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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bobbiezhere

  1. A couple of years ago when i spoke with my pcp, i broached the subject of gastric bypass..my girlfriend and i had talked about it and figured maybe we'd try to do it together...well, she got approved through her doctor, my doctor said "no way you can do this on your own, etc etc"...i walked out sad...but i couldnt afford it, so...went my merry way....

    Flash forward...been about 1 1/2 years...she's probably lost about 100# and i've gained i'm sure.

    I found this site after researching lap band..knowing as i read that THIS was it for me..this is what i would do...less evasive..good results...etc etc. I was terrified but i made an appt to see the other doctor (pa i believe) that i've begun seeing. She sat there..listened to what i had to say..my reasoning..my thoughts...my research...diabetes, hbp, etc etc. And to my surprise and excitement, she told me she thought i was an excellent candidiate for this! I was soooooooooo relieved. That hurdle being done, they were going to submit for insurance approval yesterday and she said maybe i'd hear by friday! Keeping my fingers crossed because i cannot afford to pay for this on my own - please keep good thoughts!!! I really need for this to move forward!

    Any idea how long it's taken for approval????


  2. i dont know but i do love my diet cokes. When i do get my procedure i do plan to adhere to the letter of what to eat before and after...but i do think that eventually i will introduce just a few sips of it back in at some point..not right away...i'll probably never ever again drink a 44 oz. cup of it....but i think i'd be happy with a small cup..and everything in our world is about portion control...

  3. thanks for all the responses...of course esp at the beginning i would be diligent because who really knows what will happen until you slowly start testing things carefully...i do like crystal light..so maybe that will help....just knowing that its still a possibility to have a diet coke in my future makes me happy...lol....now if only i could hurry up this process!

    I'm certainly gaining alot of info and help already by finding this site! Thanks all!

  4. Question??? I'm at the beginning of this journey...i have a meeting with my pcp next Friday and hope/pray she'll help me get going on this...

    I've been researching everything because i want to know up front what is ahead...and i'm ready to make changes.....i had a question on diet coke...i typically have one each day with lunch...am i to believe that diet cokes go away and are not allowed once your banded??? At all??? I am ok with making changes..i'm ready....but honestly i often thought i could give up food before my diet coke.:w00t:

    My girlfriend had a bypass a year ago, and she couldnt have diet coke at the beginning..but slowly introduced it back a few months after surgery...

    The other thing i have come to like the sugar free or lite Cranberry juice - is that ok?

    Finally, coffee..i usually have a cup in the morning with sugar free sweetner - yes? or no?

    I know i will get info on the do's and don'ts...but please bear with me..i'm trying to get my head in the right place beforehand so that i dont feel deprivation which always leads to me feeling cranky! lol:biggrin2:

    Thank you for your help - its truly appreciated!

  5. im off the 57 and 10--not in orange county, but close...since you are all locals, i'm trying to find out some info - i need to find a place to go for this process...i'm hoping my doctor will work with my insurance to get me covered (he would not do it for gastric bypass, but I'm hoping he'll go for this)...first off, any recommended doctors??? and did you have to do a 6 month diet plan???? i dont get having to do a 6 month diet after a lifetime of dieting. Im already discouraged about how long this will take to even start this program.....it would be nice to chat with locals when i finally get into this...i really need help cuz i'm discouraged already....

  6. I am in the San Gabriel Valley..and found a center on line that works out of Arcadia Methodist hospital. But i wondered if anyone could recommend any doctor they have had? I'm in the West Covina area and was hoping to find someone relatively close by.

    Any help anyone could offer would be appreciated.

    Also, my insurance is Blue Shield. I asked about coverage and the note I received "Surgical benefits for members with morbid obesity that meet Blue Shield Medical Policy and clinical criteria for defined procedures and services which have ben approved by their Personal Physician."

    Clear as mud..but i'm thinking its a definate maybe?


  7. thank you all for your replies..i guess i feel a little better realizing that it CAN go a little faster too..not just "slow"....i know my PCP was dead set against gastric bypass, but I'm going to another doctor in that group and she might more easily be open to this procedure. I'm going to post a thread asking for doctor recommendations in my area. I came across a website and the doctors work out of a hospital I'm familiar with that isnt too far, so that is the way i was heading, but i guess it doesnt hurt to post a thread...

    I will be definately pouring through this site...you have all been so helpful, thank you!

  8. thanks for the advise..i did email my insurance company and they did say something about covering surgeries of this type with primary physicians recommendation or such...which might be an issue. At one time my doctor told me he would not recommend me for gastric bypass. He doesnt "beleive" in that surgery..however, i have not asked about the lap-band, which i see as much less evasive. Plus, its been a couple of years now and obviously nothing is working with me trying to lose on my own. Heck, i've been dieting since i was 15...so...if it hasnt worked in all that time.you cant say i havent tried!

    i will call tho, just to see about this specific procedure...i wonder...should i attend the seminar and have the doctor consult before discussing with my primary physician?????

  9. My boyfriend found this site for me....he's helping me research the lap-band, tho in my mind i already want this. I've been wanting to do something like this for a very long time. But i'll admit, this site overwhelms me! I want to be able to just go, have it done have my insurance cover it and Viola - be on the way to a new me...lol....but apparently there is a whole bunch of stuff i have to go through first - and that soooo puzzles me. Understand going to the seminar to find out about the process..and the doctor/surgery consult..and the insurance stuff. But nutrition classes and such???? It truly takes months to get this all going???? Sigh.

    I've waited so long to make this decision..i've tried diet after diet..i know what "good nutrition" is...just havent been able to be successful in it in my years of dieting!

    I guess i'm looking for encouragement..and some help in navigating the SLEW of info on this site.

    I turned 50 last November. I'm sooo ready for my life to change. I'm divorced 2 years after a 27 year marriage. I NEED this for me. I also NEED for my insurance to cover this! I cannot afford to pay this on my own...am i foolish to think they'll cover it? I have high blood pressure and diabetes (type 2) both medically controlled. I can't help but think if i dropped 100 lbs. i would be sooo much better, plus the strain on my heart would be less.

    I have two daughters (6/12)..i need to be around for them.

    I know this is alot...i just feel hopeful in this process..and disappointed that it looks like it will be a lenghty process just to try to get approved.

    Words of wisdom welcome!!!


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