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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by argon

  1. argon

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    Come back soon, Cloe!
  2. argon


    Take care, Leslie
  3. Yeah, let us know if you find anything good in there! Definitely protein first.... when I do that, I rarely eat anything other than it. I hear ya on the fill... it's scary. Especially when you're having to travel a good distance, AND pay for it. I'd looove to get tiny tiny fills, but it's just such a pain. I'd rather tough it out... for now. I really wish they would work something out with these 'satellite' fill providers, making it a bit cheaper. How much of a fill are you getting, and what are you at now? Maybe the cottage cheese/yogurt thing WOULD be good for you to do while getting used to the new fill...
  4. argon

    TLBC-ers, help me out!

    C'mon Wheezy, do it too! Loriely, maybe after your fill, you won't even need it. I just had my chicken breast, and boy, was I ever excited! I figured Frank's Red Hot sauce would be ok, so I added some to spice it up.... and did it ever! Good though. Since eating is quite troublesome for me in the morning, I had about 1/2 cup of yogurt at lunch, and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, then at 4:30, 1/2 cup more of cottage cheese, and 1/4 of yogurt. Now my chicken breast, and I'm hoping to be able to get in some Jello before I have to quit eating for the day! Maybe some milk too. I loooove milk. I weighed myself this morning so I will know how it goes. I've got that party on Friday night, but I will try to get right back on track the next morning(afternoon!)... and hopefully not ruin things too much. Do you think that ANY kind of boring Protein would be ok? Like, say... instead of chicken on night at the gym, how about a piece of salmon? (good luck to you too, Rosi!)
  5. argon

    Protein shakes

    give www.unjury.com a try. It's not bad.... it comes in Unflavoured also, which is nice. Of all I've tasted, I'd pick this up first! It still has a Protein shake taste... I suspect they always will. Shipping is cheap, just hope you don't get busted at customs. I did... not cool. They have samples (for a cost), so you can try 'em out first. (it's tricky, when you place your order, there's no "Canada"/provinces or postal codes area, so I ended up having to make up a US address, and email them my correct address. They're really cool and nice, and helpful about everything.)
  6. argon

    My Day has come !

    Yeah, I'd be kinda pissed! At least you got it though
  7. argon

    My Day has come !

    Good, hopefully that helps! You'd think I'd know what I was doing, but yeah.... I forget my Vitamins ALOT. :phanvan
  8. argon

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    Hey green! That's awesome! You made me think of mine: Last March I was wearing size 24 (or 26) pants, and yesterday, I bought 2 pairs of pants, size 12! (still wearing my 16's and 14's too though) Yay for 12's!
  9. argon

    My Day has come !

    Tres Chic: Oh boy... You don't want to live with that too long! Stick to what you said, and if it's not better by then, for sure go get a little out! And no, I haven't, but... quoting mayoclinic.com, "Mineral depletion: Too little potassium, Calcium or magnesium in your diet can contribute to leg cramps." Are you taking your Multivitamin?
  10. argon

    TLBC-ers, help me out!

    You know, I think I'll welcome some loose-ness! Haha! Hey guys, I bought 3 different kinds of Danone Silhouette yogurt. It's fat free, and says "0 sugar ADDED" with Splenda. Is that right/ok?! I think it has some fruit in it. :phanvan But I couldn't find anything else! Can you guys give me some exact brands and kinds!? I don't know if I'm doing it right. (well, not yet... starting tomorrow) I did buy some chicken breasts and since I'm planning on going to the gym EVERY day, I'll make sure I do have a plain chicken breast every night when I get home from there. I'll even have some cottage cheese BEFORE the gym. I think I'm all set for some exciting days to come!
  11. Awesome... I think they look pretty damn good. I'm sure I'd be more than happy to end up with your arms! Thank you! Were they significantly floppier, say when you were 60lbs heavier than you are right now? Cause I've got a lot of flop right now, but if you tell me your arms shrunk alot between where I am now, and where you are now, I might hold out some hope yet. I took this picture not too long ago (the skinnier arm is me holdin' up the flab in the front!) http://www.lapbandtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7989&d=1175047388 Thanks so much, Sam
  12. argon

    Argon's Activities

    Oh, Astro: Things were kind of slow to start... not really bad at all. BUT, I just never believed it was going to keep up, and be so steady, and continue to be... but it did! I've NEVER lost any great (>30lbs) weight, so anything more than that was unchartered territory, and never seemed like something I could do.
  13. argon

    Argon's Activities

    Thank you guys Loriely, it's a possibility, but I can't get over there (Nova Scotia) for one for a couple weeks anyway. I'm so freaked out about getting any more of a fill, because of the freakish random bouts of tightness I get! I wanna try this last thing, and if that fails... I'll get another fill. It's just a huge hassle to get there to get one. If I could drive to the clinic, and get 0.1cc fills at a time, I would definitely do that, but for $100, plus 8 hours driving, I can't bear to get such a tiny fill!!!
  14. argon

    TLBC-ers, help me out!

