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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bobbiezhere

  1. Hi everyone! Well, I had surgery yesterday and everything went wonderfully! I lost 14 lbs during 2 week preop diet and that's a good start. Today I am in no pain and am sore, just feeling like I've done a ton of ab work. :). No gas pains or anything. Can't tell about incisions yet, as the gauze is still on...but overall, I couldn't have asked for a better experience! Today I have been soooo thirsty but am limited to 4 ounces of clear liquids per hour...and that's not quencing my thirst! So if that's the biggest gripe, then I consider myself blessed!

    Just saw this post..thats awesome that your surgery went so well!!!! Happy new life!!!

  2. I am just finishing day 9 of my pre op diet and im down 15 lbs. However, im on all Proteins nothing else (except liquids like Water, crystal lite) and at some point i would think a full diet with all food groups would be the norm...

    Honestly, i think the best part is this does indeed prepare you for the post op diet...and instead of dealing with recovery plus the sudden elimination of all those foods we were used to to to to liquids would be tough...however, now we've dealt with the elimination of foods..and surgery/ recovery is our focus..and we continue with a limited diet at that point...

    Not sure if im saying what i mean to say lol..hopefully you understand...

    I would not have wanted to deal with recovery and caffiene withdrawls - now im not missing my coffee and diet cokes....so im going into this better!

  3. I just received the call that the surgery has been approved!!!! I am so excited. My surgery date is July 16th. I am looking forward to starting my new life as a healthier and thinner me.:redface:

    Congrats!!! Im banding on 7/7 - i'm so excited! Its nice to have other July folks to go through this with huh? I'll be so happy to hear everyones success stories!

  4. It is great to feel we are not going through this alone. I am proud of all of you and myself for taking this huge step to improving our health! Here's to be skinny!

    Woohoo - yes, its nice to have new friends going through the same thing! Good luck to you....I think soon you'll be changing your name from Somedayslim to maybe Iamslim! :tongue2:

    Here's to be HEALTHY!

  5. How do I get the sparkly freedom fighter banner down below?

    right click on the banner that you want. then go to your profile page, and where your "signature" is, right click it again in the space you want it to appear . It will give you a preview. If you like how it looks, where it is, save it.

    I know i did this a few times before i got it where i wanted it.

  6. Well, i have a week to go. This weekend i'll stock up on more s/f Jello and popsicles. Probably get in some creamy Soups for the 2nd stage..i do have alot of broth already.

    I do have a nice recliner in my living room...i used to fall asleep in it all the time when my little one was a baby...i may move it this weekend tho to the side closest the tv...

    I have some nice very light weight sweats that i thought i'd take to wear home. I think someone had mentioned a sports bar was more comfy to wear - maybe i should get one of those this weekend. I did by some liqud tylenol and those gas strips people keep saying we should have.

    hair appt - friday.

    I'm working Monday - my all liquid day...then surgery Tuesday and back to work the following wednesday. I sure hope i'm not pushing it to soon - but i do have a desk job so i can sit alot. No one at works kknows about this except one girlfriend. Granted, i might mention it after, i just didnt want to be "discussed" - ya know?

    Oh! One question--what kind of Calcium Vitamins did you get? I could only find these vivacin (sp?) chewable ones--but i'm not sure i'll be able to get them down..they're like a caramel...(i wsnt thinking). Any recommendations???

  7. Hi everyone,

    Anyway...I'm 5'9" and in 2002 I was down to 190 after losing 105 lbs with Dr. Bernstein's diet (not sure if he is down in the States or not). Its a very low cal, low carb diet with vit B6 & B12 injections. I lost it fast - in about 7 months. Then my gall bladder freaked out (ouch) and out it came.

    ...I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter through the magic of adoption and I want to be around to watch her grow up.

    All the best to everyone! My surgery is one week today. I'm excited for it and dreading it at the same time!

    Take care everyone,


    Omg Mary! We're so similar! I did a vit injection diet years ago (Lindora) and lost alot, only to gain back plus. I also had gallbladder surgery following a Nutri System diet years ago....

    Oh, and i have 2 daughters 7 and 13 through the miracle of adoption as well!

    My goal right now is set at 170, which at 5'7" will be good on me - while lower would be good, i am not ever imagining i could go lower than that!

    My band is 7/7 - we'll all do this together - good luck to you!

  8. I think the doubts and worries are normal. At least I am hoping. My biggest fear is that this will be yet another failed attempt to lose this weight. I am so glad I found this place because it is hard to talk to other people who haven't gone through this.

    This will NOT be a failed attempt for you - you WILL succeed...you will. Just keep the faith! Any time you want to talk....we're here!

