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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by carlyg

  1. Hi guys and gals! I'm from Adelaide, Australia and was banded at the beginning of 2008 and have not looked back since! I would recommend this in a heartbeat! Yes the transition has been huge and I've had days where I've sworn I will rip the band out myself but over all it has been the most amazing experience of my life! I started at 138kgs (303 pounds) and am now sitting on 94kgs (206 pounds) but more than the weight loss, I have gained so much confidence in myself and my relationships - it not only saved my life, it gave me my life! Now I only have approx 32kgs (70 pounds) to lose and I know I can do it... Always up for a chat to share experiences so please dont be shy - would love to hear from heaps of you! Peace and love***
  2. carlyg

    Life's a journey...so is weightloss!!

    As I go along...
  3. carlyg

    Hi from Australia

    Hi there! Awesome to see some fellow Aussies on board! I was banded in Jan 08 and haven't looked back! I am definitely hoping you win the lotto asap as it will change your life - until then, stay positive and keep believing!

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