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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Massey

  1. Hello Guys!

    Thanks for the support:thumbup:! It helps! Makes me feel not alone in this big Lap Band world. I apologize for not getting back sooner, I am in the midst of preparing dinner for 2 kiddies and husband who just walked in the door:whatchutalkingabout. MY life is very busy barely have anytime for me. This morning went to bed at midnight and couldn't sleep as usual. When the alarm rang @ 6:30am, I couldn't budge! Felt exhauted! No energy! In my early 30's but feel like 70:sad:. I appreciate the advice, I will look up the 5 day band challenge, and see if it works. I do feel hungry when I eat light though and get light headed if I go for long periods without any food. I know I am a carb addict! I don't know how to control it. This is so hard! Today for example, had my 2 cups of coffee w/ fat free 1/2 & 1/2. Between 9am to 10:30am. By 12pm I was so hungry, had my instant oatmeal. MY boss took the office gals to lunchas a holiday gift. I ordered the bass in a Italian sauce, it was Very good! We shared appetizers and then we got a slice of Italian cheesecake! :), my stomach felt full. I scraped the top layer because I am weak and couldn't say no. But stopped and pushed the plate away. That was @ 1pm now preparing dinner ealry @ 5:30 and feel full like a balloon! I don't think I'll eat dinner tonight. But I already have a carb plan if I get hungry, tortillas and salsa! See already sabatoging myself. I haven't seen a nutritionist because I know already what to get and what not to eat. It's all about choices. And even did weight watchers a month ago and quit. Same story! I know I have to put more effort in working out. Just feel pooped all the time and at times sad:blushing:. Sorry needed to vent! But thank you all again for taking your time and reading and writing back. :)

    I will check back later, and I will look up the 5 day band challenege, Thank you Heather:thumbup:

  2. I know and you and the doctors tell me the same. TO start exercising. But it's so hard right now being this big! I have worked out for 2 weeks straight get on the scale and nothing not even a pound lost! I could eat Proteins actually could eat everything except bread, like sandwiches. I just don't feel full! This wken I don't knwo wasn't feeling well but I liked the not hungry feeling even though I was under the weather. But today back on the hunger! My doctor keeps telling me to be patient, I tell him in 4 months or so I'll make my 1 year mark and instead of losing I have gained! IDK so far it seems I'm the only one failing with a SECOND band!

  3. :frown:

    Hey guys, looking for some support to see if anyone has gone thru a similar journey like mine. I was 280 lbs. b4 surgery once it was determined that my 1st Lap Band slipped I was 200lbs. and surprisingly felt great. My doctor recommended to remove all my fills to let my stomach heal b4 performing the New Lap Band AP procedure. I was un filled for 3 months and put on like 20 pounds! I was eating everything in site that I haven't ate in 4 years of my 1st band. My weight on my 2nd band surgery was 235. I was fine with it because I knew with my new improved band I will loose the weight 1-2-3! Well that was back in March of 2008. Today is what Dec. 29, 2008. I am at 11.5cc's of a fill! According to my doctor I have an AP-L Lap Band which holds 14 cc's of saline. And I weigh today 243 pounds:angry_smile:! Yes I went UP! New year will be here in 2 days and I thought by now, I would been down at LEAST 15 pounds. I do not stick to any excercise plan though, I am lazy, too tired & now TOO FAT! Don't feel like moving anymore! Going on Jan. 8, 2009 for my 10th fill! I do feel restriction sometimes but not full enough! This wkend ate very little food but a lot of junk! That's what passes! IDK what to do! Got on my treadmill to walk that's all I could do, for 25 mins. And was exhausted! I am 32 and a failure:confused:! Anyone care to join me or advise on what to do anymore :crying:

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