  9. Is anyone having second thoughts? I don't know I would call it second thoughts.. but surgery is coming closer and I think I am just getting scared. I am thinking... do I really want to do this? What if? What if? What if? And that is just my nature... I am a ridiculously overly cautious person.

    I think I am just struggling with my self-imposed pre-op diet and feeling sorry for myself. I know that will pass. Plus, when you get right down to it... I am a big chicken. LOL So I know it is just that. I don't do a lot of things I want to do because I am scared and this isn't going to be one of them!!!!

    Anyone else really doing some soul searching right now?

    At a week out, yes, i have had some moments of doubt....and i was very very sure i wanted to do this. I still am....but it does scare me a little. Then, i read on this site all those people that post this is the best thing they've ever done..how happy they are with this etc...and i realize that i could be saying that verysoon too.

    For myself, i was contiuing to gain and gain and gain. My blood sugar was becoming uncontrollable..and bottom line, i have two daughters (7 and 13) that i need to be here for -- a healthier me. I wish so badly i could have done this on my own with no intervention. I have lost so much before on diets, only to gain again.

    This will be the one that ends that yo yo cycling that puts so much stress on our hearts.

    So, i do understand your hesitation...very much so. So from one chicken to the other...we'll all do this together! Look forward to sharing/exchanging success stories very soon!

  10. Okay, yesterday was my first pre-op diet day. My stomach has not stopped growling, but I did good. I'm not completly using the Medifast stuff, but I am tracking my eating on Fitday.com and using the free foods and some of the Medifast :thumbdown: (so nasty).

    My daughters (10 and 15 yrs old) have decided to do a modified diet with me. They are both really overweight too, so that is great!

    Thats great! I'm hoping my 7yr old will start walking/exerising with me - she's just a little chunky and i'd like to get that handled before it escalates...Keep up the great job!

  11. OH MAN...i think that would completely suk. But now that I think about it my slimfast is just about $100 for both weeks. But we have to look at it as an investment. An investment into our health.

    I am on Day 3 of pre-op diet and I must day that things are going A WHOLE LOT better than I anticipated. I was really dreading this pre-op diet. I got on the scale and it was down 6 lbs....I was totally amazed!! My goal was to lose 10 lbs before surgery. I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!!! Pray for me!:thumbdown:

    Cee Cee

    Thats great Cee Cee . Can you believe we're done with day 6? 8 more to go! Right now i'm down 11 lbs..but better still my blood sugar levels are coming down finally. Keep up the good work!:blush:

  12. Emmylou--i hear you..I started my pre op on Tuesday..the first day my headache was awful...today i'm ok..i had the slimfast lo carb Protein Shake today and that was ok...looking foward to lunch...

    I am dreading the weekend too. I'm taking my girls to the movies...how will i say no to popcorn? ?? I cant even think of something i can take to snack on :bored: I would have taken string cheese, but i cant have dairy...

    It will be a challenge, thats for sure.

    The up side of this is my blood sugar levels are getting better and better every day.

  13. I cant have salad or fruit...my pre op consists of 70-80 grams of Protein, and then just broth, s/f Jello, Water, crystal lite. Period. No milk products. No caffiene. No carbonated beverages.

    I had a terrible headache last night and this morning...I went to target and bought some Atkins Protein drinks. I looked for low cal slimfast, but they didnt have it, only regular slimfast and t he sugar/carbs seemed to high. Because it seems like i'm on NO CARBS at all.

    I did pick up some different flavors of crystal lite. I came back, had the strawberry and liked that alot. I was happy because the flavor was good and after i ate my chicken, Jello and had that, I felt better.

    Uh, guess what? There is differnet TYPES of crystal lite, i just found. out. I was looking at the box, and the strawberry one is "crystal ENERGY"...YEP, 60 mg of caffiene!

    I went through caffiene withdrawls for a day and 1/2 only to have caffiene again??? Urgh!!!

  14. I hear you! I just started my pre op yesterday...and im all about headaches (last night and this morning) and no energy at all....

    But I get banded on 7/7 and i can hardly wait! I view this as all temporary - its bound to get better.

    So many different pre op menus..mine is totally strict. Purely protein--and liquids...no milk products...every one of these is soooo different!

  15. I guess i'm gonna go look for maybe those slimfast low carb Protein shakes today at lunch....I made it through day one, but i have to tell you, i had a huge headache last night and woke up with it too - thats sooo not like me, i never really get headaches.

    I can say this, if i'm going through caffiene withddrawls, i'm glad i'm going through this now without thelapband in place..by the time i get to surgery, i'll be through this...

    I'm hoping the high Protein shake will fill me up and maybe somehow satisfy me.

    This does indeed suck lol. but i do hope it gets easier....

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