I hope things are improving with your son since you met with him a few times. I pray he is doing well. Also, that your mouth is pain free today. Julie, sending pain free vibes your way too. Cheri, healing vibes your way! (and LauraK). Laura, enjoy your night off. You sure have gotten busy lately. I think we have decided to go to Memphis on Sunday. DH had to go on MOnday for work so we are going a day early on our own. I have two objectives, one is to rent a car and drive to Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas all look very close and actually the hotel I am looking at booking is in MS, that will complete my 50 state quest. The other is I thought it would be cool to see Graceland. Elvis was a little before my time but still very popular and I heard that the future of Graceland is uncertain because the next generations hardly know of him and aren't interested in it. Starting Monday DH is staying downtown Memphis at the Peabody which sounds like a neat hotel. I will stay one night with him and then go from there to Denver to see Grandma on Tues. Just gotta go see if I can book everything including the dogs at the boarding place.
OUCH!! Apples, sounds just awful this last appointment. I am glad that is behind you. You are one tough cookie though. Did you have lunch with the same son twice or meet each one once? or did the one move yet? Melissa, you can't be the victim when it comes to your eating and your health. DH needs to respect you by not tempting you with the stuff too. He doesn't have to 'go on a diet because you are on one' (I know it's not a diet but that's a quote I see a lot not from you though) but he can be considerate and not do it in front of you or leave the stuff where you can get it. There's got to be a comfortable middle ground. Perhaps you can meet each other there? arlene, Christmas so early? I know I am seeing lots of commercials, etc. for it already but not actual decorating yet. I kept busy today with Bible study and lunch with a friend afterwards and am doing better today. I guess I am just really missing Denver right now. I will be visiting for the day on Tuesday on my way home a weekend trip to Memphis I hope.
Apples, you were right. Had Lucy's head right in my lap. LOL Of course, Hunter had to sneak in there too. It's like they know I am sad and trying to cheer me up. DH & I went to dinner tonight to a Chinese place we noticed near us that we had never been to. Let's just say we won't be going back and my doggie bag really went to the doggies tonight. LOL My Loft purchases: 1pair jeans 1 pair cords 1 cardigan sweater 2 pull over sweaters 1 sleeveless blouse to wear next time I go to Hawaii! 1 scarf 1 belt 2 long sleeve t shirts all for $200 after all my coupons and discounts. Not bad. Now DH says what is he supposed to get me for Christmas. i've loved the gift cards I've gotten the past 2 yrs. Oh and at Cabelas today in the 'Bargain Cave' I got a pair of $100 Born shoes for $20!! Lucky Day. I've not been shopping in quite some time.
Add me to the crying today. :sad::hi: Just got home from taking DS to airport. Actually we met DH for lunch at a place called Crown Burger downtown and then swapped there and DS went back to airport with DH. I was so sad and just happened to be downtown so a little retail therapy was in order. Since moving here I just don't have good access to a Loft store so off I went. I spent WAY to much but got 2 overflowing bags of new stuff. But, alas, I am still sad. We had a great visit though. He loved the Cabelas store and actually went there 3 times. Once to just look, next to buy and did lots of Christmas shopping and then this morning to go back and look for something he forgot about. I am sorry I am behind in keeping up here. I think of you all often and try and keep up. I did see a post from Joyce on FB that she was on her way to Narita, Japan so she's almost to Guam by now. Add me to the list of those feeling funky, I have a sore neck thing going on too, no fever though. Julie, great pics of the wedding.
Maybe DH can time one of his Tuscon visits for a day you and Eva have a day trip planned and I can tag along? That would be so cool!
Apples, DS is still here to eat up that candy, he goes home tomorrow. You should hear me crying when I say good bye about 3pm. LOL So did you decide to go to AZ this winter? Fun! Does DH have a DD?? Arlene, hope the fill helps you. Are you doing the 5 day pouch test? Jodi, did you get an unfill yet? DS and I went Christmas shopping today at Cabela's. We were there with DH yesterday and he made quite the list for Santa so while DS was here and understands hunting stuff way better than me, I took advantage and went back. So many different camo patterns, who knew? And we hit some fantastic bargains in the 'Bargain Cave'. And I got DS most of his gift today as well. Feels good to have a start. Then we couldn't resist this camo infant outfit with pink eyelet trim. LOL
Good afternoon! I am around, actually this is the first weekend since before our Vegas gathering that I've been home. But DS just flew in this morning so have been busy sucking up all the time I can with him. He's napping on the sofa now, poor guy worked all night then went to the airport and got on a flight here. But it's nice to have him here. He did go to Home Depot with DH to help him get and load a snowblower into our vehicle. A snowblower was one of my 'conditions' of moving. LOL DH is gone so much and there's no way I am going to shovel a 3 car driveway by myself when he's gone. And it always snows when he's gone. LOL Also it's north facing, meaning if we don't clear it right away it gets icy bad. I couldn't convince him to spend the extra $$$ for the fancy model with the hand warmers however. LOL Then we had to run to Walmart for candy. Usually I don't do Halloween for personal belief reasons and we usually aren't home. We aren't going to be home tomorrow night but I found out that seeing as this is Utah, Halloween falls on Sunday, so when it does they switch it to Saturday, they being the Mormons. So I ran and got some candy to hand out, feel bad being home and not answering the door. However, it's now pouring rain so if it doesn't clear up I may have wasted money on candy. LOL I got DS's favorites so he can take it home then. Though usually candy isn't a temptation for me, just those chips and popcorn. LOL
Like the new avatar pic, Apples!
