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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by debbie_7155

  1. debbie_7155

    "Shrinko De Mayo" Weight Loss Challenge

    do we report our losses here? if so im 1 lb down, from 8lb to 7lb OR do we just say what we are at the end ? I hant gone for a big loss cos im not had my first fill yet
  2. what about if you get a leakage with the band, who foots the bill if you need a new one? or how long do they guarantee it for afterwards?
  3. debbie_7155

    Help any Suggestions

    dont worry about not being hungry at this stage, try with a little protein when you can, as for the gas, you are doing the right thing by walking, sometimes when i bent over i would let out big burps (the gas), some people take pain meds, i was lucky i dint have to, jut keep moving about as much as you can, it does get better, it took me about 3 weeks after surgery to feel hungry, all people are differnt
  4. ive always had big belly, legs, & what i think big boobs, since losing the weight that i have up to now, my face has got slimmer, my boobs have gone down alot (yeah) & my tummy & legs, the whole of my body has chaged, i do have an issue with the lower part of my tummy but im hoping once ive lost all my weight it wont be an issue with me, but its been there for so many years i dont think its going to go without a big fight or surgery?
  5. debbie_7155


    Is there a counsellor in your area who could give you some advice & encouragement while you go through this procedure ? remember were here to offer support too, ca you go to your doctors & explain you need someone to guide you through what surgery option is best for you? it can be very daunting if you dont have any support, but there is support out there if you look for it good luck in which ever choice you go for & welcome to the forum :cursing:
  6. I agree with Lou, If your mum starts now with watching what she is eating & start lowering her fat intake with foods, she will be shrnking her liver for easier surgery, going to see another surgeon could take time with different requirements, i would stick with the one you started with
  7. who has told you you should have lost more by now?, YOU have lost alot of weight already, be proud your losing & not gaining, you were banded on 12/30- & the band is to help you lose 1-2lbs a week sensibly, so i figure you are doing a great job, it doesnt matter who is losing fast, its not a race, were all in this boat for the same reason & your doing it, so keep up the good work, drink plenty, exercise & be proud of your weight loss :tt1:
  8. I'm too is cold in the evenings & when i go to bed, sometimes i need 2-3 hot water bottles to keep me warm with hot drinks, I was never a cold person before losing this weight, t-shirt person huffing & puffing moaning its too hot when they would be saying to me its cold, i would often wake up in the night throwing the bedding off me & drinking cold water to keep me cool funny how things have been turned around
  9. I slept on my port side the firstnight after surgery & have done ever since, no problems for me :tt1:
  10. debbie_7155

    Love or hate

    LOVE it gave me my life back
  11. debbie_7155

    Lap Banding - Where to go?

    hi money, have you actually tried to approach the NHS?, i had mine done with them & it took me 5 months from start to finish, i figured if its going to take you time to save up for the money, then what do you have to lose if you try NHS way? it would save you alot of money & you get all the fills & after care free.. good luck in what you chose
  12. debbie_7155


    did you say these are before pics? you look amazing already, you are going to be so tiny afterwards
  13. good luck with your tummy tuck & breast lift in may :)

    you have done a great job with your weight loss, well done

  14. debbie_7155

    I gained

    you will lose it when you start to use the band properly, remember 6 weeks is for healing & any weight loss in that time is a bonus good luck & congrats on your new band
  15. debbie_7155


    hi mandy & welcome, mostly i can feel my port, & sometimes if im sitting it makes me move position, its not painful just a bit uncomfortable until i move, which is good as i sit with a better posture now, bonus right? If im laid in bed on my back i can feel my port easily, fet a bit weird at first until you get used to it, now its a part of me i excepted it & we get on just fine together
  16. debbie_7155

    Daughter and I at county fair 2008

    I agree, you are pretty & your not that big, lovely pic
  17. sorry Tracey i dont know where they are going to in Belgium, i know people on here hve gone there so im sure someone will tell you I had to do the liquid diet (clear soups) for 4 weeks, was boring after 3 weeks, but stuck with it, i was up & walking aout 2 hours after my op, no pain, just slight discomfort, slept very well every night, took no pain killers, I had my op on the NHS, waited 5 months, i get all fills free, fills is were they fill your band to make it tighter,restricts you from eating lots, but please remember its only a Tool you still have to make healthier food choices & exercise to get the most from your band, It takes about 6 weeks to fully recover, then i joined a gym & i swim 3 times a week, eat 3 meals a day & drink lots of fluids, i used to be able to drink 1 & 1/2 bottles of wine in night, now i manage 2 small glasses & im merry (not drunk) Do as much homework as you can on here, internet, local support groups, GP, etc, the band isnt for everyone, their are criterias you have to meet, all surgeons are different, only the one you go with will tell you what you have to meet to qualify for the surgery good luck
  18. hi tracey, not going to be much use to you as i dont know London that well, Im from the UK, & want to welcome you to the site, I hear a lot of people go to Belgium to have the surgery as its alot cheaper than the UK, i think its about £7000-10,000 here & about £3,500 in Belgium, good luck in your choices, read as muc as you can where ever you can before you commit yourself.. even go to your GP for support, they can often guide you in the right direction
  19. debbie_7155

    symptoms of gall bladder issues

    I had my gall bladder removed about 6 yrs ago, i used to be in agony when i had eaten (ANY) kind of foods, mine was like a tight stabbing, indegestion pain, esp in my back & the only way the pain would go away if i made myself throw up, many times i would cry with being in agony, i lost quite a lot of weight because i would be too frightened to eat for the fear of the pain, when they took my gall bladder out i had one very big stone & te surgeon said to me to have a stne this size i must have been in a lot of pain, duh you wrecon?... wouldnt wish it on anyone
  20. debbie_7155


    hi Diane, i too is from England, i was banded 21st jan 09, I get my first fill on 22nd April, well done on your weight loss, you are doing great welcome to the forum
  21. debbie_7155

    not hungry?

    im on my solids now (no fill yet) & im still not hungry, i guess im lucky too, my calories are about 800 a day & i struggle to eat all my foods.. i love my band & my new body :crying:
  22. debbie_7155

    Last steps before my jump!

    no change of heart either (a little nervous), my only regret i too wish i had this done 10 yrs ago :crying: good luck with your surgery
  23. debbie_7155

    Help Please

    I too didnt have to take it, good luck for surgery tomorrow
  24. Mines, shopping sex exercise eating healthier
  25. Hi Lou, ty for the lovely comments on my blog, I started to watch my foods before i had to go on the pre-op diet about 2 weeks before & then i stuck to EVERYTHING i was told 100%, I was up & walking 2 hours after surgery & kept moving when i got home daily, I had to do the 4 week liquid diet, I have 3 meals a day, cereals, steak or venison burger with vegetables or salad, then chicken or turkey with vegetables & potatoes, drink plenty of water mixed with a squash, coffee, couple glasses of wine a week (its nice to treat yourself), i joined a gym about 3 weeks ago, i go 3 times a week, i swim too now..

    You will be fine when you get lap banded, you will be so happy seeing the weight come off.. its the best thing i have ever done..

    I'm going to get my belly button pierced when ive lost the remeinder of my weight... set goals for yourself it does help :)

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