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Everything posted by argon

  1. argon

    Canadian Doctors/Clinics

    Oooh man... you got a shaker bottle?! haha, you won't want to use it anyways. Use ice and a magic bullet, if you have one, and if not, a blender.
  2. argon

    November/Christmas Goal

    Angel Bear and Dawn! Good job!!! I did make my first Xmas goal, which was to get to this elusive ONEderland. Then decided to go for 90lbs, which would make me 194. . Don't think that's gonna happen by friday, but that's ok. Ditto to what you guys said. I'm going to enjoy myself this Christmas. No depriving myself either.
  3. argon

    Lila's Lounge

    Sounds nice Lila! Hope you're having a good time. And try to take it as easy as possible on yourself! Just work on getting as much fluids as possible, which probably still isn't much. Any chance you could find some protein shakes, or have some with you? I'm sure those wouldn't go too well right now, but hopefully soon. Get that water in!! and some vitamins! You don't wanna end up in the hospital there. (imagine me wagging my finger at you!) Take care, and Merry Christmas!
  4. argon

    Argon's Activities

    Hey guys, I'm back. I've been feeling sorry for myself, over my funky bangs, and the fact that what's-her-face lost 14 lbs to my 11lbs... which I found out on Sat. at the party. The party.... ehh... let's just say I got a lot of hassling today about it. I didn't make a fool of myself, but apparently I was quite lively.... and funny, they say. I told this guy (who happened to be the guy I had for Secret Santa), that I wanted to make him a CD, because he's a DJ at a couple local bars - "It's that sh!t you like, mixed with other sh!t you like, and made into something way cooler!". It was supposed to be to make up for my lame CD store gift card. I did alot of hugging... think I convinced one of the accounting ladies to come to the gym... harassed a waiter ...along with a whole bunch of other people. Guys hit on me... I think. It was very strange, but very nice! I think it scared Dan. So yeah, the next day was rough... not the worst I've ever lived, but a little rough!! Today, I had to face people, and try to recollect what stupid things I'd told/said to them. Apparently I was funny though... and as long as I didn't embarass Dan (or myself too much) I'm ok with it. Went to the gym tonight, by myself, because she had to work late. I ran into the changeroom and hopped on the scale, just to check if I had a better weight to report. I didn't. Think I was even up. Did my workin' out, and halfway asked the lady when we'll find out the results, because we were leaving for Xmas on Friday. She said she wasn't sure, and proceeded to call who I only imagined was the boss lady. When I was all done, and leaving, she was still on the phone... she stopped me and said that we would know on Wed. She said "there's 2 people tied for 1st place". I said "oh, wow, who else?" she wouldn't tell me. and I said "Well, I know its not me, cause Lauren lost way more than me". She told me it WAS me and her who were tied, because even though she lost more, I lost more inches... and however they figure it out, we are sooo close that she said it wouldn't be fair to call us either 1st or 2nd. So we're both 1st!! WOOO! That soooo made my day/week. I was feeling bad for not trying more... and being cocky... and that I haven't lost anything in weeks. But that makes me feel better. I'll still get some money, and I should be able to buy a 3 month membership with it. I'm not going to make my Xmas goal. I wanted to be able to tell people when I see them that I've lost 90lbs. Not that the real number isn't awesome... but saying NINETY seems so much more surreal. Maybe some freaky thing will happen between now and friday, but I won't count on it. I figure now, screw it, I'm going to enjoy Xmas, and I'll worry about this when I get home. anyways, lots of more posts to read! and only 4 more sleeps til I go home!
  5. Wow Wheezy... that's crazy. I saw on Canada AM this morning, they were talking about/showing what the chances of a white xmas in the 60's were, compared to now. (I'm copying this from the website, cause I wanted to make sure it was right:) The probability of seeing a White Christmas in the 1960s was: Calgary: 73 per cent Charlottetown: 93 per cent Edmonton 100 per cent Toronto: 60 per cent Montreal: 80 per cent But the chances have dropped across the board, and in the past decade the probabilities are: Calgary: 47 per cent Charlottetown: 67 per cent Edmonton: 73 per cent Toronto: 33 per cent Montreal: 67 per cent So yeah... somethin's going on. We've barely got any snow. It was cold for maybe a week, and any snow we had has mostly melted. Supposed to be super cold and snowy in SK, so I'll get more than my fill, I'm sure!
  6. argon

    Argon's Activities

    I won't. We'll all go on a cruise!
  7. argon

    Argon's Activities

    Sounds like a cool place, green. And thanks guys for the good haircut vibes! Too bad they didn't work!! it's not baaad. I was happier with it the night I got it cut, than I was the next day when it was washed and I had to try to replicate it myself. Apparenly my hair's a little kinky to just blowdry and expect my bangs to look ok. They're also more blunt than I'd like. She said they'd be tapered down, but they really aren't. As they grow, I'll make sure I get that done, cause right now, I don't feel like I can just let them hang down. They feel tooo weird. Yesterday, I wore my hair in a ponytail for the very first time at work, and pinned the bangs back. Tonight's our Xmas party and I just don't know what i'll do. I bought a cheapo straightener, and hopefully that'll tame my bangs. I'm pretty sure I won that 27 million last night, so if I did, I'll buy a super nice wig, with the kind of bangs I want!
  8. argon

    November/Christmas Goal

    Yay! Neenagh!!!!! ok.. now it's on! race to 160!!
  9. argon

    Argon's Activities

    Yoda : no :grouphug: neenagh: thank you! :hug: I'm about to go get my hair cut. I'm scared. This is a new place, but not as cheap-y as the place I went to last time. I hope the girl is young, and cool-ish, and feels my hair-pain. I might come back with those bangs I wanted last time... or maybe not. Maybe she'll convince me against it and layer me again! AHH! I'm trying to get rid of my layers! Maybe people with glasses don't look good with wispy, side-swept bangs? If you don't hear from me for a few days, it's due to a bad haircut.
  10. argon