    The whole reason I'm considering this really IS the easiness factor. Not the diet itself being easy, but the not having to cook anything or really buy much special for it. I'd likely do the 'induction' phase of Atkins again if I really wanted to do that! Tempting, but.... nah! I have a WHOLE bunch of Protein powder (ugg... and Optifast) left over, and never opened... I'll check that out and make sure it's not loaded with sugar, and maybe try adding those in too. I don't plan on doing it for long. REALLY, just until Friday, then if it went pretty well, maybe starting again the following week for a full week. (I say until Friday, because that's the night of the party... and I might just hop back on the cott-urt wagon again Sat. morning, if I feel so motivated!) But thank you guys for all the info. It's worth a shot, right? If I can get things moving again, without having to get a fill, all the better. I've got Dan on board to do this with me, and my friend Lauren wants to give it a try too, cause she's stopped losing also (and she's doin' it the old fashion way!) ... it'll be nice to have all 3 of us suffering together!
  15. argon

    TLBC-ers, help me out!

    Can I have as much skim/1% milk as I want? Is there a limit to ANYthing?
  16. argon

    Argon's Activities

    I know, I know, and I DO appreciate how well I HAVE done, but you gotta realize how it feels doing so well for so long, and then it STOPPING all together. For the longest time I didn't believe it was going to work at all, and got myself ready for disappointment.... then I started doing well, started believing that I'd do awesome... I did awesome... and then it was over. Just reeling still, I guess. I didn't have any plateaus longer than a couple weeks, before this. So... like everyone I've heard giving advice about them before, I waited it out, and now it's time to do something to get things moving! I do apologize to anyone thinking 'shut up already, be thankful for what you've got/done!" and believe me, I'm sorry, and I am. I just don't have people to talk weight things with, so I do it here, cause I know there must be other people who get what I'm talking about. :straight
  17. argon

    Argon's Activities

    I suggest them because they would be an excellent idea to have around of you ever feel like you might soon be throwing up. I mean REAL throwing up... from the flu, food poisoning, whatever... that's what happened to me, and if I'd maybe had some on hand, I would have used it, and not irritated myself to the point that I needed the complete defill... hence the waste of the last 2 months. (and suppositories, because how are you going to keep anything you swallow down, if you're throwing up?)
  18. Is it POSSIBLE to go to bed earlier than they usually do?!!?!? hehehe
  19. argon

    weightloss pills

    You should probably specific what kind of pills you're taking. 29lbs in less than 5 months is far from bad. I'm surprised your Dr. would prescribe weightloss pills for you. I think you should be looking into what you're eating and doing exercise wise first, before you start taking pills. If you've tried everything else, and this truly is a last result, I apologize, and by all means, go for it.
  20. argon

    Argon's Activities

    No idea. I hate it, cause as you know it's so finicky, some days I think there's no way I want to be tighter, but then the next day I could eat a horse! I have to drive 4 hours to get to my fill-lady, so... it's definitely a weekend event. I'll give it at least a couple more weeks (cause I just can't get down there any sooner than that anyways). Oh, woe is me! :eek:
  21. argon

    Argon's Activities

    I am surprised... and I don't think this would have happened if I hadn't needed that defill. That is what wrecked the awesome stride I was on. My fault though. Learn from me: get some Gravol suppositories!
  22. argon

    Argon's Activities

    that's what I'm trying to do now, and have been doing the last year. It's not working anymore. If I wasn't banded, and did any diet, I know I'd gain it all back and more, like I've always done, but *I* think now, anything I lost on a diet would stay lost.
  23. argon

    Argon's Activities

    consider the belt lost! Just dropped it off at the seamstress! Stupidly though, I forgot that I wanted to bring it with me this weekend when I go try on some super-sucker body garments.... i'll bring the other one, I guess. Actually.... they said it wouldn't be done until Monday or Tues. Maybe I could go get it and bring it with me. That weird pattern shows bumps really good... and it's a little tighter than the brown one. As much as I said I'd never diet again.... I'm thinking about it. Maybe I'll tough out the cottage cheese/yogurt diet with one of you TLBC-ers! I just need the scale to move... I'm getting desperate. I did really well the several times I did the cabbage soup diet. I bet it would be fairly easy for a bandster.... ugg... I don't know what to do.
  24. (thanks! That would be awesome!)
  25. argon

    Courtney Love has the band??

    You talkin' about this one above?! UGG!! You should see the other pictures of her.... runnin' down the beach, struttin' it!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