Janet, now I never said November 1st. :sneaky: DS is here til the 3rd. But don't worry, I hope you didn't get the impression that I've been on a big out til then. I am maintaining. I just wanna lose what I gained and I will. No more try to get back on track, I will. Even today at DH's buffet after his colonoscopy I had a chicken thigh, about 1/4 cup mashed taters and a bite of dessert. No Fritos either. LOL
Apples, I think I had 64 oz two but I drank 32 oz over a one hour period the night before and then the rest 4 hours before in the morning over an hour. It was no problem. DH is done ands all was well he wanted a buffet for lunch after to fill back up. He's still a little loopy
Arlene, I get the carb addict thing. I have my frito and chip one and they are definitely carbs and once I open that door it opens wide. We can do this. You are doing great on exercise too. Apples did these two you know have gall bladder surgery while pregnant? Mine was an easy surgery but of course wasn't pregnant. Waiting for dh while he's in for his colonoscopy. It's freezing cold in this waiting room. Will see what he craves when he wakes up and gets out for me it was french fries.
Hello there, yep I got home yesterday and been going non stop since. In fact, DH dropped me off on the way home from the airport at Bible study and then I went to lunch with the gals afterwards and bummed a ride home from one of them. Been laundry and whatnot since then. Today is DH's colonoscopy so am leaving shortly to take him for that he can't drive home after the drugs they give ya. Also, getting ready for DS's visit this weekend. Gotta remember all his favorites. LOL Also, DD is having gall bladder issues. It's what originally sent her to the dr when she found out she was pregnant. They are even considering surgery while she is pregnant, that scares me! But they don't want to have to do it on an emergency basis either. She sees a surgeon on Tues. he's actually my lapband dr, he said he'd see her considering she was my daughter. I've done a lot of volunteer work etc. for him and have complete faith in him, he removed my gall bladder as well. Hoping they can come up with a solution til after the pregnacy. Apples, too funny about your dream. Maybe it will be a boy yet, though ultrasound lady says she is positive it's a girl. LOL Hope the memories you have today of 'mom' make you smile as well amongst the tears. I know how you miss her. How did the dr appt go about the tummy tuck? Julie, congrats on the wedding, glad it all went well. Arlene, back away from the carbs! Seems you are struggling with carbs a lot lately. Have you tried going cold turkey off them for several days? Janet, Enjoy your visit. TX, congrats on the band, thanks to your wife for filling us in.
Janet my cc issues were with dh's card and unrelated to Vegas Having a good time in Hawaii went for a walk and will go swim after lunch before i get ready to head to airport it's a red eye flight home. Chris take a before pic. Someone recommended i take one in a set spot like in a doorway of a closed door. I then took a photo in that same spot each month and watched as i became smaller and the door got bigger. Arkene crackers are carbs you can do this!!!
Aloha!! It's cloudy, windy and rainy here tonight. Think the travel has caught up to me and I am exhausted. Sorry to hear of all the cc problems I have not had any that i know of and will check again when i get home. I did not use my card at Desert Rose though. Good luck Chris!!! Arlene, BACK AWAY FROM ALL THE CARBS Sandy I am not doing any swimming but do intend to go back to the gym in november
What's that white stuff on the ground? Sure surprised me this morning, it's just a dusting but still I was in 90 degree FL yesterday. I am leaving for Hawaii for 2 days with DH this morning, he has to go back for something and well I just can't let him go without me! LOL
Greetings, I just got home from FL and time to only skim posts, I am doing laundry and packing to leave again in the morning for a couple days. Will be back on Wed. Visit with parents went exceedingly well. Best visit I've had in years!! Mom not doing real well in pain a lot, but is having surgery on Monday so hopefully that will take care of the pain, removing some spurs in her spine???