    Argon's Activities

    heh... then I go and delete it rather than face the backlash. It's not worth it. I'll wait 'til I'm in more of a mood for a fight.
  11. argon

    Argon's Activities

    I'm a jerk. Just posted a response to someone asking Dr. C a very unnecessary question. Coulda just left it alone, yes. but.. AHH! I get frustrated, I guess. I'm sure people wondering who this bitch is (me) will look in my other posts to see, and will see this. I just want to say to you, I was frustrated with everything, and hearing the same question from someone who isn't BRAND new gets to me. Anyways, I just watched the finale of the Biggest Loser. It was awwwwesome. Well, the guy who ended up being the biggest loser was. He looked SO GOOD! Is it really 8 freakin' months that they do this in?! I was also inspired, and did some exercising on my 'ball' during the show. :omg:
  12. argon

    Argon's Activities

    So.... it was final weigh in day at the gym, for that challenge. It wasn't supposed to be until Friday, but since the 'good' weighing/measuring lady wouldn't be in that day, she did it today. I'm ALSO gonna be done on monday, and if the results are any better, we'll take those numbers. (that's because the other lady who's doing well got a couple extra days before she was weighed) I was told on Monday, that the # to beat so far was 8lbs. I was sure that'd be fine, because I was down 9lbs, 3 weeks ago. My weight lost: 10.75lbs and 12.5 inches (from boobs, waist, hips, and thighs) Apparently there's another woman in the running, who's supposed to weigh-in today or tomorrow. Soooooo.... I guess I won't know until next week. I'll probably end up keeping todays weight as the one to go with, because Sat. is our Xmas party, and it's gonna be a doozy! Lauren still has to weigh in, but she'll be doing that Sat morning. I hope she does good. She knows how I did :|
  13. Congrats Pam! That's awesome! You've started the ball rollin'!
  14. argon

    Argon's Activities

    Oh goodness... I don't think so!!
  15. argon

    My Life as a Bandster

    Was it Ativan/lorazepam, by chance? I'd loooove some-a that!
  16. argon

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    Hey Cloe, I see by your ONE ticker, that you're at 265. Fantastic!!! and oh so simple to understand!!!
  17. ooooh Yoda, exciting!! I think you'll make it to the halfway point on Saturday!
  18. argon

    Argon's Activities

    haha, yeah really... look at these fogies!
  19. argon

    just checking in

    congrats Khrissy, you're doing great!
  20. argon


    I'm really bad for getting anxious, so, I have no suggestions. I like the alcohol idea.
  21. Whoah, you guys! I think I'll be havin' the most tame Xmas of all! I'm gonna give you a break down of my entire vacation. on the 22nd, We'll go to the train station at 9 (woo! never been on a train!), take the train to Moncton. We'll get there around 11. Our plane doesn't leave til 4, so I'll be waiting at the airport for a while! 9pm (local), I'll arrive in Calgary, get rid of Dan, and continue on to Saskatoon, arriving at midnight. Love that I have to fly past my destination, then turn back. My parents will be there waiting for me... we might hug... my mom will fall asleep in the van on the way to the hotel. We'll get to the hotel, and crash! 23rd - get up early, hit costco, and maybe Old Navy. Head home. (my parents don't live in Saskatoon, but a couple hours away) That's probably all for that day. 24th - nothing all day. Normally, at night, we'd eat. A shrimp ring, maybe some stuffed mushrooms, bacon-wrapped oysters, a spinach loaf, maybe a cheese fondue. Probably watch It's A Wonderful Life. Around 11pm, my dad will grab a big garbage bag, hang it over the back of a chair, and the present unwrapping will begin. My mom will get the most gifts! We used to save stocking for Xmas morning, but now we do EVERYTHING Xmas eve. This year... there won't be so much eating. My mom was mentioning all the stuff she's been buying to make various things, and I told her... we can have all that stuff, but it's gotta all be on different nights!! I'm not gonna be able to eat all that in one night anymore! Christmas Day - I'll try to sleep in, but my dad will probably wake me up, asking how many eggs I want in my eggs benedict. I don't think I'll be seeing any other family the whole time. Some are going to Jasper for Christmas, and some going to BC to see others. I don't even think we'll have a 'real' christmas dinner. That's quite alright with me. I wouldn't be able to fully enjoy it anyways. Boxing Day - I'm hoping there will be someone around who wants to go out that night! As I told y'all before, that's the big night where I'm from, where EVERYONE goes to the same bar... people you haven't seen forever, who are home for Christmas. I'm hopin' to surprise some people (and jerks) I haven't seen in a while. I'll have a gingerale and rye (or 6) for you guys! and then nothing until the 29th when I fly back here. Dan and I will probably meet up in Toronto, and fly together from there. We won't get into Moncton til midnight, so I think we'll get a hotel, and take the bus home the next morning, cause it's the faster option to get home. That's it!
  22. argon

    November/Christmas Goal

    Dawn... you've still got a couple weeks! Don't give up yet!! YOU CAN DO IT!
  23. Hey Wheezy, how's it going???
  24. argon

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    oh lordy... ok, your xmas goal is 260, but you're at 265 now, correct? Update your first ticker!!
  25. argon

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    Nope.. I don't follow. :phanvan what do you weigh now?! 277 or 265? If your Xmas goal was 265, and you're 5 pounds away, wouldn't that make you 270!??!? I officially started the pre-op diet at 284, so there! And, I'm saying, you're catching up to my total amount lost

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